46 resultados para ITS evolution


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1. The importance of body size and growth rate in ecological interactions is widely recognized, and both are frequently used as surrogates for fitness. However, if there are significant costs associated with rapid growth rates then its fitness benefits may be questioned.

2. In replicated whole-lake experiments, we show that a domestic strain of rainbow trout (artificially selected for maximum intrinsic growth rate) use productive but risky habitats more than wild trout. Consequently, domestic trout grow faster in all situations, experience greater survival in the absence of predators, but have lower survival in the presence of predators. Therefore, rapid growth rates are selected against due to increased foraging effort (or conversely, lower antipredator behaviour) that increases vulnerability to predators. In other words, there is a behaviourally mediated trade-off between growth and mortality rates.

3. Whereas rapid growth is beneficial in many ecological interactions, our results show the mortality costs of achieving it are large in the presence of predators, which can help explain the absence of an average phenotype with maximized growth rates in nature.


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This essay examines the development of one regional blogosphere, the Central Asian ‘Stanosphere’, through a focus on the neweurasia blog project. The neweurasia project began in 2005 as an Englishlanguage volunteer-run blog project about the former Soviet republics of Central Asia and the Caucasus, rapidly becoming one of the most visited blogs about the region. Following this auspicious start, over the next five years neweurasia developed into a multi-language locally driven project with more than 80,000 unique page views on average per month. Despite its indisputable successes, the project was often a steep learning curve for all involved. In this essay, we examine neweurasia’s evolution from ‘blogging Central Asia’ towards a citizen media project, and reflect on some of the issues and challenges encountered. On the basis of our discussion, we reflect upon how neweurasia, and citizen media in general, can maximise its impact on the nascent Stanosphere, in the process helping to give Central Asia a voice in the global blogosphere.


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In this theoretical paper, we introduce and describe a model, and demonstrate its origins from the disciplines of Enterprise Architecture, cybernetics and systems theory. We use cybernetic thinking to develop a ‘Co-evolution Path Model’ that describes how enterprises as complex systems co-evolve with their complex environments. The model re-interprets Stafford Beer’s Viable System Model, and also uses the theorem of the ‘good regulator’ of Conant and Ashby, exemplifying how various complexity management theories could be synthesised into a cybernetic theory of Enterprise Architecture, using concepts from the generalisation of EA frameworks.


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As-cast AZ80 Mg alloy contains α-Mg, partially divorce eutectic of α and γ (Mg 17Al 12), fully divorce eutectic of α and γ, and lamellar eutectic of α and γ phases. During homogenization, second phase (γ-Mg 17Al 12) gets dissolved can change the mechanical properties. Therefore, the aim of the present work is to bring out the kinetics of dissolution of γ phase and evaluate its effect on mechanical properties. Microstructure evolution during homogenization was investigated as a function of time for 0.5 to 100 h and at the temperatures of 400° and 439°C. In as-cast state, this material was found to contain 70% α-Mg and 30% eutectic phase. With increasing homogenization time, dissolution of lamellar eutectic occurs first which is followed by dissolution of fully divorce eutectic and partially divorce eutectic. The dissolution kinetics of γ phase was analyzed based on the decrease in its volume fraction as a function of time. The time exponent for dissolution was found to be 0.38 and the activation energy for the dissolution of γ phase was found to be 84.1 kJ/mol. This dissolution of γ phase leads to decrease in hardness and tensile strength with increase in homogenization time.


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Image fusion process merges two images into a single more informative image. Objective image fusion per- formance metrics rely primarily on measuring the amount of information transferred from each source image into the fused image. Objective image fusion metrics have evolved from image processing dissimilarity metrics. Additionally, researchers have developed many additions to image dissimilarity metrics in order to better value the local fusion worthy features in source images. This paper studies the evolution of objective image fusion performance metrics and their subjective and objective validation. It describes how a fusion performance metric evolves starting with image dissimilarity metrics, its realization into image fusion contexts, its localized weighting factors and the validation process.


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Locomotion is one of the major energetic costs faced by animals and various strategies have evolved to reduce its cost. Birds use interspersed periods of flapping and gliding to reduce the mechanical requirements of level flight while undergoing cyclical changes in flight altitude, known as undulating flight. Here we equipped free-ranging marine vertebrates with accelerometers and demonstrate that gait patterns resembling undulating flight occur in four marine vertebrate species comprising sharks and pinnipeds. Both sharks and pinnipeds display intermittent gliding interspersed with powered locomotion. We suggest, that the convergent use of similar gait patterns by distinct groups of animals points to universal physical and physiological principles that operate beyond taxonomic limits and shape common solutions to increase energetic efficiency. Energetically expensive large-scale migrations performed by many vertebrates provide common selection pressure for efficient locomotion, with potential for the convergence of locomotory strategies by a wide variety of species.


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Due to a distinct nature of thermomechanical smart materials' reaction to applied loads, a revolutionary approach is needed to measure the hardness and to understand its size effect for pseudoelastic NiTi shape memory alloys (SMAs) during the solid-state phase transition. Spherical hardness is increased with depths during the phase transition in NiTi SMAs. This behaviour is contrary to the decrease in the hardness of NiTi SMAs with depths using sharp tips and the depth-insensitive hardness of traditional metallic alloys using spherical tips. In contrast with the common dislocation theory for the hardness measurement, the nature of NiTi SMAs' hardness is explained by the balance between the interface and the bulk energy of phase transformed SMAs. Contrary to the energy balance in the indentation zone using sharp tips, the interface energy was numerically shown to be less dominant than the bulk energy of the phase transition zone using spherical tips.


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Replacement of precious Pt catalyst with cost-effective alternatives would be significantly beneficial for hydrogen production via electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). All candidates thus far are exclusively metallic catalysts, which suffer inherent corrosion and oxidation susceptibility during acidic proton-exchange membrane electrolysis. Herein, based on theoretical predictions, we designed and synthesized nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) dual-doped graphene as a nonmetallic electrocatalyst for sustainable and efficient hydrogen production. The N and P heteroatoms could coactivate the adjacent C atom in the graphene matrix by affecting its valence orbital energy levels to induce a synergistically enhanced reactivity toward HER. As a result, the dual-doped graphene showed higher electrocatalytic HER activity than single-doped ones and comparable performance to some of the traditional metallic catalysts.


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Electrocatalytic reduction of water to molecular hydrogen via the hydrogen evolution reaction may provide a sustainable energy supply for the future, but its commercial application is hampered by the use of precious platinum catalysts. All alternatives to platinum thus far are based on nonprecious metals, and, to our knowledge, there is no report about a catalyst for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution beyond metals. Here we couple graphitic-carbon nitride with nitrogen-doped graphene to produce a metal-free hybrid catalyst, which shows an unexpected hydrogen evolution reaction activity with comparable overpotential and Tafel slope to some of well-developed metallic catalysts. Experimental observations in combination with density functional theory calculations reveal that its unusual electrocatalytic properties originate from an intrinsic chemical and electronic coupling that synergistically promotes the proton adsorption and reduction kinetics.


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Microstructure evolution after solutionizing and ageing treatment of cast AZ80 Mg alloy were investigated using optical and scanning electron microscopy. Effect of these treatments on grain size, β-Mg17Al12 intermetallic phase, mechanical behavior, and flow asymmetry were investigated. The initial continuous network of β-phase found to be reduced after solutionizing. The dissolution of β-phase and simultaneous grain growth are found to be interrelated. Mechanical properties including yield strength, maximum strength (ultimate compressive strength), and maximum strain attainable in compressive found almost twice than the corresponding values obtained in tension. The asymmetry in compressive and tensile properties is found to decrease with grain size at certain solutionizing duration. Particular heat treatment found to offer best combination of tensile compressive flow properties in AZ80 Mg alloy. Aging under certain conditions found to minimize the strength asymmetry. © ASM International.


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Smartphones are pervasively used in society, and have been both the target and victim of malware writers. Motivated by the significant threat that presents to legitimate users, we survey the current smartphone malware status and their propagation models. The content of this paper is presented in two parts. In the first part, we review the short history of mobile malware evolution since 2004, and then list the classes of mobile malware and their infection vectors. At the end of the first part, we enumerate the possible damage caused by smartphone malware. In the second part, we focus on smartphone malware propagation modeling. In order to understand the propagation behavior of smartphone malware, we recall generic epidemic models as a foundation for further exploration. We then extensively survey the smartphone malware propagation models. At the end of this paper, we highlight issues of the current smartphone malware propagation models and discuss possible future trends based on our understanding of this topic. © © 2014 IEEE.


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A finite element study based on 1D beam element model is performed in order to investigate the mechanical behavior of an elasto-plastic beam loaded in axial compression over its buckling limit. The mode of loading is related to the damage of truss-cored beams in truss-cored laminates. The analysis takes into account the effects of geometry and material properties. The results of the FEM analysis are used for developing a simple mechanical model based on the basic Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and accounts for the beam compressibility. The model uses phenomenological functions containing parameters related to the basic material and geometrical properties. The presented model is developed in the form of closed solution which does not require complex numerical methods or extensive parametric studies. Predictions of the compressive stiffness degradation of truss-cored composites are made with the proposed model and compared with the results of FEM simulations. The error of the stiffness prediction with respect to the FEM results is within 10% over a 5 fold range of stiffness.


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 This thesis explores the complex ecological and evolutionary interactions between beak and feather disease virus and one of its hosts the crimson rosella. The work identifies several factors that predict viral infection in wild birds and determines how host population structure influences viral evolution.


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The paper aims to argue, while examining the history of marketing theory in India, that the discipline is a historical, serves large business interests and is shaped by hegemonic Western knowledge.


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A diverse and well-preserved fossil wood assemblage is described, for the first time, from the Middle Permian Taerlang Formation and the Upper Permian Quanzijie Formation in the vicinity of the Tianshan Town, Hami City of northwestern China. On the basis of wood microstructure, the fossil woods are classified into three genera and five species, including one new genus: Prototianshanoxylon gen. nov. and two new species: Prototianshanoxylon erdaogouense sp. nov., Prototianshanoxylon hamiense sp. nov. The new genus is characterized by window-like cross-field pitting and mixed tracheid radial wall pitting that suggest a transitional type between araucarioid-type and protopinoid-type pittings.Phytogeographically, the fossil wood assemblage is characterized by an admixture of elements of both temperate Angaran (represented by wood specimens with moderately to well defined growth rings in their secondary xylem) and tropical-subtropical north subregion of the Cathaysian floras (with wood specimens lacking well-defined growth rings). Such a phytogeographically mixed fossil wood assemblage is interpreted to represent a transitional and complex climate condition between a cool temperate and tropical to subtropical zones, showing both seasonal variation and unstable climate conditions. Previously, similarly mixed floras have already been found to exist widely in northern China ranging in age from Early to Late Permian, but the mechanisms thought to be responsible for their formation were varied and remain controversial. In this study, the formation of these mixed Permian floras of North China is linked to the closure of the Tianshan-Hingan seaway coupled with the collision and amalgamation of Siberia with North China and the Tarim block, in a manner much like closing a pair of scissors with the closure of the seaway proceeding gradually and progressively from west to the east.