89 resultados para Misuse of History


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This thesis is the first systematic history of the Geelong Regional Commission (GRC), and only the second history of a regional development organisation formed as a result of the growth centres policy of the Commonwealth Labor Government in the first half of the 1970s. In particular, the thesis examines the historical performance of the GRC from the time of its establishment in August 1977 to its abolition in May 1993. The GRC Commissioners were subject to ongoing criticism by some elements of the region's political, business, rural and local government sectors. This criticism focused on the Commissioners' policies on land-use planning, their interventionist stance on industrial land development, major projects and industry protection and their activities in revitalising the Geelong central business district. This thesis examines these criticisms in the light of the Commission's overall performance. This thesis found that, as a statutory authority of the Victorian Government, the GRC was successful over its lifetime, when measured against the requirements of the Geelong Regional Commission Act, the Commission's corporate planning objectives and performance indicators, the corporate performance standards of private enterprise in the late 1990s, and the performance indicator standards of today's regional economic development organisations in the United States of America, parts of the United Kingdom and Australia. With the change of Government in Victoria in October 1992 came a new approach to regional development. The new Government enacted legislation to amalgamate six of the nine local government councils of the Geelong region and returned regional planning responsibilities to the newly formed City of Greater Geelong Council. The new Government also made economic development a major objective of local government. As a result, the raison d'etre for the GRC came to an end and the organisation was abolished.


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This thesis presents an intellectual history of the historiography of Australian Economic History between 1918 and 1965. More specifically, it is a contribution to a relatively novel area of research into 'disciplinary history’. It takes as its basic analytical material the four books widely used for significant lengths of time for undergraduate teaching during the period of the study. The thesis consists of five main chapters, plus an appendix which surveys the institutional development of Australian Economic History and provides the empirical basis for the selection of the works named above. After a brief introduction and overview, the next four chapters consist of a detailed study of one of these works, the historical context in which each was written, and an intellectual biography. The fifth chapter is largely theoretical and conceptual. It analyses the epistemological bases of History and Economics and explores the implications of different models of knowledge for the relationship between Economic History and its two antecedent disciplines, History and Economics. Current perceptions of the state of the discipline in Australia and overseas are also examined. There are three main propositions advanced and their implications explored in the fifth chapter. First, that changes which occurred in Australian Economic History during the period 1918-1965 shifted the discipline from the broad area of History to the broad area of Economics. Second, that the inherent tension and fundamental differences between the two disciplinary areas of History and Economics have profound and complex implications for Australian Economic History at a number of levels and in a number of areas. The third proposition posits that the paradigm shift of the 1950s/1960s in Australian Economic History, and the paradigm shift of the 1960s/1970s in Economic History respectively have resulted in crisis. The final part of the chapter summarises the contents of the preceding chapters, and draws some conclusions based on those detailed studies.


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This thesis sought to explain the development of a code that has been under-represented in Victoria's sporting history. The pioneers of trotting built a foundation of experience, skills and bloodlines that was able to be built upon when the sport re-emerged from the control of John Wren in 1946.


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In China, the study of history has never been a detached academic pursuit, as it has always been indistinguishable from political directions. Chinese political leaders have been unable to adopt a disinterested approach towards history, be it distant or contemporary. On the other hand, Western historians interpret Chinese history from their own point of view, and they often view Chinese history as an extension of Western history. Often, they have been preoccupied with the concern to explain or justify their own record or involvement rather than to produce an objective account, especially in regard to the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries’ history of China. This study questions the conventional approach to China’s past, be that of a Confucian, a Communist or a Western ethnocentric historiographer. It explores the possibility of establishing a “Chinese experience-based” approach while maintaining “impartiality and neutrality”, looking to historical studies outside of China to achieve this.


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The use and misuse of prescription substances in the broader community, and among athletes in particular, is receiving increased attention, and one Australian sporting code is introducing testing for some of these substances. While testing in sport occurs in part to protect the health of the athlete, our responses to positive notifications are often punitive. Given that some prescription substances, such as opioids, are used to treat pain, and use has among athletes has been linked to pain sustained during sporting competition, understanding the prevalence and motivations of use among this group is important. Equally so is how the sporting community responds to this growing issue.


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BACKGROUND: Although physical illnesses, routinely documented in electronic medical records (EMR), have been found to be a contributing factor to suicides, no automated systems use this information to predict suicide risk.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to quantify the impact of physical illnesses on suicide risk, and develop a predictive model that captures this relationship using EMR data.

METHODS: We used history of physical illnesses (except chapter V: Mental and behavioral disorders) from EMR data over different time-periods to build a lookup table that contains the probability of suicide risk for each chapter of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10) codes. The lookup table was then used to predict the probability of suicide risk for any new assessment. Based on the different lengths of history of physical illnesses, we developed six different models to predict suicide risk. We tested the performance of developed models to predict 90-day risk using historical data over differing time-periods ranging from 3 to 48 months. A total of 16,858 assessments from 7399 mental health patients with at least one risk assessment was used for the validation of the developed model. The performance was measured using area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC).

RESULTS: The best predictive results were derived (AUC=0.71) using combined data across all time-periods, which significantly outperformed the clinical baseline derived from routine risk assessment (AUC=0.56). The proposed approach thus shows potential to be incorporated in the broader risk assessment processes used by clinicians.

CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a novel approach to exploit the history of physical illnesses extracted from EMR (ICD-10 codes without chapter V-mental and behavioral disorders) to predict suicide risk, and this model outperforms existing clinical assessments of suicide risk.


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Two recent reviews of Part IV of the Trade Practices Act (Commonwealth) (1974) have looked specifically at the operation of Section 46 of this Act and have come to very different conclusions concerning its efficacy. The Dawson review (2003) argued that no change to S 46 was required as the courts were providing sufficient guidance in the application of the legislation in this respect. The Senate Committee review (2004) came to different conclusions arguing that the Act needed clarification in regard to certain sections. These reports highlight the controversy that has surrounded this section of the Trade Practices Act for the past thirty years. The aim of this paper is to consider these reviews and evaluate the extent to which the High Court has been able to provide guidance in the application of legislation that prohibits the misuse of market power.


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Examination of High Court decisions on misuse of market power in regard to the element of "taking advantage" reveals inconsistency of application. Whilst being consistent regarding the need for a connection between the market power and the impugned conduct, the High Court has not been consistent regarding the degree of connection required. Two streams have developed, one supporting a high degree of connection, the other a lower degree before a firm is found to have "taken advantage" of its market power. Added to this has been the development of the "rational business explanation" which, it is argued, is either used as a defence to a s 46 action or is premised on the higher threshold of connection. Initially the high Court supported the lower threshold. In later decisions, whilst expressing support for the earlier decisions, in application the High Court favoured the higher threshold and at one point the rational business explanation. This trend appears to have been reversed with the most recent High Court decision which indicates substantive support for the earlier s 46 decisions.


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Richard Casey was involved in shaping Australian foreign policy for over four decades. Casey's attitudes, ideas, policies and actions towards the rest of the world are therefore an important part of a Liberal tradition in Australian foreign policy. To examine Casey's place in the Liberal tradition this article explores Casey's positions on the great international issues of two periods: the 1930s and the 1950s. The conclusion of the article is that three key ideas shaped Casey's foreign policy, and therefore also lie at the centre of the Liberal tradition; firstly, a strong attachment to the idea of the English speaking alliance; secondly, a realist perspective on international affairs; and, thirdly, a consistent strand of anti-communism.


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Since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City, many countries including Australia and Malaysia have been able to justify the use biometric devices such as finger print scans, retina scans and facial recognition for identification and surveillance of its citizens and others in the name of national security. In addition, biometric devices are increasingly being used worldwide by organizations to keep track of their employees and their productivity, leading to concerns of privacy, the safety, reliability, abuse and misuse of the data collected and violations of civil liberties. Taking the critical theory perspective, this paper will analyse the data collected and report on the findings of a survey carried out in Australia and Malaysia, with respect to the responses provided and opinions expressed to the survey s open ended and other questions
by individuals as to their current use, experiences, preferences, concerns about the devices and the situations in which they think biometric devices should be used, including in their workplaces. This descriptive study uses both quantitative and qualitative data to examine what Australians and Malaysians think about the use of biometric devices in everyday situtions
and compare them as to their similarities and differences. The paper will then critically examine the ethical and civil liberties issues involved in the use of biometric devices in everyday life and argues that regulatory and legal measures should be taken to safeguard the rights of citizens while maintaining national security and productivity, in order to avoid the situation of Michel Foucaults Panopticon becoming an unpleasant everyday reality, which could negatively irifluence socialjustice and create social change due to its effects on individuals in two multicultural societies. The paper will argue about the need to educate the general public as to the issues of surveillance and privacy involved in the use of biometric devices in everyday situations.


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Territory cults in southern Lao PDR exemplify the importance of ritual for the production of locality in an era of mobility. Here, the idea of village expressed in ritual incorporates scattered members who have ties of history and affection to village households—a view of residency that is extra-verted, inclusive and traverses space.


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The history of history's institutions can offer a gritty context in which to understand historical production. A wide spectrum of influences, from the personal to the intellectual to the political, can be seen at work in shaping the history made and communicated at Blundell's Cottage over the years. Even though it has always been a humble participant in the project of history, its products probably reach some of history's larger audiences. Hence it is worthwhile to review fifty years of historio-museography.


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A study of 42 Australian marketing managers was conducted linking strategy to the use of market research, with a measure known as USER. It was expected that the Miles and Snow strategic typology with its greater emphasis on internal organisational culture, practices and structure would be more powerful than the Porter strategic dimensions in determining the motivation and actual use of market research. The findings showed that neither strategic typology was superior in predicting market research practice. In the study, the USER characteristics most linked to strategy were “the misuse of market research for political purposes” and “internal improvements based on market research.” Two other USER factors “rational use of market research findings” and “use of market research to confirm decisionmaking” were not found to be related to marketing strategy.


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In this paper we consider how the concept of time is developed in schools. We argue that the teaching and learning of history (despite the emergence of the new history in the 1970s) is still taught and learnt with a temporal bias and it is often positioned in the past. So too, history/SOSE1 student-teachers are exposed to temporal bias in their tertiary education (as is evidenced in ‘Arts Faculty’ history courses). We suggest that there needs to be greater connectedness and balance between the dimensions of time in the teaching of SOSE with specific reference to the teaching of history and futures perspectives. We offer a new conceptualisation of history which we refer to as ‘history as the extended present’ this conceptualisation positions history in multiple temporal domains (the past, present and possible, probable and preferable futures) and emphasises the relevance of teaching and learning history to students life worlds.


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Australia's national heritage comprises exceptional natural and cultural places which help give Australia its national identity. This paper reports on work in progress. It critically and reflectively explores the bonds and  limitations between the work of historians, heritage professionals and ‘free thinkers’ – architects, artists and writers – in the task of identifying, protecting and interpreting the possibilities and opportunities presented by our cultural heritage at Point Nepean, Victoria. Underway is the development of an extensive knowledge database, as historians grapple with the problem of understanding the complex history of Point Nepean. Historians and heritage professionals aspire to recreate the past; they search for the patterns of history; they use historical evidence to gain political objectives; they distil insights from the historical record itself. While scholarship and rigorous procedures are generally adhered to, much hangs on interpretation and perspective; how documentation and imagination are interwoven; on how and by whom the story is told. Once a place is listed on National and/or State registers, the conservation process is invoked for transferring information about the past into the future, using current skills, knowledge and  techniques. In Australia conservation is underpinned by the principle that change to a heritage place should not occur at the expense of its special character and qualities, by what is described as its heritage significance. This requires that approval be obtained before any action takes place which has, will have, or is likely to have, a significant impact on the national heritage values of a listed place. Conflict in heritage management arises because there are many different views on how different values are  managed. It is the role of the architectural historian, conservation architect and architect to creatively reveal the inherent values, to interpret them and sustain the place into the future, never losing sight of Point Nepean’s unique ‘sense of place’.