67 resultados para Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science


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This thesis examined the praxis of a group of highly regarded primary teachers who encouraged their students to generate, clarify and use investigable questions in science. The findings revealed the importance of a teacher's beliefs, understanding of the nature of questioning, and pedagogical reasoning about teaching and learning in science.


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This paper describes an Australian Learning and Teaching Council funded project for which Learning Design is encompassed in the broadest sense. ALIUS (Active Learning In University Science) takes the design of learning back to the learning experiences created for students. ALIUS is not about designing a particular activity, or subject, or course, but rather the development of a method, or process, by which we have re-designed the way in which learning occurs in large university classrooms world wide.


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This is the first of two papers that draw on a study of the national BHP Billiton Science Awards, a peak competition funded by BHP Billiton and administered by CSIRO. BHP Billiton, CSIRO and ASTA together oversee the strategic direction of the Awards. This paper reports an analysis focussed on the outcomes for students of participation in open scientific investigations. The second paper deals with school and teacher strategies supporting the conduct of such student open science investigations and the implications that can be drawn from the data.


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At Victoria University, the release of a new Learning in the Workplace and Community (LiWC) policy has been introduced to ensure that graduates are job and career ready. The policy underlines the importance of workplace contextual learning in all course deliveries and is scheduled for progressive implementation by 2010. For each degree, the policy mandates that a minimum of 25% of program content and assessment must be related to work integrated learning.

Compliance with the 25% shift poses significant challenges for its implementation upon all undergraduate programs since the policy is expected to impact upon program structures, unit deliveries, assessment practices, and course administrations. In particular, there has been an extensive review of existing approaches to learning and teaching in the programs that deliver information and communications technology (ICT) degrees across business and science faculties. This paper describes the current Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Bachelor of Business in Information Systems programs identifying similarities and differences between the two offerings with respect to their learning in workplace components. It explores possible synergies between the two programs that could be capitalized upon to implement the LiWC policy and details the challenges to both faculties in mounting a coordinated response.


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Abstract Book of the Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering - CESE 2011, 25th - 30th Sept., Tainan City, Taiwan


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This paper describes an action research project that investigated issues concerning the teaching and learning of numeracy in the middle years. Building on research concerning the middle years of schooling, and their own experience of teaching mathematics in years 5 - 8, a group of teachers, drawn from four schools, trialed strategies intended to improve the engagement, attitudes and outcomes of their students in mathematics. The group recommended at the end of the study that mathematics needs to be meaningful for young adolescents. The concept of meaningful mathematics is explored through a description of the actions and findings of the teachers participating in this project.


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For many years now gender differences in average mathematics achievement in Australia and New Zealand have not been significant in large-scale domestic and international studies. However there is some recent evidence, from Australia at least, that gender differences in achievement favouring males may be re-emerging and, despite some positive affective findings and trends with respect to affect and participation leading up to the turn of the century, a pattern of lower interest and declining participation in mathematics among girls is evident. In this paper, trends in gender equity with respect to participation, achievement and affect reported in the literature over the past decade will be presented and analysed. Of particular interest are the factors that may have influenced these trends. Findings from recent research will be discussed. However it would seem that the attempts made by researchers to explain these trends are either limited in their capacity to establish an explanation or imply a deficit view of girls. An alternate position on gender equity and explanation of these trends will be presented in this paper with the purpose of making a contribution to the debate on curriculum and pedagogy in mathematics education.


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This presentation reports on the methodological issues confronting an Australian-German-Taiwanese team planning comparative video ethnographic research into primary science classrooms. The issues that will be canvassed include: the benefits of cross-cultural comparisons in providing perspectives on local practice, the theoretical justifications of such comparisons, selection of cases for comparison and possibilities for claiming cultural representativeness, the planning of appropriate data sets, the different comparative stories offered by different analytical frames, practical issues of communication and data sharing, and issues of entanglement of language and culture in the analysis.