43 resultados para MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE


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Excitotoxicity resulting from overstimulation of glutamate receptors is a major cause of neuronal death in cerebral ischemic stroke. The overstimulated ionotropic glutamate receptors exert their neurotoxic effects in part by overactivation of calpains, which induce neuronal death by catalyzing limited proteolysis of specific cellular proteins. Here, we report that in cultured cortical neurons and in vivo in a rat model of focal ischemic stroke, the tyrosine kinase Src is cleaved by calpains at a site in the N-terminal unique domain. This generates a truncated Src fragment of ?52 kDa, which we localized predominantly to the cytosol. A cell membrane-permeable fusion peptide derived from the unique domain of Src prevents calpain from cleaving Src in neurons and protects against excitotoxic neuronal death. To explore the role of the truncated Src fragment in neuronal death, we expressed a recombinant truncated Src fragment in cultured neurons and examined how it affects neuronal survival. Expression of this fragment, which lacks the myristoylation motif and unique domain, was sufficient to induce neuronal death. Furthermore, inactivation of the prosurvival kinase Akt is a key step in its neurotoxic signaling pathway. Because Src maintains neuronal survival, our results implicate calpain cleavage as a molecular switch converting Src from a promoter of cell survival to a mediator of neuronal death in excitotoxicity. Besides unveiling a new pathological action of Src, our discovery of the neurotoxic action of the truncated Src fragment suggests new therapeutic strategies with the potential to minimize brain damage in ischemic stroke.


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Nail biting is a common behavioral problem. While there are established behavioral interventions for management, they are of modest efficacy, and there is minimal evidence for effective pharmacotherapy. This study investigated the role of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) a potent glutathione and glutamate modulator for the treatment of pathological nail biting in children and adolescents. This pilot randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of NAC (800mg/day) or placebo enrolled 42 children and adolescents with chronic nail biting. Nail length was the objective outcome. Evaluations were carried out three times; before treatment, one month after enrollment in the study, and two months after enrollment. The duration (chronicity) of nail biting in the NAC and placebo groups was 3.63(2.45) and 5.09(3.74) years (P=0.14). The mean nail length gradually increased in both the NAC and placebo groups during this trial. There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups regarding increased nail length after the first month of trial [(5.21(5.75) and 1.18(3.02) millimeters], however no difference after two months was observed. Two patients in the NAC group discontinued medication due to adverse events. One patient experienced headache, agitation, and social withdrawal, and another patient expressed severe aggression after taking medication and was withdrawn from the study. This study supports the hypothesis that NAC decreases nail biting behavior in children and adolescents over the short term. NAC is relatively well tolerated and severe adverse effects are rare. However, there was a high rate of dropout. Further studies with longer durations that build on these preliminary data are recommended.


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Autism is a disorder of unknown etiology. There are few FDA approved medications for treating autism. Co-occurring autism and epilepsy is common, and glutamate antagonists improve some symptoms of autism. Ceftriaxone, a beta-lactam antibiotic, increases the expression of the glutamate transporter 1 which decreases extracellular glutamate levels. It is hypothesized that modulating astrocyte glutamate transporter expression by ceftriaxone or cefixime might improve some symptoms of autism. This case report of a child with autism and epilepsy suggests a decrease in seizures after taking cefixime


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Current biological approaches to the treatment of depression focus mainly on modification of monoaminergic neurotransmission. New agents targeting these neurotransmitters are under development. Many novel antidepressant targets are however under investigation. These include the neurokinins, glutamate, purinoceptors, opioids and trophic factors. While many of these potential targets are likely to fail clinical development, exciting novel therapeutic options are likely to emerge.


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Anticonvulsants, including valproate and carbamazepine, have established efficacy in the treatment of mania. The anticonvulsant, lamotrigine. has been reported to have antimanic and antidepressant efficacy, and mood-stabilising effects in case reports and preliminary open trials. The efficacy and tolerability of lamotrigine has been compared with olanzapine and lithium in a randomised, prospective, controlled fashion over a period of 4 weeks treatment in a total of 45 hospitalised patients with DSM-IV-defined mania. Significant improvements of a similar magnitude were observed for all treatment groups and lamotrigine was well tolerated. Mechanisms of action proposed to explain the antimanic activity of lamotrigine include inhibition of voltage-sensitive and use-dependent sodium channels, inhibition of glutamate release and calcium channel blockade. Platelet studies have indicated supersensitivity of glutamate receptors and increased intracellular calcium concentrations in patients with mania. Further clinical and mechanistic studies of lamotrigine use in mania are warranted.


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Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder, involving psychiatric, cognitive and motor symptoms, caused by a CAG-repeat expansion encoding an extended polyglutamine tract in the huntingtin protein. Oxidative stress and excitotoxicity have previously been implicated in the pathogenesis of HD. We hypothesized that N-acetylcysteine (NAC) may reduce both excitotoxicity and oxidative stress through its actions on glutamate reuptake and antioxidant capacity. The R6/1 transgenic mouse model of HD was used to investigate the effects of NAC on HD pathology. It was found that chronic NAC administration delayed the onset and progression of motor deficits in R6/1 mice, while having an antidepressant-like effect on both R6/1 and wild-type mice. A deficit in the astrocytic glutamate transporter protein, GLT-1, was found in R6/1 mice. However, this deficit was not ameliorated by NAC, implying that the therapeutic effect of NAC is not due to rescue of the GLT-1 deficit and associated glutamate-induced excitotoxicity. Assessment of mitochondrial function in the striatum and cortex revealed that R6/1 mice show reduced mitochondrial respiratory capacity specific to the striatum. This deficit was rescued by chronic treatment with NAC. There was a selective increase in markers of oxidative damage in mitochondria, which was rescued by NAC. In conclusion, NAC is able to delay the onset of motor deficits in the R6/1 model of Huntington's disease and it may do so by ameliorating mitochondrial dysfunction. Thus, NAC shows promise as a potential therapeutic agent in HD. Furthermore, our data suggest that NAC may also have broader antidepressant efficacy.


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Obsessive compulsive and related disorders are a collection of debilitating psychiatric disorders in which the role of glutamate dysfunction in the underpinning neurobiology is becoming well established. N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a glutamate modulator with promising therapeutic effect. This paper presents a systematic review of clinical trials and case reports exploring the use of NAC for these disorders. A further objective was to detail the methodology of current clinical trials being conducted in the area.


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N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is recognized for its role in acetaminophen overdose and as a mucolytic. Over the past decade, there has been growing evidence for the use of NAC in treating psychiatric and neurological disorders, considering its role in attenuating pathophysiological processes associated with these disorders, including oxidative stress, apoptosis, mitochondrial dysfunction, neuroinflammation and glutamate and dopamine dysregulation. In this systematic review we find favorable evidence for the use of NAC in several psychiatric and neurological disorders, particularly autism, Alzheimer's disease, cocaine and cannabis addiction, bipolar disorder, depression, trichotillomania, nail biting, skin picking, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, drug-induced neuropathy and progressive myoclonic epilepsy. Disorders such as anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and mild traumatic brain injury have preliminary evidence and require larger confirmatory studies while current evidence does not support the use of NAC in gambling, methamphetamine and nicotine addictions and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Overall, NAC treatment appears to be safe and tolerable. Further well designed, larger controlled trials are needed for specific psychiatric and neurological disorders where the evidence is favorable.


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Introduction: Homocysteine levels have been associated with major depression, but associations with bipolar disorder remain less clear. Some data suggest homocysteine levels have potential as a biomarker of treatment response; however the literature is mixed.

Areas covered
: Oxidized forms of homocysteine can be potentially neurotoxic leading to glutamate toxicity, apoptotic transformation and neurodegenerative processes. High homocysteine may be a risk biomarker for bipolar disorders, but the empirical base remains too weak for firm conclusions. This review discusses the current literature for homocysteine levels as a biomarker.

Expert opinion: It is premature to foreclose the utility of homocysteine levels as a biomarker for bipolar disorder due the methodological inadequacies in the existing literature. These methodological design issues include lack of control for the confounding variables of concurrent medication, phase of bipolar disorder, gender, age, nutritional status, thyroid, liver and renal function, smoking or lean body mass. Well-powered association studies with confounder control could help shed more light on the important clinical question of homocysteine's utility as a biomarker in bipolar disorder. Future experiments are needed to examine the outcome of interventions modulating homocysteine for treating bipolar disorder. Only prospective randomized control trials will provide definitive evidence of the utility of homocysteine as a biomarker or therapeutic target.


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BACKGROUND: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a disabling mental illness for which pharmacological and psychosocial interventions are all too often inadequate. Recent preclinical and clinical studies have implicated dysfunction of glutamatergic neurotransmission in the pathophysiology of OCD. The amino acid-based nutraceutical N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a safe and readily available agent that has been found to modify the synaptic release of glutamate in subcortical brain regions via modulation of the cysteine-glutamate antiporter. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of NAC in treating OCD. METHODS: A 16-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised trial using 3 g/day of NAC (1.5 g twice daily) in 44 participants (aged 18-70 years) with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5)-diagnosed OCD, during 2013-2015. The primary outcome measure was the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (YBOCS), conducted every 4 weeks. RESULTS: Analysis of the full sample (intention-to-treat) with repeated measures mixed linear modelling revealed a nonsignificant time × treatment interaction for the YBOCS scale total score (p = 0.39). A per-protocol analysis removing protocol violators also failed to show a significant time × treatment interaction for YBOCS total score (p = 0.15). However, a significant time × treatment interaction was observed for the YBOCS 'Compulsions' subscale in favour of NAC (p = 0.013), with a significant reduction observed at week 12 (dissipating at week 16). At 16 weeks, only four (20 %) participants were considered 'responders' (YBOCS ≥35 % reduction at endpoint) versus four (27 %) in the placebo group. The NAC was well-tolerated, aside from more cases of heartburn occurring compared with placebo (p = 0.045). CONCLUSION: Further research involving NAC for OCD may require larger samples to detect moderate or small effect sizes, involve dosage or formulation differences, use in concert with exposure therapy, or an additional post-study observational period to mitigate study withdrawal. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ACTRN12613000310763.


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Barramundi (Lates calcarifer), a catadromous teleost of significant and growing commercial importance, are reported to have limited fatty acid bioconversion capability and therefore require preformed long-chain PUFA (LC-PUFA) as dietary essential fatty acid (EFA). In this study, the response of juvenile barramundi (47·0 g/fish initial weight) fed isolipidic and isoenergetic diets with 8·2 % added oil was tested. The experimental test diets were either devoid of fish oil (FO), and thus with no n-3 LC-PUFA (FO FREE diet), or with a low inclusion of FO (FO LOW diet). These were compared against a control diet containing only FO (FO CTRL diet) as the added lipid source, over an 8-week period. Interim samples and measurements were taken fortnightly during the trial in order to define the aetiology of the onset and progression of EFA deficiency. After 2 weeks, the fish fed the FO FREE and FO LOW diets had significantly lower live-weights, and after 8 weeks significant differences were detected for all performance parameters. The fish fed the FO FREE diet also had a significantly higher incidence of external abnormalities. The transcription of several genes involved in fatty acid metabolism was affected after 2 weeks of feeding, showing a rapid nutritional regulation. This experiment documents the aetiology of the onset and the progression of EFA deficiency in juvenile barramundi and demonstrates that such deficiencies can be detected within 2 weeks in juvenile fish.


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Protein calcium sensors of the Homer family have been proposed to modulate the activity of various ion channels and nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT), the transcription factor modulating skeletal muscle differentiation. We monitored Homer expression and subcellular localization in human skeletal muscle biopsies following 60 d of bedrest [Second Berlin Bedrest Study (BBR2-2)]. Soleus (SOL) and vastus lateralis (VL) biopsies were taken at start (pre) and at end (end) of bedrest from healthy male volunteers of a control group without exercise (CTR; n=9), a resistive-only exercise group (RE; n=7), and a combined resistive/vibration exercise group (RVE; n=7). Confocal analysis showed Homer immunoreactivity at the postsynaptic microdomain of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) at bedrest start. After bedrest, Homer immunoreactivity decreased (CTR), remained unchanged (RE), or increased (RVE) at the NMJ. Homer2 mRNA and protein were differently regulated in a muscle-specific way. Activated NFATc1 translocates from cytoplasm to nucleus; increased amounts of NFATc1-immunopositive slow-type myonuclei were found in RVE myofibers of both muscles. Pulldown assays identified NFATc1 and Homer as molecular partners in skeletal muscle. A direct motor nerve control of Homer2 was confirmed in rat NMJs by in vivo denervation. Homer2 is localized at the NMJ and is part of the calcineurin-NFATc1 signaling pathway. RVE has additional benefit over RE as countermeasure preventing disuse-induced neuromuscular maladaptation during bedrest.