74 resultados para Niobium carbide. 15Kh2MFA ferritic steel. Powder metallurgy. High energy milling and composite materials


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Conducting polymers prepared by a templated vapour phase polymerisation process involving solid phase transition metal complexes are found to produce polymers with charge carriers that exhibit maximum drift velocity in the range of 1 m/s. This super-mobility seems to be related to a high degree of ordering in the materials as evidenced by the X-ray diffraction data. This may result from a templated polymerisation process. The high mobility manifests itself as a capacity to sustain very high current densities (>10000 A/cm2); such high current densities are of importance in thin film conductor applications.


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The Late Palaeozoic Ice Age (LPIA), spanning approximately from ~320 Ma (Serpukhovian, late Mississippian) to 290 Ma (mid-Sakmarian, Early Permian), represents the vegetated Earth’s largest and most long-lasting regime of severe and multiple glaciations, involving processes and patterns probably comparable to those of the Last Ice Age. Accompanying the LPIA occurred a number of broadly synchronous global environmental and biotic changes. These global changes, as briefly reviewed and summarized in this introductory paper, comprised (but are not limited to) the following: massive continental reorganization in the lead up to the final assembly of Pangea resulting in profound changes in global palaeogeography, palaeoceanography and palaeobiogeogarphy; substantially lowered global atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations (pCO2), coupled with an unprecedented increase in atmospheric oxygen concentrations reaching Earth's all-time high in its last 600 million year history; sharp global temperature and sea-level drops (albeit with considerable spatial and temporal variability throughout the ice age); and apparently a prolonged period of global sluggish macro-evolution with both low extinction and origination rates compared to other times. In the aftermath of the LPIA, the world's climate entered into a transitional climate phase through the late Early to Middle Permian before its transformation into a greenhouse state towards the end-Permian. In recent years, considerable amount of data and interpretations have been published concerning the physical evidence in support of the LPIA, its broad timeframe and eustatic and ecosystem responses from the lower latitudes, but relatively less attention has been drawn to the impact of the ice age on late Palaeozoic high-latitude environments and biotas. It is with this mission in mind that we have organized this special issue, with the central focus on late Palaeozoic high latitude regions of both hemispheres, that is, Gondwana and northern Eurasia. Our aim is to gather a set of papers that not only document the physical environmental changes that had occurred in the polar regions of Gondwana and northern Eurasia during the LPIA, but also review on the biotic responses at different taxonomic, ecological and spatial scales to these physical changes in a refined chronological timeframe.

This introductory paper is designed to provide a global context for the special issue, with a brief review of key late Palaeozoic global environmental changes (including: changes in global land-sea configurations, atmospheric chemistry, global climate regimes, global ocean circulation patterns and sea levels) and large -scale biotic (biogeographic and evolutionary) responses, followed by a summary of what we see as unresolved scientific issues and various working hypotheses concerning late Palaeozoic global changes and, in particular, the LPIA, as a possible reference to future research.


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Given that adolescence is a critical period for the development of a positive self-concept and body image, it is imperative that educators have an understanding of adolescent students' body image and their dieting practises and behaviours. Negative body image is an issue that is rife within the adolescent student population in Australia and around the world, and is a factor that is commonly associated with and linked to disturbed eating behaviours and chronic eating disorders like Anorexia Nervosa (AN). Despite the intuitive appeal and importance of investigating adolescents' body image in terms of what adolescents would like to look like and what they think that they look like now, very little research has investigated these concepts. Furthermore, very little research has explored whether there is a difference between these two constructs how this may affect adolescents' self-esteem. This study therefore aimed to explore the actual and ideal body images of adolescent high school girls aged between 12 and 18 years in two samples of adolescents, one with eating disorders (n=76, clinical sample) and one without (n=823 high school sample). Additionally, this study investigates these constructs in relation to self-esteem levels. The results of this study have important implications for educators and clinicians within educational and clinical settings.


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For migrants, we often lack complete information of their spatial distribution year round. Here, we used stable carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen isotope ratios extracted from feathers grown at the wintering sites of the long-distance migratory collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis, to study how individuals from different breeding populations are distributed at the wintering sites. A sub-sample of birds was also sampled in two consecutive years to test for the repeatability of isotope ratios. Birds from the same breeding populations had more similar isotope ratios compared to birds from other nearby populations (10–100 km apart). Furthermore, isotope repeatability within individuals was high, implying that the observed pattern of isotope variation is consistent between years. We put forward two hypotheses for these patterns; 1) strong wintering site philopatry and migratory connectivity, suggesting that migratory connectivity may potentially be found on a much smaller spatial scale than previously considered, and 2) consistent interpopulation differentiation of feeding ecology at their wintering site.


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This manuscript describes a facile alternative route to make thin-film yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) electrolyte by liquid-phase assisted electrophoretic deposition utilizing electrostatic-steric stabilized YSZ suspension followed by sintering. Very fine YSZ particles in ball-milled suspension facilitate their sustained dispersion through electrostatic mechanism as evidenced by their higher zeta potentials. Binder addition into the ball-milled suspension is also demonstrated to contribute complementary steric hindrance effects on suspension stability. As the consequence, the film quality and sinterability improve in the sequence of film made from non ball-milled suspension, film made from ball-milled suspension and film made from ball-milled suspension with binder addition. The specific deposition mechanisms pertaining to each suspension are also postulated and discussed below. A very thin dense electrolyte layer of ∼10 μm can be achieved via electrophoretic deposition route utilizing ball-milled suspension and binder addition. This in turn, makes the electrolyte resistance a more negligible part of the overall cell resistance. Further on, we also tested the performance of SOFC utilizing as-formed 10 μm YSZ electrolyte i.e. YSZ-NiO|YSZ|LSM (La0.8Sr0.2MnO3-δ), whereby a maximum power density of ∼850 mW cm−2 at 850 °C was demonstrated.


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CrN films on a bipolar plate in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells have several advantages owing to their excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical properties. Three CrN samples deposited at various radio frequency (RF) powers by RF magnetron sputtering were evaluated under potentiodynamic, potentiostatic and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy conditions. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy data were monitored for 168 h in a corrosive environment at 70 °C to determine the coating performance at +600 mVSCE under simulated cathodic conditions in a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. The electrochemical behavior of the coatings increased with decreasing RF power. CrN films on the AISI 316 stainless steel substrate showed high protective efficiency and charge transfer resistance, i.e. increasing corrosion resistance with decreasing RF power. X-ray diffraction confirmed the formation of a CrN(200) preferred orientation at low RF power.


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Domesticated (farm) salmonid fishes display an increased willingness to accept risk while foraging, and achieve high growth rates not observed in nature. Theory predicts that elevated growth rates in domestic salmonids will result in greater risk–taking to access abundant food, but low survival in the presence of predators. In replicated whole–lake experiments, we observed that domestic trout (selected for high growth rates) took greater risks while foraging and grew faster than a wild strain. However, survival consequences for greater growth rates depended upon the predation environment. Domestic trout experienced greater survival when risk was low, but lower survival when risk was high. This suggests that animals with high intrinsic growth rates are selected against in populations with abundant predators, explaining the absence of such phenotypes in nature. This is, to our knowledge, the first large–scale field experiment to directly test this theory and simultaneously quantify the initial invasibility of domestic salmonid strains that escape into the wild from aquaculture operations, and the ecological conditions affecting their survival.


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Even in the absence of food intake, several animal species recovering from physical activity of high intensity can replenish completely their muscle glycogen stores. In some species of mammals, such as in rats and humans, glycogen repletion is only partial, thus suggesting that a few consecutive bouts of high-intensity exercise might eventually lead to the sustained depletion of their muscle glycogen. In order to test this prediction, groups of rats with a lead weight of 10% body mass attached to their tails were subjected to either one, two or three bouts of high-intensity swimming, each bout being separated from the next by a 1 h recovery period. Although glycogen repletion after the first bout of exercise was only partial, all the glycogen mobilised in subsequent bouts was completely replenished during the corresponding recovery periods and irrespective of muscle fibre compositions. The impact of repeated bouts of high-intensity exercise on plasma levels of fatty acids, acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate suggests that the metabolic state of the rat prior to the second and third bouts of exercise was different from that before the first bout. In conclusion, rats resemble other vertebrate species in that without food intake there are conditions under which they can replenish completely their muscle glycogen stores from endogenous carbon sources when recovering from high-intensity exercise. It remains to be established, however, whether this capacity is typical of mammals in general.


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The structural behavior of Mg3N2 has been investigated up to 40.7 GPa at room temperature by means of angle-dispersive X-ray diffraction. A reversible, first-order structural phase transition from the ambient cubic phase (Ia3̅) to a high-pressure monoclinic phase (C2/m) is found to start at ~ 20.6 GPa and complete at ~ 32.5 GPa for the first time. The equation of state determined from our experiments yields bulk moduli of 110.7(2) and 171.5(1) GPa for the cubic and monoclinic phases, respectively, indicating higher incompressibility of the high-pressure phase of Mg3N2. First-principles calculations reproduced the phase stability and transition pressure determined in our experiment. In addition, a second phase transition from the monoclinic phase to a hexagonal phase (P3̅m1) was predicted around 67 GPa for Mg3N2. The electronic band structures of three phases of Mg3N2 are also calculated and discussed.


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Traditional researches on metal corrosion under salt solutions deposit conditions are usually carried out by visual, electron microscopic observations and simple electrochemical measurement via a traditional one-piece electrode. These techniques have difficulties in measuring localized corrosion that frequently occur in inhomogeneous media. This paper reports the results from the experiments using specially shaped coupons and a relatively new method of measuring heterogeneous electrochemical processes, namely, the wire beam electrode(WBE). Preliminary results from copper and aluminum corrosion in highly concentrated sodium chloride solutions with and without solid deposits show that the method is useful in simulating and studying corrosion especially localized corrosion in pipelines.


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Building on a habitat mapping project completed in 2011, Deakin University was commissioned by Parks Victoria (PV) to apply the same methodology and ground-truth data to a second, more recent and higher resolution satellite image to create habitat maps for areas within the Corner Inlet and Nooramunga Marine and Coastal Park and Ramsar area. A ground-truth data set using in situ video and still photographs was used to develop and assess predictive models of benthic marine habitat distributions incorporating data from both RapidEye satellite imagery (corrected for atmospheric and water column effects by CSIRO) and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) bathymetry. This report describes the results of the mapping effort as well as the methodology used to produce these habitat maps.

Overall accuracies of habitat classifications were good, with error rates similar to or better than the earlier classification (>73 % and kappa values > 0.58 for both study localities). The RapidEye classification failed to accurately detect Pyura and reef habitat classes at the Corner Inlet locality, possibly due to differences in spectral frequencies. For comparison, these categories were combined into a ‘non-seagrass’ category, similar to the one used at the Nooramunga locality in the original classification. Habitats predicted with highest accuracies differed from the earlier classification and were Posidonia in Corner Inlet (89%), and bare sediment (no-visible seagrass class) in Nooramunga (90%). In the Corner Inlet locality reef and Pyura habitat categories were not distinguishable in the repeated classification and so were combined with bare sediments. The majority of remaining classification errors were due to the misclassification of Zosteraceae as bare sediment and vice versa. Dominant habitats were the same as those from the 2011 classification with some differences in extent. For the Corner Inlet study locality the no-visible seagrass category remained the most extensive (9059 ha), followed by Posidonia (5,513 ha) and Zosteraceae (5,504 ha). In Nooramunga no-visible seagrass (6,294 ha), Zosteraceae (3,122 ha) and wet saltmarsh (1,562 ha) habitat classes were most dominant.

Change detection analyses between the 2009 and 2011 imagery were undertaken as part of this project, following the analyses presented in Monk et al. (2011) and incorporating error estimates from both classifications. These analyses indicated some shifts in classification between Posidonia and Zosteraceae as well as a general reduction in the area of Zosteraceae. Issues with classification of mixed beds were apparent, particularly in the main Posidonia bed at Nooramunga where a mosaic of Zosteraceae and Posidonia was seen that was not evident in the ALOS classification. Results of a reanalysis of the 1998-2009 change detection illustrating effects of binning of mixed beds is also provided as an appendix.

This work has been successful in providing baseline maps at an improved level of detail using a repeatable method meaning that any future changes in intertidal and shallow water marine habitats may be assessed in a consistent way with quantitative error assessments. In wider use, these maps should also allow improved conservation planning, advance fisheries and catchment management, and progress infrastructure planning to limit impacts on the Inlet environment.