44 resultados para Freedom of Speech


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My thesis is made up of words and images. This study investigates the way in which silence operates productively within and between the two modes of communication. I suggest that in the process of changing words into images or scripto-visual art-practice, the silence in women's lives can be articulated. I argue that women draw on the generative qualities of silence to create forms of speech that override the cultural constructions of gender which have placed them within the space of â˜muteâ silence. To gain an historical perspective of this practice by women, I consider the lives of medieval nuns within religious enclosure and their work with words and images in the illuminated manuscript. I make a comparative study of original illuminated manuscripts, focussing mainly on visual language and locating aspects of the work closest to my own art-practice: the visual treatment of the space and inter-textual components of the page or folio. This project does not include an examination of miniatures or historiated initials. Rather, its aim is to identify and compare the use of other aesthetic devices available to the medieval scribe/artist through which they might have interacted with the text. I suggest links between verbal and visual performances of language and the repetition, or copying of texts by medieval nuns, as a means of female embodiment of words and their spaces. From the outcomes of my studio investigations and my consideration of other contemporary feminist art practices, I demonstrate how women artists may â˜re-writeâ the text and â˜speakâ their silence through visual language and the acts of writing, drawing and painting the words of others. Through my engagement with feminist critical theory, the work of medieval scholars, original illuminated manuscripts and my studio research, I propose that scripto-visual practice remains particularly significant for women despite the differences between the medieval period and our own. As a generative practice, it negotiates some of the societal constraints on women's speech and visibility, because its language is â˜silent and disembodiedâ from the image of woman constructed by male discourse. It is a form of speech that acknowledges as it defies the social and cultural conditions that shaped its necessity, articulating an alternative voice of women in the space of words and images.


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The degree to which funding bodies can and do control the content and dissemination of research products raises important issues which need to be openly debated by the alcohol and other drug (AOD) sector. Current policies relating to censorship and other means of controlling research topics or output are explored alongside an examination of how some institutions, particularly some academic journals, deal with such issues. We argue that regulation of research by funding bodies clearly contravenes the scientific ideal of freedom of information and open access to knowledge. Using international ethical guidelines, we also demonstrate that regulation raises concerns in relation to the ethical concept of beneficence. A number of examples specific to harm reduction strategies are presented in order to demonstrate how censorship might conceivably increase the harms associated with drug use. The commentary closes with recommendations concerning the establishment the prevalence of censorship and other forms of control over research in the AOD sector, and the role that ethics committees, journal editorial boards and professional societies might play in resisting the imposition of unacceptable conditions on publication of findings.<br />


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Death determines distinctly different, almost inverse, responses and outcomes for Emily Dickinson and Emily Brontë. Death is an imaginative poetic solution for Dickinson, demonstrating her belief that art is the only way to transcend death. But death is the ultimate solution for Brontë, for whom freedom of the imagination leads to mystical unity and continuity.


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In advanced capitalist societies, intellectual property laws protecting such subject matter as copyright and patents are justified by a combination of theories, which include the provision of economic incentives to foster creativity and innovation and the prevention of unfair competition. IP academics and policy makers have differing views about the appropriate balance between these objectives and public interest considerations such as health, education and the protection of the environment. These different views entered the policy debate in Asian developing countries in connection with an unprecedented introduction and expansion of IP laws over the last 25 years. This paper will use case studies of law reform from Asia, in particular Southeast Asia, to show that the policy considerations of governments in reforming their laws were often quite different from the standard rationale mentioned above. As much of the IP was, at least initially, held by foreigners and introduced to attract foreign investment, national development considerations were joined with the more commonly quoted objectives to promote the rights, creativity and innovation of individuals. Such national development objectives at times coincided and at other times collided with official explanations and received wisdom about the effects of stronger IP rights.<br /><br />Especially in the early postcolonial period, copyright laws and other IP laws were frequently restricted or simply not implemented, if they conflicted with development policies in areas such as education or public health. Such policies were slowly changing in the wake of WTO-TRIPS and other international agreements. Nevertheless, the implementation and enforcement of the IP laws has been uneven. Specialised institutions such as courts and IP administering agencies compete with other branches of government and administration for limited funding and a rich repertoire of informal dispute settlement procedures has kept the number of court cases relatively low. In some countries, censorship laws have influenced freedom of expression and led to quite idiosyncratic interpretations of intellectual property laws. Governments often also retain a role in the assessment of licensing and technology transfer contracts. And while there are many programs to foster individual creativity, in most cases R &amp; D activities are still largely taking place in government institutions and this has influenced the thinking about intellectual property rights and creativity in the context of employment.<br /><br />The paper uses a few case studies to examine the implementation of IP laws in selected Asian developing countries to point to the quite different institutional setting for IP law reform in comparison to European or American models. It reaches some tentative conclusions as to the likely effects on creativity and innovation under these different circumstances.


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We present a new approach for speech enhancement in the presence of non-stationary and rapidly changing background noise. A distributed microphone system is used to capture the acoustic characteristics of the environment. The input of each microphone is then classified either as speech or one of the predetermined noise types. Further enhancement of speech in respective microphones is carried out using a modified spectral subtraction algorithm that incorporates multiple noise models to quickly adapt to rapid background noise changes. Tests on real world speech captured under diverse conditions demonstrate the effectiveness of this method.


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The ever-increasing application of computer and internet mandates a longer domain for computer-mediated-communication (CMC). Internet chat as a principal feature of CMC has attracted tremendous attention among the youths in recent years. Thus, this study has focused on the written chats of 100 Iranian university students majoring in different disciplines. We analyzed 400 chat samples (composed of 4000 moves) in terms of opening and continuing speech functions based on Eggins and Slade&rsquo;s (1997) model of casual conversation. We also examined humor and paralinguistic features based on taxonomies of Huffaker and Calvert (2005) and Nastri, Pen a, and Hancock (2006). Among the various types of speech functions, nine opening speech functions, seven continuing speech functions and four humor and paralinguistic features were investigated. The analysis of the data shows that the salient opening speech function has been&lsquo; statement: opinion&rsquo; which provides attitudinal and evaluative information. Additionally, the outstanding types of continuing speech functions are &lsquo;prolong: extend&rsquo;, &lsquo;prolong: enhance&rsquo;, and &lsquo;append: elaborate&rsquo;. Therefore, it is in order for the participants to offer additional or contrasting information to the previous move or qualify it by giving details of time, place, condition, etc. Moreover, in case of interruption by the other chatter, the participants mostly tend to clarify, exemplify or reiterate the previous move. Furthermore, the participants produced irony, as a humorous element, in a great volume which is indicative of their tendency toward being indirect during conversation. The subjects also used many paralinguistic features such as misspellings and repeated punctuations in order to express their emotions and attract their partners&rsquo; attention in the absence of verbal communication.<br />


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Lubricin (LUB) is a glycoprotein of the synovial cavity of human articular joints, where it serves as an antiadhesive, boundary lubricant, and regulating factor for the cartilage surface. It has been proposed that these properties are related to the presence of a long, extended, heavily glycosylated and highly hydrated mucinous domain in the central part of the LUB molecule. In this work, we show that LUB has a contour length of 220 &plusmn; 30 nm and a persistence length of &le;10 nm. LUB molecules aggregate in oligomers where the protein extremities are linked by disulfide bonds. We have studied the effect of proteolytic digestion by chymotrypsin and removal of the disulfide bonds, both of which mainly affect the N&minus; and C&minus; terminals of the protein, on the adsorption, normal forces, friction (lubrication) forces, and wear of LUB layers adsorbed on smooth, negatively charged mica surfaces, where the protein naturally forms lubricating polymer brush-like layers. After in situ digestion, the surface coverage was drastically reduced, the normal forces were altered, and both the coefficient of friction and the wear were dramatically increased (the COF increased to &mu; = 1.1&minus;1.9), indicating that the mucinous domain was removed from the surface. Removal of disulfide bonds did not change the surface coverage or the overall features of the normal forces; however, we find an increase in the friction coefficient from &mu; = 0.02&minus;0.04 to &mu; = 0.13&minus;1.17 in the pressure regime below 6 atm, which we attribute to a higher affinity of the protein terminals for the surface. The necessary condition for LUB to be a good lubricant is that the protein be adsorbed to the surface via its terminals, leaving the central mucin domain free to form a low-friction, surface-protecting layer. Our results suggest that this &ldquo;end-anchoring&rdquo; has to be strong enough to impart the layer a sufficient resistance to shear, but without excessively restricting the conformational freedom of the adsorbed proteins.<br />


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Children with cochlear implants have been shown to have language skills on a par with children with severe hearing losses who have hearing aids. Earlier implants, bilateral implantation, and focused intervention programmes may result in some children with cochlear implants displaying similar language skills to their hearing peers. The development of pragmatic skills is central to communication competence and underpins the development of friendships. Although some studies of pragmatic skills in children with cochlear implants have been reported, most have used a contrived referential communication task rather than free conversation. <br /><br /><b>Method</b>: This study investigated the conversational skills of 20 children with cochlear implants, aged between 9 and 12 years, in free conversation with their hearing peers. The pragmatic skills of these 20 deaf/hearing pairs or dyads were compared with the pragmatic skills of 20 hearing/hearing dyads. Pragmatic skills were analysed in terms of conversational balance, conversational turn types, and conversational maintenance. The impact of the participants&rsquo; level of speech intelligibility was also investigated. <br /><br /><b>Results</b>: Children with cochlear implants tend to dominate conversations with their hearing peers. They initiated more topics, took longer turns, asked more questions, and tended to make more personal comments while their hearing friends tended to use more conversational devices and minimal answers. In contrast, pairs of matched hearing children were very balanced in all of these aspects of conversation. Speech intelligibility did not appear to impact consistently on the pragmatic skills of the children with cochlear implants but all children had a relatively high level of speech intelligibility. <br /><br /><b>Discussion</b>: Rather than being characterized by frequent conversational breakdown as in older studies, children with cochlear implants had a strong grasp of basic conversational rules. They conversed in a similar way to some deaf adults who also have been shown to take control of the conversation. Findings are discussed for their implications for intervention and future research.<br />


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The issue of LGBT rights in Russia first properly came to mainstream international attention in March 2012, when the St Petersburg Duma passed a law prohibiting &ldquo;public acts aimed at the propaganda of sodomy, lesbianism, bisexualism and transgenderism amongst minors&ldquo;. The law provoked an international outcry, including calls for tourists to boycott St Petersburg, sister-cities to consider cut off ties with Russia&rsquo;s &ldquo;window on Europe&rdquo;, and condemnation from the EU, with the European Parliament passing a resolution noting that it was &ldquo;gravely concerned by developments which restrict freedom of expression and assembly on the basis of misconceptions about homosexuality and transgenderism&rdquo; and calling on Russia and other countries considering the adoption of similar legislation to &ldquo;demonstrate, and ensure respect for, the principle of non-discrimination&rdquo;.


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Life annuities offer retirees an assured income stream for as long as they live. This makes it surprising that they are unpopular in most markets where their purchase is not compelled by government policy. With the numbers of retirees in the population set to increase dramatically, this low take-up rate of life annuities could exacerbate financial insecurity. Consequently, it is in society&rsquo;s interest to implement non-coercive policies that increase annuitization levels. Although there is research that has focused on the possible causes of low annuitization rates, much of this research falls short of suggesting comprehensive strategies for persuading retirees to annuitize their savings.<div><br />This article discusses what mix of policies would increase the attractiveness of life annuities. It does this by determining the salient characteristics of the few markets where life annuities are popular. It then suggests how the correct policy settings could make such characteristics a feature of the mainstream annuity market. It also discusses other policies, including limited tax incentives or subsidies on annuities that might play an important role. It is argued that policy innovations such as these are preferable to making the purchase of annuities compulsory. This is because the one-size-fits-all approach will not be ideal for everyone, and it interferes with freedom of choice, an important right in a capitalist society. An alternative is to make annuity purchases a default choice. But this is effectively compulsion by stealth as it relies on inertia and, therefore, carries some of the disadvantages of mandatory annuitization. The article concludes with a discussion of how the appropriate marketing and innovation of different life annuity products could supplement annuity-maximizing policies and further improve annuitization rates.</div>


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In light of the Bolt v. Eatock case before the Racial Discrimination Commission, this article discusses calls for Australia's racial vilification laws to be amended to exclude humiliation and embarrassment as grounds for a finding of vilification.&nbsp;


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Telepractice is rapidly gaining popularity as a cost-effective and convenient alternative to in-person services for a range of speech-language pathology (SLP) applications. To date, there has been little research investigating the use of telepractice to support families with a new speech generating device (SGD). This paper reports on the outcomes of a novel online training and support program, trialed with 4 underserviced Australian families of children with a new SGD. The program consisted of 6 video-narrated lessons on SGD use, along with an online supervision and practice component conducted via videoconference. Semistructured interviews were undertaken with parents following their completion of the program. Parents noted the telepractice support model offered a range of benefits, including convenient service access and flexible learning options. Challenges included technology limitations and increased pressure on parents to coordinate home practice. Overall, parents reported that the telepractice program was a positive experience for them and their children. Findings indicated that telepractice is a promising mode of service delivery for those learning to use a new SGD. Further research in this area is warranted.


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The focus of this paper is to test whether free market institutions that protect property rights and support freedom of choice and voluntary exchange can change the curse of natural resources into a blessing. To examine the above question, this paper uses the Fraser Institute's economic freedom index and its five sub-indices, namely government size, property rights, access to sound money, freedom to trade, and setting proper regulations. Using data from 99 sample countries over the period 1970-2010, the system GMM estimates suggest that the negative growth effects of resource rents may turn positive in countries with greater economic freedom.


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Although parallel manipulators provide several benefits compared to similar-sized serial manipulators, they typically exhibit a limited rotational workspace. One approach to designing a parallel manipulator with infinite range of tool rotation around one axis is to introduce kinematic redundancy. This is typically achieved by extending a non-redundant mechanism with an additional actuator and a supplemental degree of freedom, while the degrees of freedom of the tool platform remain the same. The main drawback of this approach is the cost of the additional actuator. In this paper, we discuss the possibility of harvesting the motion in the additional degree of freedom to operate a gripper. The benefits of the proposed idea include saving the cost of a gripper actuator and reducing the mass of the manipulated platform. Additionally, the requirement to provide the manipulated platform with compressed air or electric power is removed. Several variants of a kinematically redundant manipulated platform with five degrees of freedom are introduced along with conceptual mechanical designs for transforming the redundant platform motion into the opening and closing of a gripper.