139 resultados para Heath


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It has long been recognised that consumers can form bonds and identify strongly with the organisations with which they are involved. When the organisation in question is a professional sporting club, identification can be a complex issue. Sports fans can identify with the team as a whole, with individual players, or both. How this different point of identification affects behaviour such as merchandise consumption is the focus of this paper. The survey responses of 161 members of the Kangaroos Football (AFL) Club suggest that members can identify with both team and individual players in tandem. Far from being opposites, team and player identification were found to be distinct constructs, not significantly related to each other. The point of identification was related to the nature of merchandise consumed and the manner in which it was consumed. The results suggest both player and team identification should be encouraged and that merchandise should cater for both in an inclusive way.


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This paper examines the actual purchasing behaviour of sporting club supporters of sponsors' products. The data source for this paper was a syndicated study conducted nationally by a large marketing research company on behalf of a sport's competition's governing body and its 16 constituent clubs. This empirical paper examines the usefulness of such a study in terms of its ability to relate product and brand preference to actual purchase decisions, especially in the context of an individual club's sponsorship. Club supporters are compared with the supporters of all Clubs, in order to ascertain differences in purchase behaviour. The findings suggest that customised research is likely to be of greater value to individual clubs, once the benefits of initial, aggregate studies have been exploited.


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The issue of defection has been examined primarily in a transactional context as opposed to subscription markets where the infrequent nature of the purchase or renewal means that retention of subscribers is often both more difficult and more crucial. This paper reports on a survey that aimed to uncover more information about the motivations and future intentions of recently lapsed subscribers. 1,011 lapsed members across four Australian Football League (AFL) clubs and one Australian National Rugby League (NRL) club were surveyed. Analysis of the responses returned suggests that although these lapsed members report that they joined to financially support and feel more involved with the club, they let their membership lapse primarily due to an inability to attend games. Despite joining for intangible, altruistic reasons, it seems that if these members could not get to games, they believed that the membership was not worth maintaining. These members were satisfied with the membership; however measures of overall level of satisfaction had only a weak positive relationship with the likelihood of members rejoining in the future. The inconsistencies in the findings challenge some conventional approaches to both the methods of researching lapsed members and the theories that are frequently used to explain behaviours. We find that simplistic entry or exit surveys are likely to be of limited value in subscription defection research and that satisfaction is unlikely to be a strong predictor of defection behaviour.


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When not-for-profit organisations and for-profit organisations are forced to work together, conflict can arise. This paper explores the tensions that have resulted in the Australian sport setting when the Australian Sport Commission (ASC), with its emphasis predominantly directed at not for profit sport, sought to embrace the traditionally for profit sport of Freestyle BMX into the mainstream sport system. This case study traces the development and implementation of the ASC's Street Active program through Freestyle BMX. It was found that Freestyle BMX experienced mission drift and did not provide a product or service relevant to its consumers by adhering to the guidelines required by the ASC. Further, in the development of the program, the ASC did not expect the rivalry between suppliers in the free market action sport industry when it engaged three management groups to deliver the Street Active program. As a result the action sport industry is further fragmented into for-profit agencies, and farther removed from the Australia's federal governing agency, the ASC.


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In a sporting context, it has been acknowledged that fan attention and response to sponsorship is affected by a range of variables, including the duration of sponsorship and fan commitment to the sporting organisation. The results of surveys of the members of five AFL clubs indicated that there is a positive relationship between the satisfaction level of season-ticket holders and their orientation toward club sponsors’ products and brands. Despite the weak relationships found in this research, the results suggest that more satisfied season-ticket holders will seek to use club sponsors’ products, and this is yet another reason to manage the satisfaction of customers.


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The transfer of positive brand image from the sponsored event to the sponsor is now one of the main reasons cited for engaging in event sponsorship activity. Beyond just simple brand associations though, it has been recognised that patrons often feel "goodwill" towards certain sponsored events and these feelings could also be transferred to enhance sponsorship outcomes. This paper reports on an email survey of over 300 patrons of a non-profit Arts Festival, examining whether "goodwill" can influence sponsorship effectiveness. Specifically, the focus here is on the relationship between positive attitudes toward the event and sponsorship outcomes. The findings suggest that satisfaction with the event is correlated positively with sponsor recall but not recognition. Those with higher degrees of "goodwill" towards the event did have more positive attitudes towards the sponsor and were more likely to recall and recognise sponsors correctly.


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In membership organisations it is common for a large number of first year members not to renew. The research reported here looks at members of a professional sporting organisation and compares the responses to a satisfaction survey of first year members with those of longer-term members. The results show that although the level of overall satisfaction was no different between first year and longer-term members, their overall satisfaction was influenced by different aspects of the package. Specifically, communications from the club, on-field performance during the year and the perceived level of personal involvement with the club were the aspects of the membership service that had a distinguishing influence on overall satisfaction. These findings imply that the experience of new members is different from that of existing members, and that there is sense in managers distinguishing between first year and other members when developing marketing tactics aimed at increasing renewals.


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The 2001 Handbook of Public Relations edited by Robert Heath contains a prominent article advocating the use of rhetorical theory or ‘rhetorical enactment rational’ as a fruitful way of advancing theoretical understandings of public relations. In 2004 Heath and Dan Millar edited: Responding to Crisis: A Rhetorical Approach to Crisis Communication. These are the latest excursions into a perspective on public relations reflecting the extensive study of rhetoric in North America. Other examples are Public Relations Inquiry as Rhetorical Criticism (Elwood, 1995); Rhetorical and Critical Approaches to Public Relations (Toth and Heath, 1992); and a chapter Public Relations? No, Relations with Publics: A Rhetorical-Organisational Approach to Contemporary Corporate Communication (Cheney and Dionisopoulos, in Botan and Hazleton (Eds.) 1989).

The conventional notion of rhetoric is argumentation and persuasion stemming from the ancient Greek sophists, such as Aristotle, and from the Romans, particularly Cicero and Quintillion. Rhetoric became a fundamental plank of the trivium of ancient and medieval education: grammar, logic and rhetoric. Then in the 20th century Kenneth Burke, Stephen Toulmin and Chaim Perelman with Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca extended Aristotle’s suggestion that: “Rhetoric is the counterpart of dialectic” Aristotle (trans. 1991). To use the rhetorical approach to argue that rational discourse cannot describe the world on its own. Instead living, enculturated human beings have to perceive ‘their’ truths. They take a perceptual ‘position’ on reason.

Public relations, is an industry for influencing perceptual ‘positions’. But the study of perception and attempts to influence perception cannot be claimed by rhetorical scholars alone. Semioticians and linguists who take the perspective of linguistic pragmatics also claim this field. This paper takes the example of ‘public relations’ as a focus for the confluence of rhetorical, semiotic and pragmatism approaches to the ‘problematic’ of understanding and truth.


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This research investigates the nature of the bonds that consumers form with a brand that provides highly uncertain outcomes, and is only available intermittently. The research model draws upon elements of Keller’s (2001) conceptualisation of brand resonance, and extends McAlexander, Kim, and Roberts’ (2003), and Muniz and O’Guinn’s (2001) brand community construct, testing these in an atypical service environment. Qualitative research suggested the need for a broader view of the bond formed in these circumstances, specifically one comprising measures of anticipation of usage, social attraction, commitment, loyalty, and trust. This paper reports on analysis undertaken to develop such a construct, which has been labelled “brand affinity”. Tests for discriminant validity suggest that the brand affinity construct is a distinct construct that can be used to measure consumer attitudes toward a highly uncertain, intermittently available product.


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This study investigated the effects of factors like member satisfaction and social rituals on desirable outcomes such as attendance, intention to rejoin and merchandise sales. This study focuses on the inaugural members of a new team in Australia’s A-League to gain insight into how loyalty develops amongst fans of new sporting organisations. The results show the importance to sports marketers of satisfying members and building ritual behaviour, as both are correlated with all of the positive outcomes investigated here.


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Past research has identified differences between online and mail collected responses to the same survey, but differences in the demographics of respondents had also been noted making the cause of the variation unclear. In the research reported here, responses to the same questionnaire, delivered via mail and internet surveys, were demographically matched across a range of variables. This removed the impact of response differences caused by age, gender, type of product consumed and length of customer relationship. Across all the different question types and response scales, significant differences were still found between mail and online respondents, even when data were ipsatised. Notably, online respondents were far less likely to use the end-points of the scale, perhaps indicating issues with the online collection methodology. The conclusion is that the two methods of data collection can not be assumed to be directly inter-changeable, and that the method used can lead to different results if not managed carefully.


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This paper reports on a longitudinal study of consumers, where two dominant theories that purport to predict innovative behavior are applied and compared directly, using a methodology suggested as ideal by past researchers. Predictions made prior to launch were then evaluated against multiple measures of purchase likelihood, and against actual adoption behavior up to 12 months after launch. The results of this study suggest that perceptions of the innovations characteristics (PIC) predicted the selfreported likelihood of adoption better than the Domain Specific Innovativeness (DSI) scale, a personality-based measure. Prediction of actual adoption was largely inaccurate and both theories massively over predicted adoption levels, however the DSI scale was slightly more accurate. The conclusions here are that no one theory could make adequate predictions of behavior, that purchase likelihood measures are a poor substitute for measuring actual behavior but that purchase probability scales should be used more often in adoption research.


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This study contributes to the brand management literature by providing a conceptualisation of brand orientation from a resource based theory perspective. Moreover, the study advances seminal brand conceptualisations through operationalising the construct and empirically testing its psychometric properties and explanatory power. The construct was explored within a services context focusing on Australian retail organisations, thereby extending brand management research beyond the manufacturing domain. Building on the work of leading brand authors four reflective dimensions of brand orientation are operationalised including distinctive, functional, value adding and symbolic capabilities. The results of this study suggest that brand orientation is a robust construct with strong explanatory power in regards to dependent constructs; positional advantage and organisational performance.


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There has been much debate over the optimal format for scales, particularly in regard to two key issues - the labelling of points and the overall length of response scales. This paper reviews the evidence regarding the advantages of different scale types and lengths, and provides guidance as to what scale types suit different research objectives. Using a direct comparison of 400 responses on 5-point and 11 -point scales to the same question, by the same people, we examine some of the important differences previously found and then illustrate the impact they have on data quality and useability. Our conclusion, based on past research and our own analysis, is that longer, balanced and unlabelled scales offer the maximum flexibility and reliability in the majority of cases.


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A new Association football team, Melbourne Victory, was created in Melbourne in 2005 as a founding member of the Australian A-League. Within little more than a year it was drawing peak crowds of 50,000 to matches and averaged over 30,000. It was forced to move from an 18,000 capacity stadium to one holding 55,000. Previous new club foundations in the 1990s had not been successful, despite being associated with popular Australian Rules football teams, Collingwood and Carlton. The Victory, however, seems to have attracted a different and wider demographic to the game. For the first time the growth of the code in Australia in based on the domestic population, not waves of inward migration as was the case in the 1880s, 1920s and the post-Second World War period. Preliminary studies of the fan base suggest that the future for the Victory is likely to be different from the recent past.