49 resultados para Traffic engineering computing


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Traffic congestion in urban roads is one of the biggest challenges of 21 century. Despite a myriad of research work in the last two decades, optimization of traffic signals in network level is still an open research problem. This paper for the first time employs advanced cuckoo search optimization algorithm for optimally tuning parameters of intelligent controllers. Neural Network (NN) and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) are two intelligent controllers implemented in this study. For the sake of comparison, we also implement Q-learning and fixed-time controllers as benchmarks. Comprehensive simulation scenarios are designed and executed for a traffic network composed of nine four-way intersections. Obtained results for a few scenarios demonstrate the optimality of trained intelligent controllers using the cuckoo search method. The average performance of NN, ANFIS, and Q-learning controllers against the fixed-time controller are 44%, 39%, and 35%, respectively.


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Cloud service selection in a multi-cloud computing environment is receiving more and more attentions. There is an abundance of emerging cloud service resources that makes it hard for users to select the better services for their applications in a changing multi-cloud environment, especially for online real time applications. To assist users to efficiently select their preferred cloud services, a cloud service selection model adopting the cloud service brokers is given, and based on this model, a dynamic cloud service selection strategy named DCS is put forward. In the process of selecting services, each cloud service broker manages some clustered cloud services, and performs the DCS strategy whose core is an adaptive learning mechanism that comprises the incentive, forgetting and degenerate functions. The mechanism is devised to dynamically optimize the cloud service selection and to return the best service result to the user. Correspondingly, a set of dynamic cloud service selection algorithms are presented in this paper to implement our mechanism. The results of the simulation experiments show that our strategy has better overall performance and efficiency in acquiring high quality service solutions at a lower computing cost than existing relevant approaches.


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As a fundamental tool for network management and security, traffic classification has attracted increasing attention in recent years. A significant challenge to the robustness of classification performance comes from zero-day applications previously unknown in traffic classification systems. In this paper, we propose a new scheme of Robust statistical Traffic Classification (RTC) by combining supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques to meet this challenge. The proposed RTC scheme has the capability of identifying the traffic of zero-day applications as well as accurately discriminating predefined application classes. In addition, we develop a new method for automating the RTC scheme parameters optimization process. The empirical study on real-world traffic data confirms the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. When zero-day applications are present, the classification performance of the new scheme is significantly better than four state-of-the-art methods: random forest, correlation-based classification, semi-supervised clustering, and one-class SVM.


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The notion of database outsourcing enables the data owner to delegate the database management to a cloud service provider (CSP) that provides various database services to different users. Recently, plenty of research work has been done on the primitive of outsourced database. However, it seems that no existing solutions can perfectly support the properties of both correctness and completeness for the query results, especially in the case when the dishonest CSP intentionally returns an empty set for the query request of the user. In this paper, we propose a new verifiable auditing scheme for outsourced database, which can simultaneously achieve the correctness and completeness of search results even if the dishonest CSP purposely returns an empty set. Furthermore, we can prove that our construction can achieve the desired security properties even in the encrypted outsourced database. Besides, the proposed scheme can be extended to support the dynamic database setting by incorporating the notion of verifiable database with updates.


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This study provides a systematic method for deriving state transformations of a class of time-delay systems with multiple output. The significance of this study is that such state transformations can be used to transform timedelay systems into new coordinates where all the time-delay terms in the system description are associated with the output and input only. Therefore, in the new coordinate system, a Luenberger-type state observer can be readily designed. Subsequently, of the three possible versions of the original state vector, namely, instantaneous, delayed, and a mixed of instantaneous and delayed, a state observer which estimates one of these versions can be obtained. This new finding allows the authors to design state observers for a wider class of time-delay systems. Conditions for the existence of such coordinate changes and an effective algorithm for computing them are provided in this study. A numerical example and simulation results are given to illustrate the simplicity and effectiveness of the proposed method.


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Recent years have witnessed a surge in telerehabilitation and remote healthcare systems blessed by the emerging low-cost wearable devices to monitor biological and biokinematic aspects of human beings. Although such telerehabilitation systems utilise cloud computing features and provide automatic biofeedback and performance evaluation, there are demands for overall optimisation to enable these systems to operate with low battery consumption and low computational power and even with weak or no network connections. This paper proposes a novel multilevel data encoding scheme satisfying these requirements in mobile cloud computing applications, particularly in the field of telerehabilitation. We introduce architecture for telerehabilitation platform utilising the proposed encoding scheme integrated with various types of sensors. The platform is usable not only for patients to experience telerehabilitation services but also for therapists to acquire essential support from analysis oriented decision support system (AODSS) for more thorough analysis and making further decisions on treatment.


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Fog computing is a paradigm that extends Cloud computing and services to the edge of the network. Similar to Cloud, Fog provides data, compute, storage and application services to end users. In this article, we elaborate the motivation and advantages of Fog computing and analyse its applications in a series of real scenarios, such as Smart Grid, smart traffic lights in vehicular networks and software defined networks. We discuss the state of the art of Fog computing and similar work under the same umbrella. Distinguished from other reviewing work of Fog computing, this paper further discloses the security and privacy issues according to current Fog computing paradigm. As an example, we study a typical attack, man-in-the-middle attack, for the discussion of system security in Fog computing. We investigate the stealthy features of this attack by examining its CPU and memory consumption on Fog device. In addition, we discuss the authentication and authorization techniques that can be used in Fog computing. An example of authentication techniques is introduced to address the security scenario where the connection between Fog and Cloud is fragile.


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Fog Computing is a paradigm that extends Cloud computing and services to the edge of the network. Similar to Cloud, Fog provides data, compute, storage, and application services to end-users. In this article, we elaborate the motivation and advantages of Fog computing, and analyse its applications in a series of real scenarios, such as Smart Grid, smart traffic lights in vehicular networks and software defined networks. We discuss the state-of-the-art of Fog computing and similar work under the same umbrella. Security and privacy issues are further disclosed according to current Fog computing paradigm. As an example, we study a typical attack, man-in-the-middle attack, for the discussion of security in Fog computing. We investigate the stealthy features of this attack by examining its CPU and memory consumption on Fog device.


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Traffic subarea division is vital for traffic system management and traffic network analysis in intelligent transportation systems (ITSs). Since existing methods may not be suitable for big traffic data processing, this paper presents a MapReduce-based Parallel Three-Phase K -Means (Par3PKM) algorithm for solving traffic subarea division problem on a widely adopted Hadoop distributed computing platform. Specifically, we first modify the distance metric and initialization strategy of K -Means and then employ a MapReduce paradigm to redesign the optimized K -Means algorithm for parallel clustering of large-scale taxi trajectories. Moreover, we propose a boundary identifying method to connect the borders of clustering results for each cluster. Finally, we divide traffic subarea of Beijing based on real-world trajectory data sets generated by 12,000 taxis in a period of one month using the proposed approach. Experimental evaluation results indicate that when compared with K -Means, Par2PK-Means, and ParCLARA, Par3PKM achieves higher efficiency, more accuracy, and better scalability and can effectively divide traffic subarea with big taxi trajectory data.


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Accurate and timely traffic flow prediction is crucial to proactive traffic management and control in data-driven intelligent transportation systems (D2ITS), which has attracted great research interest in the last few years. In this paper, we propose a Spatial-Temporal Weighted K-Nearest Neighbor model, named STW-KNN, in a general MapReduce framework of distributed modeling on a Hadoop platform, to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of short-term traffic flow forecasting. More specifically, STW-KNN considers the spatial-temporal correlation and weight of traffic flow with trend adjustment features, to optimize the search mechanisms containing state vector, proximity measure, prediction function, and K selection. urthermore, STW-KNN is implemented on a widely adopted Hadoop distributed computing platform with the MapReduce parallel processing paradigm, for parallel prediction of traffic flow in real time. inally, with extensive experiments on real-world big taxi trajectory data, STW-KNN is compared with the state-of-the-art prediction models including conventional K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Naïve Bayes (NB), Random orest (R), and C4.. The results demonstrate that the proposed model is superior to existing models on accuracy by decreasing the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) value more than 11.9% only in time domain and even achieves 89.71% accuracy improvement with the MAPEs of between 4% and 6.% in both space and time domains, and also significantly improves the efficiency and scalability of short-term traffic flow forecasting over existing approaches.


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With the increasing popularity of utility-oriented computing where the resources are traded as services, efficient management of quality of service (QoS) has become increasingly significant to both service consumers and service providers. In the context of distributed multimedia content adaptation deployment on service-oriented computing, how to ensure the stringent QoS requirements of the content adaptation is a significant and immediate challenge. However, QoS guarantees in the distributed multimedia content adaptation deployment on service-oriented platform context have not been accorded the attention it deserves. In this paper, we address this problem. We formulate the SLA management for distributed multimedia content adaptation deployment on service-oriented computing as an integer programming problem. We propose an SLA management framework that enables the service provider to determine deliverable QoS before settling SLA with potential service consumers to optimize QoS guarantees. We analyzed the performance of the proposed strategy under various conditions in terms of the SLA success rate, rejection rate and impact of the resource data errors on potential violation of the agreed upon SLA. We also compared the proposed SLA management framework with a baseline approach in which the distributed multimedia content adaptation is deployed on a service-oriented platform without SLA consideration. The results of the experiments show that the proposed SLA management framework substantially outperforms the baseline approach confirming that SLA management is a core requirement for the deployment of distributed multimedia content adaptation on service-oriented systems.


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The increasing complexity of computer systems and communication networks induces tremendous requirements for trust and security. This special issue includes topics on trusted computing, risk and reputation management, network security and survivable computer systems/networks. These issues have evolved into an active and important area of research and development. The past decade has witnessed a proliferation of concurrency and computation systems for practice of highly trust, security and privacy, which has become a key subject in determining future research and development activities in many academic and industrial branches. This special issue aims to present and discuss advances of current research and development in all aspects of trusted computing and network security. In addition, this special issue provides snapshots of contemporary academia work in the field of network trusted computing. We prepared and organized this special issue to record state-of-the-art research, novel development and trends for future insight in this domain. In this special issue, 14 papers have been accepted for publication, which demonstrate novel and original work in this field. A detailed overview of the selected works is given below.


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Mobile cloud computing can effectively address the resource limitations of mobile devices, and is therefore essential to enable extensive resource consuming mobile computing and communication applications. Of all the mobile cloud computing applications, data outsourcing, such as iCloud, is fundamental, which outsources a mobile user's data to external cloud servers and accordingly provides a scalable and always on approach for public data access. With the security and privacy issues related to outsourced data becoming a rising concern, encryption on outsourced data is often necessary. Although encryption increases the quality of protection (QoP) of data outsourcing, it significantly reduces data usability and thus harms the mobile user's quality of experience (QoE). How to strike a balance between QoP and QoE is therefore an important yet challenging task. In this article we focus on the fundamental problem of QoP and QoE provisioning in searchable encryption of data outsourcing. We develop a fine-grained data search scheme and discuss its implementation on encrypted mobile cloud data, which is an effective balance between QoE and QoP in mobile cloud data outsourcing.


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Developing complex computational-intensiveand data-intensive scientific applications requires effectiveutilization of the computational power of the availablecomputing platforms including grids, clouds, clusters, multicoreand many-core processors, and graphical processingunits (GPUs). However, scientists who need to leverage suchplatforms are usually not parallel or distributed programmingexperts. Thus, they face numerous challenges whenimplementing and porting their software-based experimentaltools to such platforms. In this paper, we introduce asequential-to-parallel engineering approach to help scientistsin engineering their scientific applications. Our approach isbased on capturing sequential program details, plannedparallelization aspects, and program deployment details usinga set of domain-specific visual languages (DSVLs). Then, usingcode generation, we generate the corresponding parallelprogram using necessary parallel and distributedprogramming models (MPI, OpenCL, or OpenMP). Wesummarize three case studies (matrix multiplication, N-Bodysimulation, and signal processing) to evaluate our approach.