43 resultados para Non–small-cell lung cancer


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Question: In middle-aged women, what is the association between body mass index (BMI) and cancer incidence and mortality?METHODSDesign: Prospective cohort study with mean follow-up of 5.4 years for cancer incidence and 7.0 years for cancer mortality.Setting: Population-based study in England and Scotland, United Kingdom.Patients: 1 222 630 women 55 to 64 years of age (mean 56 y) who had no history of cancer at baseline.Risk factors: BMI at baseline, divided into 5 categories (< 22.5, 22.5 to 24.9, 25.0 to 27.4, 27.5 to 29.9, and ≥ 30 kg/m2).Outcomes: Cancer incidence and mortality, overall and for 17 specific types of cancer, identified through linkage with the National Health Service central registers.Main results: Increasing BMI was associated with increasing risks for all cancers, endometrial cancer, esophageal adenocarcinoma, kidney cancer, leukemia, postmenopausal breast cancer, multiple myeloma, pancreatic cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and ovarian cancer; and with decreasing risks for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, lung cancer, and premenopausal breast cancer (Table). Risks for stomach, colorectal, cervical, bladder, and brain cancer and malignant melanoma did not vary by BMI. Patterns for cancer mortality were similar to those for cancer incidence: Relative risk for death from any type of cancer was 1.06 (95% CI 1.02 to 1.10) per 10-unit increase in BMI. In postmenopausal women, the estimated proportion of cancer attributable to being overweight or obese (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2) was 5% for all cancers and about 50% for endometrial cancer and esophageal adenocarcinoma.Conclusions: In middle-aged women, increasing body mass index was associated with increasing risk for cancer incidence and mortality overall. High body mass index increased risk for some types of cancer but reduced risk for other types.


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Objectives: To describe people's attitudes towards early detection of cancer.

Methods: We conducted a telephone survey of Victorian adults aged 18+ years, during April-May 2005, using a market research company.

Results: 1,502 (41%) people participated; 80% of respondents believed that detecting cancer early meant that treatment saved lives most of the time or always; 88% believed finding cancer early enabled more effective treatment most of the time or always; and 70% indicated they would want to be tested for a cancer even if no treatment were available.  Two-thirds or more of adults considered survival would be very much improved by early detection for breast, melanoma and prostate cancers; 49% for bowel cancer, and 30% for lung cancer.

Conclusions and Implications : Community support for the early detection of cancer was evident even in the absence of effective treatment.  There was a lower perceived survival benefit for the early diagnosis of bowel cancer or melanoma.  An education campaign is required that focuses on the gains associated with early detection and benefits of screening for bowel cancer.


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Background: Novel predictive markers are needed to accurately diagnose the breast cancer patients so they do not need to undergo any unnecessary aggressive therapies. Various gene expression studies based predictive gene signatureshave generated in the recent past to predict the binary estrogen-receptor subclass or to predict the therapy response subclass. However, the existing algorithms comes with many limitations, including low predictive performances over multiple cohorts of patients and non-significant or limited biological roles associated with thepredictive gene signatures. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop novel predictive markers with improved performances.Methods: We propose a novel prediction algorithm called IPA to construct a predictive gene signature for performing multiple prediction tasks of predicting estrogen-receptor based binary subclass and predicting chemotherapy response (neoadjuvantly) based binary subclass. The constructed gene signature with considering multiple classification techniques was used to evaluate the algorithm performance on multiple cohorts of breast cancer patients.Results: The evaluation on multiple validation cohorts demonstrated that proposed algorithm achieved stable and high performance to perform prediction tasks, with consideration given to any classification techniques. We show that the predictive gene signature of our proposed algorithm reflects the mechanisms underlying the estrogen-receptors or response to therapy with significant greater biological interpretations, compared with the other existing algorithm.


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Data mining refers to extracting or "mining" knowledge from large amounts of data. It is an increasingly popular field that uses statistical, visualization, machine learning, and other data manipulation and knowledge extraction techniques aimed at gaining an insight into the relationships and patterns hidden in the data. Availability of digital data within picture archiving and communication systems raises a possibility of health care and research enhancement associated with manipulation, processing and handling of data by computers.That is the basis for computer-assisted radiology development. Further development of computer-assisted radiology is associated with the use of new intelligent capabilities such as multimedia support and data mining in order to discover the relevant knowledge for diagnosis. It is very useful if results of data mining can be communicated to humans in an understandable way. In this paper, we present our work on data mining in medical image archiving systems. We investigate the use of a very efficient data mining technique, a decision tree, in order to learn the knowledge for computer-assisted image analysis. We apply our method to the classification of x-ray images for lung cancer diagnosis. The proposed technique is based on an inductive decision tree learning algorithm that has low complexity with high transparency and accuracy. The results show that the proposed algorithm is robust, accurate, fast, and it produces a comprehensible structure, summarizing the knowledge it induces.


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While the important role of family as a carer has been increasingly recognised in healthcare service provision, particularly for patients with acute or chronic illnesses, the carer’s information needs have not been well understood and adequately supported by current health information systems. In order to effectively provide continuous and home-based care for the patient, a family relative as the primary carer needs sufficient access to medical knowledge and patient’s health information. There are two challenges. First, being a family relative, the primary carer is often a non-medical practitioner. Second, in Australia, many primary carers are family relatives of patients from a non-English speaking background. They are often seen as interpreters in clinical consultation sessions. Their roles and responsibilities as an interpreter and a carer are often mixed and blurry.
Therefore, their information needs are often seen as secondary to the patient or neglected. The primary carer’s information needs are currently not yet well understood.

This paper reports finding from a case study which examines an on-line diary of a husband-carer who provided support and care for his wife, who at the time of care was a lung cancer patient. The case study examines an ongoing learning process that the husband went through, identifies information needs by the carer and cultural factors which played an important role in the husband’s interpretation of information, decision making and provision of care. The finding extends a current model of the user’s information needs in the literature and suggests implications for further research into developing health information systems to meet information needs by the family carer.


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While the important role of family carers has been increasingly recognized in healthcare service provision, particularly for patients with acute or chronic illnesses, the family carer's information needs have not been well understood or adequately supported by health information systems. In this study, we explore the information needs of a family carer by analyzing the extensive online diary of a Vietnamese family carer supporting his wife, who was a lung cancer patient. The study provides a deep understanding of the information needs of the family carer and suggests a four-stage information journey model including identification, searching, interpretation and information sharing, and collaboration. A number of themes emerge from the study including the key role of the carer, information filtering by the carer, information sharing and collaboration, and the influence of Vietnamese culture. The paper concludes with a discussion of the requirements for health information systems that meet the needs of family carers.


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While the important role of family as carer has been increasingly recognised in healthcare service provision, particularly for patients with acute or chronic illnesses, the carer's information and social needs have not been well understood and adequately supported. In order to provide continuous and home-based care for the patient, and to make informed decisions about the care, a family carer needs sufficient access to medical information in general, the patient's health information specifically, and supportive care services. Two key challenges are the carer's lack of medical knowledge and the many carers with non-English speaking and different cultural backgrounds. The informational and social needs of family carers are not yet well understood. This paper analyses the web-log of a husband-carer who provided support for his wife, who at the time of care was a lung cancer patient. It examines the decision-making journey of the carer and identifies the key issues faced in terms of informational and social practices surrounding care provision.


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Where direct experimental research into a causal hypothesis of a disease is impossible due to ethical and practical considerations, epidemiological inference is the accepted route to establishing cause. Therefore, to examine the autism as mercury poisoning hypothesis, this paper reviews the existing scientific literature within the context of established epidemiological criteria and finds that the evidence for a causal relationship is compelling. Exposure to mercury (via vaccines and maternal dental amalgam) in utero and during infant years is confirmed; mercury poisoning is known to cause symptoms consistent with autism; animal modeling supports the link and, critically, mercury levels are higher in both the urine and blood of autistic children than in non-autistic peers. Analogous to epidemiological evidence of the smoking–lung cancer relationship, a mercury–autism relationship is confirmed. The precautionary principle demands that health professionals not take an action if there is suspicion that the action may cause severe or lifelong health effects: it does not require certainty. Therefore, given the severity, devastating lifelong impact and extremely high prevalence of autism, it would be negligent to continue to expose pregnant and nursing mothers and infant children to any amount of avoidable mercury.


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This article provides a review of techniques for the analysis of survival data arising from respiratory health studies. Popular techniques such as the Kaplan–Meier survival plot and the Cox proportional hazards model are presented and illustrated using data from a lung cancer study. Advanced issues are also discussed, including parametric proportional hazards models, accelerated failure time models, time-varying explanatory variables, simultaneous analysis of multiple types of outcome events and the restricted mean survival time, a novel measure of the effect of treatment.


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Introduction: Cancer-related mortality rates are higher in rural areas compared with urban regions. Whether there are corresponding geographical variations in radiotherapy utilisation rates (RURs) is the subject of this study. Methods: RURs for the regional centre of Geelong and rural areas of the Barwon South Western Region were calculated using a population-based database (2009). Results: Lower RURs were observed for rural patients compared with the Geelong region for prostate cancer (15.7% vs 25.8%, P = 0.02), rectal cancer (32.8% vs 44.7%, P = 0.11), lymphoma (9.4% vs 26.2%, P = 0.05), and all cancers overall (25.6% vs 28.9%, P = 0.06). This lower rate was significant in men (rural, 19.9%; Geelong, 28.3%; P = 0.00) but not in women (rural, 33.6%; Geelong, 29.7%; P = 0.88). Time from diagnosis to radiotherapy was not significantly different for patients from the two regions. Tumour staging within the rural and Geelong regions was not significantly different for the major tumour streams of rectal, prostate and lung cancer (P = 0.61, P = 0.79, P = 0.43, respectively). A higher proportion of tumours were unstaged or unstageable in the rural region for lung (44% vs 18%, P < 0.01) and prostate (73% vs 57%, P < 0.01) cancer. Conclusion: Lower RURs were observed in our rural region. Differences found within tumour streams and in men suggest a complexity of relationships that will require further study.


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Biomarkers have been described as characteristics, most often molecular, that provide information about biological states, whether normal, pathological, or therapeutically modified. They hold great potential to assist diagnosis and prognosis, monitor disease, and assess therapeutic effectiveness. While a few biomarkers are routinely utilised clinically, these only reflect a very small percentage of all biomarkers discovered. Numerous factors contribute to the slow uptake of these new biomarkers, with challenges faced throughout the biomarker development pipeline. Microfluidics offers two important opportunities to the field of biomarkers: firstly, it can address some of these developmental obstacles, and secondly, it can provide the precise and complex platform required to bridge the gap between biomarker research and the biomarker-based analytical device market. Indeed, adoption of microfluidics has provided a new avenue for advancement, promoting clinical utilisation of both biomarkers and their analytical platforms. This review will discuss biomarkers and outline microfluidic platforms developed for biomarker analysis.


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BACKGROUND: Restorative care in palliative care is a subset of rehabilitation that aims to improve quality of life through restoration or maintenance of physical functions. Outcomes for restorative care programmes delivered by palliative care units have not adequately been assessed. OBJECTIVES: The objectives are to examine the outcomes of a restorative care programme in an inpatient palliative care unit, including discharge destination, performance status changes and length of stay. METHODS: Retrospective clinical audit of consecutive patients admitted to Calvary Health Care Bethlehem in Melbourne, Australia, principally for restorative care from July 2010 to December 2011. RESULTS: 79 admissions met inclusion criteria. Mean age was 76.5 years (SD=11.14) and 43 (54%) were men. 75 (95%) patients had a malignant diagnosis; of these, the majority had lung cancer (24%). 16 patients (20%) were discharged home, 51 (65%) died and 12 (15%) were transferred. Of the patients discharged home, only 6 (38% of those discharged home) improved their performance status. Those discharged home had a significantly shorter length of stay (17 days compared to 39 days; p<0.05). Patients discharged home also had significantly better Australia-modified Karnofsky Performance Status (AKPS) and Resource Utilisation Groups-Activities of Daily Living (RUG-ADL) scores on admission than others (both p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The majority of patients referred for restorative care died during admission, with only a minority discharged home. Patients discharged most commonly experienced maintenance and not improvement in performance status. A successful discharge home following restorative care was associated with a shorter length of stay. Implications and recommendations for successful restorative care will be discussed.


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Background Restorative care in palliative care is a subset of rehabilitation that aims to improve quality of life through restoration or maintenance of physical functions. Outcomes for restorative care programmes delivered by palliative care units have not adequately been assessed.

Objectives The objectives are to examine the outcomes of a restorative care programme in an inpatient palliative care unit, including discharge destination, performance status changes and length of stay.

Methods Retrospective clinical audit of consecutive patients admitted to Calvary Health Care Bethlehem in Melbourne, Australia, principally for restorative care from July 2010 to December 2011.

Results 79 admissions met inclusion criteria. Mean age was 76.5 years (SD=11.14) and 43 (54%) were men. 75 (95%) patients had a malignant diagnosis; of these, the majority had lung cancer (24%). 16 patients (20%) were discharged home, 51 (65%) died and 12 (15%) were transferred. Of the patients discharged home, only 6 (38% of those discharged home) improved their performance status. Those discharged home had a significantly shorter length of stay (17 days compared to 39 days; p<0.05). Patients discharged home also had significantly better Australia-modified Karnofsky Performance Status (AKPS) and Resource Utilisation Groups-Activities of Daily Living (RUG-ADL) scores on admission than others (both p<0.05).

Conclusions The majority of patients referred for restorative care died during admission, with only a minority discharged home. Patients discharged most commonly experienced maintenance and not improvement in performance status. A successful discharge home following restorative care was associated with a shorter length of stay. Implications and recommendations for successful restorative care will be discussed.