112 resultados para Pharmacological sites


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Daylight is an essential contextual ingredient of place making. Research in daylighting has recently received major attention for its valuable contribution to the sustainability of the built environment. Previous research has investigated the role of daylighting in energy efficiency, its regional qualities in relation to the façade configuration, and its contribution to the sense of visual comfort. This paper argues that appropriate use of daylighting will ensure not only visual and thermal comfort in an urban setting, but also contributes to the place identity and hence sustainability of urban regeneration projects. The paper identifies the daylight variables that affect the success of the regeneration of heritage sites in Eastern Mediterranean. Daylight variables in public open spaces include a combination of sunlight, skylight and the reflected light from the facades and the ground. The Solar altitude, the geometry of sectional profiles, the reflectance of the opposing facades, the width of the street and the density of the urban built environment are examined to simulate the daylight performance in the selected heritage sites. Located in the historical Darb al-Ahmar district, Aslam Square is selected as part of one of the rehabilitation project in Cairo. This paper examines the photometric and morphological properties of the existing configuration using daylight simulation software. Various spherical projections were developed to represent full 3D visual environment. The paper calculates and analyses the direct radiation energy, the sky diffused energy and the reflected energy in the case study.


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Bird assemblages in woodlands of southern Australia are characterised by a high proportion of ground-foraging species, many of which are experiencing population declines. We examined the foraging sites of 13 species of ground-foraging birds, including four common species and nine declining species, in four study areas representing different woodland types. Microhabitat features were recorded within a 3-m radius of observed foraging points and compared with random points. Significant differences between foraging and random plots were detected for all but one species, clearly indicating selection for foraging habitat. However, levels of dissimilarity between foraging and random plots were low, suggesting that much of the woodland study area is suitable for foraging. Microhabitat features of particular importance for multiple species were a low density of trees and shrubs, a high cover of native herbs, and fallen timber on the ground. Sites amidst dense trees tended not to be used. Several species had more particular requirements, such as the Diamond Firetail (Stagonopleura guttata) for grass cover and the White-winged Chough (Corcorax melanorhamphos) for litter cover. There was no evidence that declining species showed a greater degree of selection or were more restricted in the availability of foraging microhabitats than common species. Several of the key attributes of preferred foraging sites, such as tree density, can be actively managed at the local scale. A heterogeneous ground layer is needed to provide suitable foraging habitat for the full suite of ground-foraging birds. Achieving suitable heterogeneity in present-day woodlands will require careful and active management of various disturbance processes.


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Urban expansion is a principal process threatening biodiversity globally. It is predicted that over half of the world's population will reside in urban centres by 2010. If we are to conserve biodiversity, a shift in perspective from traditional ecological studies based in natural environments, to studies based in less natural environments is paramount. To effectively conserve species which occur in urban environments, comprehensive analysis is necessary to determine the processes that are driving this urban usage. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology provides a valuable tool for efficient spatial analysis and predictive mapping of species distributions.

This study used GIS to analyze current breeding sites for the powerful owl, a vulnerable top order predator in urban Melbourne, Australia. GIS analysis suggests that a number of ecological attributes were influencing powerful owl usage of urban environments. Using these ecological attributes, predictive mapping was undertaken, which identified a number of potential breeding sites for powerful owls within urbanized Melbourne.

Urban environments are traditionally perceived as “the wastelands” of natural environments, however, this study demonstrates that they have the potential to support apex predators, an important finding for the management of rare and threatened species.


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To assess the physico-chemical characteristics of protein-protein interactions, protein sequences and overall structural folds have been analyzed previously. To highlight this, discovery and examination of amino acid patterns at the binding sites defined by structural proximity in 3-dimensional (3D) space are essential. In this paper, we investigate the interacting preferences of 3D pattern pairs discovered separately in transient and obligate protein complexes. These 3D pattern pairs are not necessarily sequence-consecutive, but each residue in two groups of amino acids from two proteins in a complex is within certain °A threshold to most residues in the other group. We develop an algorithm called AA-pairs by which every pair of interacting proteins is represented as a bipartite graph, and it discovers all maximal quasi-bicliques from every bipartite graph to form our 3D pattern pairs. From 112 and 2533 highly conserved 3D pattern pairs discovered in the transient and obligate complexes respectively, we observe that Ala and Leu is the highest occuring amino acid in interacting 3D patterns of transient (20.91%) and obligate (33.82%) complexes respectively. From the study on the dipeptide composition on each side of interacting 3D pattern pairs, dipeptides Ala-Ala and Ala-Leu are popular in 3D patterns of both transient and obligate complexes. The interactions between amino acids with large hydrophobicity difference are present more in the transient than in the obligate complexes. On contrary, in obligate complexes, interactions between hydrophobic residues account for the top 5 most occuring amino acid pairings.


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We employed a highly specific photoaffinity labeling procedure, using 14C-labeled S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) to define the chemical structure of the AdoMet binding centers on cyclosporin synthetase (CySyn). Tryptic digestion of CySyn photolabeled with either [methyl-14C]AdoMet or [carboxyl-14C]AdoMet yielded the sequence H2N-Asn-Asp-Gly-Leu-Glu-Ser-Tyr-Val-Gly-Ile-Glu-Pro-Ser-Arg-COOH (residues 10644-10657), situated within the N-methyltransferase domain of module 8 of CySyn. Radiosequencing detected Glu10654 and Pro10655 as the major sites of derivatization. [carboxyl-14C]AdoMet in addition labeled Tyr10650. Chymotryptic digestion generated the radiolabeled peptide H2N-Ile-Gly-Leu-Glu-Pro-Ser-Gln-Ser-Ala-Val-Gln-Phe-COOH, corresponding to amino acids 2125-2136 of the N-methyltransferase domain of module 2. The radiolabeled amino acids were identified as Glu2128 and Pro2129, which are equivalent in position and function to the modified residues identified with tryptic digestions in module 8. Homology modeling of the N-methyltransferase domains indicates that these regions conserve the consensus topology of the AdoMet binding fold and consensus cofactor interactions seen in structurally characterized AdoMet-dependent methyltransferases. The modified sequence regions correspond to the motif II consensus sequence element, which is involved in directly complexing the adenine and ribose components of AdoMet. We conclude that the AdoMet binding to nonribosomal peptide synthetase N-methyltransferase domains obeys the consensus cofactor interactions seen among most structurally characterized low molecular weight AdoMet-dependent methyltransferases.


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Remote and environmentally sensitive sites present unique challenges for participants involved in the design and construction process. Worldwide advances in information technology coupled with improved site accessibility and manageability has enabled the construction industry to undertake such projects with greater ease. Furthermore, research on information technology in construction has begun to focus our attentions on our increased ability to work virtually in distributed teams. These remote sites have a range of development potential as clients have varied interests including; tourism, scientific investigation and resource exploration and processing which impact upon the management of the design process. These sites pose unique challenges to the project teams and in particular for the management of project design. The conceptual design phase is often marked by an iterative and creative process, which tends to be a sociologically oriented world where designers respond to a range of functional, aesthetic, environmental and even spiritual concerns. Strategic decisions made during the briefing and conceptual design stage may impact upon construction logistics and sustainability. Detailed design for construction tends to be a production oriented world. There is a significant body of literature that addresses the application of lean thinking to improving the interface between detailed design and construction production. There is little literature that takes a holistic view of design management for remote sites. The lean design management field of research has much to contribute to the design management of these projects. The review of the literature indicated that much of the lean thinking has been primarily concerned with sequential production. However, lean thinking is based upon principles of flow and value, which is also conducive to the complex process involved in design management for remote sites. A conceptual model is developed that considers both the production and sociological approaches to design management, in response to the peculiar demands of the site and their project teams.


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This article reports on a qualitative research project conducted in Victoria, Australia, with nine older women. The purpose of the research was to explore the women's experience of involvement in craft groups, and specifically, the impact of this involvement on their sense of well-being. Traditionally the health of older people has been examined in relation to medical markers of physical well-being, and often, decline. We were interested to widen this perspective to understand the impact of social connection, belonging and ongoing learning and development on the ageing experience. While the focus of the groups was on domestic craftwork, the process of coming together as a collective appeared to have significant bearing on the holistic health of the women involved. Consistent with feminist groupwork literature, the findings indicated that the women we interviewed experienced the group setting as affirming and generative in a number of ways. These include providing an avenue for mutual aid, addressing isolation, affirming individual and collective strength and wisdom, while acquiring new skills, and normalising concerns regarding health and family.


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Three field sites were chosen to study the environmental assimilative capacity of heavy metals in soil. These sites were the Werribee Farm and the Myome Farm in Australia and Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area in China. The Werribee Farm and the Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area received sewage treatment and application on land for a long time. The Myome farm is an experimental site in which investigations on land application of municipal wastewater on water repellent soils is currently being trailed. Heavy metal contamination, in particular Cr, Cu and Zn, in the Land Filtration soil of Werribee Farm was widespread. More than a century of sewage irrigation has occurred in the Werribee Farm. The temporal distribution pattern of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) in the soil at this site follow an exponential trend with time and the spatial distribution pattern of accumulation of heavy metals in different paddocks correlates with the number of years of sewage irrigation at that site in the Farm. Extensive sewage irrigation at Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area resulted in significant Cd pollution in soil-plant (rice) system and poses a significant threat to the health of local people. Even after eight years since cessation of sewage irrigation, the bioavailable fractions of Cd in the soil as analyzed by sequential extraction techniques were very high thus illustrating long-term persistence. The simultaneous competitive adsorption of metals in water repellent soils (at Myome Farm in South Australia) was studied. In the competitive situation, Cr, Pb and Cu are the heavy metal cations more strongly adsorbed by the soil, whereas Cd, Ni and Zn are the least adsorbed. The increase in Freundlich adsorption capacity by clay amendment suggested that clayed soils are capable sorption of higher heavy metal loadings compared to the non-clayed water repellent soil, which is more vulnerable to heavy metal inputs. A simple model of environmental assimilative capacity is proposed. The results of comparison of the three field sites shows that the Werribee Farm has a higher environmental assimilative capacity of heavy metals in soil than the soils at Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area and Myome Farm, however heavy metal contamination at Werribee Farm is still a concern. The model of environmental assimilative capacity of heavy metals in soil is an effective tool to assist management of effluent applied land irrigation systems and can be used to better design environmental engineering systems.


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There are worldwide concerns that pro-suicide web sites may trigger suicidal behaviors among vulnerable individuals. In 2006, Australia became the first country to criminalize such sites, sparking heated debate. Concerns were expressed that the law casts the criminal net too widely; inappropriately interferes with the autonomy of those who wish to die; and has jurisdictional limitations, with off-shore web sites remaining largely immune. Conversely, proponents point out that the law may limit access to domestic pro-suicide web sites, raise awareness of Internet-related suicide, mobilize community efforts to combat it, and serve as a powerful expression of societal norms about the promotion of suicidal behavior.