124 resultados para Patient Care Team


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Evaluation aims: An evaluation is presented that aimed to augment current understandings of the nurse practitioner role by investigating potential outcomes of a community aged care nurse practitioner (ACNP) service on clients and the health care team.

Background: In Australia, the nurse practitioner role is being implemented in a variety of health care settings and is characterized by extended practice: prescribing of medications, requests for diagnostic investigations, referral to medical specialists and admitting clients to inpatient facilities.

Design: An exploratory qualitative evaluation method through data collection by interview and thematic analysis was undertaken.

Method: All clients referred to the ACNP service between June and August 2003, and a convenience sample of health professionals, were invited to participate in individual semi-structured interviews.

Results: Findings suggested that an ACNP could provide a high quality of holistic nursing care and positively affect clients' physical and psychological symptom management, enhance clients' quality of life, assist with supplies, provide health education and assist with advocacy. Health professionals commented on effective collaboration with the ACNP service during their partnerships in client care provision.

: Overall, the positive effects of the ACNP service on clients and the health care team support the full implementation of the role within the community setting.

Relevance to clinical practice: Funding support for the nurse practitioner role is a vital addition to consideration in the development of international policy on advanced practice nursing. Without adequate funding, the full benefits of the nurse practitioner role in clinical practice, as suggested by the findings presented in this evaluation, will be compromised.


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Aims & rationale/Objectives : The objective of the project was to specify the information required in referrals to public hospital orthopaedic outpatient departments in order to streamline the care and prioritisation of individuals who may require JRS. It was envisaged that an evidence-based GP-Orthopaedic derived referral system would assist in ensuring that the right person accessed the right care at the right time.

Methods :
In collaboration with the RACGP and the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing, a national stakeholder working group was convened. A scoping document was prepared with input from key stakeholders. A review of primary research was undertaken as well as a review of relevant guidelines. Information on the implementation and evaluation of similar programs in Australia and overseas also informed the referral specification.

Principal findings :
The initial scoping processes with key stakeholders provided clear information on core components of the referral. These were the use of standardised and respected assessment tools to determine the severity of arthritis, fitness for surgery and willingness of affected individuals to undergo surgery.

Discussion :
About 20,000 JRS occur each year in public hospitals which emanate from 5 to 10 fold number of referrals. Arthritis and musculoskeletal diseases are a national health priority area reflecting the high burden of disease associated with these conditions. Various initiatives are being undertaken to address the quality of life of affected individuals. This project has revealed areas of potential improvement in the communication between care providers of individuals who may need JRS.

Implications :
The project will result in the development of a standard referral form and guidelines to assist referring practitioners to communicate more effectively with the multidisciplinary care team, in particular orthopaedic care providers. The guidelines will be piloted in a large rural setting.


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This paper explores agency-nursing work from the perspective of agency nurses to gain in-depth understanding of their clinical practice, their relationships with the employing agency, hospitals and permanent nurses, and their professional status. For this study, individual interviews were conducted with ten agency nurses who were registered with one of three nursing agencies in Melbourne, Australia. Five major themes emerged from interview data: orientation, allocation of agency nurses, reasons for doing agency-nursing work, experiences with hospital staff, and professionalism. The findings reveal that the primary reason for nurses engaging in agency-nursing work is for the flexibility it offers. While agency nurses described a commitment to professionalism, the findings emphasise the need to establish effective communication networks between agency nurses, nursing agencies and hospital institutions. Such communication between stakeholders is important to facilitate discussion of issues such as appropriate notification of shift availability, appropriate assignment of work and recognition of the agency nurse as a valuable member of the health care team. In particular, the findings highlight the importance of comprehensive orientation and education for agency nurses to shift the focus of their daily work from task completion to more comprehensive patient care.


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Lack of knowledge exists about clinical teachers’ understanding of nursing. A likely relationship between teachers’ conceptions of nursing and what they focus on when teaching nursing students in the clinical setting means that the identification of different conceptions of nursing is important. This study investigated clinical teachers’ experiences of nursing and clinical teaching of undergraduate nursing students. This article reports on clinical teachers’ conceptions of nursing. Semistructured interviews of 20 nurses employed as clinical teachers in Australian universities were conducted. Data were analyzed using a phenomenographic approach. The findings suggest that nursing is conceived as performing tasks; providing appropriate care; providing individualized patient care aimed at achieving patient outcomes; or collaborating with health care team members to provide appropriate, individualized patient care aimed at achieving patient outcomes. Insights will assist with future preparation and support of clinical teachers, the education of nursing students, and improved curriculum design.


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Background: There are few validated measures of organizational context and none that we located are parsimonious and address modifiable characteristics of context. The Alberta Context Tool (ACT) was developed to meet this need. The instrument assesses 8 dimensions of context, which comprise 10 concepts. The purpose of this paper is to report evidence to further the validity argument for ACT. The specific objectives of this paper are to: (1) examine the extent to which the 10 ACT concepts discriminate between patient care units and (2) identify variables that significantly contribute to between-unit variation for each of the 10 concepts.

Methods: 859 professional nurses (844 valid responses) working in medical, surgical and critical care units of 8 Canadian pediatric hospitals completed the ACT. A random intercept, fixed effects hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) strategy was used to quantify and explain variance in the 10 ACT concepts to establish the ACT’s ability to discriminate between units. We ran 40 models (a series of 4 models for each of the 10 concepts) in which we systematically assessed the unique contribution (i.e., error variance reduction) of different variables to between-unit variation. First, we constructed a null model in which we quantified the variance overall, in each of the concepts. Then we controlled for the contribution of individual level variables (Model 1). In Model 2, we assessed the contribution of practice specialty (medical, surgical, critical care) to variation since it was central to construction of the sampling frame for the study. Finally, we assessed the contribution of additional unit level variables (Model 3).

Results: The null model (unadjusted baseline HLM model) established that there was significant variation between units in each of the 10 ACT concepts (i.e., discrimination between units). When we controlled for individual characteristics, significant variation in the 10 concepts remained. Assessment of the contribution of specialty to between-unit variation enabled us to explain more variance (1.19% to 16.73%) in 6 of the 10 ACT concepts. Finally, when we assessed the unique contribution of the unit level variables available to us, we were able to explain additional variance (15.91% to 73.25%) in 7 of the 10 ACT concepts.

Conclusion: The findings reported here represent the third published argument for validity of the ACT and adds to the evidence supporting its use to discriminate patient care units by all 10 contextual factors. We found evidence of relationships between a variety of individual and unit-level variables that explained much of this between-unit variation for each of the 10 ACT concepts. Future research will include examination of the relationships between the ACT’s contextual factors and research utilization by nurses and ultimately the relationships between context, research utilization, and outcomes for patients.


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The use of a web Health Portal can be employed not only for reducing health costs but also to view patient's latest medical information (e.g. clinical tests, pathology and radiology results, discharge summaries, prescription renewals, referrals, appointments) in real-time and carry out physician messaging to enhance the information exchanged, managed and shared in the Australian healthcare sector. The Health Portal connects all stakeholders (such as patients and their families, health professionals, care providers, and health regulators) to establish coordination, collaboration and a shared care approach between them to improve overall patient care safety. The paper outlines a Health Portal model for designing a real-time health prevention system. An application of the architecture is described in the area of web Health Portal.


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Background: There is insufficient evidence for the efficacy of comprehensive multiple risk factor interventions by pharmacists in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Given the proven benefits of pharmacist interventions for individual risk factors, it is essential that evidence for a comprehensive approach to care be generated so that pharmacists remain key members of the health care team for individuals at risk of initial onset of CVD. Objective: To establish the feasibility of an intervention delivered by community pharmacists to reduce the risk of primary onset of CVD.
Methods: A single-cohort intervention study was undertaken in 2008-2009. Twelve community pharmacists from 10 pharmacies who were trained to provide lifestyle and medicine management support to reduce CVD risk recruited 70 at-risk participants aged 50-74 years who were free from diabetes or CVD. Participants received a baseline assessment to establish CVD risk and health behaviors. An assessment report provided to patients and pharmacists was used to collaboratively establish treatment goals and, over 5 sessions, implement treatment strategies. Follow-up assessment at 6 months measured changes in baseline parameters. The primary outcome was the average change to overall 5-year risk of CVD onset.
Sixty-seven participants were included in the analysis. The mean participant age was 60 years and 73% were female. We observed a 25% (95% CI 17 to 33) proportional risk reduction in overall CVD risk. Significant reductions also occurred in mean blood pressure (-11/-5 mm Hg) and waist circumference (-1.3 cm), with trends toward improvement for most other observed risk factors.
Conclusions: Findings support previous evidence of positive cardiovascular health outcomes following pharmacist intervention in other patient groups; we recommend generating randomized controlled trial evidence for a primary prevention population.


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Introduction: This article identifies trends in the evolving practice of rural paramedics and describes key characteristics, roles and expected outcomes for a Rural Expanded Scope of Practice (RESP) model.

Methods: A multiple case study methodology was employed to examine the evolution of rural paramedic practice. Paramedics, volunteer ambulance officers and other health professionals were interviewed in four rural regions of south-eastern Australia where innovative models of rural paramedic practice were claimed to exist. The research team collected and thematically analysed the data using the filter of a sociological framework throughout 2005 and 2006.

Results: The study found that paramedics are increasingly becoming first line primary healthcare providers in small rural communities and developing additional professional responsibilities throughout the cycle of care.

Conclusions: Adoption of the RESP model would mean that paramedics undertake four broad activities as core components of their new role: (1) rural community engagement; (2) emergency response; (3) situated practice; and (4) primary health care. The model’s key feature is a capacity to integrate existing paramedic models with other health agencies and health professionals to ensure that paramedic care is part of a seamless system that provides patients with well-organized and high quality care. This expansion of paramedics’ scope of practice offers the potential to improve patient care and the general health of rural communities.


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Aim: Identify staff knowledge about diabetes medicines and organisational factors that influence safe medicines use in two large Australian regional public RACs that comply with national accreditation standards.

Background: Diabetes management is complicated in residential aged care facilities (RAC). Managing medicines is complex, especially in older people. Little is known about diabetes-specific medicine knowledge of various care staff (registered nurses (RN), enrolled nurses (EN) and patient care attendants (PCA) working in RAC.

Methods: A triangulation of methods was used to collect the data: anonymous self-complete questionnaire (ADKnowl) staff interviews to clarify practice issues that could affect safe medicine use, and a case file audit to identify medicine-related data. Questionnaires were distributed to all RNs, ENs and PCAs in the two services via nursing management (N=540). The ADKnowl was supplemented with additional questions and vignettes derived from actual case notes in each RAC to assess translation of knowledge into practice. Only medicine related data are reported.

Results: Sixty-eight people returned completed questionnaires (12.5% response rate). Knowledge deficits were identified in administering oral hypoglycaemic agents and insulin, their action and potential adverse events. Most ENs and PCAs did not know why HbA1c was measured. Almost half the RNs and ENs and 80% of PCAs did not know how diabetes comorbidities affect medicine choices. RN achieved higher overall average knowledge scores,74.3%, compared to ENs and PCA, 49%. The interviews suggest lack of time, unclear communication processes, inadequate knowledge about medications and resident behaviour compromises optimal medicine administration. Twenty case files audits were undertaken in each RAC and revealed residents were taking on average nine medicines.

Conclusion: Staff involved in caring for residents with diabetes had suboptimal general and medicine-specific diabetes knowledge to deliver optimal care. System issues and unpredictable resident behaviours made medicine management difficult and compromised safety.


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In Thailand, the rate of TBI-related hospitalisation is increasing, however, little is known about the evidence-based management of severe TBI in the developing world. The aim of this study was to explore Thai emergency nurses’ management of patients with severe TBI.

An exploratory descriptive mixed method design was used to conduct this two stage study: survey methods were used to examine emergency nurses’ knowledge regarding management of patients with severe TBI (Stage 1) and observational methods were used to examine emergency nurses’ clinical management of patients with severe TBI (Stage 2). The study setting was the emergency department (ED) at a regional hospital in Southern Thailand.

34 nurses participated in Stage 1 (response rate 91.9%) and the number of correct responses ranged from 33.3% to 95.2%. In Stage 2, a total of 160 points of measurement were observed in 20 patients with severe TBI over 40 h. In this study there were five major areas identified for the improvement of care of patients with severe TBI: (i) end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) monitoring and targets; (ii) use of analgesia and sedation; (iii) patient positioning; (iv) frequency of nursing assessment; and (v) dose of Mannitol diuretic.

There is variation in Thai nurses’ knowledge and care practices for patients with severe TBI. To increase consistency of evidence-based TBI care in the Thai context, a knowledge translation intervention that is ecologically valid, appropriate to the Thai healthcare context and acceptable to the multidisciplinary care team is needed.


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The National Heart Foundation of Australia assembled an expert panel to provide guidance on policy and system changes to improve the quality of care for people with chronic heart failure (CHF). The recommendations have the potential to reduce emergency presentations, hospitalisations and premature death among patients with CHF. Best-practice management of CHF involves evidencebased, multidisciplinary, patient-centred care, which leads to better health outcomes. A CHF care model is required to achieve this. Although CHF management programs exist, ensuring access for everyone remains a challenge. This is particularly so for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, those from non-metropolitan areas and lower socioeconomic backgrounds, and culturally and linguistically diverse populations. Lack of data and inadequate identifi cation of people with CHF prevents effi cient patient monitoring, limiting information to improve or optimise care. This leads to ineff ectiveness in measuring outcomes and evaluating the CHF care provided. Expanding current cardiac registries to include patients with CHF and developing mechanisms to promote data linkage across care transitions are essential. As the prevalence of CHF rises, the demand for multidisciplinary workforce support will increase. Workforce planning should provide access to services outside of large cities, one of the main challenges it is currently facing. To enhance community-based management of CHF, general practitioners should be empowered to lead care. Incentive arrangements should favour provision of care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds and rural areas, and culturally and linguistically diverse populations. Ongoing research is vital to improving systems of care for people with CHF. Future research activity needs to ensure the translation of valuable knowledge and high quality evidence into practice.


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Patient safety is a global imperative aimed at reducing the incidence and impact of preventable adverse events in healthcare. This study has demonstrated how effective nursing surveillance and successful everyday nursing performance can bridge ‘gaps’ in the system of care, mitigate errors, and protect patients from suffering otherwise preventable harm.


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Background: Medication safety is of increasing importance and understanding the nature and frequency of medication errors in the Emergency Department (ED) will assist in tailoring interventions which will make patient care safer. The challenge with the literature to date is the wide variability in the frequency of errors reported and the reliance on incident reporting practices of busy ED staff. Methods: A prospective, exploratory descriptive design using point prevalence surveys was used to establish the frequency of observed medication errors in the ED. In addition, data related to contextual factors such as ED patients, staffing and workload were also collected during the point prevalence surveys to enable the analysis of relationships between the frequency and nature of specific error types and patient and ED characteristics at the time of data collection. Results: A total of 172 patients were included in the study: 125 of whom patients had a medication chart. The prevalence of medication errors in the ED studied was 41.2% for failure to apply patient ID bands, 12.2% for failure to document allergy status and 38.4% for errors of omission. The proportion of older patients in the ED did not affect the frequency of medication errors. There was a relationship between high numbers of ATS 1, 2 and 3 patients (indicating high levels of clinical urgency) and increased rates of failure to document allergy status. Medication errors were affected by ED occupancy, when cubicles in the ED were over 50% occupied, medication errors occurred more frequently. ED staffing affects the frequency of medication errors, there was an increase in failure to apply ID bands and errors of omission when there were unfilled nursing deficits and lower levels of senior medical staff were associated with increased errors of omission. Conclusions: Medication errors related to patient identification, allergy status and medication omissions occur more frequently in the ED when the ED is busy, has sicker patients and when the staffing is not at the minimum required staffing levels.