68 resultados para Loneliness and isolation


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We investigated the effect of the presence and absence of lambs and suckling by lambs to attenuate activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis to isolation and restraint stress in lactating sheep. In experiment 1, blood samples were collected every 10 min from nonlactating (n = 5) and lactating (n = 5) ewes for 4 h before and during stress. In experiment 2, ewes (n = 6) were allocated to 1) nonlactating, 2) lactating with lambs absent, 3) lactating with lambs present but unable to suckle, and 4) lactating with lambs present and able to suckle. Blood samples were collected over 8 h with no stress (control day) and for 4 h before and 4 h during stress (stress day). In experiment 1, the mean (±SEM) cortisol concentrations increased significantly (P < 0.05) in nonlactating ewes during stress but did not change in lactating ewes. In experiment 2, cortisol did not vary on the control day or pretreatment of the stress day but increased (P < 0.05) during stress in all groups except lactating ewes with lambs present and able to suckle. The greatest cortisol response occurred in nonlactating ewes followed by lactating ewes with lambs absent and lactating ewes with lambs present but unable to suckle. During stress, the ACTH concentrations increased (P < 0.05) in nonlactating ewes and lactating ewes with lambs absent but not in lactating ewes with lambs present. We conclude that the activity of the HPA axis during isolation and restraint is reduced in lactating ewes and that the presence of lambs increases this level of attenuation.


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An isolation program targeting Thraustochytrids (marine fungoid protists) from 19 different Atlantic Canadian locations was performed. Sixty-eight isolates were screened for biomass, total fatty acid (TFA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) content. Analysis of fatty acid methyl ester results discerned four distinctive clusters based on fatty acid profiles, with biomass ranging from 0.1 to 2.3 g L−1, and lipid, EPA, and DHA contents ranging from 27.1 to 321.14, 2.97 to 21.25, and 5.18 to 83.63 mg g−1 biomass, respectively. ONC-T18, was subsequently chosen for further manipulations. Identified using 18S rRNA gene sequencing techniques as a Thraustochytrium sp., most closely related to Thraustochytrium striatum T91-6, ONC-T18 produced up to 28.0 g L−1 biomass, 81.7% TFA, 31.4% (w/w biomass) DHA, and 4.6 g L−1 DHA under optimal fermentation conditions. Furthermore, this strain was found to produce the carotenoids and xanthophylls astaxanthin, zeaxanthin, canthaxanthin, echinenone, and β-carotene. Given this strain’s impressive productivity when compared to commercial strains, such as Schizochytrium sp. SR21 (which has only 50% TFA), coupled with its ability to grow at economical nitrogen and very low salt concentrations (2 g L−1), ONC-T18 is seen as an ideal candidate for both scale-up and commercialization.


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Our proprietary preparation obtained by extraction of Chlorella pyrenoidosa cells, ONC-107 (Respondin™), was recently found to selectively boost antibody response to the influenza vaccine in a human clinical trial. Respondin™ is a potent stimulator of mouse B cell proliferation and an activator of macrophages. Bioactivity-guided resolution concluded that Respondin™ is composed of a mixture of immunostimulatory principles of different chemical nature. A combination of size exclusion, anion exchange and hydrophobic interaction chromatography revealed that the bulk of the immunostimulatory activity resides in polysaccharide/protein complexes with molecular masses larger than 100 kDa that are composed primarily of galactose, rhamnose and arabinose.


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The aqueous extract of the edible green microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa is of interest because of its immunostimulatory activity. Some components in the extract have been identified previously, namely a unique type of arabinogalactan and a galactofuran. Further fractionation of this extract was accomplished by treating the aqueous solution of the fraction precipitated by addition of 1.5vol of 95% ethanol with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide. The residue obtained by concentration of the supernatant was fractionated further by anion-exchange chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography on Sephadex G-100. Two fractions from the latter column were retained, of which one was a starch-like alpha-(1-->4)-linked d-glucan with some alpha-(1-->6) branches, and the other contained a starch plus a mixture of beta-(1-->2)-d-glucans. ESI mass spectrometry was used to show that the mixture contained both cyclic and linear beta-(1-->2)-d-glucans in a cyclic:linear ratio of 64:36, based on intensities of mass spectral peaks. For the cyclic beta-(1-->2)-d-glucans, ring sizes ranged from 18 to 35 monosaccharides with the ring containing 21 glucose units (54% of the cyclic glucans) being greater than three times more abundant than the next most abundant component, the ring containing 22 glucose units (15%). No rings containing 20 glucose units were present. This is the first observation of cyclic beta-(1-->2)-d-glucans in algae, as far as we are aware. For the linear beta-(1-->2)-d-glucans, the component containing 20 glucoses was most abundant (35% of the linear glucans), while the component containing 21 glucose units was the next most abundant (17%). These relatively low-molecular-weight glucans had low immunostimulatory activity.


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Stress responses are thought to act within the hypothalamopituitary unit to impair the reproductive system, and the sites of action may differ between sexes. The effect of isolation and restraint stress on pituitary responsiveness to GnRH in sheep was investigated, with emphasis on possible sex differences. Experiments were conducted during the breeding season and the nonbreeding season. In both experiments, 125 ng of GnRH was injected i.v. every 2 h into hypothalamopituitary disconnected, gonadectomized rams and ewes on 3 experimental days, with each day divided into two periods. During the second period on Day 2, isolation and restraint stress was imposed for 5.5 h. Plasma concentrations of LH and cortisol were measured in samples of blood collected from the jugular vein. In the second experiment (nonbreeding season), plasma concentrations of epinephrine, norepinephrine, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine, and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol were also measured. In both experiments, there was no effect of isolation and restraint stress on plasma concentrations of cortisol in either sex. During the breeding season, there was no effect of isolation and restraint stress on plasma concentrations of LH in either sex. During the nonbreeding season, the amplitude of the first LH pulse after the commencement of stress was significantly reduced (P < 0.05) in rams and ewes. In the second experiment, during stress there was a significant increase (P < 0.05) in plasma concentrations of epinephrine in rams and ewes and significantly higher (P < 0.05) basal concentrations of norepinephrine in ewes than in rams. These results suggest that in sheep stress reduces responsiveness of the pituitary gland to exogenous GnRH during the nonbreeding season but not during the breeding season, possibly because of mediators of the stress response other than those of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal gland axis.


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An arabinogalactan was isolated from a hot water extract of freeze-dried cells of the green microalga, Chlorella pyrenoidosa. This hot water extract is a proprietary immunomodulator, with the trademark Respondin™ (ONC-107). The arabinogalactan was recovered from the ethanol-soluble fraction of the supernatant resulting from a process that involved controlled ethanol precipitation followed by size exclusion chromatography on Sephadex G-100, then Cetavlon precipitation. Sugar analyses, GC–MS data for (S)-2-octyl glycosides, and 1D and 2D NMR experiments established unambiguously that the repeating unit was →2)-α-l-Araf-(1→3)-[α-l-Araf-(1→4)]-β-d-Galp-(1→. This structure does not fit into any of the known classes of arabinogalactans. SEC/MALS experiments gave a molecular mass for the arabinogalactan isolated as 47 ± 4 kDa but the original structure was probably larger.


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The investigation into humic acid; chemistry examined the effect the extraction technique used to isolate humic material from the sediment had on the chemical/structural composition and yield of the acid; compared the various isolation techniques used in the literature and developed an extraction technique which minimises the solubilisation of the heavy metals from the inorganic sediment and, examined the complexation capacity of humic acids derived from a sediment source in relation to the heavy metal content and extraction technique.


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This thesis describes the isolation and characterisation of two plant genes, AtERCC1 and AtRAD30. Evidence from protein homology comparisons, and functional complementation, in vitro mutagenesis, or interaction assays suggests the involvement of these genes in the repair or tolerance, respectively, of UV-induced DNA change.


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A putative abalone egg-laying hormone has been amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from abalone genomic DNA. The PCR product was found to hybridize to Lymnaea stagnalis egg-laying hormone (CDCH) cDNA probe and the PCR product was then cloned and sequenced. Nucleotide sequences of putative abalone egg-laying hormone were determined.


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The sperm cells of Rhododendron laetum and R. macgregoriae differentiate within the pollen tube about 24 h after germination in vitro. Threedimensional reconstruction shows that the sperm cells are paired together, and both have extensions that link with the tube nucleus, forming a male germ unit. Quantitative analysis shows that the sperm cells in each pair differ significantly in surface area, but not in cell volume nor in numbers of mitochondria or plastids. When isolated from pollen tubes by osmotic shock, the sperm cells became ellipsoidal and surrounded by their own plasma membrane, while a proportion remained in pairs linked by the inner tube plasma membrane. Both generative and sperm cells are visualized in pollen tube preparations by immunofluorescence with anti-tubulin and anti-actin monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) combined with H33258 fluorescence of the nuclei. Video-image processing shows the presence of an axial microtubule cage in the generative cells, and some microtubules are present in the cytoplasmic extensions that clasp the tube nucleus. Following sperm cell division, the extensive phragmoplast between the sperm nuclei is partitioned by the plasma membranes.


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A key traditional question the client learns in the conventional psychotherapies is ‘Am I getting what I want?’. But can this question incite a mindset that does not align with the ‘give and take’ essence of sustainable everyday relations? Is it possible that the psychotherapies—if these practices can be bundled together—might teach clients to become more self-centred and relationally illiterate? MARK FURLONG suggests that well-intentioned practitioners can inadvertently de-empathise, ignore or even disrupt their clients’ intimate networks. Findings from his research support the proposition that the action of the mainstream therapies tends to undermine the service users’ prospects for sustainable personal relationships. Exceptions were found in the specialist settings of paediatric and aged care, and in narrative and family therapy practice.


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We characterized 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci identified from a Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala) blood sample using 454 whole genome shotgun sequencing. Levels of polymorphism were assessed using 15 Noisy Miners. The average number of alleles per locus was 5.1. These loci were then cross-amplified to assess their suitability in a single population of Bell Miners (M. melanophrys). Given the landscape level impact that these species are having on the health of vegetation and biodiversity of a range of vertebrates throughout much of south-eastern Australia, these primers will help identify colony dispersal patterns and thus aid in modeling predictions of miner presence and tenure length in threatened ecosystems.