37 resultados para Lectures and lecturing


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This research explores the effect of the use of laptop computers on students’ learning experiences during lectures. Our methodology involves embedding laptops with visualization software as a learning aid during lectures. We then employ a framework of seven principles of good practice in higher education to evaluate the impact of the use of laptop computers on the learning experience of computer programming students. Overall, we found that students were highly motivated and supportive of this innovative use of laptop computers with lectures.


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The Victorian Planning Minister’s response to the ‘Coastal Climate Change Advisor Report’, initiated by the Baillieu government in 2010, identified the need to “initiate ! a skills audit with the view to developing a range of professional development courses to meet the shortfall of professionals with the capability to assess coastal climate change impacts” (Victoria 2012). The following paper addresses this deficiency by examining how Australia’s higher education and further education sectors currently attend to the issue of coastal planning.

A detailed review of a large number of national and international planning programs was undertaken to highlight the subject matter contained in each program with a specific focus on any coastal planning courses. Working from a theoretical perspective, the first part of the paper addresses why a dedicated subject on Coastal Planning is required in the present Australian planning school syllabus, and how such a program would be positioned within the intent of PIA’s Education Policy.

Utilising the benefits of Problem Based learning and Student Centred Learning in relating to delivering a Coastal planning course, the second part of the paper provides a theoretical overview of the types of competencies which students may be expected to attain when undertaking such a course. The third part of the paper proposes a series of 12 lectures to underpin a unit titled “Coastal Planning: The Australian Context” which includes a draft lecture relating to the monitoring of Coastal Erosion in Adelaide.


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Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics is central to John McDowell’s classic Mind and World. In Lectures IV and V of that work, McDowell makes three claims concerning Aristotle’s ethics: first, that Aristotle did not base his ethics on an externalist, naturalistic basis (including a theory of human nature); second, that attempts to read him as an ethical naturalist are a modern anachronism, generated by the supposed need to ground all viable philosophical claims on claims analogous to the natural sciences; and third, that a suitably construed Aristotelian conception of “second nature” can form the basis of a viable contemporary philosophy of mind, world, and normativity. This paper challenges each of these three claims. Aristotle’s ethics, we will claim alongside Terence Irwin, Bernard Williams, Philippa Foot, and many premodern commentators, is based in the kind of physics, metaphysics, and metaphysical biology that McDowell says it cannot be. Historically, we will argue that McDowell’s argument that Aristotle’s ethical reasoning is “autonomous” or “self-standing” is distinctly modern, citing evidence from the leading medieval commentators on the Nicomachean Ethics. The felt need to which McDowell responds, of reading Aristotle’s ethical or political thought as wholly non-metaphysical, arises from out of the successes of the natural sciences in the modern world, which he agrees discredit the Aristotelian, teleological account of nature. In the final part of the paper, we propose that McDowell’s account of normativity, rooted in the non-metaphysical “second nature” he reads into Aristotle, we will contend, is as it stands inescapably relativistic. On a different note, we need also to recognize, as McDowell does not, that this is a new Aristotle, one shaped by our requirements and space of reasons, not the mind and world of the Greek Philosopher himself.


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Engaging students in large classes is a challenge at the best of times. Teachers are increasingly seeking the help of new technology to keep the attention of their technologically savvy students. VotApedia, a free cell phone-based audience response system, is one such technology. This research aims to assess economics students' perceptions of use of VotApedia in helping to achieve deeper learning; to map importance of use of audience response technology for students in promoting engagement and to assess the promotion of a positive and active environment in lectures by use of VotApedia in an Australian University. Using the framework of activity theory, it argues that technologies such as VotApedia use positive feedback loops to facilitate improved student engagement and learning.


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Since the invasion of 2003, Iraq has suffered an extraordinary era of both heritage destruction and devastating spikes in violence. While cases such as the 2003 attacks on the Iraq National Museum and the Iraq National Library and Archive, as well as the systematic looting of Iraq’s sensitive archaeological sites, understandably caused outrage among scholars of heritage studies across the world, little attention has been paid to the destruction of Iraq’s many significant Islamic sites – particularly during the ethno-religious sectarian violence that raged across the nation in 2006-7. This paper presents the first results of a three year project funded by the Australian Research Council which aims to empirically test the assumption that a significant relationship exists between this spike in violence and the targeting of sites of Islamic heritage (mosques, shrines, etc.). To do this, the paper will compare and contrast the information in the world’s first database of heritage destruction (created by the author) and existing measures of violence in Iraq (such as the Iraq Body Count database). This will set the precedent for studies of both heritage and violence and enable policy formation towards the minimization of heritage destruction and spikes in violence during times of conflict.


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 Note-taking during all kinds of lectures is a standard and easy technique for learners of all ages to self-document their thought during learning. Based on a metacognitive rationale, this study investigates the effect of note-taking within different kinds of video-lectures – text-driven presentations versus graphical presentations. The availability of note-taking is experimentally controlled for 54 undergraduate students, and the quality of the nodes is then projected to the learning outcome as compared to the content of the lectures. Our results indicate little direct impact of the note quality, and contra-intuitively, not taking notes helped learners with their knowledge structure. Our study helps to understand the limits of note-taking during learning and with a broader theoretical understanding of idiosyncratic externalization.


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Property education has changed substantially in Australia in recent years. Whilst there has been an increase in the number of courses being offered in property education, the profile of a typical student has also changed. Property students are under increasing pressure to balance study and work due to the higher cost of living and the associated cost of education. This in turn has placed pressure on the education system to deliver property in a manner which meets the needs of the industry and the students. At the same time, there has been a marked increase in the use of technology in the business and corporate world which has resulted in increased efficiencies. This paper critiques the potential for a property education course to embrace new technology rather than 100% face-to-face teaching and only paper-based assignments. The focus is placed on the delivery of material and the interaction between the students, the lecturing staff and the wider community. Using the new Deakin property course as a case study approach, the emphasis is placed on pushing the boundaries of the conventional property education process, including the delivery of property lectures, assignment submission and assessment, as well as the overall communication process. The findings conclude that by embracing technology in a property course, there can be a 'win-win' scenario for the students, the staff and the industry stakeholders. Whilst different property courses embrace varying levels of technology, it seems inevitable that we must continue to evolve the delivery of property education in order to become efficient and effective over the long-term.