156 resultados para PREVALENCE


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Objective: Although low back pain is characterized by both pain and disability, there is a paucity of studies that have concurrently examined risk factors for these features in community-dwelling women. We aimed to investigate the prevalence and identify factors associated with both back pain and disability.

Design: A questionnaire was mailed to 542 women from a community-based research database. Detailed demographic data were collected, including participants' menopause, relationship, and employment status. Point and period prevalence estimates for back pain were derived. Participants were classified based on pain intensity and disability scores calculated from the Chronic Pain Grade Questionnaire, and factors associated with high levels of pain and disability were examined.

Results: A total of 506 (93.4%) women completed the questionnaire. More than 90% of participants had experienced low back pain, with 75.1% and 22.5% reporting pain in the past 12 months and currently, respectively. Seven percent of women reported a high level of disability and 16% reported high-intensity pain. Women with higher levels of disability were more likely to have a higher body mass index and to have pain currently, whereas those with greater pain intensity were more likely to be younger, have a higher body mass index, not be employed outside the home, drink alcohol, and have current pain.

Conclusions: Low back pain is a common problem for community-based women. A high body mass index and current pain were factors independently associated with both high pain intensity and disability. Longitudinal investigation is required to determine the predictive nature of these factors and their potential role in preventing pain and disability.


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Several sets of model-based estimates (synthetic estimates) of the prevalence of risk factors for coronary heart disease for small areas in England have been developed. These have been used in policy documents to indicate which areas are in need of intervention. In general, these models have not been subjected to validity assessment. This paper describes a validity assessment of 16 sets of synthetic estimates, by comparison of the models with national, regional and local survey-based estimates, and local mortality rate estimates. Model-based estimates of the prevalence of smoking, low fruit and vegetable consumption, obesity, hypertension and raised cholesterol are found to be valid.


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The incidence of ESRD is increasing dramatically. Progression to end-stage may be halted or slowed when kidney damage is detected at an early stage. Kidney damage is frequently asymptomatic but is indicated by the presence of proteinuria, hematuria, or reduced GFR. Population-based studies relating to the prevalence of kidney damage in the community are limited, particularly outside of the United States. Therefore, the prevalence of proteinuria, hematuria, and reduced GFR in the Australian adult population was determined using a cross-sectional study of 11,247 noninstitutionalized Australians aged 25 yr or over, randomly selected using a stratified, cluster method. Subjects were interviewed and tested for proteinuria—spot urine protein to creatinine ratio (abnormal: >=0.20 mg/mg); hematuria—spot urine dipstick (abnormal: 1+ or greater) confirmed by urine microscopy (abnormal: >10,000 red blood cells per milliliter) or dipstick (abnormal: 1+ or greater) on midstream urine sample; and reduced GFR—Cockcroft-Gault estimated GFR (abnormal: <60 ml/min per 1.73 m2). The associations between age, gender, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension, and indicators of kidney damage were examined. Proteinuria was detected in 2.4% of cases (95% CI: 1.6%, 3.1%), hematuria in 4.6% (95% CI: 3.8%, 5.4%), and reduced GFR in 11.2% (95% CI: 8.6%, 13.8%). Approximately 16% had at least one indicator of kidney damage. Age, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension were independently associated with proteinuria; age, gender, and hypertension with hematuria; and age, gender, and hypertension with reduced GFR. Approximately 16% of the Australian adult population has either proteinuria, hematuria, and/or reduced GFR, indicating the presence of kidney damage. Identifying and targeting this section of the population may provide a means to reduce the burden of ESRD.


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Objective : To compare the prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) defined by four definitions and to determine which definition best identifies those at high cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk and with insulin resistance.

Methods : AusDiab is a population-based survey of 11,247 Australians. Participants had anthropometry, blood pressure, and fasting biochemistry. Ten-year CVD risk was calculated.

Results :
The prevalence of the MetS using the ATPIII, WHO, IDF, and EGIR definitions was 22.1% (95%Cl: 18.8, 25.4), 21.7% (19.0, 24.3), 30.7% (27.1, 34.3), and 13.4% (11.8, 14.9), respectively. Comparing those with to those without the MetS, the odds ratios (95%CI) for having a 10 year CVD risk ≥15% were 6.6 (5.4, 8.2), 5.5 (4.7, 6.5), 5.6 (4.8, 6.6), and 3.5 (3.0, 4.1), for the WHO, ATPIII, IDF, and EGIR definitions, respectively. The population attributable risk (PAR) of high CVD risk due to the MetS was highest for the IDF (23.4%). Insulin resistance was detected in 56.1, 69.7, 50.9, and 91.1% of those meeting the ATPIII, WHO, IDF, and EGIR definitions, respectively.

Conclusion :
The WHO definition was associated with the greatest CVD risk, but is not practical for clinical use. The higher PAR due to the IDF definition, with only slightly lower CVD risk than WHO, and clinical utility of the IDF definition, indicates that it may be a useful tool for CVD prevention.


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Objective: To examine gender differences in the characteristics and prevalence of various categories of glucose tolerance in a population study in Mauritius.

Research design and methods: In 1998, a community-based cross-sectional survey was conducted in Mauritius. Categories of glucose metabolism were determined in 5388 adults, with an oral glucose tolerance test given to those who did not have previously diagnosed diabetes (n = 4036). Other cardiovascular risk factors were assessed among those without known diabetes.

: For men and women the prevalence of diabetes (22.0 vs. 21.8%, respectively) and the prevalence of coexisting impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) (3.2 vs. 2.9%) were similar. However, men were twice as likely as women to have isolated IFG [5.1% (4.2–6.0) vs. 2.9% (2.3–3.5)], despite being younger, thinner and with lower plasma insulin but higher lipids. Conversely, the prevalence of isolated IGT was lower in men [9.0% (7.9–10.2) vs. 13.9% (12.6–15.1)]. Among non-diabetic individuals, fasting glucose was higher in men than women, whereas 2-h glucose was higher in women. In people without diabetes, women had significantly higher body mass index, beta cell function (HOMA-B), fasting and 2-h insulin than men and significantly lower waist-hip ratios, waist circumference, insulin sensitivity (HOMA-S) and triglycerides.

Conclusion: In Mauritius, the distribution of impaired glucose metabolism differs by sex. The observation that IFG is more prevalent in men and IGT more prevalent in women raises important questions about their underlying aetiology and the ability of the current glucose thresholds to equally identify men and women at high-risk of developing diabetes. IFG should be seen as a complimentary category of abnormal glucose tolerance, rather than a replacement for IGT.


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Knowing what services are available and how to access them can be challenging in rural areas. The aim of the South West Mental Health Mapping project was to identify the level, accessibility and effectiveness of mental health services for high prevalence psychological disorders amongst the adult population in the South West region of Victoria. This study includes data from a number of sources: regional records of the number and location of health professionals; a telephone survey of 1297 people in five Local Government Areas in the region; and a social network analysis of contact points. Additional qualitative interviews and surveys were conducted with 25 service recipients and 37 health professionals to identify issues from different perspective. This paper will focus on the social network analysis of the project. It highlights the relative prominence of each type of service provider within the overall network. The social network map shows the centrality of the General Practitioner and the wide range of agencies that become involved in supporting people with mental health issues. The discussion identifies primary contact points for people seeking help and places of referral. The main barrier acknowledged by people requiring assistance was lack of knowledge about where to go for help. Enablers included Medicare Better Access funded schemes. The findings show that there is a reasonable range of mental health professionals across the region, although there are challenges with recruitment and retention of staff. Even with available services, a major problem is communicating this information to potential consumers


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Introduction. Many recent studies have investigated the prevalence of female sexual difficulty/dysfunction.
Aim. Investigate female sexual difficulty/dysfunction using data from prevalence studies.
Methods. We reviewed published prevalence studies excluding those that had not included each category of sexual difficulty (desire, arousal, orgasm, and pain), were based on convenience sampling, or had a response rate <50% or a sample size <100.
Main Outcome Measures. For each study we used the prevalence of any sexual difficulty as the denominator and calculated the proportion of women reporting each type of difficulty. For each category of sexual difficulty we used the prevalence of that difficulty lasting 1 month or more as the denominator and calculated the proportion of difficulties lasting several months or more and 6 months or more.
Results. Only 11 of 1,248 studies identified met our inclusion criteria. These studies used different measures of sexual dysfunction, so generating a simple summary prevalence was not possible. However, we observed consistent patterns in the published data. Among women with any sexual difficulty, on average, 64% (range 16–75%) experienced desire difficulty, 35% (range 16– 48%) experienced orgasm difficulty, 31% (range 12–64%) experienced arousal difficulty, and 26% (range 7–58%) experienced sexual pain. Of the sexual difficulties that occurred for 1 month or more in the previous year, 62–89% persisted for at least several months and 25–28% persisted for 6 months or more. Two studies investigated distress. Only a proportion of women with sexual difficulty were distressed by it (21–67%).
Conclusions. Desire difficulty is the most common sexual difficulty experienced by women. While the majority of difficulties last for less than 6 months, up to a third persist for 6 months or more. Sexual difficulties do not always cause distress. Consequently, prevalence estimates will vary depending on the time frame specified by researchers and whether distress is included in these estimates.


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Objective: To investigate associations between the prevalence of sexual  difficulties reported in published studies and design features of those studies to determine if differences in design contribute to variation in prevalence estimates.
Design: Systematic review, multivariate analysis.
Setting: Studies published internationally in English.
Patient(s): Not applicable.
Intervention(s): None.
Main Outcome Measure(s): Prevalence estimates of difficulty with desire, arousal, orgasm, and sexual pain reported in published studies.
Result(s): Our systematic literature search identified 1,380 publications. Fifty-five studies met our inclusion criteria (reporting prevalence, sample size and response rate, sample size greater than 100, not clinic based). Reported prevalence of sexual difficulty varied across studies (up to tenfold). Eleven aspects of research conduct in these studies were included in our multivariate analysis as explanatory variables. Five aspects of study design and conduct (data collection procedures, inclusion criteria, duration of sexual difficulty recorded, sample size, and response rate) were associated with the reported prevalence of at least one type of sexual difficulty independently of likely predictors of true variation in prevalence: study location, study year, and age range of participants.
Conclusion(s): This review provides evidence that study design may influence reported prevalence estimates of female sexual difficulties and contribute to the wide variation in published estimates.


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Introduction. A wide range of prevalence estimates of female sexual dysfunctions (FSD) have been reported.
Aim. Compare instruments used to assess FSD to determine if differences between instruments contribute to variation in reported prevalence.
Main Outcome Measures. Sexual Function Questionnaire combined with Female Sexual Distress Scale (SFQ-FSDS) was our gold standard, validated instrument for assessing FSD. Alternatives were SFQ alone and two sets of simple questions adapted from Laumann et al. 1994.
Methods. A postal survey was administered to a random sample of 356 Australian women aged 20 to 70 years.
Results. When assessed by SFQ-FSDS, prevalence estimates (95% confidence intervals) of hypoactive sexual desire disorder, sexual arousal disorder (lubrication), orgasmic disorder, and dyspareunia were 16% (12% to 20%), 7% (5% to 11%), 8% (6% to 12%), and 1% (0.5% to 3%), respectively. Prevalence estimates varied across alternative instruments for these disorders: 32% to 58%, 16% to 32%, 16% to 33%, and 3% to 23%, respectively. Compared with SFQ-FSDS alternative instruments produced higher estimates of desire, arousal and orgasm disorders and displayed a range of sensitivities (0.25 to 1.0), specificities (0.48 to 0.99), positive predictive values (0.01 to 0.56), and negative predictive values (0.95 to 1.0) across the disorders investigated. Kappa statistics comparing SFQ-FSDS and alternative instruments ranged from 0 to 0.71 but were predominantly 0.44 or less. Changing recall from previous month to 1 month or more in the previous year produced higher estimates for all disorders investigated. Including sexual distress produced lower estimates for desire, arousal, and orgasm disorders.
Conclusions. Prevalence estimates of FSD varied substantially across instruments. Relatively low positive predictive values and kappa statistics combined with a broad range of sensitivities and specificities indicated that different instruments identified different subgroups. Consequently, the instruments researchers choose when assessing FSD may affect prevalence estimates and risk factors they report.


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OBJECTIVE—Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is an increasingly prevalent risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes in the mother and is  responsible for morbidity in the child. To better identify women at risk of developing GDM we examined sociodemographic correlates and changes in the prevalence of GDM among all births between 1995 and 2005 in Australia's largest state.
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—A computerized database of all births (n = 956,738) between 1995 and 2005 in New South Wales, Australia, was used in a multivariate logistic regression that examined the association between sociodemographic characteristics and the occurrence of GDM.
RESULTS—Between 1995 and 2005, the prevalence of GDM increased by 45%, from 3.0 to 4.4%. Women born in South Asia had the highest adjusted odds ratio (OR) of any region (4.33 [95% CI 4.12–4.55]) relative to women born in Australia. Women living in the three lowest socioeconomic quartiles had higher adjusted ORs for GDM relative to women in the highest quartile (1.54 [1.50–1.59], 1.74 [1.69–1.8], and 1.65 [1.60–1.70] for decreasing socioeconomic status quartiles). Increasing age was strongly associated with GDM, with women aged >40 years having an adjusted OR of 6.13 (95% CI 5.79–6.49) relative to women in their early 20s. Parity was associated with a small reduced risk. There was no association between smoking and GDM.
CONCLUSIONS—Maternal age, socioeconomic position, and ethnicity are important correlates of GDM. Future culturally specific interventions should target prevention of GDM in these high-risk groups.


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Background— The present article aims to provide accurate estimates of the prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension in adults in China.

Methods and Results— Data were obtained from sphygmomanometer measurements and an administered questionnaire from 141 892 Chinese adults 18 years of age who participated in the 2002 China National Nutrition and Health Survey. In 2002, 153 million Chinese adults were hypertensive. The prevalence was higher among men than women (20% versus 17%; P<0.001) and was higher in successive age groups. Overall, the prevalence of hypertension was higher in urban compared with rural areas in men (23% versus 18%; P<0.01) and women (18% versus 16%; P<0.001). Of the 24% affected individuals who were aware of their condition, 78% were treated and 19% were adequately controlled. Despite evidence to suggest improved levels of treatment in individuals with hypertension over the past decade, compared with estimates from 1991, the ratio of controlled to treated hypertension has remained largely unchanged at 1:4.

One in 6 Chinese adults is hypertensive, but only one quarter are aware of their condition. Despite increased rates of blood pressure–lowering treatment, few have their hypertension effectively controlled. National hypertension programs must focus on improving awareness in the wider community, as well as treatment and control, to prevent many tens of thousands of cardiovascular-related deaths.