80 resultados para Pornography and Erotica Industries


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A rapid analytical approach for discrimination and quantitative determination of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) contents, particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), in a range of oils extracted from marine resources has been developed by using attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis. The spectral data were collected without any sample preparation; thus, no chemical preparation was involved, but data were rather processed directly using the developed spectral analysis platform, making it fast, very cost effective, and suitable for routine use in various biotechnological and food research and related industries. Unsupervised pattern recognition techniques, including principal component analysis and unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis, discriminated the marine oils into groups by correlating similarities and differences in their fatty acid (FA) compositions that corresponded well to the FA profiles obtained from traditional lipid analysis based on gas chromatography (GC). Furthermore, quantitative determination of unsaturated fatty acids, PUFAs, EPA and DHA, by partial least square regression analysis through which calibration models were optimized specifically for each targeted FA, was performed in both known marine oils and totally independent unknown n - 3 oil samples obtained from an actual commercial product in order to provide prospective testing of the developed models towards actual applications. The resultant predicted FAs were achieved at a good accuracy compared to their reference GC values as evidenced through (1) low root mean square error of prediction, (2) good coefficient of determination close to 1 (i.e., R 2≥ 0.96), and (3) the residual predictive deviation values that indicated the predictive power at good and higher levels for all the target FAs. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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Catalase, an oxidoreductase enzyme, works as a detoxification system inside living cells against reactive oxygen species formed as a by-product of different metabolic reactions. The enzyme is found in a wide range of aerobic and anaerobic organisms. Catalase has also been employed in various analytical and diagnostic methods in the form of biosensors and biomarkers in addition to its other applications in textile, paper, food and pharmaceutical industries. New applications for catalases are constantly emerging thanks to their high turnover rate, distinct evolutionary origin, relatively simple and well-defined reaction mechanisms. The following review provides comprehensive information on isolation, production and purification of catalases with different techniques from various microbial sources along with their types, structure, mechanism of action and applications.


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OBJECTIVE: The present article tracks the development of the Australian National Food Plan as a 'whole of government' food policy that aimed to integrate elements of nutrition and sustainability alongside economic objectives. DESIGN: The article uses policy analysis to explore the processes of consultation and stakeholder involvement in the development of the National Food Plan, focusing on actors from the sectors of industry, civil society and government. Existing documentation and submissions to the Plan were used as data sources. Models of health policy analysis and policy streams were employed to analyse policy development processes. SETTING: Australia. SUBJECTS: Australian food policy stakeholders. RESULTS: The development of the Plan was influenced by powerful industry groups and stakeholder engagement by the lead ministry favoured the involvement of actors representing the food and agriculture industries. Public health nutrition and civil society relied on traditional methods of policy influence, and the public health nutrition movement failed to develop a unified cross-sector alliance, while the private sector engaged in different ways and presented a united front. The National Food Plan failed to deliver an integrated food policy for Australia. Nutrition and sustainability were effectively sidelined due to the focus on global food production and positioning Australia as a food 'superpower' that could take advantage of the anticipated 'dining boom' as incomes rose in the Asia-Pacific region. CONCLUSIONS: New forms of industry influence are emerging in the food policy arena and public health nutrition will need to adopt new approaches to influencing public policy.


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Despite being typically represented and managed under the same policy umbrella, fishers face different challenges than do their farming counterparts. This paper unpacks the findings of research depicting poor levels of mental health and well-being among Australian commercial wild-catch fishers. The research is considered in the context of widespread acceptance that farmers tend to exhibit worse than average mental health outcomes due, at least in part, to the environmental uncertainties of climate change. In particular it is stressed that the insecurity of fishing concessions (quota and licenses), is a key driver of chronic livelihood insecurity, resulting in reports of stress, depression and suicide. A call is made for the separation of health research in the fishing and farming industries. Importantly, the role that tenure insecurity plays in the perpetuation of poor mental health among fishers should be acknowledged and addressed so that the fishing industry can maximize the strength of its human capital.


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A study of recreational drug use among workers in the Port Lincoln mariculture and seafood industries was conducted by self report questionnaire. High rates of cannabis and alcohol use were revealed during the shore based fish farming season. The occupational health and safety implications of these findings in one of Australia's most dangerous industries are significant. Further research could inform the development of industry specific harm minimisation policies.


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Owing to their biological roles, multifunctional peptides constitute a new generation of biologically active molecules whose potential can be exploited in several industrial applications such as functional food, pharmaceutical, and cosmeceutical industries. With the required combination and balance of research and commercial operations, major corporations can effectively harness the diverse functionalities of these peptides for enhanced nutrition and the treatment and mitigation of ill health. However, further insightful research in vivo and clinical studies are needed to unravel the mechanism and fate of these peptides en route to the body systems. This is needed to firmly establish the therapeutic potency of these peptides.


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Stabilization of l-ascorbic acid (⌊-AA) is a challenging task for food and pharmaceutical industries. The study was conducted to prepare monodisperse aqueous microspheres containing enhanced concentrations of ⌊-AA by using microchannel emulsification (MCE). The asymmetric straight-through microchannel (MC) array used here constitutes 11 × 104 μm microslots connected to a 10 μm circular microholes. 5-30% (w/w) ⌊-AA was added to a Milli-Q water solution containing 2% (w/w) sodium alginate and 1% (w/w) magnesium sulfate, while the continuous phase constitutes 5% (w/w) tetraglycerol condensed ricinoleate in water-saturated decane. Monodisperse aqueous microspheres with average diameters (dav) of 18.7-20.7 μm and coefficients of variation (CVs) below 6% were successfully prepared via MCE regardless of the ⌊-AA concentrations applied. The collected microspheres were physically stable in terms of their dav and CV for >10 days of storage at 40°C. The aqueous microspheres exhibited ⌊-AA encapsulation efficiency exceeding 70% during the storage.


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BACKGROUND: Office workers spend a large proportion of their working hours sitting. This may contribute to an increased risk of chronic disease and premature mortality. While there is growing interest in workplace interventions targeting prolonged sitting, few qualitative studies have explored workers' perceptions of reducing occupational sitting outside of an intervention context. This study explored barriers to reducing office workplace sitting, and the feasibility and acceptability of strategies targeting prolonged sitting in this context.

METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a convenience sample of 20 office workers (50 % women), including employees and managers, in Melbourne, Australia. The three organisations (two large, and one small organisation) were from retail, health and IT industries and had not implemented any formalised approaches to sitting reduction. Questions covered barriers to reducing sitting, the feasibility of potential strategies aimed at reducing sitting, and perceived effects on productivity. Interviews were audiotaped and transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed using thematic analysis.

RESULTS: Participants reported spending most (median: 7.2 h) of their working hours sitting. The nature of computer-based work and exposure to furniture designed for a seated posture were considered to be the main factors influencing sitting time. Low cost strategies, such as standing meetings and in-person communication, were identified as feasible ways to reduce sitting time and were also perceived to have potential productivity benefits. However, social norms around appropriate workplace behaviour and workload pressures were perceived to be barriers to uptake of these strategies. The cost implications of height-adjustable workstations influenced perceptions of feasibility. Managers noted the need for an evidence-based business case supporting action on prolonged sitting, particularly in the context of limited resources and competing workplace health priorities.

CONCLUSIONS: While a number of low-cost approaches to reduce workplace sitting are perceived to be feasible and acceptable in the office workplace, factors such as work demands and the organisational social context may still act as barriers to greater uptake. Building a supportive organisational culture and raising awareness of the adverse health effects of prolonged sitting may be important for improving individual-level and organisational-level motivation for change.


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In May 2010, 192 Member States endorsed Resolution WHA63.14 to restrict the marketing of food and non-alcoholic beverage products high in saturated fats, trans fatty acids, free sugars and/or salt to children and adolescents globally. We examined the actions taken between 2010 and early 2016 - by civil society groups, the World Health Organization (WHO) and its regional offices, other United Nations (UN) organizations, philanthropic institutions and transnational industries - to help decrease the prevalence of obesity and diet-related noncommunicable diseases among young people. By providing relevant technical and policy guidance and tools to Member States, WHO and other UN organizations have helped protect young people from the marketing of branded food and beverage products that are high in fat, sugar and/or salt. The progress achieved by the other actors we investigated appears variable and generally less robust. We suggest that the progress being made towards the full implementation of Resolution WHA63.14 would be accelerated by further restrictions on the marketing of unhealthy food and beverage products and by investing in the promotion of nutrient-dense products. This should help young people meet government-recommended dietary targets. Any effective strategies and actions should align with the goal of WHO to reduce premature mortality from noncommunicable diseases by 25% by 2025 and the aim of the UN to ensure healthy lives for all by 2030.


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The observance of and participation in festivals and celebratory events is an increasingly significant aspect of the contemporary experience (Picard & Robinson, 2006). With the prestige that comes from holding culturally relevant and socially acceptable festivals that serve the discourses of “city branding” and the “creative industries” in a competitive global context; significant government, community and private funding is allocated to such events. Festivals have become a central figure of not only the political economy of tourism but also of urban regeneration and cultural tourism. Cultural festivals possess the hallmarks of destination branding or place branding and inadvertently share some of the attributes that influence visitors’ decisions to visit such destinations (Blain, Levy, & Ritchie, 2005; Cooper, 2005; Esu & Arrey, 2009; Jayswal, 2008). Branding is a vital part of this festival space and relies on typography to establish the symbolic values and representations of urban freedoms; rich histories, cultured places, playfulness and stimulation that seek to subvert our daily existence while performing the task of engaging local, national, and international visitors and participants. However, professional practices demonstrated in the design, media and arts industries have far outpaced the extent to which this phenomenon has been written about in the academic or public realm. What this paper intends is to interrogate appropriate semiotic approaches in an effort to analysing the discursive practices of typography as it performs in service to branding cultural festivals in Australia. The intention is to establish a methodology suited to the significant role typography performs within this context and to offer a contribution to design research that not only engages with the artefacts of design but with the conceptualization of designed meaning in 21st century visual culture.


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A newly isolated microbial strain of thermophilic genus Geobacillus has been described with emphasis on polyphasic characterization and its application for degradation of hydrogen peroxide. The validation of this thermophilic strain of genus Geobacillus designated as BSS-7 has been demonstrated by polyphasic taxonomy approaches through its morphological, biochemical, fatty acid methyl ester profile and 16S rDNA sequencing. This thermophilic species of Geobacillus exhibited growth at broad pH and temperature ranges coupled with production of extraordinarily high quantities of intracellular catalase, the latter of which as yet not been reported in any member of this genus. The isolated thermophilic bacterial culture BSS-7 exhibited resistance against a variety of organic solvents. The immobilized whole cells of the bacterium successfully demonstrated the degradation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in a packed bed reactor. This strain has potential application in various analytical and diagnostic methods in the form of biosensors and biomarkers in addition to applications in the textile, paper, food and pharmaceutical industries.


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This paper offers a social semiotic analysis of logotypes used to brand cultural festivals in 21st century Australia. A contemporary method is explored that suits the significant role typography performs within this context and offers a contribution to design research and the festival scape that not only engages with the artefacts of design but with the conceptualization of designed meaning in visual culture. Branding is a vital part of the festival space and relies on typography to establish the symbolic values and representations of urban freedoms; rich histories, cultured places, playfulness and stimulation that seek to subvert our daily existence while performing the task of engaging local, national, and international visitors and participants. However, professional practices demonstrated in the design, media and arts industries have far outpaced the extent to which this phenomenon has been written about in the academic or public realm. This paper addresses this shortfall and offers the foundation for a systemic functional method in the decoding of typography in visual culture


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Since magnesium alloys are the lightest metallic materials, they are very attractive for automotive and aerospace industries. The main problem of these alloys is limited ductility due to a shortage of independent slip systems. In order to improve the formability in these alloys, an understanding of the deformation modes is required. In the present work, different slip systems were investigated in rolled Mg-3Al-IZn by means of in situ tensile tests in the SEM. These permitted electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and electron backscatter diffraction imaging (QBSD) to be carried out during the test. The results show that non-basal slip systems are active at room temperature.


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With its growing share in national economies, the real estate sector has been considered a vital contributor of economic development. Research efforts are needed in order to gain a better comprehension of the national specificities of the real estate sector and to identify its role in economic development. Due to limited comparable data, the economic indicators of real estate sectors are hard to compare between different countries. This paper aims to explore the quantitative interdependence amongst the real estate sector and other industries in developed economies using input-output analysis, and to investigate their significant linkages. Based on the recently published Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) input-output database at constant prices, the analysis focuses on the real estate's escalating role in terms ofshares in gross output, value added and gross national product. With emphasis on the relative role of manufacturing, construction and services inputs, this paper also highlights the strengths of the push and pull of the real estate sector.


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In a globalizing world, with shifting production, labor and consumer markets and increased competitiveness, human rights are gaining new practical relevance. The UN Global Compact presented by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan to the World Economic Forum at Davos in 1999, sought to create a voluntary international corporate citizenship network to bring together private-sector and other social actors. Its central aim is to advance responsible corporate citizenship and universal social and environmental principles to meet the challenges of globalization. The business (and ethical) case for corporate engagement in human rights reporting is strengthening, although much still needs to be done. The Danish Human Rights and Business Project launched its 2006 educational project on company codes of conduct aimed at developing models for business in the pharmaceutical, steel, agricultural, logging, lumber, paper and cardboard, and apparel and textile industries, assessing company codes against international human rights standards.