161 resultados para Investment Banking


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This paper examines approaches to the measurement of brand value, and discusses their applicability to the various parties and branded products relevant to professional football clubs. It is concluded that the applicability of many of these measures of performance to sporting club brands is questionable. In order to provide an appropriate measure of the return on investment in brand loyalty to both the sporting club brand and sponsor-related products, the use of nonfinancial performance measures is critical. This paper suggests future research directions to enable greater consistency of the measurement of the return on marketing investment for sporting club brands.


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This paper presents findings from an empirical study of banking customer experiences with the adoption of Internet banking. Using a qualitative, interpretive grounded theory approach and single and group interviews, the study explores customer perceptions and experiences and provides an understanding of how and why specific factors affect their decision whether or not to bank on the Internet in the current era. The findings are used to develop a theoretical framework which conceptualizes and links consumer issues influencing the adoption of this application, and we also provide a set of recommendations for banks. Specifically, the findings suggest that convenience – in particular, time savings – is the major motivator to bank on the Internet, while there are a range of other influential factors which could be modulated by banks. The results also highlight increasing online risk acceptance by customers and the growing importance of deep levels of customer support for online services. Key gender differences in attitudes to Internet banking are highlighted. This study suggests that organizations will improve their management of customer attitudes to new Internet service applications by understanding the need to proactively address customer fears and misconceptions about the technologies involved.


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As part of the accountability process public companies are required to report annually to stakeholders. Given the substantial investment in human capital, the disclosure of employment related policies, and the impact of changing policies and practices on employees, could be expected. Over the last few decades the UK banking sector has experienced major change. Increased competition, technology, regulation and deregulation have all contributed to changing practices, which have had a significant impact on employees. This paper examines changes in the banking sector, and the employee information reported in the annual reports of a large UK bank, over the period 1980 to 1995. The purpose of this paper is to examine how the changes, and the effects of the changes on employees, were reported in the annual reports.


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This paper conducts productivity and efficiency analysis of banks operating in Australia since the deregulation of the Australian financial system in early 1980s. Applying data envelopment analysis (DEA), with a moving window, the Malmquist indices are determined in order to investigate the levels of and the changes in the efficiency of Australian banks over the period from 1983 to 200 I. The DEA window analysis is adopted in order to relieve the small sample problem that in previous studies has proved problematic in the study of the Australian banking sector. The pal1icular window used in this case has been carefully designed to ensure the robustness of the efficiencies scores to changes in the window width. A second-stage regression is conducted by using the unconditional bootstrap approach suggested by Xue and Harker (1999) to overcome the dependency and heteroskedasticity of DE A efficiency scores. The empirical results demonstrate the effect of deregulation on the performance of individual banks, banks of different organizational types and the entire Australian banking sector.


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This paper explores the relationship between directors' pay and performance within Australian banking, using panel data for the 1992-2005 period. The relationship between CEO pay and performance is investigated also. Several earnings models are estimated, using different dependent variables, alternate measures of performance and different estimation techniques. The results indicate an absence of a contemporaneous relationship between directors' pay and bank performance, and no association with prior year performance. However, there is a more distant pay-performance relationship, with total directors' pay having a robust positive association with earnings per share lagged two years, as well as with ROE lagged two years. The other key determinants of directors' pay in Australian banking are bank specific managerial policies, lags in the administration of pay, bank size, directors' age and directors' stock ownership. In contrast to total directors' pay, the evidence confirms a strong positive and direct association between CEO remuneration and prior year bank performance. The pay-performance association is stronger and more direct for CEO remuneration than it is for total directors' remuneration. The responsiveness of CEO pay with respect to bank performance appears to have increased over time.


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Privatisation was expected to promote investment in the economy as part of improving dynamic efficiency. The relation between aggregate public and private investment in Australia is investigated in an endogeneous ECM framework. Model selection for a simple investment function allows restrictions for neoclassical crowding out or Keynesian crowding in (after Aschauer 1989) in a small open economy. An ECM is estimated including annual aggregate private investment, public investment, income, rate of return, average interest cost, exchange rate and inventories from 1960 to 2005. Public capital appears unresponsive to shocks and crowding out is not evident.


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The internet and the mobile phone - two technological advancements that have profoundly affected human behaviour in the last decade - have started to converge. The products .of this association are mobile data services. Using a variety of platforms, services are being created to enable mobile devices to perform many activities of the traditional internet, albeit in a reduced format for mobile devices. One area of activity is mobile (m-) banking (one of the first areas of commercial transaction on the wireless internet). Banking is an area that has extended in many different ways in recent years, including telephone and online banking. M-banking provides yet another channel for banking services, and in emerging markets, provides some possibility for becoming a primary channel. This paper examines the strategic implications of m-banking and the strategic positioning of m-banking services in different markets. The paper concludes with a discussion of the future for m-banking services.


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Against the background of increasing competition from globalization and the trend towards consolidation, diversification and rationalization, the study of efficiency is most relevant in the Malaysian Islamic banking context, where all domestic commercial banks operate Islamic banking schemes. Using the non-parametric method of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), this study investigates the recent efficiency of the Malaysian Islamic Banking system. The attributions of technical efficiency (utilization of capacity) and scale efficiency (optimality of scale achieved) are identified. Further, Islamic Banking Schemes operating under the dual banking system of foreign and domestic commercial banks were benchmarked to the country's two full-fledged Islamic banks to provide insight of the relative efficiencies. Amidst an overall improvement in TE and SE, it was noted that foreign banks (FB) increased efficiency levels to achieve full efficiency over the six-year period, and domestic banks (DB) followed by smaller improvement while the fully-fledged Islamic banks (FFIE) experienced a general decline in efficiency which was solely attributed to scale inefficiency. The findings provide useful guidelines for policy implications and may also assist banks concerned with their strategic planning with regard to the future of Islamic banking.


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This paper explores Australian domestic customers' choices with regard to Internet banking, examining why it is taken up by some Australians and not others. The constructivist conceptual framework and the grounded nature of the method enabled in-depth exploration of key issues not undertaken before by the mainly positivist studies. The purposeful sample of 32 participants was selected to represent the major categories of people relevant to the research. Everett Rogers' famous analysis of 'diffusion of innovations' was one theoretical framework used to illuminate the findings; the other was digital divide factors in relation to banking choices. The findings include 1) that the major motivation for people to adopt Internet banking is convenience, closely linked to time savings and ease of accessibility, as well as confidence and skill in Internet use; and 2) that, at the time of the study, digital divide factors were playing an important part in banking choices.


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While ethical investment is relatively new in Australia, it is a well defined phenomenon in the United States and United Kingdom, subject to variations in interpretation in its practical implementation. Characteristics of ethical investment decision-making suggest ethical investors may be demographically different from "ordinary" investors. This descriptive paper reports on a survey of equity investors in Australia, comparing the average investor and an ethical investor. The main findings are that there is evidence of a strong gender effect, with females predominating among ethical investors, and that these investors are relatively young, highly educated and possessing small portfolios.


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Strategic use of information technology, especially electronic commerce, has been used by organisations throughout the world in a vast array of industries to gain a competitive industry. With growing interest in electronic commerce organisations are now developing a new range of electronic commerce applications. However, justification in allocating organisation resources does not always follow the more commonly accepted methods. This paper explores why organizations invest in electronic commerce applications and highlights several approaches to justification. Central to the work was to determine the underlying benefits of investing in Web applications. This paper examines various models and frameworks that can be used as a form of justification. A conclusion of this paper is a framework for the justification of web-based applications by utilizing the Delphi methodology.