118 resultados para Turtle Caretta-caretta


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Variations in environmental parameters (e. g. temperature) that form part of global climate change have been associated with shifts in the timing of seasonal events for a broad range of organisms. Most studies evaluating such phenological shifts of individual taxa have focused on a limited number of locations, making it difficult to assess how such shifts vary regionally across a species range. Here, by using 1445 records of the date of first nesting for loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) at different breeding sites, on different continents and in different years across a broad latitudinal range (25-39 degrees ' N), we demonstrate that the gradient of the relationship between temperature and the date of first breeding is steeper at higher latitudes, i.e. the phenological responses to temperature appear strongest at the poleward range limit. These findings support the hypothesis that biological changes in response to climate change will be most acute at the poleward range limits and are in accordance with the predictions of MacArthur's hypothesis that poleward range limit for species range is environmentally limited. Our findings imply that the poleward populations of loggerheads are more sensitive to climate variations and thus they might display the impacts of climate change sooner and more prominently.


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The female perspective on reproductive strategies remains one of the most active areas of debate in biology. Even though a single mating is often sufficient to satisfy the fertilization needs of most females and the act of further mating incurs costs, multiple paternity within broods or clutches is a common observation in nature. Direct or indirect advantage to females is the most popular explanation. However, the ubiquity of this explanation is being challenged by an increasing number of cases for which benefits are not evident. For the first time, we test possible fitness correlates of multiple paternity in a marine turtle, an organism that has long attracted attention in this area of research. Contrary to the wide-spread assumption that multiple mating by female marine turtles confers fitness benefits, none were apparent. In this study, the environment played a far stronger role in determining the success of clutches than whether paternity had been single or multiple. A more likely explanation for observations of multiply sired clutches in marine turtles is that these are successful outcomes of male coercion, where females have conceded to superfluous matings as a compromise. Thus, multiple matings by female marine turtles may be a form of damage control as females attempt to make the best of a bad job in response to male harassment.


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When the mean adult length and mean clutch volume of marine turtles are examined, a clear pattern for larger species to lay larger clutches is evident, in accord with predictions that female size constrains the available space for carrying eggs. However, when compared with this general trend, the volume of clutches laid by flatback turtles (Natator depressa) are smaller than expected. The implication is that the unusually flat morphology of flatback turtles, provides an additional constraint on their egg carrying capacity.


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At Ascension Island and Cyprus, major nesting areas for green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the Atlantic and Mediterranean, respectively, visual inspection shows some beaches are light in colour while others are darker. We objectively measured the albedo of the sand on different beaches, i.e. the percentage of the incident solar radiation that was reflected from the sand surface. At sites where albedo was recorded, we also measured the temperature of the sand at nest depths. At both rookeries, the sand temperature was markedly higher on darker beaches due to greater absorption of the incident solar radiation over the diurnal cycle. Temperature loggers buried at nest depths revealed seasonal changes in temperature on both islands, but showed that the lowest temperatures found on the darker beaches rarely dropped below the highest temperatures on the lighter beaches. Sea turtles exhibit temperature-dependent sex determination. Since sand albedo is a major avenue for the production of a range of incubation temperatures on both islands, it will also have profound implications for hatchling sex ratios. In comparison with both Ascension Island and Cyprus, for samples collected from sea turtle rookeries around the world there was an even greater range in sand albedo values. This suggests that sand albedo, a factor that has previously received little consideration, will have profound implications for nest temperatures, and hence hatchling sex ratios, for other populations and species.


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Foraging success for pelagic vertebrates may be revealed by horizontal and vertical movement patterns. We show markedly different patterns for leatherback turtles in the North Atlantic versus Eastern Pacific, which feed on gelatinous zooplankton that are only occasionally found in high densities. In the Atlantic, travel speed was characterized by two modes, indicative of high foraging success at low speeds (<15 km d−1) and transit at high speeds (20–45 km d−1). Only a single mode was evident in the Pacific, which occurred at speeds of 21 km d−1 indicative of transit. The mean dive depth was more variable in relation to latitude but closer to the mean annual depth of the thermocline and nutricline for North Atlantic than Eastern Pacific turtles. The most parsimonious explanation for these findings is that Eastern Pacific turtles rarely achieve high foraging success. This is the first support for foraging behaviour differences between populations of this critically endangered species and suggests that longer periods searching for prey may be hindering population recovery in the Pacific while aiding population maintenance in the Atlantic.


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Although long-distance transport of marine organisms is constrained by numerous oceanic and biological factors, some species have evolved life-histories reliant on such movements. We examine the factors that promote long-distance transport in a transoceanic migrant, young loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta), from the southeastern U.S. Empirical data from near-surface buoys and simulations in two ocean circulation models indicated that passive drifters are often retained for long periods shoreward of oceanic fronts that delineate coastal and offshore waters. Further simulations revealed that offshore swimming aided newly hatched turtles in moving past fronts and increased turtles’ probability of survival, reaching distant foraging grounds, and encountering favorable temperatures. Swimming was most beneficial in regions that were more favorable under scenarios assuming passive drift. These results have broad implications for understanding the movement processes of many marine species, highlighting likely retention of more planktonic species and potential for dispersal in more nektonic species.


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A comparison of body size and flipper size was carried out on green turtle Chelonia mydas) hatchlings produced from natural nests at two beaches on Ascension Island, South Atlantic and one beach in northern Cyprus in the Mediterranean (N=18 nests; N=180 hatchlings). Hatchlings from Ascension Island were significantly larger and heavier than hatchlings in Cyprus, a likely consequence of maternal size effects. Incubation temperature appeared to influence body size of hatchlings on Ascension Island with higher temperatures producing smaller hatchlings. Both hind and fore-flipper area scaled positively with body size. In proportion to body size, hind-flipper area appears relatively consistent among the Atlantic populations but is smaller than hatchlings measured in Hawaii.


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Sea turtles show temperature dependent sex determination. Using an empirical relationship between sand and air temperature, we reconstructed the nest temperatures since 1855 at Ascension Island, a major green turtle (Chelonia mydas) rookery. Our results show that inter-beach thermal variations, previously ascribed to the albedo of the sand, which varies hugely from one beach to another, have persisted for the last century. Reconstructed nest temperatures varied by only 0.5 °C on individual beaches over the course of the nesting season, while the temperature difference between two key nesting beaches was always around 3 °C. Hence inter-beach thermal variations are the main factor causing a large range of incubation temperatures at this rookery. There was a general warming trend for nests, with a mean increase in reconstructed nest temperatures for different months of between 0.36 and 0.49 °C for the last 100 years.


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We used time-depth recorders to measure depth utilisation in gravid green turtles (Chelonia mydas) during the internesting period at northern Cyprus (Mediterranean), a nesting area where individuals feed, and at Ascension Island (mid-Atlantic), a nesting area where individuals fast. There were contrasting patterns of depth utilisation between the two sites, illustrating that the behaviour of this species is shaped by local conditions. For example, the amount of time spent shallower than 4 m was 90% at Cyprus but only 31% at Ascension Island, and there was a clear difference between the mean depth at Cyprus (2.7 m, n=9 internesting intervals) versus Ascension Island (9.5 m, n=6 internesting intervals) (t 5=5.92, P=0.002). At Cyprus, turtles spent the greatest percentage of their time at very shallow depths, where surveys reveated a high abundance of seagrass on which this population feeds. In contrast, the deeper distribution at Ascension Island may reflect the preferred depth for resting on the seabed.


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The depth and swim speed of a green turtle (Chelonia mydas) were measured during the internesting period in Cyprus. For dives to the seabed (U-dives) we used these data to determine dive angles. Typically the turtle initially descended at a steep angle ([similar]60°) but as the dive continued this angle lessened until the turtle approached the seabed at an average angle of [similar]15°. This systematic change in descent angle is consistent with the prediction that the energetic implications of dive angle are most important at the start of the dive when the turtle is fighting to overcome its positive buoyancy. On leaving the seabed, the turtle often seemed to rise passively.


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Analysis of previously published records shows that the modal size of juvenile loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) found around the United Kingdom (the area north of 49°N and east of 12°W) is a carapace length of 20.5 cm. These turtles are believed to originate from nesting beaches in North America (principally Florida). We estimated their trans-Atlantic drift time using data from satellite-tracked buoys and from a mathematical model and, hence, estimated that the modal age of these juvenile turtles was between 1.80 and 3.75 years.