236 resultados para Marketing Intangibles


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Social marketing theory is examined in relation to an organisational context which has received little attention. This paper examines the development of an integrated social marketing campaign for a State Emergency Service, and focusses on a particularly serious scenario where the penalty for miscommunication may be death, widespead injury or substantial property damage. The researchers take an action research approach, identifying community perceptions of risk to determine appropriate communication message development. The study identifies the factors contributing to risk perception beyond traditional concepts of involvement which are common in studies of consumer behaviour. Additionally, this paper provides an investigation of some of the issues that affect communication effectiveness, such as the influence of stakeholders, the poor performance of traditional communications methods, the utility of social marketing principles, and segmentation requirements, as well as influential ideas from the general risk communication literature.


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A void identified within the Relationship Marketing literature is the lack of research on dissatisfactory or problem relationships, so the utilisation of work that has been conducted in the area of Consumer Complaint Behaviour (CCB) is appropriate. Therefore, this paper identifies ways in which the CCB literature may be used to advance knowledge in the field of Relationship Marketing. As the context of this paper is consumer - service provider relationships, an assessment is made of some of the implications of technology-infusion in service encounters, at two levels, namely at the broad relationship marketing level, that is, the likely impact of technology infusion on consumer - service provider relationships, and then more specifically regarding implications for CCB.


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The aims of this research included demonstrating the detenninants of Pay TV subscriber satisfaction, and displaying the relationships between key aspects of relationship marketing, such as perceptions of value, satisfaction, customer complaint behavior and service recovery, and the intention to repurchase. A survey of 171 Australian respondents suggested that the perceived quality of the variety of the programs available and the perceived quality of the monthly program guide were major contributors to value, and that value was the main driver of overall satisfaction, which in tum was the main driver of the likelihood of disconnection from the Pay TV service. Those respondents who reported having a problem but not complaining directly about it were significantly more likely to have the intention to disconnect in the future, but they were not significantly different in tenns of their value perceptions or overall satisfaction.


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This paper explores the market orientation and marketing culture of all staff within a nonprofit organisation to ascertain the extent to which members of the organisation support or create barriers to the implementation of the marketing concept. Of particular interest in this research is the role of nonprofit organisations, which are often thought of as having a production, rather than marketing focus. Consequently, there may be cultural and behavioural conflicts between, for example, marketing personnel and production personnel. This paper provides a brief overview of the existing literature in the field of market orientation and marketing culture. After detailing the general research design, a summary of the results of 11 initial focus groups, consisting of all staff in one nonprofit organisation, is presented. The findings indicate that while all areas within this organisation are committed to marketing, there are various interpretations of marketing and how it should be implemented.


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Much of Regional Australia is suffering from an overall decline in population with a specific loss of young adults (16-30 year olds). A decline in population, linked with the Australia-wide problems of ageing populations and diminishing birth rates, is leading to a social and economic malaise in many regional cities and towns that threatens their long-term sustainability due to the lack of skilled workers and professionals. This paper examines the concept of “place” marketing, and the approach of local government to market regions, cities, and towns to attract targeted population to help maintain the sustainability of Regional Australia.


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Little research has examined the return on marketing research, be that financial or knowledge acquisition. Furthermore, there has been insufficient research into the factors affecting the conduct of marketing research. This paper investigates and reports on a conceptual model proposed by Yaman (2000), which explores knowledge acquisition, dissemination, and utilisation through marketing research. The study specifically explores and attempts to replicate the model’s conceptual structure. The data were collected electronically via emails and an HTML web-form questionnaire, with a sample of 182 being obtained. Using structural equation modelling, the results obtained indicated an adequate fit for a modified Yaman model to the data from this particular sample.


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Despite the continuing need for an empirically validated classification of marketing positions, for theoretical and practical purposes, it appears that no such schema exists. This study contributes to the development of such a taxonomy through an empirical examination of marketing positions. Specifically, the research extends an existing taxonomy by empirically investigating personal selling marketing activities. Based on the taxonomy developed by Darmon (1998), data were collected about the information load, information complexity, and time and relationship management activities of marketers. Various analytical techniques were used to investigate specific features of the instrument and the taxonomy, as well as to provide convergence for the conclusions drawn by the researchers. It was established that sales positions can be more meaningfully identified, and, therefore, better categorised, by six dimensions than by job title or job role. Further, it appears that marketers in the same selling position vary significantly on these dimensions. These findings have important implications for marketing theory, applied research and management. However, future research should refine the instrument used in this study, since some anomalies emerged in the findings, and extend the study by investigating a wider range of marketing positions. Such research may also explore whether the dimensions identified in this study influence the performance and job satisfaction of marketers, and the extent to which marketing managers account for these variations.


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The role of marketing channels is to implement marketing strategy. The difficulty of channel strategy is compounded by the emergence of e-channels and the need to integrate e-channels into traditional or “bricks and mortar” channels (Rowley 2002). As a result, managing performance across a greater number of channels with diverse characteristics is more difficult.

Organization and marketing performance is to some degree a function of the quality of channel implementation and particularly channel performance measurement. The channels literature suggests a “channel performance metric paradox”. Approaches to channel performance metrics have been mutually orthogonal or even negatively correlated. (Jeuland & Shugan 1983; Lewis & Lambert 1991; Larson & Lusch 1992). This paradox implies that it is impossible for all channel performance metrics to be maximized simultaneously and tradeoffs exist.

This paper proposes a research model and propositions which extend previous research and attempts to reconcile this “channel performance metric paradox”. The model assumes that testing the relationship between the Miles and Snow strategy types and a comprehensive range of channel performance metrics may explain this paradox. Previous implementation performance research has focused more on the Porter strategies rather than the Miles and Snow strategy types.


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The purpose of this paper is to examine the differences between “pure” and “mixed” marketing strategies in terms of implementation practices and performance. The strategies compared use the Miles and Snow (1978) typology to develop Pure Prospectors, Pure Defenders, Reactors and Mixed strategies the latter strategy type being similar to Analysers.

Previous strategy type implementation research has used debatable strategy classification methodologies and has not isolated “pure” marketing strategies. The purpose of this paper is to clearly identify and separate “pure” marketing strategies from “mixed” strategies.

In terms of strategy implementation a key finding was that the Miles and Snow implementation recommendations made in the 1970’s no longer appear to be appropriate in the 2000’s This appears to be the case because no need to align human resource practices and organisational structure with strategy was apparent in our findings.

In terms of strategy performance differences a key finding was that Pure Prospectors outperformed Reactor strategies in terms of new markets, sales growth, new products and market share. However, the financial costs of investing in new markets and new products undertaken by the aggressive Pure Prospector strategies results in only similar ROI performance to other strategies. This is consistent with the concept of performance equifinality.


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In Australia, as in many other developed countries, regional and rural areas are suffering from an overall decline in population with a specific loss of young adults (16-30 year olds). A decline in population, linked with the Australia-wide problems of ageing populations and diminishing birth rates, is leading to a social and economic decline in many regional cities and towns that threatens their long-term sustainability due to the lack of skilled workers and professionals. Although the loss of population from regional and rural areas has the potential to affect the national economy, it has mainly fallen to local government to combat the problem. Local government is beginning to use place marketing to attract and retain residents in addition to its traditional use of place marketing to attract industry and investment.

This exploratory paper examines regional decline in Australia and the concept of "place" marketing as means of arresting or reversing the decline, A conceptual model of place marketing by local government in Australia has been developed and a number of hypothesis are proposed for testing in future research.


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This paper reviews 46 empirical studies which have assessed performance measurement in marketing. The paper reports on two highly relevant topics in regard to performance measurement: (1) subjective and objective measurement; and (2) financial and non-financial performance measures. Furthermore, the paper provides a tabulated summary of a comprehensive literature review of the types of performance measures utilised in recent literature. Firstly, it was found that there seems to be agreement about the use of a subjective measurement perspective as an acceptable means of measuring performance, and that this is the preferred means of measuring performance by researchers. Secondly, the literature review identified that businesses are no longer defining performance only in terms of the traditional financial measures – they are adopting new frameworks and methodologies. However, this change is not as prominent as might be thought, as financial measures still predominate in research results. Furthermore, this review of performance measures also identified that current measurement selection by researchers is somewhat arbitrary rather than scientific, which is not assisting in the development of a “general performance measure”.


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There is a distinct gap in research in marketing in relation to understanding the role of marketing employees in organisational marketing performance, in contrast to the usual focus on identifying the contribution of successfully completing marketing tasks in the pursuit of organisational marketing objectives. The major exception to this has been research related to sales personnel, as a subset of all marketing personnel, but even this has usually been from a sales management perspective and not principally from the viewpoint of individual employees. The current study explored the career orientations of marketing employees in relation to the demographic profile and other work-related characteristics of marketing employees. Operationalised by Schein's (1990) Career Orientations Inventory, the 'internal career' of 78 marketing employees at the Australian headquarters of a major multinational manufacturing firm was examined. Sample means indicated that 'Lifestyle', 'Technical Functionality', and 'Pure Challenge' were the dominant career orientations, but a 'General Managerial' orientation also emerged as important, when individual 'Career Anchors' were examined. An 'Entrepreneurial' anchor was found to be the least dominant of the eight anchors measured, which may be seen as somewhat surprising for Marketing employees. Significant relationships were found between some demographic variables and the dominant career orientations, but overall, career orientation tended to be unrelated to the demographic variables. Future research will examine the relationships between employee career orientation and individual position, and marketing productivity.