67 resultados para Dairy plants.


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Aim: To assess the effectiveness of specific advice for increasing fruit, vegetable and dairy intake in free-living men participating in a weight loss study.

Methods: Subjects were randomised to one of two 12-week weight loss diets, either the WELL with daily targets of four serves of fruit, four serves of vegetables and three serves of dairy or a low fat diet (LF) with general advice to increase fruit and vegetable intake. Three-day food group diaries and a food frequency questionnaire assessed intake.

Results: Fifty-four overweight/obese male adults completed the study (WELL, n = 27; LF, n = 27; body mass index (mean ± standard deviation), 30.4 ± 2.5 kg/m2; age, 47.7 ± 9.5 years). There was no difference in mean weight change between groups (WELL, −4.8 ± 3.3 kg; LF, −4.6 ± 3.1 kg). Subjects on the WELL diet had greater (mean difference ± standard error) fruit (0.7 ± 0.2 serves/day), vegetable (1.2 ± 0.2 serves/day) and dairy (1.1 ± 0.1 serves/day) intakes than the LF group (measured by the food group diaries) (all P < 0.01). The WELL group reached the daily target for fruit from week 1 (4.7 ± 1.4 serves/day), vegetables by week 6 (4.1 ± 1.5 serves/day) and for dairy by week 8 (3.0 ± 0.8 serves/day).

Providing specific dietary targets to men for weight loss appears to promote greater consumption of fruit, vegetable and dairy foods than providing general dietary advice. Meeting dietary targets appears to require different adjustment periods depending on the food type.


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It is well known that waste water treatment plant (WWTP) effluents are estrogenic. There has been much less consideration of the androgenic activity of WWTP effluents. To partly address the shortage of information on androgens in Australian WWTP effluents, in August 2006, and again in 2007, we collected discharges from up to 45 Victorian WWTPs (~25% of all WWTPs in Victoria), grouped by treatment process, i.e. activated sludge, extended aeration, and lagoon based treatment, and measured the total estrogenic, androgenic, retinoic acid, and aromatic hydrocarbon hydrogenase activity of the effluents using a hybrid yeast bioassay. This paper will concentrate on the androgenic activity and male hormone concentrations.


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There has been a growing interest in the industrial application of ultrasound, especially in the food industry. Power ultrasound can have a number of physical effects; it can increase turbulence through both the introduction of vibrational energy and through acoustic streaming, it can cause both particle agglomeration and particle dispersion and clean surfaces with a scouring action. Our work in this area has focused on the use of ultrasound to enhance membrane processing. Low frequency ultrasound has been used to facilitate cross flow ultrafiltration of dairy whey solutions for both during the ultrafiltration production cycle and the cleaning cycle. During the production cycle, the use of ultrasound reduces both pore blockage and the specific resistance of the fouling cake layer. This leads to higher flux rates and the potential for longer production cycles. During the cleaning cycle, ultrasound systematically increases cleaning efficiency, thus has the potential to reduce both total chemical consumption and system downtime. There was no deterioration in cleaning effectiveness or membrane condition which imples that sonication , has not damaged the membrane itself. Similarly, there was no change in the chemical nature of soluble proteins following sonication.


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The ferrous iron and 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) dependent oxygenases catalyse two electron oxidation reactions by coupling the oxidation of substrate to the oxidative decarboxylation of 2OG, giving succinate and carbon dioxide coproducts. The evidence available on the level of incorporation of one atom from dioxygen into succinate is inconclusive. Here, we demonstrate that five members of the 2OG oxygenase family, AlkB from Escherichia coli, anthocyanidin synthase and flavonol synthase from Arabidopsis thaliana, and prolyl hydroxylase domain enzyme 2 and factor inhibiting hypoxia-inducible factor-1 from Homo sapiens all incorporate a single oxygen atom, almost exclusively derived from dioxygen, into the succinate co-product.


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Elite athletes require a greater dietary protein intake than recreationally active people to maintain optimal muscular function. The timing of protein ingestion relative to exercise is critical to maximizing its physiological impact on skeletal muscles. Sports protein supplements provide a convenient means of supplying athletes with an adequate and timely source of quality dietary protein. There is now strong evidence that not all dietary proteins are equipotent in their effects on various aspects of athletic performance and specific protein isolates can provide benefits to athletes beyond simple supply of nutritional amino acids. Thus, there is an opportunity to develop new functional protein supplements to maximize athletic performance. This paper outlines the clinical evidence for the benefits of dairy proteins in sports performance and describes the development of new dairy protein supplements to build muscle strength, and to expedite recovery of strength following muscle-damaging eccentric exercise.


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Work previously presented has shown that ultrasound can be effective in enhancing both the production and cleaning cycles of dairy membrane  processes. In this present work we extend these previous results to consider the effect of ultrasonic frequency and the use of intermittent ultrasound. These results show that the use of continuous low frequency (50 kHz) ultrasound is most effective in both the fouling and cleaning cycles. The application of intermittent high frequency (1 MHz) ultrasound is less effective. At higher transmembrane pressure, high frequency pulsed sonication can indeed lead to a reduction in steady state membrane flux. The benefits of ultrasound arise from a reduction in both concentration polarization and in the resistance provided by the more labile protein deposits that are removed during a water wash. Conversely, the loss of membrane flux when high frequency pulsed sonication is used arises from a significant increase in the more tenacious ‘irreversible’ fouling deposit.


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Ultrafiltration (UF) of whey is a major membrane based process in the dairy industry. However, commercialization of this application has been limited by membrane fouling, which has a detrimental influence on the permeation rate. There are a number of different chemical and physical cleaning methods currently used for cleaning a fouled membrane. It has been suggested that the cleaning frequency and the severity of such cleaning procedures control the membrane lifetime. The development of an optimal cleaning strategy should therefore have a direct implication on the process economics. Recently, the use of ultrasound has attracted considerable interest as an alternative approach to the conventional methods. In the present study, we have studied the ultrasonic cleaning of polysulfone ultrafiltration membranes fouled with dairy whey solutions. The effects of a number of cleaning process parameters have been examined in the presence of ultrasound and results compared with the conventional operation. Experiments were conducted using a small single sheet membrane unit that was immersed totally within an ultrasonic bath. Results show that ultrasonic cleaning improves the cleaning efficiency under all experimental conditions. The ultrasonic effect is more significant in the absence of surfactant, but is less influenced by temperature and transmembrane pressure. Our results suggest that the ultrasonic energy acts primarily by increasing the turbulence within the cleaning solution.


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Low frequency ultrasound has been used to facilitate cross-flow ultrafiltration of dairy whey solutions. Experimental results show that ultrasonic irradiation at low power levels can significantly enhance the permeate flux with an enhancement factor of between 1.2 and 1.7. The use of turbulence promoters (spacers) in combination with ultrasound can lead to a doubling in the permeate flux. The application of a combined pore blockage/cake resistance model to the observed experimental data suggests that the use of ultrasound acts to lower the compressibility of both the initial protein deposit and the growing cake. Conversely, the pore blockage parameter is not significantly affected. The use of a gel polarization model shows that the ultrasonic irradiation increases the mass transfer coefficient within the concentration polarization layer. Electron microscopy results showed no evidence that the ultrasonic irradiation altered the membrane integrity. HPLC analysis of the whey proteins in the feed solution before and after sonication showed that the concentration profile of the whey proteins was also not affected by the sonication process.


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The ultrafiltration of whey solutions is a common feature of dairy processes. However, the frequent fouling of ultrafiltration membranes and the subsequent cleaning cycle significantly affect the economics of such a process. In this work, we investigated the effect of ultrasonics on the cleaning of whey-fouled membranes and examined the variables that influence this effect. Experiments were conducted using a small single sheet membrane unit that was immersed totally within an ultrasonic bath.

Results show that the use of ultrasonics enhances the flux recovery following fouling. The extent of flux recovery is independent of the length of sonication time and increases with ultrasonic power. The use of surfactants in combination with ultrasonic irradiation shows a synergistic effect, providing a better efficiency than either cleaning process alone. Repetitive use of ultrasonic cleaning over a 1 month period does not result in any significant change in the permeate flux of a cleaned membrane, indicating that the ultrasonic treatment does not appear to damage the membrane structure itself.


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Flat sheet polymeric UF membranes of 30000 MWCO were obtained from Millipore Inc. Polypropylene spacers of a 50 mil (1.3 mm) thickness were obtained from KOCH membrane systems. A single 30 cm^sup 2^ membrane sheet was sandwiched with a spacer on the feed side of a cross flow Minitan S unit (Millipore Inc). The unit was immersed in a 50 kHz ultrasonic bath that was switched on as required. All experiments used re-constituted spray-dried whey powder to foul the membrane.


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This thesis examines Greater Melbourne’s indigenous plants movement from the 1930s to the early twenty first century. It demonstrates the important scientific and educational role of the public intellectual, Professor John Turner, and of the Melbourne University Botany School which he led for thirty five years. The case study of the movement within the City of Sandringham and its successor the City of Bayside reveals how the inhabitants of an urbanised are responded to threats to the indigenous trees and wildflowers of their neighbourhood, stimulating botanists to assist them and using political means in order to achieve their conservation objectives. The thesis draws upon a range of local archives, conservation literature and private papers.


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In this study, both physiological and cellular effects are elicited by natriuretic peptides (NPs), a novel type of plant hormone. It was found that rat ANP (rANP) influenced stomatal opening movement in Tradescantia sp., where a significant increase in stomatal opening was observed in the presence of 1 µM rANP. Furthermore, this effect is mediated by cGMP, a (putative) second messenger of NPs. Two inhibitors of guanylyl cyclase, LY 83583 and methylene blue, inhibited rANP-induced stomatal opening. In contrast, stomatal opening is induced in a concentration dependent manner by the cell permeant cGMP analogue 8-Br-cGMP. In addition it was found, that like in animals, the secondary structure of rANP is essential for rANP responses. Linearised rANP is biologically inactive. Since ANP elicit plant responses, an attempt was made to isolate NP analogues from plants. A protocol for partially purifying NP from plants was developed. It was found that two fractions eluted from an immunoaffinity chromatography column (0.5 M KCI eluted fraction and 0.75 M KCI eluted fraction) were biologically active. The level of cGMP in response to NPs was also tested. It is suggested that the receptor of NP is specific since only 0.75 M KCI eluted fractions increased cGMP levels in Zea mays root stele tissue. rANP did not elicit an effect on cGMP levels in this tissue and LY 83583 did not affect this response. It is therefore argued that a plant specific biologically active NP system is present in the stele and it is predicted that NPs modulate solute movement in this tissue. NPs also influence K+, Na+ and H+ fluxes in Zea mays root stele. Increase in both K+ and Na+ uptake were observed after 30 min., while H+ flux shifted immediately toward influx in the presence of both 0.5 and 0.75 KCI eluted fractions. Finally, a model is proposed for the effect of NPs on solute movement and its signalling system in plants.


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DNA repair mechanisms constitute an essential cellular response to DNA damage arising either from metabolic processes or from environmental sources such as ultraviolet radiation. Repair of these lesions may be via direct reversal, or by processes such as nucleotide excision repair (NER), a coordinated pathway in which lesions and the surrounding nucleotides are excised and replaced via DNA resynthesis. The importance of repair is illustrated by human disease states such as xeroderma pigmentosum and Cockayne's syndrome which result from defects in the NER system arising from mutations in XP- genes or XP- and CS- genes respectively Little detail is known of DNA damage repair processes in plants, despite the economic and ecological importance of these organisms. This study aimed to expand our knowledge of the process of NER in plants, largely via a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based approach involving amplification, cloning and characterisation of plant genomic DNA and cDNA. Homologues of the NER components XPF/RAD1 and XPD/RAD3 were isolated as both genomic and complete cDNA sequences from the model dicotyledonous plant Arabidopsis thaliana. The sequence of the 3'-untranslated region of atXPD was also determined. Comparison of genomic and cDNA sequences allowed a detailed analysis of gene structures, including details of intron/exon processing. Variable transcript processing to produce three distinct transcripts was found in the case of atXPF. In an attempt to validate the proposed homologous function of these cDNAs, assays to test complementation of resistance to ultraviolet radiation in the relevant yeast mutants were performed. Despite extensive amino acid sequence conservation, neither plant cDNA was able to restore UV-resistance. As the yeast RAD3 gene product is also involved in vivo in transcription, and so is required for viability, the atXPD cDNA was tested in a complementation assay for this function in an appropriate yeast mutant. The plant cDNA was found to substantially increase the viability of the yeast mutant. The structural and functional significance of these results is discussed comparatively with reference to yeast, human and other known homologues. Other putative NER homologues were identified in A. thaliana database sequences, including those of ERCC1/RAD10 and XPG/ERCC5/RAD2, and are now the subjects of ongoing investigations. This study also describes preliminary investigations of putative REVS and RAD30 translesion synthesis genes from A. thaliana.