83 resultados para Late early triassic


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An incomplete tarsometatarsus identified as an indeterminate species of Dromornithidae is described from the upper Miocene–lower Pliocene shallow marine Black Rock Sandstone at Beaumaris, Victoria, Australia. This isolated specimen represents one of the few pre-Pleistocene dromornithids with a well-constrained geologic age. Additionally, it is one of the few pre-Quaternary dromornithid fossils recorded from southeast Australia. Comparisons with known dromornithid taxa suggest that the Beaumaris dromornithid is distinct from previously
established species. This hitherto unknown species of dromornithid in the late Neogene of southeastern Australia cautions against deriving evolutionary patterns solely on the basis of fossils from northern Australia.


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In South China, the Changhsingian brachiopods are extraordinarily abundant and diverse, comprising 468 species in 144 genera. However, approximately 91% of brachiopod species were eliminated during the Permian-Triassic (P-Tr) mass extinction event. Brachiopods in the aftermath of the P-Tr mass extinction were extremely rare, with only one opportunistic taxon, Lingulida, occasionally found in the Griesbachian and Smithian at a high abundance. Species-diversity of articulated brachiopods in the early Griesbachian, late Griesbachian, Dienerian, and Smithian are 35, 3, 2, and 0, respectively. Although a few of Mesozoic-type species occurred in the Griesbachian, Dienerian and Smithian, a marked diversification of brachiopods occurred in the Spathian and early Anisian and was characterised by 9 and 17 Mesozoic-type species, respectively. The diversification of brachiopods in the Spathian and early Anisian coincides with the contemporaneous expansion of the refuge zone, suggesting that the improvement of marine environmental conditions (e.g., lethally hot temperature and anoxic seawater) played a key role in brachiopod recovery after the P-Tr mass extinction.


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Abundant, exceptionally preserved coprolites are documented from the Luoping biota (Anisian, Middle Triassic) of Yunnan Province, southwest China. These coprolites can be categorized into fourmorphological types: A) bead to ribbon-shaped, B) short to long cylindrical-shaped, C) flattened, disk-like, and D) segmented faeces. Detailed multi-disciplinary studies reveal that coprolite type A was likely produced by invertebrate animals,while coprolite types B to D could be faeces generated by carnivorous fishes or marine reptiles, perhaps from different taxonomicgroups. When compared with coprolites reported from the Lower Triassic, the Luoping forms indicate more complicated predation-prey food web networks. These evidences, combined with body fossil discoveries fromLuoping, suggest the emergence of complex trophic ecosystems in the Anisian,marking the full biotic recovery following the Permian–Triassic Mass Extinction.


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This article uses a new historicist approach to examine the complexrelationships between translators, writers, and missionary publishersin China, and their financial supporters in the United States and Britainto demonstrate how they influenced the development of Chinese children’sliterature. It focuses on the case of the American Presbyterian MissionPress, Chinese Religious Tract Society, and Christian Literature Societyfor China, publishers of many texts for children. The article argues thatthe Western mission presses shaped Chinese children’s literature in thelate nineteenth and early twentieth century by introducing new narrativesthrough translation, highlighting the importance of including visual imagesin children’s texts by importing electrotypes and lithographic printsfrom the United States and Britain, and training Chinese students in newengraving and printing techniques which enabled them to establish theirown publishing houses.


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Correlations of the Permian sequences for sixteen regions of north eastern Gondwana during the Permian are presented in this review. These correlations are compared with Permian sequences of the Australian continent. Broad conclusions on palaeoclimatic change and tectonic events are summarised for six time intervals of the Permian Period.

The Asselian-Sakmarian-early Artinskian time interval indicates a change from cold to temperate depositional environments. Glacial deposits and low diversity Gondwanan marine faunas are succeeded by younger, warmer water, clastic and bioclastic sequences with moderately diverse marine faunas. Deposition of these sequences is occasionally associated with basaltic volcanism and initial rifting of the peripheral northern Gondwanan margin.

During the Late Artinskian-Kungurian (including Early Ufimian) time interval, climate amelioration occurred with the onset of carbonate deposition in several Cimmerian terranes. Basaltic volcanism in several terranes is indicative of significant rifting and the opening of the Meso-Tethys.

The Roadian (Late Ufimian) and Wordian-Capitanian (including Kazanian-Midian) time intervals were characterised by widespread, subtropical, marine carbonate depositional sequences. These occurred throughout the Cimmerian blocks as they drifted northward and on the more northerly parts of the Meso-Tethyan southern margin. These transgressive sequences may rest on significant unconformity surfaces. Equivalent carbonate units are known in the offshore and subsurface sequences of western Australia. Andesitic, convergent plate margin volcanism and volcaniclastic sequences are present in eastern Australia.

The Wuchiapingian time slice is characterised by widespread marine transgressions which extended into the north western basins of Australia.

The Changhsingian time slice is represented by relatively minor marine transgressive events in the Trans-Himalaya with the Selong section of Tibet being probably the most complete Permo-Triassic sequence for the southern margin of the Meso-Tethys.


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New representatives of the family Strophalosiidae (Brachiopoda) are described from the Tupe Formation of the Paganzo Basin, Argentina. The genus Coronalosia Waterhouse & Gupta is reviewed and the new taxa Coronalosia argentinensis sp. nov. and Tupelosia paganzoensis gen. et sp. nov. proposed. The age of the Tupe Formation is reviewed and a middle to late Asselian (Early Permian) age is preferred.
The new genus Guadalupelosia from the mid-Permian of West Texas, USA, is also proposed.


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A new genus and species, Linshuichonetes elfinis, belonging to the Rugosochonetidae, is described from the Early Permian (Late Artinskian or early Kungurian) Liangshan Formation of the Yangtze block. The new genus is defined externally by the presence of fine, but delayed, capillation and a weak or absent median sulcus and fold and by the presence of a distinct posteromedian sinus on the ventral umbo; and internally by a lack of median, lateral and accessory septa in the dorsal interior; absence of vascular trunks in the ventral interior and the presence of distinct radiating rows of papillae in the interior of both valves, particularly an unusual clustered arrangement of papillae on the posteromedian portion of the dorsal interior. The local environment during the deposition of the Liangshan Formation appears to have been a restricted tidal flat or lagoon which experienced frequent sealevel fluctuations associated with the onset of the Yanghsingian transgression. The new species, L. elfinis, appears to have several morphological adaptations enabling successful exploitation of this environment. It was typically a very small and thin-valved species with a high surface area to volume ratio, an advantage in an oxygen restricted environment. The small size and numerous body spinules would have aided individuals to remain suspended at the top of the fine, soft substrate. It also dominated the brachiopod assemblage in the Liangshan Formation, comprising up to 94%of specimens within a bed. These factors indicate that the new species appears to be an opportunistic species.


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Four new Early Carboniferous athyridid species in three genera, including one new genus, Bruntonathyris, are described from the Qaidam Basin, northwest China: Lamellosathyris qaidamensis, Bruntonathyris amunikeensis, Bruntonathyris? heijianshanensis, and Lochengia qinghaiensis. Based on the new material and also on published information, we also reviewed the taxonomic composition and the stratigraphic and paleogeographic distributions of the three genera. As a result, Lamellosathyris is considered to be indicative of late Famennian to Viséan age, originating in late Famennian in central North America and Armenia of Russia, respectively. Later, the genus appears to have two migratory directions: one branch rapidly dispersed over Mississippi Valley, Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico of central North America in Tournaisian; alternatively, another branch from Armenia migrated westerly to Belgium, France, Spain, Britain, Ireland, via the Moscow Basin and Ural seaway, eastward to the Tienshan Mountains and Qaidam Basin of northwest China during the Tournaisian to Viséan, and easterly along the southern shelves of the Paleo-Tethys to Iran and western Yunnan of southwestern China in Tournaisian. Both Bruntonathyris and Lochengia are restrictedly Tournaisian to Viséan in age, and probably originated in the Qaidam Basin. Later, Bruntonathyris migrated easterly to South China and Japan, and westerly to Urals, Moscow Basin, Donetsk Basin and Britain; Lochengia migrated easterly to South China and westerly to the Urals seaway and the adjoined Russian Platform (i.e., both the Moscow and Donetsk Basins).


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A brachiopod fauna of 16 species belonging to 11 genera and three genera and species indeterminate from the middle and upper parts of the Juripu Formation in the Yarlung-Zangbo (Indus-Tsangbo) Suture zone (=Yarlung-Zangbo River zone), southern Tibet, is described and figured for the first time. A new species, Taeniothaerus zhongbaensis, is described. The fauna is comparable with that in the Kalabagh Member of the Wargal Formation of the Salt Range, Pakistan, and is considered to be most likely Capitanian (late Guadalupian/Middle Permian) to Wuchiapingian (early Lopingian/early Late Permian) in age, as indicated by the majority of the brachiopod species and by being constrained by an underlying fusulinacean fauna (Parafusulina Zone) and an overlying ammonite fauna (Cyclolobus fauna).


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Two rugosochonetid species, Neochonetes (Huangichonetes) geniculatus sp. nov. and Neochonetes (Zhongyingia) linshuiensis sp. nov., are described from the Lopingian (Late Permian) of the Chuanmu section, Sichuan, South China. Ecological changes from the diverse upper Changhsingian brachiopod palaeocommunity to the depauperate post-extinction brachiopod community are briefly discussed.


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38 brachiopod species in 27 genera and subgenera are described from the Yudong Formation in the Shidian-Baoshan area, west Yunnan, southwest China. New taxa include two new subgenera: Unispirifer (Septimispirifer) and Brachythyrina (Longathyrina), and seven new species: Eomarginifera yunnanensis, Marginatia cylindrica, Unispirifer (Unispirifer) xiangshanensis, Unispirifer (Septimispirifer) wafangjieensis, Brachythyrina (Brachythyrina) transversa, Brachythyrina (Longathyrina) baoshanensis, and Girtyella wafangjieensis. Based on the described material and constraints from associated coral and conodont faunas, the age of the brachiopod fauna from the Yudon Formation is considered late Tournaisian (Early Carboniferous), with a possibility extending into earlyViseacutean.


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The oncoid-bearing Chuanshan Formation is a regionally extensive carbonate deposit of predominantly Asselian to early Sakmarian (Early Permian) age in South China, occupying an area of some 500,000 km2. Throughout South China, the oncoid-bearing horizons are generally stable and broadly comparable in lithology, fossil content and the morphology of the oncoid grains. Four types of microfacies are recognized from the oncolite succession and overall they suggest a moderate- to high-energy, wave-agitated shallow marine carbonate platform environment. An analysis of the stratigraphic distribution of oncoid grain size, density, thickness and the bedding structures of the oncolite beds and the number of coating laminae indicate the presence of metre-scale cyclothems, suggestive of possible high-frequency cycles of sea-level fluctuation. Compared to carbonate successions above and below that lack oncolites, and in conjunction with evidence from sequence stratigraphic and isotopic geochemical analyses of coeval carbonate deposits in South China and elsewhere, the origin of the Chuanshan oncolites is linked to a drastic drop in global sea-level at the Pennsylvanian–Permian boundary, that can be correlated closely in timing with the zenith of the Late Palaeozoic Gondwanan glaciation. It is further suggested that the eustatic changes apparent from the deposition of the Chuanshan oncolites and similar coeval deposits in lower palaeolatitudes were coupled with, and influenced by, the contemporaneous high-latitude Gondwanan glaciation, the largest and longest known such event in Phanerozoic Earth history.