64 resultados para Storm surges


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Aerial imagery collected before and after major storm events is ideal for the assessment of coastal landscape change driven by individual high-magnitude events. Using traditional satellite sensors and manned aerial systems can be challenging due to issues related to cloud cover, mobilization expenses and resolution. Rapid advances in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology allow for the cost-effective collection of aerial imagery and topography at centimetre resolution suitable for assessing change in coastal ecosystems. In this study we demonstrate the utility of UAV-based photogrammetry to quantify storm-driven sediment dynamics on a sandy beach on the open-coast shoreline of Victoria, Australia. UAV-based aerial photography was collected before and after a major storm event. High-resolution (< 5 cm) aerial imagery and digital surface models were acquired and change-detection techniques were applied to quantify changes in the beachface. An average beach erosion of 12.24 m3/m with a maximum of 28.05 m3/m was observed, and the volume of sand cut from the beachface and retreat of the foredune are clearly illustrated. Following the storm event, erosion was estimated at 7259.94 ± 503.69 m3 along 550 m of beach. By combining the aerial imagery and derived topographic datasets we demonstrate the advantage of UAV-based photogrammetry techniques for rapid high-resolution data collection in semi-remote locations. Its utility in setting unlimited virtual vantage points is also illustrated and the valuable perspective it provides for tracking landscape change discussed.


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Human faecal contamination poses a widespread hazard for human health. In urban areas, sewer leakage may be an important cause of faecal pollution to surface water. Faecal indicator bacteria (FIB) are the most widely used indicators to monitor surface water quality. However, assessing whether a water body is meeting water quality criteria is made difficult by the high variability of FIB concentrations over time. In this study, the variation of FIB concentration in surface water from tropical urban catchments is investigated. Eleven urban sub-catchments were sampled hourly over 24-hr and samples analysed for FIB. It was found that FIB show a diurnal pattern that is characterised by daytime FIB concentrations that are significantly higher than nighttime FIB concentrations. This observed diurnal variation of FIB closely follows that of sewer flows and contrasts with observations in rural streams where FIB concentrations are known to be low in the daytime and high during the night. Field tracer tests provide qualitative evidence of sewage exfiltration and transport to drains via preferential flow paths. The diurnal FIB variation and field tracer tests indicate the likelihood of surface water contamination due to leaking sewers. The results further suggest that contamination of surface-water drains is likely a widespread problem in tropical urban areas due to extensive drainage networks and the persistence of FIB under tropical conditions. Because of FIB variation over time, the time at which samples are collected is important in being able to capture the daily maximum and minimum FIB concentrations. The Kruskal-Wallis test shows that hourly sampling from 04:00 to 07:00 and from 12:00 to 15:00 results in significantly different FIB concentration (minimum and maximum, respectively). Furthermore, the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test shows that sampling at 12:00 and 14:00 results in significantly higher FIB concentrations, while sampling at 05:00 and 04:00 or 05:00 and 06:00 results in significantly lower FIB concentrations, than sampling at other hours of the day.


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A series of laboratory experiments were carried out to investigate the response of a bar-blocked, saltwedge estuary to the imposition of both steady freshwater inflows and transient inflows that simulate storm events in the catchment area or the regular water releases from upstream reservoirs. The trapped salt water forms a wedge within the estuary, which migrates downstream under the influence of the freshwater inflow. The experiments show that the wedge migration occurs in two stages, namely (i) an initial phase characterized by intense shear-induced mixing at the nose of the wedge, followed by (ii) a relatively quiescent phase with significantly reduced mixing in which the wedge migrates more slowly downstream.

Provided that the transition time tT between these two regimes satisfies tT>g′h4L/q3α, as was the case for all our experiments and is likely to be the case for most estuaries, then the transition occurs at time tT=1.2(gα3L6/g′3q2)1/6, where g′=gΔρ/ρ0 is the reduced gravity, g the acceleration due to gravity, Δρ the density excess of the saline water over the density ρ0 of the freshwater, q the river inflow rate per unit width, and L and α are the length and bottom slope of the estuary, respectively.

A simple model, based on conversion of the kinetic energy of the freshwater inflow into potential energy to mix the salt layer, was developed to predict the displacement xw over time t of the saltwedge nose from its initial position. For continuous inflows subject to t<tT, the model predicts the saltwedge displacement as xw/h=1.1 (t/τ)1/3, where the normalizing length and time scales are h=(q2/g)1/3 and τ=g′α2h4L/q3, respectively. For continuous inflows subject to t>tT, the model predicts the displacement as xw/h=0.45N1/6(t/τ)1/6/α, where N=q2/g′h2L is a non-dimensional number for the problem. This model shows very good agreement with the experiments. For repeated, pulsed discharges subject to t<tT, the saltwedge displacement is given by (xw/h)3−(x0/h)(xw/h)2=1.3t/τ, where x0 is the initial displacement following one discharge event but prior to the next event. For pulsed discharges subject to t>tT, the displacement is given by (xw/h)6−(x0/h)(xw/h)5=0.008N(t/τ)/α6. This model shows very good agreement with the experiments for the initial discharge event but does systematically underestimate the wedge position for the subsequent pulses. However, the positional error is less than 15%.


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Australian scientists in Sydney made medical history by creating a life-saving brother for a child with an incurable genetic disease. Features the case of a Tasmanian couple who, with their help, have this life-saving baby, at their third try. The pioneering IVF treatment, which is legal only in N.S.W., hit the news headlines, sparking an ethical storm. Examines the moral and ethical issues that genetic manipulation raises, including the potential uses and misuses of genetic technology. Raises also the spectre of an extreme form of eugenics, as seen in the World War II Nazi push to create a master race through human genetics. Some view eugenics as another form of PGD. Presents the diverse views of eminent ethicists and the Catholic Church, world wide.


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In this sixth and final part of the anthology I will discuss major areas of concern about synchronicity from the perspectives of science, religion, archetypes, causality, meaning, and psi. For convenience, I have spread these major areas across three chapters. In this first chapter I will briefly consider the synchronicity construct from the perspective of its definitions and how it sits epistemologically in the framework of science and the everyday world. I also review the lives of Jung and Pauli, rind discuss their joint effort to integrate science and religion through the principle of synchronicity.


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In this final chapter I will give a synchronistic perspective on psi phenomena,
including telepathy, psi missing, and displacement. I will also consider
the archetype's involement in a self-organizing system that underpins
behaviours which might indicate an unconventional form of psi, likely as
not, suggesting synchronicity, I will conclude with a prospective account of
the possible contributions that snychronocity theory could offer the various


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In six studies on the I Ching - an ancient Chinese system of divination - successful predictions of first- and second-hexagrams (i.e., hexagram hitting) based on pre-selections of corresponding descriptor-pairs have ranged from chance, to significantly above chance. No significant effect below chance has ever been found. Hexagram hitting has been predicted by measures such as paranormal belief, time perspective, and meaningfulness. Storm (2008a) found a near-significant aggregate hexagram hit rate of 27%. Though these results are encouraging, there has been no assessment of the reliability and validity of the main test instrument used in the I Ching studies, the Hexagram Descriptor Form (HDF). To test the validity of the HDF, three control methods were tested against the experimental method. Taking first- and second-hexagram hit rates together, three out of 22 tests on the experimental method (14%) were significant or near-significant. Three significant or near-significant outcomes out of 66 control tests (4.5%) were attributed to chance. Inter-rater reliability was tested using two I Ching experts who judged the 64 descriptor-pairs of the HDF for suitability against their corresponding hexagram readings. The correlation between judges' ratings was not significant (the mean rating ranged between 60% and 82%). Using the pooled data of six studies, the HDF was tested for possible selection and outcome biases. A selection bias was found, but no outcome biases were found. The I Ching and the HDF were considered suitable for parapsychological research.


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Historically, psi effects have been linked to altered states of consciousness (ASCs; Bem and Honorton, 1994). In this context, arguably the most widely used technique is the Ganzfeld. However, in recent times, scholars (e.g., Alvarado, 1998; Braud, 2005; Scimeca, Boca, and Iannuzzo, 2001) have formulated cogent arguments that cast doubt on whether the Ganzfeld is, in fact, an ASC that is psi-conducive. Consequently, it may prove prudent to investigate other conditions that induce ostensible ASCs that are purportedly psi-conducive, and it would be wise to get feedback from test participants in these states. In this theoretical paper, we propose that psi effects may be enhanced (i.e., strengthened) using a shamanic-like treatment. On that basis, we argue that parapsychologists must go beyond the assumption that psi effects are optimised under conditions that are inherently passive procedures, and foster techniques that require cognitive action from test participants.


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Stress disrupts the preovulatory luteinizing hormone (LH) surge in females, but the mechanisms are unknown. We tested the hypothesis that cortisol compromises the ability of estrogen to induce a preovulatory-like LH surge in ovariectomized ewes in both the breeding and nonbreeding season. Luteinizing hormone surges were induced in ovariectomized ewes by treatment with progesterone followed by a surge-inducing estradiol-17β (E2) stimulus using a crossover design. The experiment was replicated in the breeding and nonbreeding seasons. Cortisol reduced the incidence of LH surges irrespective of season. Cortisol increased the latency from E2 stimulus to the onset of the surge in the breeding season only and suppressed the LH surge amplitude during both seasons (P < 0.01). We conclude that cortisol can interfere with the LH surge in several ways: delay, blunt, and in extreme cases prevent the E2-induced LH surge. Furthermore, the effect of cortisol to delay the E2-induced LH surge is more pronounced in the breeding season. These results show that cortisol disrupts the positive feedback effect of E2 to trigger an LH surge and suggest the involvement of multiple mechanisms.


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This article discusses the added stress that nursing ethics will face in the future because of climate change, peak petroleum production, and solar storm scenarios. These developing problems have the ability to overwhelm and destroy countries and peoples with severe heat waves, frequent catastrophic storms, and vector-born diseases. Such catastrophic events will provide severe tests for nursing ethics and the author recommends that planning must begin for the centuries ahead.


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Data broadcasting in a mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is the main method of information dissemination in many applications, in particular for sending critical information to all hosts. Finding an optimal broadcast tree in such networks is a challenging task due to the broadcast storm problem. The aim of this work is to propose a new genetic model using a fitness function with the primary goal of finding an optimal broadcast tree. Our new method, called Genetic Optimisation Model (GOM) alleviates the broadcast storm problem to a great extent as the experimental simulations result in efficient broadcast tree with minimal flood and minimal hops. The result of this model also shows that it has the ability to give different optimal solutions according to the nature of the network.


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Optimizing broadcasting process in mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is considered as a main challenge due to many problems, such as Broadcast Storm problem and high complexity in finding the optimal tree resulting in an NP-hard problem. Straight forward techniques like simple flooding give rise to Broadcast Storm problem with a high probability. In this work, genetic algorithm (GA) that searches over a population that represents a distinguishable ‘structure’ is adopted innovatively to suit MANETs. The novelty of the GA technique adopted here to provide the means to tackle this MANET problem lies mainly on the proposed method of searching for a structure of a suitable spanning tree that can be optimized, in order to meet the performance indices related to the broadcasting problem. In other words, the proposed genetic model (GM) evolves with the structure of random trees (individuals) ‘genetically’ generated using rules that are devised specifically to capture MANET behaviour in order to arrive at a minimal spanning tree that satisfies certain fitness function. Also, the model has the ability to give different solutions depending on the main factors specified such as, ‘time’ (or speed) in certain situations and ‘reachability’ in certain others.


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E-readers, or devices designed primarily for reading e-books, are taking the world by storm. Several papers in library studies and education have examined e-book consumption for academic reading. However, no previous marketing study has investigated consumers’ adoption of e-readers for pleasure reading. We address this gap by testing an extended version of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with emotional attachment (TAME) in this context. Consumers’ attachment to paper books is proposed as a barrier to their adoption of e-readers. This speaks to a key deficiency of the TAM, being its focus on cognition at the expense of consumer emotion. A three-phase study finds support for the TAME, with 64% of the variance explained in consumers’ intentions to adopt e-readers. Emotional attachment to paper books is found to be weakly and negatively associated with consumers’ attitude toward using e-readers. The qualitative findings suggest that e-reader adoption may not involve a binary choice between paper and e-formats.


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Water reuse has become an integral element of the "total water resources planning and management" along with the other elements such as water conservation, water use efficiency and management of the allocation of existing water sources. Researchers are working actively on the following aspects of water reuse: identification and characterization of different wastewaters that could be reclaimed, development of treatment technologies and effluent standards, quantification of potential gains due to recycling and risk management. The wastewaters that can be reclaimed are domestic and industrial wastewaters, grey water, black water, stormwater and rain water and their potential reuse lies in agriculture, aquaculture, industries, non-potable use in residential and community fronts and indirect and direct potable use. The treatment of wastewater ranges from secondary treatment to advanced treatment, which produces different "Classes" of reclaimed water. This paper evaluates the current status of the research on the above-mentioned important aspects of water reuse with relevant case studies and the future demand for reuse water. The direction in which the future-reuse schemes should be formulated so that they are safe, environmentally sustainable and cost effective are also discussed.