58 resultados para Ontologies (Information Retrieval)


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The rapid development of Web technologies has made the World Wide Web a huge information source. However, due to the lack of a well-defined underlying data model for Web documents, effectively and efficiently finding required information and managing Web data are usually tedious and difficult tasks when using conventional information retrieval and data management techniques. The Web page community, defined as a set of Web-based documents with its own logical and/or semantic structures, provides a flexible and effective approach to support Wed data management, information retrieval and applications. This book addresses using hyperlink information to discover Web page communities. The work establishes a uniform framework for hyperlink analysis and community construction. Algorithms, supporting mechanisms and data models are proposed in the book. This book should help shed some light on this new and exciting research and application area. It is useful to researchers and students in Web mining, Web data management and information retrieval, as well as to professionals who may be considering utilizing Web communities to improve their applications.


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IP address spoofing is employed by a lot of DDoS attack tools. Most of the current research on DDoS attack packet filtering depends on cooperation among routers, which is hard to achieve in real campaigns. Therefore, in the paper, we propose a novel filtering scheme based on source information in this paper to defend against various source IP address spoofing. The proposed method works independently at the potential victim side, and accumulates the source information of its clients, for instance, source IP addresses, hops from the server during attacks free period. When a DDoS attack alarm is raised, we can filter out the attack packets based on the accumulated knowledge of the legitimate clients. We divide the source IP addresses into n(1 ≤ n ≤ 32) segments in our proposed algorithm; as a result, we can therefore release the challenge storage and speed up the procedure of information retrieval. The system which is proposed by us and the experiments indicated that the proposed method works effectively and efficiently.


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Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Web caching has been a hot research topic in recent years as it can create scalable and robust designs for decentralized Internet-scale applications. However, many P2P Web caching systems suffer expensive overheads such as lookup and publish messages, and lack of locality awareness. In this paper we present the development of a locality aware P2P cache system to overcome these limitations by using routing table locality, aggregation and soft state. The experiments show that our P2P cache system improves the performance of index operations through the reduction of the amount of information processed by nodes, the reduction of the number of index messages sent by nodes, and the improvement of the locality of cache pointers.


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Anycast in next generation Internet Protocol is a hot topic in the research of computer networks. It has promising potentials and also many challenges, such as architecture, routing, Quality-of-Service, anycast in ad hoc networks, application-layer anycast, etc. In this thesis, we tackle some important topics among them. The thesis at first presents an introduction about anycast, followed by the related work. Then, as our major contributions, a number of challenging issues are addressed in the following chapters. We tackled the anycast routing problem by proposing a requirement based probing algorithm at application layer for anycast routing. Compared with the existing periodical based probing routing algorithm, the proposed routing algorithm improves the performance in terms of delay. We addressed the reliable service problem by the design of a twin server model for the anycast servers, providing a transparent and reliable service for all anycast queries. We addressed the load balance problem of anycast servers by proposing new job deviation strategies, to provide a similar Quality-of-Service to all clients of anycast servers. We applied the mesh routing methodology in the anycast routing in ad hoc networking environment, which provides a reliable routing service and uses much less network resources. We combined the anycast protocol and the multicast protocol to provide a bidirectional service, and applied the service to Web-based database applications, achieving a better query efficiency and data synchronization. Finally, we proposed a new Internet based service, minicast, as the combination of the anycast and multicast protocols. Such a service has potential applications in information retrieval, parallel computing, cache queries, etc. We show that the minicast service consumes less network resources while providing the same services. The last chapter of the thesis presents the conclusions and discusses the future work.


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 Poster Presentation


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Web caching is a widely deployed technique to reduce the load to web servers and to reduce the latency for web browsers. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) web caching has been a hot research topic in recent years as it can create scalable and robust designs for decentralized internet-scale applications. However, many P2P web caching systems suffer expensive overheads such as lookup and publish messages, and lack locality awareness. In this paper, we present the development of a locality aware cache diffusion system that makes use of routing table locality, aggregation, and soft state to overcome these limitations. The analysis and experiments show that our cache diffusion system reduces the amount of information processed by nodes, reduces the number of index messages sent by nodes, and improves the locality of cache pointers.


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Joint modeling of related data sources has the potential to improve various data mining tasks such as transfer learning, multitask clustering, information retrieval etc. However, diversity among various data sources might outweigh the advantages of the joint modeling, and thus may result in performance degradations. To this end, we propose a regularized shared subspace learning framework, which can exploit the mutual strengths of related data sources while being immune to the effects of the variabilities of each source. This is achieved by further imposing a mutual orthogonality constraint on the constituent subspaces which segregates the common patterns from the source specific patterns, and thus, avoids performance degradations. Our approach is rooted in nonnegative matrix factorization and extends it further to enable joint analysis of related data sources. Experiments performed using three real world data sets for both retrieval and clustering applications demonstrate the benefits of regularization and validate the effectiveness of the model. Our proposed solution provides a formal framework appropriate for jointly analyzing related data sources and therefore, it is applicable to a wider context in data mining.


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We develop an algorithm for the detection and classification of affective sound events underscored by specific patterns of sound energy dynamics. We relate the portrayal of these events to proposed high level affect or emotional coloring of the events. In this paper, four possible characteristic sound energy events are identified that convey well established meanings through their dynamics to portray and deliver certain affect, sentiment related to the horror film genre. Our algorithm is developed with the ultimate aim of automatically structuring sections of films that contain distinct shades of emotion related to horror themes for nonlinear media access and navigation. An average of 82% of the energy events, obtained from the analysis of the audio tracks of sections of four sample films corresponded correctly to the proposed affect. While the discrimination between certain sound energy event types was low, the algorithm correctly detected 71% of the occurrences of the sound energy events within audio tracks of the films analyzed, and thus forms a useful basis for determining affective scenes characteristic of horror in movies.


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This paper presents a set of computational features originating from our study of editing effects, motion, and color used in videos, for the task of automatic video categorization. These features besides representing human understanding of typical attributes of different video genres, are also inspired by the techniques and rules used by many directors to endow specific characteristics to a genre-program which lead to certain emotional impact on viewers. We propose new features whilst also employing traditionally used ones for classification. This research, goes beyond the existing work with a systematic analysis of trends exhibited by each of our features in genres such as cartoons, commercials, music, news, and sports, and it enables an understanding of the similarities, dissimilarities, and also likely confusion between genres. Classification results from our experiments on several hours of video establish the usefulness of this feature set. We also explore the issue of video clip duration required to achieve reliable genre identification and demonstrate its impact on classification accuracy.


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The scale and dynamicity of social media, and interaction between traditional news sources and online communities, has created challenges to information retrieval approaches. Users may have no clear information need or be unable to express it in the appropriate idiom, requiring instead to be oriented in an unfamiliar domain, to explore and learn. We present a novel data-driven visualization, termed Eventscape, that combines time, visual media, mood, and controversy. Formative evaluation highlights the value of emotive facets for rapid evaluation of mixed news and social media topics, and a role for such visualizations as pre-cursors to deeper search. Copyright 2011 ACM.


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Various issues related to the multimedia information retrieval and media access are discussed. The feasible solutions for automatic signal-based analysis of media content are analyzed. The extent of user involvement in the content creation process is emphasized. The applications driving the creation and usage of context and metadata are also elaborated.


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Recent growth in broadband access and proliferation of small personal devices that capture images and videos has led to explosive growth of multimedia content available everywhereVfrom personal disks to the Web. While digital media capture and upload has become nearly universal with newer device technology, there is still a need for better tools and technologies to search large collections of multimedia data and to find and deliver the right content to a user according to her current needs and preferences. A renewed focus on the subjective dimension in the multimedia lifecycle, fromcreation, distribution, to delivery and consumption, is required to address this need beyond what is feasible today. Integration of the subjective aspects of the media itselfVits affective, perceptual, and physiological potential (both intended and achieved), together with those of the users themselves will allow for personalizing the content access, beyond today’s facility. This integration, transforming the traditional multimedia information retrieval (MIR) indexes to more effectively answer specific user needs, will allow a richer degree of personalization predicated on user intention and mode of interaction, relationship to the producer, content of the media, and their history and lifestyle. In this paper, we identify the challenges in achieving this integration, current approaches to interpreting content creation processes, to user modelling and profiling, and to personalized content selection, and we detail future directions. The structure of the paper is as follows: In Section I, we introduce the problem and present some definitions. In Section II, we present a review of the aspects of personalized content and current approaches for the same. Section III discusses the problem of obtaining metadata that is required for personalized media creation and present eMediate as a case study of an integrated media capture environment. Section IV presents the MAGIC system as a case study of capturing effective descriptive data and putting users first in distributed learning delivery. The aspects of modelling the user are presented as a case study in using user’s personality as a way to personalize summaries in Section V. Finally, Section VI concludes the paper with a discussion on the emerging challenges and the open problems.