41 resultados para Remedy


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BACKGROUND: Homeopathy is a major modality in complementary and alternative medicine. Significant tensions exist between homeopathic practice and education, evident in the diversity of practice styles and pedagogic models. Utilizing clinical reasoning knowledge in conventional medicine and allied health sciences, this article seeks to identify and critique existing research in this important area. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature search utilizing MEDLINE,(®) Allied and Complementary Medicine (AMED), and CINAHL(®) (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) was conducted. Key terms including clinical thinking, clinical reasoning, decision-making, homeopathy, and complementary medicine were utilized. A critical appraisal of the evidence was undertaken. RESULTS: Four (4) studies have examined homeopathic clinical reasoning. Two (2) studies sought to measure and quantify homeopathic reasoning. One (1) study proposed a reasoning model, based on pattern recognition, hypothetico-deductive reasoning, intuition, and remedy-matching (PHIR-M), resembling much that has been previously mapped in conventional medical reasoning research. The fourth closely investigated the meaning and use of intuition in homeopathic decision-making. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these four studies provide valuable insight into what is currently known about homeopathic clinical reasoning. However, despite the history and breadth of practice, little is known about homeopathic clinical reasoning and decision-making. Building on the research would require viewing clinical reasoning not only as a cognitive phenomenon but also as a situated and interactive one. Further research into homeopathic clinical reasoning is indicated.


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As a popular heuristic to the matrix rank minimization problem, nuclear norm minimization attracts intensive research attentions. Matrix factorization based algorithms can reduce the expensive computation cost of SVD for nuclear norm minimization. However, most matrix factorization based algorithms fail to provide the theoretical guarantee for convergence caused by their non-unique factorizations. This paper proposes an efficient and accurate Linearized Grass-mannian Optimization (Lingo) algorithm, which adopts matrix factorization and Grassmann manifold structure to alternatively minimize the subproblems. More specially, linearization strategy makes the auxiliary variables unnecessary and guarantees the close-form solution for low periteration complexity. Lingo then converts linearized objective function into a nuclear norm minimization over Grass-mannian manifold, which could remedy the non-unique of solution for the low-rank matrix factorization. Extensive comparison experiments demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of Lingo algorithm. The global convergence of Lingo is guaranteed with theoretical proof, which also verifies the effectiveness of Lingo.


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The supply of organs—particularly kidneys—donated by living and deceased donors falls short of the number of patients added annually to transplant waiting lists in the United States. To remedy this problem, a number of prominent physicians, ethicists, economists and others have mounted a campaign to suspend the prohibitions in the National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 (NOTA) on the buying and selling of organs. The argument that providing financial benefits would incentivize enough people to part with a kidney (or a portion of a liver) to clear the waiting lists is flawed. This commentary marshals arguments against the claim that the shortage of donor organs would best be overcome by providing financial incentives for donation. We can increase the number of organs available for transplantation by removing all financial disincentives that deter unpaid living or deceased kidney donation. These disincentives include a range of burdens, such as the costs of travel and lodging for medical evaluation and surgery, lost wages, and the expense of dependent care during the period of organ removal and recuperation. Organ donation should remain an act that is financially neutral for donors, neither imposing financial burdens nor enriching them monetarily.


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Despite scientific evidence about the harmful effects of smokeless tobacco (SLT), it is widely used in Bangladesh. This study explored perceptions about health effects of SLT use. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 1812 nonsmoking adults. About 40% of the participants were current SLT users or had used SLT in the past. Family members' influence was the main factor for initiation. The participants believed that people continued using SLT because of addiction (52%) and as a part of their lifestyle (23%). The majority of participants (77%) did not mention any benefit, but SLT users considered it to be a remedy for toothache (P < .05). Almost all participants mentioned that SLT was harmful and causes heart disease, cancer, and tuberculosis. Doctors' advice was the common motivating factor to quit. Health promotion interventions should highlight the adverse effects of SLT use, which outweigh the perceived benefits, and should consider addressing the role of family in SLT initiation and use.


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ID scanners are promoted as an effective solution to the problems of anti-social behavior and violence in many urban nighttime economies. However, the acceptance of this and other forms of computerized surveillance to prevent crime and anti-social behavior is based on several unproven assumptions. After outlining what ID scanners are and how they are becoming a normalized precondition of entry into one Australian nighttime economy, this chapter demonstrates how technology is commonly viewed as the key to preventing crime despite recognition of various problems associated with its adoption. The implications of technological determinism amongst policy makers, police, and crime prevention theories are then critically assessed in light of several issues that key informants talking about the value of ID scanners fail to mention when applauding their success. Notably, the broad, ill-defined, and confused notion of "privacy" is analyzed as a questionable legal remedy for the growing problems of überveillance.


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In Australia, statutory construction adjudication is a fast payment dispute resolution process designed to keep the cash flowing down the hierarchical contractual chain in construction projects. Its rapid, highly regulatory and temporarily binding nature have led to it being often described as a ‘quick and dirty’ process that delivers ‘rough and ready’ justice. Adjudicators often have to grapple with complex legal issues related to jurisdictional facts and interpretation of contract provisions, though the majority of them are not legally trained. This has often led to a poor quality of adjudication outcome for large and complex payment claims which has, in turn, led to a mounting dissatisfaction due to the many judicial challenges to adjudicators’ determinations seen in recent years. The evolving tension between the object of the security of payment legislation and excessive involvement of the courts has often been the subject of comment by the judiciary. This paper aims to examine the legislative and judicial approaches to support the object of the security of payment legislation to ease cash flow. The paper adopts a desktop study approach whereby evidence is gathered from three primary sources – judicial decisions, academic publications and governmental reports. The paper concludes that there is a need to adopt other measures which can provide more convenient relief to aggrieved parties to an adjudication process, such that the adjudication process is kept away from the courts as far as is possible. Specifically, it is proposed that a well-designed expanded legislative review scheme of allegedly flawed adjudication, based on that provided in the Western Australian legislation, might stand as a promising remedy to eliminate the evolving tension.


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CONTEXT: Euphorbia hirta L. (Euphorbiaceae) has been used as a folk remedy in Southeast Asia for the treatment of various ailments. OBJECTIVE: The current study evaluates the cytotoxicity, cell-cycle arrest, and apoptotic induction by E. hirta in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cytotoxic activity of methanol extract of whole part of E. hirta was determined by the MTT assay at various concentrations ranging from 1.96 to 250.00 µg/mL in MCF-7 cells. Cell morphology was assessed by light and fluorescence microscopy. Apoptosis and cell-cycle distribution were determined by annexin V staining and flow cytometry. DNA fragmentation, caspase activity, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) assays were performed using the commercially available kits. To identify the cytotoxic fraction, E. hirta extract was subjected to bioassay-guided fractionation. RESULTS: Euphorbia hirta exhibited significant inhibition of the survival of MCF-7 cells and the half inhibitory concentration (IC50) values was 25.26 µg/mL at 24 h. Microscopic studies showed that E. hirta-treated cells exhibited marked morphological features characteristic of apoptosis. Euphorbia hirta extract also had an ignorable influence on the LDH leakage and generating intracellular ROS. The flow cytometry study confirmed that E. hirta extract induced apoptosis in MCF-7 cells. Euphorbia hirta also resulted in DNA fragmentation in MCF-7 cells. Moreover, E. hirta treatment resulted in the accumulation of cells at the S and G2/M phases as well as apoptosis. The caspase activity study revealed that E. hirta extract induced apoptosis through the caspase-3-independent pathway by the activation of caspase-2, 6, 8, and 9. Euphorbia hirta hexane fraction, namely HFsub4 fraction, demonstrated highest activity among all the fractions tested with an IC50 value of 10.01 µg/mL at 24 h. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: This study revealed that E. hirta induced apoptotic cell death and suggests that E. hirta could be used as an apoptosis-inducing anticancer agent for breast cancer treatment with further detailed studies.


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Building upon the renewed attention to the ways in which criminology may be ‘queered’ (or not), this article explores how a criminal justice paradigm has influenced lesbian and gay politics through an investigation of anti-homophobic research and lobbying focused on violence and harassment. It asks: What place does criminal justice occupy within sexual politics? Using the Australian state of Victoria as a case study, the article examines how the lesbian and gay anti-violence movement has utilized criminal justice theories, methodologies and approaches to explain and attempt to remedy ‘homophobic hate’. It provides three inter-connected examples of the permeation of criminal justice logics: (1) the victimization survey method, (2) the focus on police reform, and (3) elements of a punitive public discourse surrounding homophobic hate crime. These examples are nevertheless complicated by the persistence of institutionalized violence and state failure to ‘protect’ lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) lives. These discursive practices contribute to ‘queer penalities’, a term used to describe the ways in which lesbian and gay movements shape and contest the social meaning of terms such as ‘crime’, victimization and punishment.


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A number of countries have statutory derivative actions. They allow a shareholder to bring legal action on behalf of the company, typically where the company refuses or is unable to bring the action. The Australian derivative action was enacted in March 2000 to overcome inadequacies with the common law derivative action. In this article the authors present the results of an empirical study of all cases decided under the Australian statutory derivative action during its first 6 years of operation. The study provides insights into the way Australian courts have interpreted and applied this legal remedy. The authors evaluate the statutory derivative action in light of the reasons for its enactment. Issues discussed in the article include the role of shareholder litigation in corporate governance and the rationale for statutory derivative actions.


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In this paper Nancy Fraser’s conceptual tools are drawn on to theorise issues of justice in a culturally diverse primary school in Australia where approximately 30% of the student population are immigrant/refugees. The paper examines justice issues of cultural recognition in relation to refugee student identity, behaviour and assessment. Drawing on interview data from a study that sought to identify productive approaches to addressing equity for refugee students, the paper highlights the school’s efforts to remedy issues of cultural misrecognition associated with an equation of refugee student difference and marginality with deficit and lack. Such efforts relate to the school’s endeavours to create an inclusive and socially cohesive environment that supports a valuing of, and connection to, refugee student difference. These endeavours are theorised as highly productive in their capacity to disrupt the relations of cultural domination, non-recognition and disrespect that exclude and/or malign some refugee students at the school and broader level. The paper argues the importance of such an approach in light of the unprecedented diversity and complexity of the global context where schools are consistently challenged with new and changing equity concerns and priorities.


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Indigenous women and girls in Australia remain highly disadvantaged economically, culturally, and politically. The ways in which schools can better address this disadvantage are the focus of this chapter. The chapter builds on existing research in the area of Indigenous schooling and social justice to add important theoretical and practical insight into supporting Indigenous girls – an equity group whose marginalization (while highly salient) tends to be lost amid broader concerns about Indigeneity. With reference to “Emma’s” story as exemplifying some of the key constraints to the educational attainment of Indigenous girls , the chapter explores how schools might begin to remedy this disadvantage through their engagement with a politics of (1) economic redistribution, (2) cultural recognition, and (3) political representation.