47 resultados para Particle and resonance production


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Gastrointestinal nematodes limit the growth, production and welfare of goats but there are few reliable sources of information for recommending management practices across flocks. The effects of animal species (Angora goat, Merino sheep, mixed-grazed goats and mixed-grazed sheep at the ratio of 1:1) and stocking rate (SR: 7.5, 10, 12.5 animals/ha) on gastrointestinal parasitism were determined in a replicated experiment on improved annual temperate pastures in southern Australia, from 1981 to 1984. Detailed monitoring of gastrointestinal nematodes was undertaken on animals before, during (five times per year) and at the conclusion of studies using faecal strongyle egg counts (WEC) and total worm counts. Sheep had a greater proportion of nematodes as Teladorsagia spp. and goats a greater incidence of Trichostrongylus spp. Both goats and sheep developed resistance to Nematodirus spp. during the experiment. WEC was similar in goats and sheep at the start of the experimental period but, thereafter, was consistently greater in goats than in sheep. While WEC was highly related to total worm count, the regressions for sheep and goats were different. Increasing the SR increased the WEC of goats and mixed-grazed goats but not of sheep. During the experiment, WEC declined at 7 and 10 animals/ha but increased at 12.5/ha. Mixed grazing with goats provided beneficial effects for sheep at all stocking rates, but the effects for goats were dependent on the stocking rate, being beneficial at 7.5 and 10/ha but harmful at 12.5/ha. The WEC of separately grazed goats were generally higher than the WEC of mixed grazed goats. The WEC of mixed sheep were lower than those of separately grazed sheep. During the experiment, the WEC of mixed grazed sheep declined faster than the WEC of separately grazed sheep but the WEC of separately grazed goats at 12.5/ha and of mixed grazed goats at 10 and 12.5/ha increased. Under the environmental and pastoral conditions examined, Angora wether goats should not be grazed at SR above those recommended for wether sheep. In the present study, the impact of gastrointestinal-nematode infections in goats was reduced at lower SR. Further, mixed grazing of Angora wether goats with wether sheep at or below the recommended SR resulted in reduced gastrointestinal parasitism for both sheep and goats, compared with monospecific grazing conditions. Goats did not represent a gastrointestinal-nematode hazard to sheep. © 2014 CSIRO.


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The personal essay, as one of the most delightfully subjective manifestations of creative nonfiction, explores what is real and tangible, refined through the intimate perspective and curiosity of the writer. In her best works, the personal essayist has the capacity to disrupt her narratives in ways that will resonate with readers who are themselves adjusting to the disruption of their own personal narrative interactions by social media tools. This paper explores the process by which fragmentary episodes become segments of a linked narrative through the capacity of the personal essayist to leap associatively from personal into universal ‘truths’. Segments coalesce into cogent entities, drawn together as a resonant narrative by themes as echoes, or the deliberate juxtaposition of fragments of story. Such segments-as-narrative are based on perceptions of the essay as a disruptive text, which by the nature of its structure reverberates metaphorically beyond the known and the familiar.


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This article analyses the administrative and research capture of child support data as a case study of how institutional data collection processes are performative in perpetuating gendered inequalities. We compare interviews with 19 low-income single mothers and their longitudinal survey responses from the same research to reveal how low-income women strategically or inadvertently ‘smoothed’ their experiences when responding to data collection processes. This directly resulted in material and symbolic costs in the form of reduced welfare benefits and limited evidence with which to lobby for policy reform. These processes in turn provided benefits to fathers and the state in the form of reduced child support liabilities and enforcement action, and welfare outlays, respectively. We conclude that current administrative and research data collection practices provide a limited and gendered evidence base for administrative justice and policy reform.


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A plasma gas bubble-in-liquid method for high production of selectable reactive species using a nanosecond pulse generator has been developed. The gas of choice is fed through a hollow needle in a point-to-plate bubble discharge, enabling improved selection of reactive species. The increased interface reactions, between the gas-plasma and water through bubbles, give higher productivity. H2O2 was the predominant species produced using Ar plasma, while predominantly NO3- and NO2 were generated using air plasma, in good agreement with the observed emission spectra. This method has nearly 100% selectivity for H2O2, with seven times higher production, and 92% selectivity for NO3-, with nearly twice the production, compared with a plasma above the water.


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Effect of calcium and magnesium ions was studied in detail in batch mode in shake flask cultures of two fast growing strains of thraustochytrids (Aurantiochytrium sp. DBTIOC-18 and Schizochytrium sp. DBTIOC-1) for biomass and lipid production. These strains were previously isolated from Indian marine biodiversity. Screening of these two strains on different carbon and nitrogen sources revealed the suitability of glycerol over glucose and sodium nitrate over yeast extract for the cultivation of these strains. The presence of higher concentration of glycerol in the medium inhibited the glycerol utilization by the cell thus resulting in lower biomass and lipid production in both the strains. Supplementing media with calcium and magnesium ions promoted glycerol utilization thus resulted in a substantial rise in volumetric production of biomass (55.12 g L-1, 48.12 g L-1), fatty acid for biodiesel (27.14 g L-1, 22.15 g L-1) and docosahexaenoic acid (14.57 g L-1, 10.12 g L-1) with both strains Aurantiochytrium sp. DBTIOC-18 and Schizochytrium sp. DBTIOC-1, respectively. Growth profile study of these two strains showed further improvement in production of biomass, fatty acid for biodiesel and docosahexaenoic acid when cultures were extended up to 7 days. Finding of this work underlines the importance of calcium and magnesium salts in designing new fermentation strategies to prevent substrate inhibition and achieve high cell density culture under high nutrient concentration especially carbon sources.


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The use of ultra high strength steels (UHSS) in the automotive industry presents a significant opportunity for continued vehicle light-weighting, due to possible strength-to-weight improvements of three to four times that of conventional sheet steel grades. This performance benefit is achievable whist maintaining most of the advantages of low-cost mass-production associated with the cold stamping of sheet steel for automotive body components. However, the introduction of UHSS can result in significantly increased wear of the stamping tools, which is difficult to predict at the design stage and can lead to unexpected process failure during mass-production. Therefore, there is a need to be able to monitor and predict the onset of severe wear, such that the best course of condition-based maintenance can be scheduled and unscheduled stoppages due to tool wear eradicated. This paper describes a novel active monitoring system that is being developed by researchers at Deakin University, The Australian National University and Ford Motor Company, Asia Pacific and Africa. The aim of the active monitoring system is to detect the initial onset of a change of state, such as wear, through the measurement of variables such as punch force and audio signals. A semi-industrial stamping process, using a progressive die setup and high strength steel sheet with hardened tool steel tooling, is the experimental basis for the initial model and system development.


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Over time there has been a shift, at least in the rhetoric, from a pipeline conceptualisation of knowledge implementation, to one that recognises the potential of more collaboration, co-productive approaches to knowledge production and use. In this editorial, which is grounded in our research and collective experience, we highlight both the potential and challenge with collaboration and co-production. This includes issues about stakeholder engagement, governance arrangements, and capacity and capability for working in a co-productive way. Finally, we reflect on the fact that this approach is not a panacea, but is accompanied by some philosophical and practical challenges.


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Deakin University's submission to the inquiry into 'Bringing the arts, news and other services to rural and regional Australia' by the Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts of the Parliament of Australia. The submission was one of fifty-five submissions and twelve supplementary submissions presented to the committee. The article contributed to the final report 'Arts and the news to rural and regional Australia: inquiry into broadcasting, online content and live production to rural and regional Australia’ published by The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia.


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Arbuscular mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association formed between plant roots and soil borne fungi that alter and at times improve the production of secondary metabolites. Detailed information is available on mycorrhizal development and its influence on plants grown under various edapho-climatic conditions, however, very little is known about their influence on transformed roots that are rich reserves of secondary metabolites. This raises the question of how mycorrhizal colonization progresses in transformed roots grown in vitro and whether the mycorrhizal fungus presence influences the production of secondary metabolites. To fully understand mycorrhizal ontogenesis and its effect on root morphology, root biomass, total phenolics, rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid and antioxidant production under in vitro conditions, a co-culture was developed between three Agrobacterium rhizogenes-derived, elite-transformed root lines of Ocimum basilicum and Rhizophagus irregularis. We found that mycorrhizal ontogenesis in transformed roots was similar to mycorrhizal roots obtained from an in planta system. Mycorrhizal establishment was also found to be transformed root line-specific. Colonization of transformed roots increased the concentration of rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid and antioxidant production while no effect was observed on root morphological traits and biomass. Enhancement of total phenolics and rosmarinic acid in the three mycorrhizal transformed root lines was found to be transformed root line-specific and age dependent. We reveal the potential of R. irregularis as a biotic elicitor in vitro and propose its incorporation into commercial in vitro secondary metabolite production via transformed roots.


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The study examined the implication of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in regulation of splanchnic blood flow and glucose production in exercising humans. Subjects cycled for 40 min at 50% maximal O2 consumption (VO2 max) followed by 30 min at 70% VO2 max either with [angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) blockade] or without (control) administration of the ACE inhibitor enalapril (10 mg iv). Splanchnic blood flow was estimated by indocyanine green, and splanchnic substrate exchange was determined by the arteriohepatic venous difference. Exercise led to an ~20-fold increase (P < 0.001) in ANG II levels in the control group (5.4 ± 1.0 to 102.0 ± 25.1 pg/ml), whereas this response was blunted during ACE blockade (8.1 ± 1.2 to 13.2 ± 2.4 pg/ml) and in response to an orthostatic challenge performed postexercise. Apart from lactate and cortisol, which were higher in the ACE-blockade group vs. the control group, hormones, metabolites, VO2, and RER followed the same pattern of changes in ACE-blockade and control groups during exercise. Splanchnic blood flow (at rest: 1.67 ± 0.12, ACE blockade; 1.59 ± 0.18 l/min, control) decreased during moderate exercise (0.78 ± 0.07, ACE blockade; 0.74 ± 0.14 l/min, control), whereas splanchnic glucose production (at rest: 0.50 ± 0.06, ACE blockade; 0.68 ± 0.10 mmol/min, control) increased during moderate exercise (1.97 ± 0.29, ACE blockade; 1.91 ± 0.41 mmol/min, control). Refuting a major role of the RAS for these responses, no differences in the pattern of change of splanchnic blood flow and splanchnic glucose production were observed during ACE blockade compared with controls. This study demonstrates that the normal increase in ANG II levels observed during prolonged exercise in humans does not play a major role in the regulation of splanchnic blood flow and glucose production.


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The major polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) in the western diet is linoleic acid (LA), which is considered to be the major source of tissue arachidonic acid (AA), the principal precursor for the vaso-active eicosanoids via the cyclooxygenase enzymatic pathway. However, dietary AA may contribute significantly to tissue levels of AA in humans, leading to an increase in the production of eicosanoids, particularly the platelet aggregating, vasoconstricting, thromboxane (TXA2), hence increasing thrombosis risk. The aims of this study were to determine the extent to which dietary AA contributed to prostacyclin (PGI2) and TXA2 production in vivo and whether dietary long chain (LC) n-3 PUFA have a modulating influence on the metabolism of AA to these vaso-active eicosanoids. A gas chromatography -mass spectrometry (GCMS) method for urinary PGI2-M determination and a tandem GCMS/MS method for urinary TXA2-M determination were perfected for use within our laboratory (with the assistance of Dr Howard Knapp, University of Iowa and Professor Reinhard Lorenz, Ludwig Maximilian's University, Munich, respectively). An initial animal study compared the in vitro production of PGI2 by aorta segments with the whole body in vivo production of PGI2 in rats fed ethyl arachidonate or the ethyl ester of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), at levels many times higher than encountered in human diets. During AA feeding both measures of PGI2 increased, although in vitro TXA2 production was not affected. EPA feeding lowered in vitro TXA2 and in vivo PGI2. Prior to determining the effects of AA and LC n-3 PUFA in humans, a study was carried out to determine the AA and LC n-3 PUFA content of foods and from these, an estimate of the mean daily intake of AA and other LC PUFA. Eggs, organ meats and paté were found to be the richest sources of AA. Of the meat and fish analysed, white meat was found to be relatively rich in AA but poor in LC n-3 PUFA. Lean red meat, particularly kangaroo had similar LC n-3 PUFA and AA content. Fish, although rich in AA, had extremely high levels of LC n-3 PUFA. The calculated mean daily intakes of AA in Australian adults was 130mg (males) and 96mg (females). For total LC n-3 PUFA intake, the mean daily values were 247mg (males) and 197mg (females). Two human pilot studies involving dietary intervention trials examined the effects of dietary AA and AA plus long chain n-3 PUFA on thrombosis risk, gauged by the change in the ratio of PGI2 / TXA2 as well as alterations to other recognised risk factors, such as lipoprotein lipids and platelet aggregation. The desired dietary amounts of AA and LC n-3 PUFA were achieved in the first study by combining food items with known levels of each fatty acid. In the second study, where a diet with approximately equal quantities of AA and LC n-3 PUFA was being examined, kangaroo meat was consumed, following a low-fat vegetarian diet used as a baseline. Diets rich in AA alone (~500mg/day) increased plasma phospholipid (PL) AA levels, PGIi and TXA2 production. When foods containing equal quantities of AA and EPA (∼500mg/day of each) were fed to subjects PGI2 increased, with no change in TXAs production. Low fat vegetarian diets lowered PGI2 production, the level of which was reestablished by an AA rich diet (∼300mg AA/day + ∼260mg/day LC n-3 PUFA) of kangaroo meat. However, TXA2 production was not altered. A final, larger human dietary intervention trial then examined the effects of diets relatively rich in AA alone, AA plus LC n-3 PUFA and LC n-3 PUFA, on the ratio of PGI2/TXA2- The dietary sources of these fatty acids were white meat, red meat and fish, respectively. Each contained a mean level of AA of ∼140mg/day, with varying LC n-3 PUFA levels (59, 161 and 3380mg/day, respectively). Neither meat diet altered PGI2 or TXA2 production significantly, despite increasing serum PL AA levels. The fish diet resulted in a decrease in the serum and platelet PL AA/EPA ratio and TXA2 production, thus increasing the PGI2 / TXA2 ratio. These results would indicate that stores of AA in the body are sufficiently high to have effectively saturated the cyclooxygenase pathway for production of both PGI2 and TXA2, thus making any small change in the plasma level of AA due to 'normal' dietary levels, inconsequential. However, as seen in the rat study and the two pilot studies higher dietary levels of AA can increase both PGI2 and TXA2 production. Increases in platelet levels of EPA and DHA were associated with a decrease in TXA2 production, or the maintenance of a constant TXA2 level, while AA tissue levels and PGI2 production increased. This suggests a possible inhibitory effect of LC n-3 PUFA on the metabolism of AA to TXA2, particularly in platelets. From these short term studies, conducted over 2-3 week periods, it can be concluded that diets rich in lean meats can raise plasma AA levels but do not affect TXA2 or PGI2 production, hence are not pro-thrombotic. Diets rich in long chain n-3 PUFA from fish, raise plasma EPA and DHA levels, lower TXA2 production and are anti-thrombotic. Diets which combine equal quantities of AA and LC n-3 PUFA appear to increase PGI2 production while keeping TXA2 production constant. In order for these LC PUFA to have a significant effect on eicosanoid production the dietary intake of these fatty acids through foods such as red meat or white meat would have to be higher than average current Australian consumption levels.


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We aimed to identify impediments to investing into mohair and cashmere production and to suggest programs and strategies to attract investors. Targeted interviews of people focussed on attributes of an investment opportunity. Analysis differentiated views of small and large-scale producers and those not involved in these industries. Potential investors into mohair and cashmere make decisions based on the compatibility of the enterprise to their farm system, the technical, financial and market feasibility of the enterprise and its comparative advantage with other possible courses of action. They are sceptical of information coming from within these industries that is not sufficiently supported by fact. There are many implications from these findings including the need for the industries to: understand the investment decision process; provide objective financial and benchmarking data; make information more accessible; overcome resistance to these industries; and increase the visibility of the industries.


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BACKGROUND : The pigeon crop is specially adapted to produce milk that is fed to newly hatched young. The process of pigeon milk production begins when the germinal cell layer of the crop rapidly proliferates in response to prolactin, which results in a mass of epithelial cells that are sloughed from the crop and regurgitated to the young. We proposed that the evolution of pigeon milk built upon the ability of avian keratinocytes to accumulate intracellular neutral lipids during the cornification of the epidermis. However, this cornification process in the pigeon crop has not been characterised. RESULTS: We identified the epidermal differentiation complex in the draft pigeon genome scaffold and found that, like the chicken, it contained beta-keratin genes. These beta-keratin genes can be classified, based on sequence similarity, into several clusters including feather, scale and claw keratins. The cornified cells of the pigeon crop express several cornification-associated genes including cornulin, S100-A9 and A16-like, transglutaminase 6-like and the pigeon 'lactating' crop-specific annexin cp35. Beta-keratins play an important role in 'lactating' crop, with several claw and scale keratins up-regulated. Additionally, transglutaminase 5 and differential splice variants of transglutaminase 4 are up-regulated along with S100-A10. CONCLUSIONS: This study of global gene expression in the crop has expanded our knowledge of pigeon milk production, in particular, the mechanism of cornification and lipid production. It is a highly specialised process that utilises the normal keratinocyte cellular processes to produce a targeted nutrient solution for the young at a very high turnover.


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The effects of ultrasonic wave on tapping surface of ‘PR107’ rubber tree were studied. Daily production and cumulative production of latex were measured to estimate the effects of ultrasonic wave on latex production. The solid substance content, dry rubber content and mechanical stability of latex were determined to study the effects of ultrasonic wave on latex quality. Results showed that ultrasonic wave could increase both daily and cumulative production of latex and maintain latex basic quality. The daily production of latex was increased and appeared two peaks both in the ultrasound-treated rubber tree and the one with no treatment. The first peak appeared on the fifth day, and the latex production by ultrasound was 212.34 ml and the control was 141.75 ml The second peak appeared with the production 266.59 ml on the seventeenth day by ultrasound, while the control appeared on the thirteenth day with production of 193.5 ml. The latex cumulative production of ultrasound-treated trees was 209.56 ml higher than that of control in one month. There was little change in solid substance content and dry rubber content between different ultrasonic time. The best mechanical stability of latex was obtained by ultrasound-treating the rubber tree for 4-6 min. it was proved that the ultrasound was helpful in improving the latex production and quality. The application of ultrasonic wave on rubber tree is novel, and its mechanism is worth further research.