91 resultados para Criminal statistics


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This is the fourteenth edition of Coronary heart statistics produced by the British Heart Foundation.

It is divided into 13 chapters.

* The first two chapters on mortality and morbidity deal with demographic trends in CHD and related diseases of the circulatory system.
* Following a section on treatment of CHD there are chapters on the main modifiable risk factors for the disease: smoking, an unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, a high alcohol consumption, poor psychosocial wellbeing, raised blood pressure, raised blood cholesterol, obesity and diabetes.
* The final chapter provides information about the economic costs of CHD.

The compendium was published by the British Heart Foundation in May 2006.


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This is the fifteenth edition of Coronary Heart Disease Statistics produced by the British Heart Foundation.

It is divided into 13 chapters.

* The first two chapters on mortality and morbidity deal with demographic trends in CHD and related diseases of the circulatory system.
* Following a section on treatment of CHD there are chapters on the main modifiable risk factors for the disease: smoking, an unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, a high alcohol consumption, poor psychosocial wellbeing, raised blood pressure, raised blood cholesterol, obesity and diabetes.
* The final chapter provides information about the economic costs of CHD.

The compendium was published by the British Heart Foundation in July 2007.


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This is the sixteenth edition of Coronary Heart Disease Statistics produced by the British Heart Foundation.

It is divided into 13 chapters.

* The first two chapters on mortality and morbidity deal with demographic trends in CHD and related diseases of the circulatory system.
* Following a section on treatment of CHD there are chapters on the main modifiable risk factors for the disease: smoking, an unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, a high alcohol consumption, poor psychosocial wellbeing, raised blood pressure, raised blood cholesterol, obesity and diabetes.
* The final chapter provides information about the economic costs of CHD.

The compendium was published by the British Heart Foundation in July 2008.


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This is the third edition of European cardiovascular disease statistics. The first edition was published in 2000 when the European Union (EU) consisted of 15 Member States. After enlargement in 2004 and then again in 2007, there are now 27 Member States. Much has changed in the last seven years, but cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the main cause of death in the EU. The European cardiovascular disease statistics was the first publication to bring together all the available sources of information about the burden of CVD in Europe, including data on death and illness, treatment, the prevalence of behavioural risk factors for CVD (smoking, diet, physical inactivity and alcohol consumption), and the prevalence of medical conditions associated with CVD (raised cholesterol, raised blood pressure, overweight and obesity, and diabetes). It
has become an indispensable resource for anybody working on reducing the burden of CVD in Europe or in public health generally.


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This publication is the latest edition of a series of statistical compendia and supplements that document the burden of cardiovascular disease in the United Kingdom. This series of publications, published by the British Heart Foundation, usually focuses on coronary heart disease, but Stroke Statistics is jointly published by the British Heart Foundation and The Stroke Association and focuses on the important and substantial burden of stroke in the United Kingdom.

Stroke Statistics is designed for policy makers, health professionals, medical researchers and anyone else with an interest in stroke or cardiovascular disease. It aims to provide the most recent statistics related to the burden of stroke and to document the geographic, social and ethnic inequalities in the experience of stroke.

Stroke Statistics is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 documents trends and patterns in stroke mortality and premature mortality. Chapter 2 reports on the morbidity burden of stroke, both in terms of prevalence (the rate of people who have had a stroke in the past) and incidence (the rate of first ever strokes). Chapter 3 describes the burden of stroke on the National Health Service, in terms of drug therapy, hospitalisations and surgical procedures. Chapter 4 provides estimates of the prevalence of risk factors for stroke, broken down by age, sex, socioeconomic status and ethnicity. Details about Government targets to tackle the risk factor status of the population are also provided where available. Chapter 5 provides new estimates, calculated specifically for Stroke Statistics, of the economic cost of stroke to the National Health Service and to the United Kingdom economy.


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In Australia, as in other countries that have experienced colonisation, indigenous people are massively overrepresented in all stages of the criminal justice system. If criminal justice agencies are to provide culturally responsive and effective services to this group, it is important that they employ significant numbers of indigenous staff across all levels of their organisations. Despite the positive intentions of many justice agencies to increase the proportion of indigenous staff members they employ, the numbers remain low. In this article, we explore some of the possible reasons for this by reporting the results of focus groups conducted with existing indigenous justice agency employees. The employees raised a number of issues relevant to recruitment and retention. These are discussed in terms of their potential value in improving justice agency indigenous recruitment and retention strategies.


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In recent times there have been claims that the sentencing of serious juvenile offenders does not reflect community sentiment and legal policies are based on outdated ideas about adolescent development. The findings of this thesis call into question the suggestions that the law's assumptions about the development of competence is out of step with community attitudes and developmental research. The professional portfolio examines several hypotheses that have been generated to explain why disabled individuals engage in sexually inappropriate behaviour. It also highlights the importance of exploring the aetiology of this behaviour. Four case reports are presented.


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After considering relevant events and cases the conclusion is reached that South Australian Aborigines were not in any practical sense equal before the law at any time during the period 1836-1862, despite considerable efforts by individual government and court officials.


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This book is designed to be a useful and practical tool for both students and legal practitioners alike. In addition to focusing on the recently enacted Criminal Protective Act 2009, this text also highlights other key aspects of the criminal processes.