55 resultados para MOLYBDENUM-DISULFIDE


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The α-proteobacterium Wolbachia pipientis is a highly successful intracellular endosymbiont of invertebrates that manipulates its host's reproductive biology to facilitate its own maternal transmission. The fastidious nature of Wolbachia and the lack of genetic transformation have hampered analysis of the molecular basis of these manipulations. Structure determination of key Wolbachia proteins will enable the development of inhibitors for chemical genetics studies. Wolbachia encodes a homologue (α-DsbA1) of the Escherichia coli dithiol oxidase enzyme EcDsbA, essential for the oxidative folding of many exported proteins. We found that the active-site cysteine pair of Wolbachia α-DsbA1 has the most reducing redox potential of any characterized DsbA. In addition, Wolbachia α-DsbA1 possesses a second disulfide that is highly conserved in α-proteobacterial DsbAs but not in other DsbAs. The α-DsbA1 structure lacks the characteristic hydrophobic features of EcDsbA, and the protein neither complements EcDsbA deletion mutants in E. coli nor interacts with EcDsbB, the redox partner of EcDsbA. The surface characteristics and redox profile of α-DsbA1 indicate that it probably plays a specialized oxidative folding role with a narrow substrate specificity. This first report of a Wolbachia protein structure provides the basis for future chemical genetics studies.


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Cross-strand pair correlations are calculated for residue pairs in antiparallel β-sheet for two cases: pairs whose backbone atoms are hydrogen bonded together (H-bonded site) and pairs which are not (non-H-bonded site). The statistics show that this distinction is important. When glycine is located on the edge of a sheet, it shows a 3:1 preference for the H-bonded site. Thestrongest observed correlations are for pairs of disulfide-bonded cystines, many of which adopt a close-packed conformation with each cystine in a spiral conformation of opposite chirality to its partner. It is likely that these pairs are a signature for the family of small, cystine-rich proteins. Most other strong positive and negative correlations involve charged and polar residues. It appears that electrostatic compatibility is the strongest factor affecting pair correlation. Significant correlations are observed for β- and γ-branched residues inthe non-H-bonded site. An examination of the structures showsa directionality in side chain packing. There is a correlation between (1) the directionality in the packing interactions of non-H-bonded β- and γ-branched residue pairs, (2) the handedness of the observed enantiomers of chiral β-branched side chains, and (3) the handedness of the twist of β-sheet. These findings have implications for the formation of β-sheets during protein folding and the mechanism by which the sheet becomes twisted


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The molecular mechanisms underlying thiol-based redox control are poorly defined. Disulfide bonds between Cys residues are commonly thought to confer extra rigidity and stability to their resident protein, forming a type of proteinaceous spot weld. Redox biologists have been redefining the role of disulfides over the last 30–40 years. Disulfides are now known to form in the cytosol under conditions of oxidative stress. Isomerization of extracellular disulfides is also emerging as an important regulator of protein function. The current paradigm is that the disulfide proteome consists of two subproteomes: a structural group and a redox-sensitive group. The redoxsensitive group is less stable and often associated with regions of stress in protein structures. Some characterized redox-active disulfides are the helical CXXC motif, often associated with thioredoxin-fold proteins; and forbidden disulfides, a group of metastable disulfides that disobey elucidated rules of protein stereochemistry. Here we discuss the role of redox-active disulfides as switches in proteins.


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Seminal studies by Richardson and Thornton defined the constraints imposed by protein structure on disulfide formation and flagged forbidden regions of primary or secondary structure seemingly incapable of forming disulfide bonds between resident cysteine pairs. With respect to secondary structure, disulfide bonds were not found between cysteine pairs: A. on adjacent beta-stands; B. in a single helix or strand; C. on non-adjacent strands of the same beta-sheet. In primary structure, disulfide bonds were not found between cysteine pairs: D. adjacent in the sequence. In the intervening years it has become apparent that all these forbidden regions are indeed occupied by disulfide-bonded cysteines, albeit rather strained ones. It has been observed that sources of strain in a protein structure, such as residues in forbidden regions of the Ramachandran plot and cis-peptide bonds, are found in functionally important regions of the protein and warrant further investigation. Like the Ramachandran plot, the earlier studies by Richardson and Thornton have identified a fundamental truth in protein stereochemistry: "forbidden" disulfides adopt strained conformations, but there is likely a functional reason for this. Emerging evidence supports a role for forbidden disulfides in redox-regulation of proteins.


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EGF domains are extracellular protein modules cross-linked by three intradomain disulfides. Past studies suggest the existence of two types of EGF domain with three-disulfides, human EGF-like (hEGF) domains and complement C1r-like (cEGF) domains, but to date no functional information has been related to the two different types, and they are not differentiated in sequence or structure databases. We have developed new sequence patterns based on the different C-termini to search specifically for the two types of EGF domains in sequence databases. The exhibited sensitivity and specificity of the new pattern-based method represents a significant advancement over the currently available sequence detection techniques. We re-annotated EGF sequences in the latest release of Swiss-Prot looking for functional relationships that might correlate with EGF type. We show that important post-translational modifications of three-disulfide EGFs, including unusual forms of glycosylation and post-translational proteolytic processing, are dependent on EGF subtype. For example, EGF domains that are shed from the cell surface and mediate intercellular signaling are all hEGFs, as are all human EGF receptor family ligands. Additional experimental data suggest that functional specialization has accompanied subtype divergence. Based on our structural analysis of EGF domains with three-disulfide bonds and comparison to laminin and integrin-like EGF domains with an additional interdomain disulfide, we propose that these hEGF and cEGF domains may have arisen from a four-disulfide ancestor by selective loss of different cysteine residues.


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Disulfides are conventionally viewed as structurally stabilizing elements in proteins but emerging evidence suggests two disulfide subproteomes exist. One group mediates the well known role of structural stabilization. A second redox-active group are best known for their catalytic functions but are increasingly being recognized for their roles in regulation of protein function. Redox-active disulfides are, by their very nature, more susceptible to reduction than structural disulfides; and conversely, the Cys pairs that form them are more susceptible to oxidation. In this study, we searched for potentially redox-active Cys Pairs by scanning the Protein Data Bank for structures of proteins in alternate redox states. The PDB contains over 1134 unique redox pairs of proteins, many of which exhibit conformational differences between alternate redox states. Several classes of structural changes were observed, proteins that exhibit: disulfide oxidation following expulsion of metals such as zinc; major reorganisation of the polypeptide backbone in association with disulfide redox-activity; order/disorder transitions; and changes in quaternary structure. Based on evidence gathered supporting disulfide redox activity, we propose disulfides present in alternate redox states are likely to have physiologically relevant redox activity.


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A group of α-lipoic acid N-phenylamides were synthesized employing a variety of amide coupling protocols utilizing electron deficient anilines. These compounds were then assessed for their ability to block androgen-stimulated proliferation of a human prostate cancer cell line, LNCaP. These structurally simple compounds displayed anti-proliferative activities at, typically, 5–20 μM concentrations and were comparable to a commonly used anti-androgen Bicalutamide®. The inclusion of a disulfide (RS-SR) moiety, serving as an anchor to several metal nanoparticle systems (Au, Ag, Fe2O3, etc.), does not impede any biological activity. Conjugation of these compounds to a gold nanoparticle surface resulted in a high degree of cellular toxicity, attributed to the absence of a biocompatible group such as PEG within the organic scaffold.


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Voltammetric behavior at gold electrodes in aqueous media is known to be strongly dependent on electrode polishing and history. In this study, an electrode array consisting of 100 nominally identical and individually addressable gold disks electrodes, each with a radius of 127 µm, has been fabricated. The ability to analyze both individual electrode and total array performance enables microscopic aspects of the overall voltammetric response arising from variable levels of inhomogeneity in each electrode to be identified. The array configuration was initially employed with the reversible and hence relatively surface insensitive [Ru(NH3)6]3+/2+ reaction and then with the more highly surface sensitive quasi-reversible [Fe(CN)6]3−/4− process. In both these cases, the reactants and products are solution soluble and, at a scan rate of 50 mV s−1, each electrode in the array is assumed to behave independently, since no evidence of overlapping of the diffusion layers was detected. As would be expected, the variability of the individual electrodesʼ responses was significantly larger than found for the summed electrode behavior. In the case of cytochrome c voltammetry at a 4,4′-dipyridyl disulfide modified electrode, a far greater dependence on electrode history and electrode heterogeneity was detected. In this case, voltammograms derived from individual electrodes in the gold array electrode exhibit shape variations ranging from peak to sigmoidal. However, again the total response was always found to be well-defined. This voltammetry is consistent with a microscopic model of heterogeneity where some parts of each chemically modified electrode surface are electroactive while other parts are less active. The findings are consistent with the common existence of electrode heterogeneity in cyclic voltammetric responses at gold electrodes, that are normally difficult to detect, but fundamentally important, as electrode nonuniformity can give rise to subtle forms of kinetic and other forms of dispersion.


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Between-strand disulfides (BSDs) connect cysteine (Cys) residues across adjacent strands of β-sheets. There are four BSD types which can be found in regular β-structure: CSDs, which link residues immediately opposite each other in the β-structure (residues i and j); ETDs, which connect Cys out of register by one residue (i and j ± 1); BDDs, which join Cys at positions i and j ± 2; and BFDs, which link residues i and j ± 3. Formation of these disulfides was initially predicted to be forbidden, producing too much local strain in the protein fold. However, BSDs do exist in nature. Significantly, their high levels of strain allow them to be involved in redox processes under physiological conditions. Here we characterise BSD motifs found in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), discussing important intrinsic factors, such as the disulfide conformation and torsional strain, and extrinsic factors, such as the influence of the β-sheet environment on the disulfide and vice versa. We also discuss the biological importance of BSDs, including the prevalence of non-homologous examples in the PDB, the conservation of BSD motifs amongst related proteins (BSD clusters) and experimental evidence for BSD redox activity. For clusters of homologous BSDs we present detailed data of the disulfide properties and the variations of these properties amongst the “redundant” structures. Identification of disulfides with the potential to be involved in biological redox processes via the analysis of these data will provide important insights into the function and mechanism of BSD-containing proteins. Characterisation of thiol-based redox signalling pathways will lead to significant breakthroughs in understanding the molecular basis of oxidative stress and associated pathways, such as ageing and neurodegenerative diseases.


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The HIV-1 gp120-gp41 complex, which mediates viral fusion and cellular entry, undergoes rapid evolution within its external glycan shield to enable escape from neutralizing antibody (NAb). Understanding how conserved protein determinants retain functionality in the context of such evolution is important for their evaluation and exploitation as potential drug and/ or vaccine targets. In this study, we examined how the conserved gp120-gp41 association site, formed by the N- and Cterminal segments of gp120 and the disulfide-bonded region (DSR) of gp41, adapts to glycan changes that are linked to neutralization sensitivity. To this end, a DSR mutant virus (K601D) with defective gp120-association was sequentially passaged in peripheral blood mononuclear cells to select suppressor mutations. We reasoned that the locations of suppressors point to structural elements that are functionally linked to the gp120-gp41 association site. In culture 1, gp120 association and viral replication was restored by loss of the conserved glycan at Asn136 in V1 (T138N mutation) in
conjunction with the L494I substitution in C5 within the association site. In culture 2, replication was restored with deletion of the N139INN sequence, which ablates the overlapping Asn141-Asn142-Ser-Ser potential N-linked glycosylation sequons in
V1, in conjunction with D601N in the DSR. The 136 and 142 glycan mutations appeared to exert their suppressive effects by altering the dependence of gp120-gp41 interactions on the DSR residues, Leu593, Trp596 and Lys601. The 136 and/or 142
glycan mutations increased the sensitivity of HIV-1 pseudovirions to the glycan-dependent NAbs 2G12 and PG16, and also pooled IgG obtained from HIV-1-infected individuals. Thus adjacent V1 glycans allosterically modulate the distal gp120-
gp41 association site. We propose that this represents a mechanism for functional adaptation of the gp120-gp41 association site to an evolving glycan shield in a setting of NAb selection.


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We have analyzed the extent of regulation by the nitric oxide (NO)-sensitive repressor NsrR from Neisseria meningitidis MC58, using microarray analysis. Target genes that appeared to be regulated by NsrR, based on a comparison between an nsrR mutant and a wild-type strain, were further investigated by quantitative real-time PCR, revealing a very compact set of genes, as follows: norB (encoding NO reductase), dnrN (encoding a protein putatively involved in the repair of nitrosative damage to iron-sulfur clusters), aniA (encoding nitrite reductase), nirV (a putative nitrite reductase assembly protein), and mobA (a gene associated with molybdenum metabolism in other species but with a frame shift in N. meningitidis). In all cases, NsrR acts as a repressor. The NO protection systems norB and dnrN are regulated by NO in an NsrR-dependent manner, whereas the NO protection system cytochrome c′ (encoded by cycP) is not controlled by NO or NsrR, indicating that N. meningitidis expresses both constitutive and inducible NO protection systems. In addition, we present evidence to show that the anaerobic response regulator FNR is also sensitive to NO but less so than NsrR, resulting in complex regulation of promoters such as aniA, which is controlled by both FNR and NsrR: aniA was found to be maximally induced by intermediate NO concentrations, consistent with a regulatory system that allows expression during denitrification (in which NO accumulates) but is down-regulated as NO approaches toxic concentrations.


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Cone snail venoms are a rich source of peptides, many of which are potent and selective modulators of ion channels and receptors. Here we report the isolation and characterization of two novel conotoxins from the venom of Conus imperialis. These two toxins contain a novel cysteine framework, C-C-C-CC-C, which has not been found in other conotoxins described to date. We name it framework XXIII and designate the two toxins im23a and im23b; cDNAs of these toxins exhibit a novel signal peptide sequence, which defines a new K-superfamily. The disulfide connectivity of im23a has been mapped by chemical mapping of partially reduced intermediates and by NMR structure calculations, both of which establish a I-II, III-IV, V-VI pattern of disulfide bridges. This pattern was also confirmed by synthesis of im23a with orthogonal protection of individual cysteine residues. The solution structure of im23a reveals that im23a adopts a novel helical hairpin fold. A cluster of acidic residues on the surface of the molecule is able to bind calcium. The biological activity of the native and recombinant peptides was tested by injection into mice intracranially and intravenously to assess the effects on the central and peripheral nervous systems, respectively. Intracranial injection of im23a or im23b into mice induced excitatory symptoms; however, the biological target of these new toxins has yet to be identified.