41 resultados para Digestion


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The implementation of alternative lipid sources for use in aquaculture is of considerable interest globally. However, the possible benefit of using stearidonic acid (SDA)–rich fish oil (FO) alternatives has led to scientific confusion. Two hundred and forty rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were fed 1 of 4 diets (3 replicate tanks/treatment) containing either FO, linseed oil (LO), echium oil, or mixed vegetable oil (72% LO, 23% sunflower oil, and 6% canola oil) as the dietary lipid source (16.5%) for 73 d to investigate the competition and long-chain PUFA (LC-PUFA) biosynthesis between the fatty acid substrates α-linolenic acid (ALA) and SDA. SDA was more efficiently bioconverted to LC-PUFA compared with ALA. However, when the dietary lipid sources were directly compared, the increased provision of C18 PUFA within the LO diet resulted in no significant differences in (n-3) LC-PUFA content compared with fish fed the other diets. This study therefore shows that, rather than the previously speculated substrate competition, the limiting process in the apparent in vivo (n-3) LC-PUFA biosynthesis appears to be substrate availability. Rainbow trout fed the SDA- and ALA-rich dietary lipid sources subsequently had similar significant reductions in (n-3) LC-PUFA compared with fish fed the FO diet, therefore providing no additional dietary benefit on (n-3) LC-PUFA concentrations.


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Articular cartilage is a highly efficacious water-based tribological system that is optimized to provide low friction and wear protection at both low and high loads (pressures) and sliding velocities that must last over a lifetime. Although many different lubrication mechanisms have been proposed, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the tribological performance of cartilage cannot be attributed to a single mechanism acting alone but on the synergistic action of multiple "modes" of lubrication that are adapted to provide optimum lubrication as the normal loads, shear stresses, and rates change. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is abundant in cartilage and synovial fluid and widely thought to play a principal role in joint lubrication although this role remains unclear. HA is also known to complex readily with the glycoprotein lubricin (LUB) to form a cross-linked network that has also been shown to be critical to the wear prevention mechanism of joints. Friction experiments on porcine cartilage using the surface forces apparatus, and enzymatic digestion, reveal an "adaptive" role for an HA-LUB complex whereby, under compression, nominally free HA diffusing out of the cartilage becomes mechanically, i.e., physically, trapped at the interface by the increasingly constricted collagen pore network. The mechanically trapped HA-LUB complex now acts as an effective (chemically bound) "boundary lubricant"-reducing the friction force slightly but, more importantly, eliminating wear damage to the rubbing/shearing surfaces. This paper focuses on the contribution of HA in cartilage lubrication; however, the system as a whole requires both HA and LUB to function optimally under all conditions.


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A compression cell designed to fit inside an NMR spectrometer was used to investigate (i) the in situ dynamic strain response and structural changes of the internal pore network, and (ii) the diffusion and flow of interstitial water, in full thickness cartilage samples as they were mechanically deformed under a constant compressive load (pressure) and then allowed to recover (swell again) when the load was removed. Selective enzymatic digestion of the collagen fibril network and the glycopolysaccharide hyaluronic acid (HA) was performed to mimic some of the structural and compositional changes associated with osteoarthritis. Digestion of collagen gave rise to mechanical ‘dynamic softening’ and—perhaps more importantly—nearly complete loss in the ability to recover through swelling, both effects due to the disruption of the hierarchical structure and fibril interconnectivity in the collagen network which adversely affects its ability to deform reversibly and to properly regulate the pressurization and resulting rate and direction of interstitial fluid flow. In contrast, digestion of HA inside the collagen pore network caused the cartilage to ‘dynamically stiffen’ which is attributed to the decrease in the osmotic (entropic) pressure of the digested HA molecules confined in the cartilage pores that causes the network to contract and thereby become less permeable to flow. These digestioninduced changes in cartilage’s properties reveal a complex relationship between the molecular weight and concentration of the HA in the interstitial fluid, and the structure and properties of the collagen fibril pore network, and provide new insights into how changes in either could influence the onset and progression of osteoarthritis.


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The field metabolic rate (FMR) of a free-ranging animal can be considered as the sum of its maintenance costs (minimum metabolic rate, MMR) and additional costs associated with thermoregulation, digestion, production and activity. However, the relationships between FMR and BMR and how they relate to behaviour and extrinsic influences is not clear. In seabirds, FMR has been shown to increase during the breeding season. This is presumed to be the result of an increase in foraging activity, stimulated by increased food demands from growing chicks, but few studies have investigated in detail the factors that underlie these increases. We studied free-ranging Australasian gannets (Morus serrator) throughout their 5 month breeding season, and evaluated FMR, MMR and activity-related metabolic costs on a daily basis using the heart rate method. In addition, we simultaneously recorded behaviour (flying and diving) in the same individuals. FMR increased steadily throughout the breeding season, increasing by 11% from the incubation period to the long chick-brooding period. However, this was not accompanied by either an increase in flying or diving behaviour, or an increase in the energetic costs of activity. Instead, the changes in FMR could be explained exclusively by a progressive increase in MMR. Seasonal changes in MMR could be due to a change in body composition or a decrease in body condition associated with changing the allocation of resources between provisioning adults and growing chicks. Our study highlights the importance of measuring physiological parameters continuously in free-ranging animals in order to understand fully the mechanisms underpinning seasonal changes in physiology and behaviour.


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Despite cereal grains being grown on 5 continents where goats are kept, there is little information on the excretion of whole cereal grains when fed to goats. We determined the effects of various dietary treatments on whole grain and starch loss in the faeces of Angora goats. In Experiment 1 there were 4 replicates of the factorial design: (a) 2 grain types (barley, oats); (b) whole grain or processing (milled barley or rolled oats); (c) 2 roughage qualities (Persian clover hay, barley straw); and (d) 2 feeding levels (level 1, 150 g/d of grain, 250 g/d of roughage; level 2, 250 g/d of grain, ad libitum roughage). In Experiment 2, which immediately followed Experiment 1, and aimed to detect carry over effects of previous feeding of barley straw and grain processing, feed levels were either 650 g/d grain or 400 g/d grain with 550 g/d Persian clover hay. Data were analysed by ANOVA. In Experiment 1, processing had no effect on digestible dry matter intake. The number of whole grains lost per 100 g of fresh faeces and whole grains loss as the % of grain dry matter intake were affected by an interaction between processing and roughage quality. Whole grain fed with Persian clover hay had greater grain loss than all other diets. Whole grain loss was greater with whole grain than with processed grain. Level of feeding had no effects on grain loss. In Experiment 2, more whole grains were lost in fresh faeces when fed with Persian clover hay than when fed without hay, an effect of previous feeding with barley straw reduced whole grain excretion, and more barley grains were lost than oat grain. Faecal starch was affected, with higher levels when whole barley grain was fed, particularly with Persian clover hay, or when previously fed barley straw at a high level. Feeding grain at 650 g/d did not increase grain or starch excretion. Whole grains represented a small loss of grain dry matter intake in faeces, averaging 0.8% with a maximum recorded of 2.6%. Faecal concentration of the whole grains may be altered by grain size and the digestibility of the roughage component of the diet. In this study an additional cost of 3% for processing grains would not have provided economic benefits.


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Whole grain sorghum is a valuable source of resistant starch and polyphenolic antioxidants and its addition into staple food like pasta may reduce the starch digestibility. However, incorporating nondurum wheat materials into pasta provides a challenge in terms of maintaining cooking quality and consumer acceptability. Pasta was prepared from 100% durum wheat semolina (DWS) as control or by replacing DWS with either wholegrain red sorghum flour (RSF) or white sorghum flour (WSF) each at 20%, 30%, and 40% incorporation levels, following a laboratory-scale procedure. Pasta samples were evaluated for proximate composition, in vitro starch digestibility, cooking quality, and consumer acceptability. The addition of both RSF and WSF lowered the extent of in vitro starch digestion at all substitution levels compared to the control pasta. The rapidly digestible starch was lowered in all the sorghum-containing pastas compared to the control pasta. Neither RSF or WSF addition affected the pasta quality attributes (water absorption, swelling index, dry matter, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, and springiness), except color and hardness which were negatively affected. Consumer sensory results indicated that pasta samples containing 20% and 30% RSF or WSF had acceptable palatability based on meeting one or both of the preset acceptability criteria. It is concluded that the addition of wholegrain sorghum flour to pasta at 30% incorporation level is possible to reduce starch digestibility, while maintaining adequate cooking quality and consumer acceptability.


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With the successful clinical trials, multifunctional glycoprotein bovine lactoferrin is gaining attention as a safe nutraceutical and biologic drug targeting cancer, chronic-inflammatory, viral and microbial diseases. Interestingly, recent findings that human lactoferrin oligomerizes under simulated physiological conditions signify the possible role of oligomerization in the multifunctional activities of lactoferrin molecule during infections and in disease targeting signaling pathways. Here we report the purification and physicochemical characterization of high molecular weight biomacromolecular complex containing bovine lactoferrin (≥250 kDa), from bovine colostrum, a naturally enriched source of lactoferrin. It showed structural similarities to native monomeric iron free (Apo) lactoferrin (∼78-80 kDa), retained anti-bovine lactoferrin antibody specific binding and displayed potential receptor binding properties when tested for cellular internalization. It further displayed higher thermal stability and better resistance to gut enzyme digestion than native bLf monomer. High molecular weight bovine lactoferrin was functionally bioactive and inhibited significantly the cell proliferation (p<0.01) of human breast and colon carcinoma derived cells. It induced significantly higher cancer cell death (apoptosis) and cytotoxicity in a dose-dependent manner in cancer cells than the normal intestinal cells. Upon cellular internalization, it led to the up-regulation of caspase-3 expression and degradation of actin. In order to identify the cutting edge future potential of this bio-macromolecule in medicine over the monomer, its in-depth structural and functional properties need to be investigated further.


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Phyllosoma of the tropical spiny rock lobster, Panulirus ornatus, possess a rudimentary digestive system with a limited capacity to digest large protein molecules. As such, to foster the successful aquaculture of this species, research into dietary requirements should place a focus on feed ingredients aligned with digestive capacity. Thus, the aim of the present study was to assess the effects of two protein pre-digestion treatments: acid denaturation and enzyme hydrolysis, on a regular fishmeal ingredient in a novel formulated diet for early-mid stage P. ornatus phyllosoma (Stages III-VIII). Three iso-nitrogenous, iso-lipidic and iso-energetic diets were formulated with 100% of protein originating from intact fishmeal (IFM), acid-denatured fishmeal (DFM) or enzyme hydrolysed fishmeal (HFM) and fed to early-mid stage phyllosoma for a period of 35-days. Growth performance metrics were all significantly higher in phyllosoma receiving the HFM treatment compared to the DFM and IFM treatments. Phyllosoma fed the HFM diet also had the most advanced development stages, with a significantly greater proportion of individuals reaching Stage VII (2). No significant differences were detectable in either the protein-bound or FAA composition of phyllosoma across all treatments, suggesting that the superior growth performance of the HFM fed phyllosoma was the result of an increased abundance of intermediate, shorter chain dietary peptides. The present study suggests that enzyme hydrolysed fishmeal is a superior protein ingredient for artificial diets and most closely resembles the requisite dietary protein format for P. ornatus phyllosoma.


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1. In a system where depletion drives a habitat shift, the hypothesis was tested that animals switch habitat as soon as the average daily net energy intake (or gain) drops below that attainable in the alternative habitat.

2. The study was performed in the Lauwersmeer area. Upon arrival during the autumn migration, Bewick's swans first feed on below-ground tubers of fennel pondweed on the lake, but subsequently switched to feeding on harvest remains in sugar beet fields.

3. The daily energy intake was estimated by multiplying the average time spent foraging per day with the instantaneous energy intake rate while foraging. In the case of pondweed feeding, the latter was estimated from the functional response and the depletion of tuber biomass. In the case of beet feeding, it was estimated from dropping production rate. Gross energy intake was converted to metabolizable energy intake using the assimilation as determined in digestion trials. The daily energy expenditure was estimated by the time-energy budget method. Energetic costs were determined using heart rate.

4. The daily gain of pondweed feeding at the median date of the habitat switch (i.e. when 50% of the swans had switched) was compared with that of beet feeding. The daily gain of beet feeding was calculated for two strategies depending on the night activity on the lake: additional pondweed feeding (mixed feeding) or sleeping (pure beet feeding).

5. The majority of the swans switched when the daily gain they could achieve by staying on the pondweed bed fell just below the average daily gain of pure beet feeders. However, mixed feeders would attain an average daily gain considerably above that of pondweed feeders. A sensitivity analysis showed that this result was robust.

6. We therefore reject the hypothesis that the habitat switch by swans can be explained by simple long-term energy rate maximization. State-dependency, predation risk, and protein requirements are put forward as explanations for the delay in habitat switch.