63 resultados para Crises cambiais


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We need to know more about governance in cultural nonprofit organisations (NPOs). Can good governance prevent financial crises in arts organisations? A vast research project has helped find the answers. Lack of artistic success is not the main cause of financial distress. NPOs in financial distress often have weak governing processes. Their board members need to know more about the problems leading to the crisis. We propose a governance framework to better monitor NPOs’ external and internal environments. Then we present the reactions to this governance framework from interviews with NPO managers. Finally, we report results from arts organisation consultancy and reconcile these findings with the ones collected through interviews.


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In the seventies, Nolan was the first to address the need for a descriptive stage theory concerning the planning, organizing, and controlling activities associated with managing the organizational computer resource. The arrival of newer technologies such as those based on the Internet calls for fresh approaches in terms of their implementation and management. Intranet technology – which is based on Internet technology – differs from other types of IT in terms of its use and implementation. We propose a four-stage model for intranet implementation and management. Each stage is portrayed by seven general characteristics. We propose that in order to ensure intranet institutionalization, three existential crises must be overcome. Firstly, if the intranet is not nurtured by a sponsor it cannot evolve beyond its experimental beginnings. Secondly, if a critical mass of both users and content cannot be reached simultaneously, the intranet will not progress. Finally, if the intranet remains uncontrolled, it will be perceived to be useless and therefore users will abandon it.


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Given the current state of play with respect to literacy 'crises' in Western democracies, this article revisits the 'language games' that often inform these concerns, examining their rules and who benefits from them. It argues that to focus narrowly on the technical aspects of language, as the current emphasis does, misses the point of what is at stake for students: those who advocates claim to want to help. Drawing on twenty semi-structured interviews and observations of teachers in primary and secondary schools within Queensland (Australia), the article outlines four perspectives on language use and how these variously position students as literate and illiterate. It concludes that we now need a different game plan to address students' use of language, one that provokes a stance and praxis in keeping with a more inclusive politics and which provides real challenges to broader social constraints.


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The arena of ethics and business is a colossus: thousands of books, multiple dedicated journals, de rigueur organizational ethics policies and CSR initiatives - most of which we can be fairly confident would receive poor reviews by the editors and authors of Ethics and organizational practice: Questioning the moral foundations of management. This edited collection is a self-identified ‘critical’ take on business ethics, one that according to the editors’ introduction wishes to ‘expose business ethics to its crises’ and ‘critically investigate(s) what ethics means’. The ‘critical’ which Muhr, Sørensen and Vallentin invoke is one that would be familiar to authors and readers of Critical Management Studies – that is, to use Fournier and Grey’s (2000) oft-referenced depiction, the study of management and organization that is non-performative with regards to managerialist concerns of efficiency and profitability, that seeks to denaturalize taken-for-granted legitimations, and the normalization of current organizational practices and ideologies, and one which demonstrates significant reflexivity with regard to the philosophies and methodologies it deploys. To the above, we may also add pluralism, and indeed some playfulness, with a wide diversity of conceptual, theoretical, historical and popular sources mined for their potential to help us reconsider the organizational present.


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Objective: Transnational food, beverage and restaurant companies, and their corporate foundations, may be potential collaborators to help address complex public health nutrition challenges. While UN system guidelines are available for private-sector engagement, non-governmental organizations (NGO) have limited guidelines to navigate diverse opportunities and challenges presented by partnering with these companies through public–private partnerships (PPP) to address the global double burden of malnutrition.

Design: We conducted a search of electronic databases, UN system websites and grey literature to identify resources about partnerships used to address the global double burden of malnutrition. A narrative summary provides a synthesis of the interdisciplinary literature identified.

Results: We describe partnership opportunities, benefits and challenges; and tools and approaches to help NGO engage with the private sector to address global public health nutrition challenges. PPP benefits include: raising the visibility of nutrition and health on policy agendas; mobilizing funds and advocating for research; strengthening food-system processes and delivery systems; facilitating technology transfer; and expanding access to medications, vaccines, healthy food and beverage products, and nutrition assistance during humanitarian crises. PPP challenges include: balancing private commercial interests with public health interests; managing conflicts of interest; ensuring that co-branded activities support healthy products and healthy eating environments; complying with ethical codes of conduct; assessing partnership compatibility; and evaluating partnership outcomes.

Conclusions: NGO should adopt a systematic and transparent approach using available tools and processes to maximize benefits and minimize risks of partnering with transnational food, beverage and restaurant companies to effectively target the global double burden of malnutrition.


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Industry-wide crises emanating from legislative proposals are rare in Australia, and can be classed as once in a generation events, and so merit consideration and research. Currently, there is one such debate over the Mineral Resources Rent Tax, proposed by Prime Minister’s Julia Gillard’s government. Prior to this, the closest comparable event was the 1974 proposal for the establishment of a universal health insurance scheme. The 1947 proposal, by the Ben Chifley-led Labor Government, aimed to nationalise Australia’s banks, and it brought a crisis of massive proportions to Australia’s conservative financial service industry. Although the High Court of Australia finally found Chifley’s proposed legislation unconstitutional, the banks realised they must win in the court of public opinion, generate press coverage in favour of their position, and help defeat the Labor Government at the 1949 election. At the time, and for some decades to come, this was the most expensive and largest public relations campaign waged in Australia. After such a campaign there could be few Australians who could claim that they had not been exposed to the powers of public relations in a modern world. This paper looks at what can be learned from the banks’ collective response to the proposed nationalisation. It does so by applying contemporary issues management evaluation techniques.


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The state of global freshwater ecosystems is increasingly parlous with water resource development degrading high-conservation wetlands. Rehabilitation is challenging because necessary increases in environmental flows have concomitant social impacts, complicated because many rivers flow between jurisdictions or countries. Australia's MurrayDarling Basin is a large river basin with such problems encapsulated in the crisis of its Ramsar-listed terminal wetland, the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth. Prolonged drought and upstream diversion of water dropped water levels in the Lakes below sea level (20092010), exposing hazardous acid sulfate soils. Salinities increased dramatically (e.g. South Lagoon of Coorong>200gL-1, cf. modelled natural 80gL-1), reducing populations of waterbirds, fish, macroinvertebrates and littoral plants. Calcareous masses of estuarine tubeworms (Ficopomatus enigmaticus) killed freshwater turtles (Chelidae) and other fauna. Management primarily focussed on treating symptoms (e.g. acidification), rather than reduced flows, at considerable expense (≥AU$2 billion). We modelled a scenario that increased annual flows during low-flow periods from current levels up to one-third of what the natural flow would have been, potentially delivering substantial environmental benefits and avoiding future crises. Realisation of this outcome depends on increasing environmental flows and implementing sophisticated river management during dry periods, both highly contentious options.


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We present a video browsing approach, termed Temporal Semantic Compression (TSC), that uses automated measures of interest to support today's foraging behaviours. Conventional browsers 'compress' a video stream using simple 2x or 8x fast-forward. TSC browsers dynamically filter video based on a single user gesture to leave out more or less of the boring bits. We demonstrate a browser with an example interest measure, derived from an automated estimate of movie tempo, to forage in terms of narrative structures such as crises, climaxes, and action sequence book-ends. Media understanding algorithms facilitate browsing, and interactivity enables the human-in-the-loop to cope when those algorithms fail to cross the semantic gap.


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Sometimes success can be detrimental to learning while failure can be good. What appears as a disaster can often lay the foundations for future success.

Usually, educators and students focus on building confidence through successful completion of learning tasks, summarised by Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development. A positive feedback loop is established if learners are successful in mastering new ideas and skills. The problem is if teachers, trainers and instructors never challenge students to the fullest extent of their abilities, as this might also ensure overconfidence, slow progress and boredom.

We should not avoid the risk of failure; science is all about the possible risk of failure. Testable hypotheses have the potential to fail an experimental or computational test; ideas that are not testable are considered to be outside the realm of science. The occasional failure shows the limits and scope of an idea’s validity and enables us to advance scientific ideas.

There is a need to find the balance between challenge that extends students, and over-extension. The former results in greater and true confidence and ability, while the latter leads to catastrophic failure and crises of confidence. Education, like life and like all scientific endeavour is about taking responsible risks safely. When we cultivate the roses of success that grow from the ashes of disaster, we must not forget that roses have thorns, or that the occasional setback or failure is just as important for learning as a succession of successes.


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PURPOSE: The study aims to identify and articulate how mental health telephone triage (MHTT) clinicians manage psychiatric crisis and emergency via the telephone.

DESIGN AND METHODS: An observational design was employed in the study. Wireless headsets were used to observe 197 occasions of MHTT.

FINDINGS: Clinicians use a range of practical strategies, therapeutic skills, and psychosocial interventions to manage psychiatric crises and emergencies via the telephone.

PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: The evidence base for managing psychiatric crisis/ emergency in MHTT is minimal. These findings contribute to the MHTT knowledge base and provide evidence-based strategies for high-quality emergency mental health care.


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Debate has long surrounded corporatism’s depictions of power and the state, and the rise of neoliberalism has raised even more doubts about corporatism as an analytical construct. Faltering growth and rising unemployment in Sweden and Korea after financial crises in the 1990s seemed to confirm neoliberal expectations that all varieties of corporatism (state/authoritarian and societal/democratic) are doomed to decline, and that corporatism will converge on liberalism. Closer examination of the 1990s crises suggests that Swedish and Korean institutions have transformed rather than collapsed. Corporatist institutions have been transformed by ideas about networks and governance, interaction between national and international institutions and shifting alliances among export-oriented and competition-shielded employers, private and public sector unions and citizen networks. This article argues that the ‘dynamics of contention’ can explain how these new ideas and alliances transformed regimes in Sweden and Korea and as such constitute an alternative to corporatism as an analytical construct.


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Deposit insurance schemes were an important element in policy responses to the global financial crisis (GFC). There has been considerable debate about the nature and efficacy of such policy measures in alleviating the fallout from financial crises. The GFC highlighted problems associated with deposit insurance schemes including moral hazard, coverage limits, co-insurance, cross border issues and market distortions. Despite these shortcomings, deposit insurance schemes were able to ameliorate the financial panic experienced and reduce contagion. This paper evaluates the Australian and New Zealand experience with deposit insurance introduced in response to the GFC, and compares this to the OECD experience. It reflects on the performance of deposit insurance schemes considered against the attributes of good policy design, and evaluates the specific problems and strengths encountered during the GFC.


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The constitution of climate change as an ‘emergency’ invites an appeal to sovereign
power that is troubling in the context of Australia’s colonial history. Climate change is
an unsettling and dispossessing force that, while unprecedented in many ways, can be situated among a series of environmental and social crises that have shaped a discourse of anxious or insecure non-Indigenous belonging in this country. This discourse seeks to render non-Indigenous Australian place as secure and absolute, and understands environmental change as a threat to this goal. This threat appeals to an emergency framing, and in turn to a reassertion, in line with the insights of Agamben, of an exclusive sovereignty that rehearses the foundational dispossessions of colonization. At the same time, climate change is initiating new ways of conceptualizing human relations with place that challenge the value of sovereign status. It enacts realities that refuse a singular emergency and instead generate community from a reorientation of places, times and more-than-human relations. Thought in this way as a creative force that is shaping communities and environments, climate change becomes a source of critical insight for the possibilities of a decolonized future.


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The G20 forum has acted to crystallise important changes in the architecture of global governance emerging since the 1970s. This has seen the locus of power shift away from the United Nations (UN) System as smaller and poorer states become increasingly adept at exercising their power within UN structures. Yet it is too simple to set the G20 against the UN, for example as minilateralism versus multilateralism. While the UN seems increasingly constrained and less relevant, it is not about to disappear. Moreover, we argue there are two significant obstacles to the G20 claiming the mantle of dominant global governance institution. First, that minilateralism is still a form of multilateralism, and ultimately subject to the same problems with the generation of consensus if extended, as in the G20, to include sufficiently diverse state members for a claim of legitimacy. Second, its emergence from the Global Financial Crisis and historical focus on financial governance means its agenda is excessively narrow at a time when food and environmental crises command similar global political significance. We conclude by considering some of the different elements of the emerging G20/UN dynamic, and whether this emerging dialectic can enhance prospects for wide ranging reforms to global trade, finance and economic structures that are currently incapable of functioning sustainably or preventing wide scale famine.


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During a financial crisis, investors find it convenient to hold gold (Gd) as a safe haven. But during good economic times, manufacturing firms find it convenient to stockpile platinum (Pl), palladium (Pd) and especially silver (Si), for industrial usages. We have three related objectives. First, we examine the nature of cross-market interactions among the convenience yields (cyit) of {Gd, Pl, Pd, Si}, which are implied from cost-of-carry relations. Second, we test if the more influential cyit of certain precious metals are also affecting the return, volatility and/or volume dynamics of other precious metals. Third, we analyze if the cyit of gold is enhanced (diluted) during (after) the Asian and Global financial crises. We find, consistent with our propositions, that during crisis period, gold’s cyit provides incremental information to the volatility series of {Gd, Pl, Pd, Si}. But during good economic times, it is silver’s cyit that has the most influence on the return series across {Gd, Pl, Pd, Si}. This is not surprising given that Si has the largest proportion of industrial usage among the four metals.