70 resultados para Dandenong Ranges National Park


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1. Role of multi-criteria decision making in natural resource management /​ Gamini Herath and Tony Prato
2. Analysis of forest policy using multi-attribute value theory /​ Jayanath Ananda and Gamini Herath
3. Comparing Riparian revegetation policy options using the analytic hierarchy process /​ M. E. Qureshi and S. R. Harrison
4. Managing environmental and health risks from a lead and zinc smelter : an application of deliberative multi-criteria evaluation /​ Wendy Proctor, Chris McQuade and Anne Dekker
5. Multiple attribute evaluation of management alternatives for the Missouri River System /​ Tony Prato
6. Multi-criteria decision analysis for integrated watershed management /​ Zeyuan Qiu
7. Fuzzy multiple attribute evaluation of agricultural systems /​ Leonie A. Marks and Elizabeth G. Dunn
8. Multi-criteria decision support for energy supply assessment /​ Bram Noble
9. Seaport development in Vietnam : evaluation using the analytic hierarchy process /​ Tran Phuong Dong and David M. Chapman
10. Valuing wetland aquatic resources using the analytic hierarchy process /​ Premachandra Wattage and Simon Mardle
11. Multiple attribute evaluation for national park management /​ Tony Prato
12. The future of MCDA in natural resource management : some generalizations /​ Gamini Herath and Tony Prato.


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Data on the dispersal and recruitment of juvenile birds following fledging are largely unreported for Australian birds. In this study, we investigated the short-distance dispersal of a sample of colour-banded, juvenile Red-capped Robins, Petroica goodenovii, in Terrick Terrick National Park, Victoria, Australia. Of 67 colour-banded juvenile birds that successfully reached independence during the 2000–01 breeding season, eight were recruited into the study area or adjacent areas for the following breeding season. A ninth bird was resighted in Gunbower State Forest, 36 km from where it was banded. This is the furthest recorded dispersal movement of a Red-capped Robin. Of 59 colour-banded juvenile birds that reached independence during the 2001–02 season, four remained within the study area for the remainder of the breeding season, but these birds were not present in the study area during the following breeding season. Juvenile birds that successfully reached independence and dispersed were heavier as nestlings, when controlled for age and date, than birds that disappeared (assumed dead) before reaching independence. Estimates of Red-capped Robin abundances within Terrick Terrick National Park were greater than those of nearby eucalypt woodlands, suggesting that the White Cypress-pine, Callitris glaucophylla, woodlands within the park offer good-quality habitat for Red-capped Robins and may be saturated with breeding territories. Thus, juveniles may be forced to establish breeding territories far from their natal territories. These results are discussed in relation to avenues for further research on juvenile dispersal in Australian birds and their conservation implications.


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A range of stakeholders should inform planning processes if these processes are to be consistent with best practice principles. This paper examines the case of the 12 Apostles Visitor Centre, a tourism development which was proposed to be located in a National Park in Victoria, Australia. Limited opportunities were provided for meaningful stakeholder input during the planning phase. Despite the prevailing view amongst all major parties that some development of facilities would be appropriate, an absence of genuine consultation was experienced prompting a substantial redesign of the development concept as originally conceived (in 1996) and to project delays which postponed the commencement of the development into 2000 by which time a new State Government was in place.


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1. In semi-arid climates, seasonally-flowing streams provide most of the water required for human use, but knowledge of how water extraction affects ecological processes is limited. Predicted alterations in stream flows associated with the impacts of climate change further emphasize the need to understand these processes. Benthic algae are an important base for stream food webs, but we have little knowledge of how algae survive dry periods or respond to altered flow regimes.

2. We sampled 19 streams within the Grampians National Park, south-eastern Australia and included four components: a survey of different drought refuges (e.g. permanent pools, dry biofilm on stones and dry leaf packs) and associated algal taxa; a survey of algal regrowth on stones after flows recommenced to determine which refuges contributed to regrowth; reciprocal transplant experiments to determine the relative importance of algal drift and regrowth from dry biofilm in recolonization; direct measurement of algal drift to determine taxonomic composition in relation to benthic assemblage composition.

3. Algae showed little specificity for drought refuges but did depend on them; no species were found that were not present in at least one of the perennial pool, dry biofilm or leaf pack refuges. Perennial pools were most closely correlated with the composition of algal assemblages once flows resumed, but the loss or gain of perennial pools that might arise from stream regulation is unlikely to affect the composition of algal regrowth. However, regulated streams were associated with strong increases in algal density in dry biofilm, including increased densities of Cyanobacteria.

4. A model for algal recolonization in seasonally-flowing streams identified three pathways for algal recolonization (drift-dependent, dry biofilm-dependent and contributions from both), depending on whether streams are diatom-dominated or dominated by filamentous algae. The model predicted the effects of changes to stream flow regimes on benthic algal recolonization and provides a basis for hypotheses testable in streams elsewhere.


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The Borough of Queenscliffe (BoQ) occupies a unique place among coastal Victorian locations. Situated at the tip of the Bellarine Peninsula, the Borough has approximately 3000 permanent residents, one third of who are over 60 years old. The Borough is also the smallest in Victoria, covering a total area of 13 square kilometres. BoQ is also unique because of its location. The Borough is almost totally surrounded by water and much of this is classified as maritime national park. The Swan Bay Marine Reserve is a Ramsar site and is therefore a wetland of international significance. The Borough relies heavily on tourism for its economic livelihood.

This paper begins with an overview of the BoQ in geographic, demographic and economic terms and then discusses the possible effects and impacts of climate change, as they relate to this small community. These sections are viewed from environmental, economic and social perspectives. Environmental impacts include the erosion of the coastal sand dune system and the loss of habitat for the orange-bellied parrot. Social impacts include the health effects and dangers of flooding for low-lying housing. Various indicators of community response are described, particularly the activities of the local climate change action group. Their strategy can essentially be described as a ‘push upward and downward’ approach. Innovative actions to implement this strategy are described in the paper.


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A trend in tourism patterns is the desire by tourists to spend more time enjoying unspoilt, natural environments. Leisure experiences in parks can provide many benefits which include promoting positive emotional, intellectual and social experiences which result in high levels of wellness in communities with long-term benefits. However, the resultant growing number of national park visitors has created a need for effective and efficient decision suppOli tools to assist park managers to administer resources, assess planning decisions, cater for an increased range of users, avoid user conflicts and minimise negative impacts on the environment. The aim of this paper is to determine the extent to which manageable variables predict park visitor satisfaction, and in so doing develop a better understanding of park visitors and their leisure experiences in parks. This study is based on a sample of 11,387 face to face interviews at 34 major parks in Victoria, Australia. The study uses cluster analysis, factor analysis and structural equation modelling to develop a segmentation approach to model and analyse visitor satisfaction. Seven well differentiated segments have been developed; constructs relating to park visitation have also been produced. The study highlights that different combinations of park facilities and resources are important in determining the satisfaction of park visitors from different segments.


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The use of cameras to monitor wildlife is commonplace; however, little is known of the effectiveness of different camera technologies for the detection of mammals. We compared the detection success of three different camera systems, a passive infrared (IR) system, an active IR and a constant video camera, alongside a trapping grid of Elliott and cage traps to determine their effectiveness at detecting mammals at multiple locations in the Otways National Park, Victoria, Australia (n = 160 events; 40 ± 23 [SD] events per night). Species detected and detection rates differed between methods (χ2 = 57.95, df = 2, p < 0.0001). Only house mice (Mus musculus) were detected by camera and traditional trapping techniques. Camera systems alone detected foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and a koala (Phascolarctos cinereus), while traditional traps captured bush rats (Rattus fuscipes), agile antechinus (Antechinus agilis) and a brush-tailed possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) which were not detected by the camera systems. Assuming that the video camera detected all mammals at the camera trap, the passive IR system detected almost all mammals detected by the video and it detected significantly more species than the active IR system. The choice of method will ultimately depend on the species of interest, logistics and the study site, and may substantially influence the results of a study.


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The changes in the diet of foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in the Jervis Bay Region was assessed following a long-term baiting program by analysing the composition of fox faecal excreta (scats). In all, 470 fox scats were collected between April and August 2003 from two baited sites, Booderee National Park (BNP) and Beecroft Peninsula, and from two unbaited sites in the southern and northern parts of Jervis Bay National Park (SJBNP and NJBNP respectively). Diet was compared between these sites and mammalian diet was also compared from scats collected before baiting in 1996 and after baiting in 2000 at Beecroft Peninsula and in 2001 at Booderee National Park. In 2003, the most common species consumed by foxes was the common ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus), except at unbaited NJBNP, where the swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor) was the most frequent dietary item. Significant dietary differences were found between unbaited and baited sites, with the long-nosed bandicoot (Perameles nasuta) and P. peregrinus featuring more in the diet of foxes from the baited sites. Marked increases in the frequency of occurrence of P. peregrinus and P. nasuta in fox scats occurred from before baiting through to after baiting. Relative fox abundance, as indexed by the number of scats collected per kilometre, was lowest in Booderee, followed by Beecroft, then SJBNP, with NJBNP having the highest relative abundance of foxes. We suggest that baiting did affect the diet of foxes on both peninsulas and that the dietary changes across baiting histories were intrinsically related to an increase in abundance in some taxa as a result of relaxed predator pressure following sustained fox control. However, the lack of unbaited control sites over the whole study precludes a definitive conclusion.


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Gramastacus insolitus is a very small non-burrowing Australian freshwater crayfish with a restricted distribution, occurring almost exclusively in seasonal habitats throughout its range. It is listed as a threatened species but its strategy for surviving dry periods was unknown. Eight seasonal surveys of crayfish distribution showed that members of G. insolitus were never found at sites that were outside the distribution of two larger burrowing freshwater crayfish species, Geocharax falcata and Cherax destructor. Excavation of 80 burrows of members of G. falcata and C. destructor in three different seasonal habitats in the Grampians National Park, Victoria, Australia, revealed that individuals of G. insolitus found refuge from drying by estivating in cracks and shallow depressions at the side of the main burrow tunnels constructed by larger species. Members of G. insolitus were not found estivating at the surface, such as under fallen wood, nor was it usually found in crayfish burrows unoccupied by the host crayfish. This study indicates that members of G. insolitus are commensal upon larger crayfish species, using their burrows to survive the seasonal drying of their habitat. Conservation strategies for populations of G. insolitus will need to consider co-existing species of burrowing crayfish.


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1. The Grampians National Park in Victoria is a 'hot spot' for freshwater crayfish diversity, with seven species from six genera occurring in sympatry. Few studies have examined how multiple species of freshwater crayfish co-exist across landscapes consisting of a mosaic of perennial and seasonal habitats. Despite their endemicity and likely key role in freshwaters, the ecology and biology of these crayfish remains unknown.

2. This study determined the distribution and habitat use of five crayfish species (Euastacus bispinosus, Cherax destructor, Geocharax falcata, Gramastacus insolitus and Engaeus lyelli). Seasonal sampling surveys ascertained whether crayfish distribution was related to habitat type, environmental or physicochemical variables, catchment or season.

3. Distribution was directly related to habitat type and the environmental and physicochemical variables that characterised habitats. Engaeus lyelli, G. falcata and G. insolitus occurred predominantly in floodplain wetlands and flooded vegetation habitats, E. bispinosus occurred only in flowing soft-sediment channels and C. destructor was found in all catchments and habitat types studied. Gramastacus insolitus co-occurred with G. falcata at all sites except two, so no distinct habitat separations were apparent for these two species.

4. A high percentage cover of boulders was the best indicator of crayfish absence, and discriminated between habitat types and crayfish species: it was probably a surrogate for a larger range of environmental and physicochemical variables. Catchment and season did not affect crayfish distribution.

5. These crayfish species varied in their degree of habitat specialisation from strongly generalist (C. destructor) to occupying only a specific habitat type (E. bispinosus). Some species appeared specialised for seasonal wetlands (G. insolitus and G. falcata). Overlap in site occupancy also varied: G. insolitus and G. falcata distributions were strongly associated, whereas C. destructor appeared to occur opportunistically across habitats, both alone and co-occurring with all the other species.

6. Management strategies to conserve multiple species of crayfish co-existing within landscapes will need to incorporate a range of perennial and seasonal habitat types to ensure sufficient space is available for species to maintain different occupancy patterns. Given that water resources are under increasing pressure and are strongly regulated within the Grampians National Park, this may present a conservation challenge to water managers in this location.


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Riparian zones are a characteristic component of many landscapes throughout the world and increasingly are valued as key areas for biodiversity conservation. Their importance for bird communities has been well recognised in semi-arid environments and in modified landscapes where there is a marked contrast between riparian and adjacent non-riparian vegetation. The value of riparian zones in largely intact landscapes with continuous vegetation cover is less well understood. This research examined the importance of riparian habitats for avifauna conservation by investigating the ecological interactions contributing to the pattern of bird assemblages in riparian and adjacent non-riparian habitats. Specifically, the focus is on the bird assemblages of riparian zones and those of adjacent non-riparian vegetation types and the influence that associated differences in resource availabilities, habitat structure and conditions have on observed patterns. This study was conducted in the foothill forests of the Victorian Highlands, south-east Australia. Mixed-species eucalypt (genus Eucalyptus) forests dominate the vegetation of this region. Site selection was based on the occurrence of suitable riparian habitat interspersed within extensive, relatively undisturbed (i.e. no recent timber harvesting or fire events) forest mosaics. A series of 30 paired riparian and non-riparian sites were established among six stream systems in three forest areas (Bunyip State Park, Kinglake National Park and Marysville State Forest). Riparian sites were positioned alongside the stream and the non-riparian partner site was positioned on a facing slope at a distance of approximately 750 m. Bird surveys were carried out during 29 visits to each site between July 2001 and December 2002. Riparian sites were floristically distinct from non-riparian sites and had a more complex vegetation structure, including a mid-storey tree layer mostly absent from non-riparian sites, extensive fine litter and coarse woody debris, and dense ground-layer vegetation (e.g. sedges and ground ferns). The characteristic features of non-riparian habitats included a relatively dense canopy cover, a ground layer dominated by grasses and fine litter, and a high density of canopy-forming trees in the smaller size-classes. Riparian zones supported a significantly greater species richness, abundance and diversity of birds when compared to non-riparian habitats. The composition of bird assemblages differed significantly between riparian and non-riparian habitats, with riparian assemblages displaying a higher level of similarity among sites. The strongest contributors to observed dissimilarities between habitat types included species that occurred exclusively in either habitat type or species with large contrasts in abundance between habitat types. Much of the avifauna (36%) of the study area is composed of species that are common and widespread in south-east Australia (i.e. forest generalists). Riparian habitats were characterised by a suite of species more typical of wetter forest types in south-east Australia and many of these species had a restricted distribution in the forest mosaic. Some species (7%) occurred exclusively in riparian habitats (i.e. riparian selective species) while others (43%) were strongly linked to these habitats (i.e. riparian associated species). A smaller proportion of species occurred exclusively (2%) in non-riparian habitats (i.e. non-riparian selective species) or were strongly linked to these habitats (10%; i.e. non-riparian associated species). To examine the seasonal dynamics of assemblages, the variation through time in species richness, abundance and composition was compared between riparian and non-riparian sites. Riparian assemblages supported greater richness and abundance, and displayed less variation in these parameters, than non-riparian assemblages at all times. The species composition of riparian assemblages was distinct from non-riparian assemblages throughout the annual cycle. An influx of seasonal migrants elevated species richness and abundance in the forest landscape during spring and summer. The large-scale movement pattern (e.g. coastal migrant, inland migrant) adopted by migrating species was associated with their preference for riparian or non-riparian habitats in the landscape. Species which migrate north-south along the east coast of mainland Australia (i.e. coastal migrants) used riparian zones disproportionately; eight of eleven species were riparian associated species. Species which migrate north-south through inland Australia (i.e. inland migrants) were mostly associated with non-riparian habitats. The significant differences in the dynamics of community structure between riparian and non-riparian assemblages shows that there is a disproportionate use of riparian zones across the landscape and that they provide higher quality habitat for birds throughout the annual cycle. To examine the ecological mechanisms by which riparian assemblages are richer and support more individual birds, the number of ecological groups (foraging, nest-type and body mass groups) represented, and the species richness of these groups, was compared between riparian and non-riparian assemblages. The structurally complex vegetation and distinctive habitat features (e.g. aquatic environments, damp sheltered litter) provided in the riparian zone, resulted in the consistent addition of ecological groups to riparian assemblages (e.g. sheltered ground – invertebrates foraging group) compared with non-riparian assemblages. Greater species richness was accommodated in most foraging, nest-type and body mass groups in riparian than non-riparian assemblages. Riparian zones facilitated greater richness within ecological groups by providing conditions (i.e. more types of resources and greater abundance of resources) that promoted ecological segregation between ecologically similar species. For a set of commonly observed species, significant differences in their use of structural features, substrates and heights were registered between riparian and non-riparian habitats. The availability and dynamics of resources in riparian and non-riparian habitats were examined to determine if there is differential availability of particular resources, or in their temporal availability, throughout the annual cycle. Riparian zones supported more abundant and temporally reliable eucalypt flowering (i.e. nectar) than non-riparian habitats throughout the annual cycle. Riparian zones also supported an extensive loose bark resource (an important microhabitat for invertebrates) including more peeling bark and hanging bark throughout the year than at non-riparian sites. The productivity of eucalypts differed between habitat types, being higher in riparian zones at most times for all eucalypts combined, and for some species (e.g. Narrow-leaved Peppermint Eucalyptus radiata). Non-riparian habitats provided an abundant nectar resource (i.e. shrub flowering) at particular periods in the annual cycle. Birds showed clear relationships with the availability of specific food (i.e. nectar) and foraging resources (i.e. loose bark). The demonstration of a greater abundance of resources and higher primary productivity in riparian zones is consistent with the hypothesis that these linear strips that occupy only a small proportion of the landscape have a disproportionately high value for birds. Riparian zones in continuous eucalypt forest provide high quality habitats that contribute to the diversity of habitats and resources available to birds in the forest mosaic, with positive benefits for the landscape-level species pool. Despite riparian and non-riparian habitat supporting distinct assemblages of birds, strong linkages are maintained along the riparian-upslope gradient. Clearly, the maintenance of diverse and sustainable assemblages of birds in forest landscapes depends on complementary management of both riparian and non-riparian vegetation.


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Context. There is an increasing reliance on the use of camera-trap technologies for surveys of medium to large terrestrial mammals. Camera trapping may, however, also have significant applications for broad-scale surveys of small mammals.
Aims. The present study aims to compare results from camera-trapping surveys to those of the more traditional live trapping techniques. Specifically, it aims to test the effectiveness of the techniques for detecting species, and the cost effectiveness of both approaches.
Methods. Surveys were conducted across 36 sites in the Grampians National Park, Victoria, Australia, between April and July 2009. At each site, independent surveys were conducted for small mammals by using a combination of Elliot and cage trapping, then camera trapping. Results for the two different approaches were compared for both their ability to generate small-mammal presence data and their cost effectiveness.
Key results. Camera-trapping surveys of 36 sites in the Grampians National Park compared favourably with those of live trapping surveys. Similar species were detected across the sites, and camera trapping was a considerably more cost effective than live trapping.
Conclusions. Camera-trapping surveys of small terrestrial mammals may provide a new and cost-effective technique for surveying terrestrial small mammals. This is particularly the case when presence data are the main requirement of the survey, with no requirement to capture and tag animals.
Implications. Given the cost-effective nature of camera trapping, there is potential to use this approach to increase the level of replication and spatial coverage of small-mammal surveys. Improving the replication and spatial coverage of studies has the potential to significantly increase the scope of research questions that can be asked, thus providing the potential to improve wildlife management.


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This paper investigates the use of using remotely sensed observation and full coverage hydroacoustic datasets to quantify habitat suitability for a marine demersal fish, the blue-throated wrasse. Because of issues surrounding the detection of species using remotely sensed video techniques, the application of presence-only techniques are well suited for modeling demersal fish habitat suitability. Ecological-Niche Factor Analysis is used to compare analyses conducted using seafloor variables derived from hydroacoustics at three spatial scales; fine (56.25 m2), medium (506.25 m2) and coarse (2756.25 m2), to determine which spatial scale was most influential in predicting blue-throated wrasse habitat suitability. The coarse scale model was found to have the best predictive capabilities with a Boyce Index of 0.80±0.26. The global marginality and specialization values indicated that, irrespective of spatial scale, blue-throated wrasse prefer seafloor characteristics that are different to the mean available within the study site, but exhibit a relatively wide niche. Although variable importance varied over the three spatial scale models, blue-throated wrasse showed a strong preference for regions of shallow water, close to reef, with high rugosity and maximum curvature and low HSI-B values. Generally the spatial patterns in habitat suitability were well represented in the Marine National Park compared to adjacent waters. However, some significant differences in spatial patterns were observed. Interspersion and Juxtaposition Indexes for unsuitable and highly suitable habitat were significantly smaller inside the Marine National Park, while the Mean Shape Index of unsuitable habitat in the Marine National Park was significantly larger.


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As part of international obligations and national policies, most nations are working toward establishing comprehensive, adequate, and representative systems of terrestrial and marine protected areas (MPAs). Assigning internationally recognized International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) protected area categories to these MPAs is an important part of this process. The most recent guidance from the IUCN clearly states that commercial or recreational fishing is inappropriate in MPAs designated as category II (National Park). However, in at least two developed countries with long histories of protected area development (e.g., Canada and Australia), category II is being assigned to a number of MPAs that allow some form of commercial or recreational fishing. Using Australia as a case study, this article explores the legal and policy implications of applying protected area categories to MPAs and the consequences for misapplying them. As the Australian Government is about to embark on potentially one of the largest expansions of MPA networks in the world, ensuring the application of IUCN categories is both transparent and consistent with international practice will be important, both for the sake of international conventions and to accurately track conservation progress.