83 resultados para New economy


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In the US, Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, Finland, Ireland and other countries, the growth of the Internet and other related new technologies have become the catalyst for the creation of ‘knowledge economies’. The new information and communication technologies have created global markets for goods and services. Countries that have encouraged their people through education and life-long learning and by investing heavily in research and development (R&D) are well positioned to take advantage of these new global markets. Along with globalisation has come the death of distance. Thanks to the Internet, New Zealand is no longer remote from the rest of the world.

But New Zealand’s economy is still too dependent on producing commodities for export. While efforts over the last fifteen years to diversify markets have been very successful, we still need to expand our limited range of products. We must take the next important step and transform New Zealand from a pastoral economy into a knowledge-driven economy. For New Zealand, the Internet is the modern equivalent of the freezer ship that revolutionised our economy last century. If New Zealanders do not seize the opportunities provided by the knowledge economy, we will survive only as an amusement park and holiday land for the citizens of more successful developed economies.

This article puts New Zealand into world perspective by assessing its knowledge economy benchmarks against its competitors. It outlines the theoretical background to ‘‘new growth theory'' and delineates the lessons of that theory, especially for New Zealand. It treats the key issues for New Zealand’s emergence as a knowledge economy, including education, the M ori dimension, immigration, research and development, venture capital, export policy and telecommunications regulation.


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This study estimates the new Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC) ofGali and Monacelli for a small open economy using Australian data.Our detailed investigation hinges on estimating the structuralparameters in five different variants of the Gali–Monacelli NKPC,which relates the inflation process to terms of trade and the realexchange rate; the marginal cost and output gap as proxies for realeconomic activity and the hybrid version incorporating bothforward- and backward-looking inflation expectations. The analysisand extensive robustness checks overwhelmingly establish that theGali–Monacelli NKPC cannot explain the dynamics of inflation andis rejected by the Australian data.


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Historians have neglected tbe impact of female enfranchisement on Australian electoral outcomes. This papers employs multivariate analysis to explore electoral behaviour in New South Wales during the Great Depression. It argues that women were less prone to support Labor than men, but that women in paid employment constituted a partial exception to this pattern. In 1932 the conservative parties significantly eroded Labor's working-class support. Part of this success was due to the ability of employers to coerce workers with the threat of dismissal. Female wage earners were particularly vulnerable to this coercion. Conservative electoral appeals recast masculinity in terms of family responsibility rather than class assertion. Conflict in the household economy possibly influenced women to vote against Labor due to its identification with the cause of male breadwinners. Overall female voting behaviour was more stable than that of men and this despite the higb profile of issues that would have been expected particularly to influence female voters.


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In New Zealand, small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a very important role in the economy by their contribution to both employment and gross domestic product. Addressing issues pertinent to SMEs is of paramount importance in driving this sector forward. Information Technology (IT) emerges as one main enabler for SMEs in automating their operations, seeking new opportunities and enhancing their strategic business positioning in local and international markets. However, the inability of SMEs to handle the dynamic nature of IT due to problems inherent in their size, structure and resources, makes it difficult for them to take appropriate decisions to benefit from the IT technologies. The advent of eCommerce (EC) has only compounded this problem. One way out of this complex situation is to outsource the IT and EC technology requirements by the SMEs. This study endeavours to identify the pattern of IT and EC outsourcing issues of SMEs within New Zealand. This research attempts to identify the main driver for IT/EC outsourcing in SMEs as well as to explore the problems of IT outsourcing and makes suggestions for further research in this crucial sector.


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Many organizations struggle with the massive amount of data they collect. Today, data does more than serve as the ingredients for churning out statistical reports. They help support efficient operations in many organizations, and to some extent, data provide the competitive intelligence organizations need to survive in today's economy. Data mining can't always deliver timely and relevant results because data are constantly changing. However, stream-data processing might be more effective, judging by the Matrix project.


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In New Zealand, small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a very important role in the economy by their contribution to both employment and also to gross domestic product. Addressing issues pertinent to SMEs is of paramount importance in driving this sector forward. Information Technology (IT) emerges as one main enabler for SMEs in automating their operations, seeking new opportunities and enhancing their strategic business positioning in local and international markets. However, the dynamic nature of IT and inability of SMEs, due to problems inherent in their size and structure, makes it difficult for them to take appropriate decisions to benefit from the IT technologies. The advent of eCommerce (EC) has only compounded this problem. One way out of this complex situation is to outsource the IT and EC technology requirements by the SMEs. This study endeavours to identify the pattern of IT and EC outsourcing issues of SMEs within New Zealand. It reveals that the main driver for IT outsourcing is access to expertise and used mainly for maintenance purposes only. The study also identifies the problems in IT outsourcing and makes suggestions for further research in this crucial sector.


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Artists and workers in the creative industries who embody the essence of creativity are thwart by economic values in delivering their art work or creative concept to consumers. This is particularly evident for students in courses in creative industries who graduate with entrepreneurial aspirations, but not the means to pitch their creative concept or build the business model for the new venture. This paper analyses a university business course developed to take cultural entrepreneurs through venture building as a live case in the creative economy.


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This article examines the role of the state in the emerging bio-economy. The starting point is that state interventions, including supportive regulatory arrangements and the shaping of public attitudes, constitute core assets in the evolution of bio-industrial complexes. Public policy in the bio-economy, across advanced industrial countries, is well captured by the “competition state” concept. This type of state takes different forms, analogously with the historical variants of the Keynesian welfare state. The article compares patterns of governance of the biotechnology sector in Finland and Sweden, the USA and the UK, and Australia. It is concluded that the bio-industry sector does not fit with the “models of capitalism” paradigm which postulates coherence within, and systemic divergences between, national models of economic governance. The bio-economy displays trends toward convergence, in particular mounting public investments in health care and in research and development. On the other hand, countries differ in their approach to market regulation, industrial support, and ethical restrictions. These differences do not follow the dichotomy between “liberal” and “coordinated” models of capitalism.