59 resultados para Restructuring and Delayering FACT


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This paper assesses the Australian Labor Party's current debates over future directions with reference to attempts by the left of centre political parties in other western nations, especially in Western Europe, to deal with the end of the economic "golden age" since the early 1970s and the widespread resurgence of neo-liberal ideologies since the late 1970s. The dominant recent view of such comparisons has been through the ideological lens of the "Third Way". This vision however tends not to see relevant variations between the experiences of social democratic parties in individual Western European nations as they have sought to deal with adverse circumstances since the early 1970s. Nor does the Third Way view sufficiently extend to the widely varying background landscapes: that is, the different levels of historical achievement by left of centre parties in the different nations. Some social democratic parties in European countries are pursuing more progressive political agendas than the British Labour Party under Tony Blair and they are starting from a very different basis of policy achievement and political strength than either the British or Australian labour parties. The nature and extent of these international differences need now to be highlighted from an Australian political perspective in order to better inform the current debate about the range of options for the ALP and the current comparative condition of the Australian party system. As part of this analysis, the relationship between the erosion of the traditional blue-collar support bases of the major left of centre parties in various nations, amid economic restructuring and challenges to traditional immigration patterns, and the rise of support for anti-immigrant policies and parties, need to be carefully examined and evaluated.


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This paper addresses a major challenge in data mining applications where the full information about the underlying processes, such as sensor networks or large online database, cannot be practically obtained due to physical limitations such as low bandwidth or memory, storage, or computing power. Motivated by the recent theory on direct information sampling called compressed sensing (CS), we propose a framework for detecting anomalies from these largescale data mining applications where the full information is not practically possible to obtain. Exploiting the fact that the intrinsic dimension of the data in these applications are typically small relative to the raw dimension and the fact that compressed sensing is capable of capturing most information with few measurements, our work show that spectral methods that used for volume anomaly detection can be directly applied to the CS data with guarantee on performance. Our theoretical contributions are supported by extensive experimental results on large datasets which show satisfactory performance.


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This four-part paper is the 'highlights' of the 2009 Australian Technology Network conference, 'Assessment in Different Dimensions: a conference on teaching and learning in tertiary education', held at RMIT University, 19–20 November 2009.

The main theme of this paper is an exploration of how 'progressive and innovative' assessment techniques from other higher education providers might be used to 'progress and innovate' the assessment of Media and Communication students at Deakin University.

As lecturers and tutors have traditionally had almost total control over the learning and assessment environment, for most students, the approach to assessment has changed little. The arrival of 'new media', 'digital culture' and 'dispersed learning' threatens this stability and control. Students are now able to operate in a more open, collaborative, interactive and distributed manner, and this fact challenges many of the traditional perceptions about what constitutes a 'university experience' and what are now 'appropriate' assessment tasks (Crisp 2009).

Each of the four speakers will present a 'spotlight' initiative from the 2009 Australian Technology Network conference, describing how each assessment innovation might be useful to (a) confront our current ideas and values around what is 'good' and 'bad' assessment; (b) explain why some assessment myths are 'hard to shift'; and (c) suggest how these new approaches might be useful in the years to come.


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As professors and tutors have traditionally had almost total control over the learning and assessment environment, for most students, the approach to assessment has changed little. The arrival of ‘new media’, ‘digital culture’ and ‘dispersed learning’ threatens this stability and control. Students are now able to operate in a more open, collaborative, interactive and distributed manner, and this fact challenges many of the traditional perceptions about what constitutes a ‘university experience’ and what are now ‘appropriate’ assessment tasks (Crisp, G,. 2009). Plagiarism is now part of daily life, wiki-referencing barely raises an eyebrow and now, custom written essays are seen as a very real option for the time poor student.
This paper will do three things. Firstly, to argue that allocating a numeric score to assessment is nonsense and secondly, tell a story about the authors experience when buying a custom written essay and finally, attempt to argue how ‘progressive and innovative’ assessment techniques might be used to remedy these assessment problems.


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Architects and designers could readily use a quick and easy tool to determine the solar heat gains of their selected glazing systems for particular orientations, tilts and climate data. Speedy results under variable solar angles and degree of irradiance would be welcomed by most. Furthermore, a newly proposed program should utilise the outputs of existing glazing tools and their standard information, such as the use of U-values and Solar Heat Gain Coefficients (SHGC’s) as generated for numerous glazing configurations by the well-known program WINDOW 6.0 (LBNL, 2001). The results of this tool provide interior glass surface temperature and transmitted solar radiation which link into comfort analysis inputs required by the ASHRAE Thermal Comfort Tool –V2 (ASHRAE, 2011). This tool is a simple-to-use calculator providing the total solar heat gain of a glazing system exposed to various angles of solar incidence. Given basic climate (solar) data, as well as the orientation of the glazing under consideration the solar heat gain can be calculated. The calculation incorporates the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient function produced for the glazing system under various angles of solar incidence WINDOW 6.0 (LBNL, 2001). The significance of this work rests in providing an orientation-based heat transfer calculator through an easy-to-use tool (using Microsoft EXCEL) for user inputs of climate and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (WINDOW-6) data. We address the factors to be considered such as solar position and the incident angles to the horizontal and the window surface, and the fact that the solar heat gain coefficient is a function of the angle of incidence. We also discuss the effect of the diffuse components of radiation from the sky and those from ground surface reflection, which require refinement of the calculation methods. The calculator is implemented in an Excel workbook allowing the user to input a dataset and immediately produce the resulting solar gain. We compare this calculated total solar heat gain with measurements from a test facility described elsewhere in this conference (Luther et.al., 2012).


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Multiculturalism is now seen by many of its critics as the source of intercultural and social tensions, fostering communal segregation and social conflicts. While the cultural diversity of contemporary societies has to be acknowledged as an empirical and demographic fact, whether multiculturalism as a policy offers an optimal conduit for intercultural understanding and social harmony has become increasingly a matter of polarised public debate.
This book examines the contested philosophical foundations of multiculturalism and its, often controversial, applications in the context of migrant societies. It also explores the current theoretical debates about the extent to which multiculturalism, and related conceptual constructs, can account for the various ethical challenges and policy dilemmas surrounding the management of cultural diversity in our contemporary societies. The authors consider common conceptual and empirical features from a transnational perspective through analysis of the case studies of Australia, Canada, Columbia, Germany, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Uruguay.


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This article introduces the subjective side of quality of life as it has evolved within the discipline of psychology. Subjective well-being is also of special interest within medicine due to its links to pathology and the fact that it is managed by a homeostatic system. This form of management offers an explanation for the unusual properties of subjective well-being, including its normal positivity, stability, and nonlinear relationship to objective variables, such as physical health. Central to understanding is the proposition that subjective well-being mainly consists of a specific form of trait mood. This homeostatically protected mood has a genetic set point and it is the experience of this set-point mood that homeostasis is defending. The resources required to maintain normal homeostatic control are described. If these resources are inadequate to protect the experience of set-point mood, mood positivity falls, and there is a high probability of depression. In this article, the process of homeostasis is shown to assist understanding of intervention effectiveness within both psychology and medicine. This concerns matters of resilience, the nonlinear relationship between levels of subjective well-being, and the strength of challenging agents, and the important understanding that interventions designed to raise subjective well-being are critically dependent on its level at baseline. Key teaching points: • The physiological process of homeostasis has a parallel in psychology in the homeostatic management of subjective well-being. • Subjective well-being is a more globally informative construct than health-related quality of life. • How people feel about themselves and their lives cannot be simply predicted through measures of health. • When subjective well-being homeostasis is defeated, there is a high probability of depression.


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Understanding the molecular basis of drug resistance and utilising this information to overcome chemoresistance remains a key challenge in oncology. Here we report that survivin, a key protein implicated in drug resistance, is overexpressed in cancer stem cell pool of doxorubicin-resistant breast cancer cells. Moreover, by utilising an active targeting system consisting of an RNA aptamer targeted against the epithelial cell adhesion molecule and a Dicer substrate survivin siRNA, we could deliver a high dose of the siRNA to cancer stem cells in xenograft tumours. Importantly, silencing of survivin with this aptamer-siRNA chimera in cancer stem cell population led to the reversal of chemoresistance, such that combined treatment with low dose of doxorubicin inhibited stemness, eliminated cancer stem cells via apoptosis, suppressed tumour growth, and prolonged survival in mice bearing chemoresistant tumours. This strategy for in vivo cancer stem cell targeting has wide application for future effective silencing of anti-death genes and in fact any dysregulated genes involved in chemoresistance and tumour relapse.


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This article undertakes a feminist critique of the restructuring of the modern university in Australia. It considers the interaction of the processes of globalisation, corporatisation (through the twin strategies of marketisation and managerialism) and the social relations of gender, and their implication for gender equity work in the academy. The paper locates the reform of Australian universities within their Western context, and considers the gendered effects of the new disciplinary technologies of quality assurance and online learning on the position of women academics. It concludes with some comments about the shift in language from equity to diversity which has accompanied corporatisation, and how this has effectively coopted women's intellectual labour to do the work of the entrepreneurial university.


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The aim of this paper is to provide an explanation for clinicians' undisputed acceptance of change. This will be performed by examining the process of organizational restructuring across three analytical levels – the macro, meso and micro; identifying the consequences of restructuring for clinical nurses' performance; and evaluating organizational restructuring using a micro-political theoretical framework.


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This study aimed to identify and critically analyse the methodologies and accounting treatments adopted in the transfer of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses resultingfrom municipal boundary changes associated with municipal restructuring (amalgamations) in Victoria during the early 1990s. In involved the collection and use of oral evidence obtained from officers of a sample of entities engaged in the process and focused on identifying and examining the methodologies used by municipalities. It has also been shown that local government is different from the commercial domain and the accounting profession has not adequately addressed some of these differences.


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Propensity evidence remains one of the most obscure areas of evidence law. The uncertainty concerning its admissibility stems largely from a failure to identify the precise forms that such evidence may take and the exact dangers typically associated with each type of propensity evidence. Propensity evidence comes in three basic forms: similar fact evidence; relationship evidence; and where it is part of the res gestae. This article focuses on relationship evidence and res gestae propensity evidence and examines the circumstances in which such evidence should be received. The jury directions that ought to accompany such evidence are also considered.