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A major source of energy during lactation in mammals is provided through the mobilization of blubber fatty acids (FAs). We investigated the extent to which FAs were mobilized to support both maternal metabolic requirements and milk production in the Weddell seal and how this was reflected in the FA composition of the pup’s blubber at the end of lactation (EL). FA composition of postpartum female blubber was similar in the 2 yr of study (2002 and 2003) but differed markedly by EL. Pup blubber FAs (at EL) were also different between years and did not match that of the mother’s milk or blubber. Milk FA composition changed during lactation, which may have been a reflection of an increase in pup energy demands at different stages of development. In addition, there was evidence of feeding by some females during lactation, with higher levels of some FAs in the milk than in the blubber. Our results indicate that differential mobilization of FAs occurred in lactating Weddell seals and that this was related to total body lipid stores at postpartum. Furthermore, growing pups did not store FAs unmodified, providing evidence that selective use does occur and also that using FA composition to elucidate dietary sources may be problematic in growing individuals.


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With the purpose of solving the real solutions number of the nonlinear transcendental equations in the selective harmonic eliminated PWM (SHEPWM) technology, the nonlinear transcendental equations were transformed to a set of polynomial equations with a set of inequality constraints using the multiple-angle formulas, an analytic method based on semi-algebraic systems machine proving algorithm was proposed to classify the real solution number of the switching angles. The complete classifications of the real solution number and the analytic boundary point of the single phase and three phases SHEPWM inverter with switch points of N=3 and the single phase SHEPWM inverter with switch points of N=4 are obtained. The results indicate that the relationship between the modulation ratio and the real solution number can be demonstrated theoretically by this method, which has great implications for the solution procedure of switching angles and the improvement of harmonic elimination effects of the inverter.


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Drug delivery systems with active targeting ligand provide improved therapeutic efficiency due to the selectivity towards tumor cells. In this paper we prepared drug loaded nanoparticles (NPs) using folate (FA) incorporated chitosan (FA-CS) based on ionic gelation technology. FA-CS NPs were spherical in shape with an average particle size of 100 nm, while 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) loaded NPs became less circular with average particle size of 100-500 nm. NPs made from FA-CS conjugates exhibited improved capability to encapsulate hydrophilic 5-FU. It was found 5-FU distributed in FA-CS NPs in solid solution state. In vitro release results demonstrated the release of 5-FU from FA-CS NPs was more controllable as compared to that of CS NPs.


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In this paper we describe a supervised learning algorithm that uses selective memory to track concept drift. Unlike previous methods to track concept drift that use window heuristics to adapt to changes, we present an improved approach that discriminates between the instances observed. The advantage of this method is that it allows the system to both adapt to and track drift more accurately as well as filter the noise in the data more effectively. We present the algorithm and compare its performance with FLORA a well known concept drift tracking algorithm.


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ECL in 3D: Selective electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL) of several ruthenium and iridium complexes simultaneously in solution can be controlled by electrode potential (see picture; λem=emission wavelength). These luminescent redox systems create a range of new possibilities for multi-analyte ECL detection, assessment of interdependent electrochemical/spectroscopic properties, and color tuning in light-emitting devices.


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COS-7 cells transfected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) proviral DNA produce virus in which three tRNA species are most abundant in the viral tRNA population. These tRNAs have been identified through RNA sequencing techniques as tRNA(3Lys) the primer tRNA in HIV-1, and members of the tRNA(1,2Lys) isoacceptor family. These RNAs represent 60% of the low-molecular-weight RNA isolated from virus particles, while they represent only 6% of the low-molecular-weight RNA isolated from the COS cell cytoplasm. Thus, tRNA(Lys) is selectively incorporated into HIV-1 particles. We have measured the ratio of tRNA(3Lys) molecules to copies of genomic RNA in viral RNA samples and have calculated that HIV-1 contains approximately eight molecules of tRNA(3Lys) per two copies of genomic RNA. We have also obtained evidence that the Pr160gag-pol precursor is involved in primer tRNA(3Lys) incorporation into virus. First, selective tRNA(Lys) incorporation and wild-type amounts of tRNA(3Lys) were maintained in a protease-negative virus unable to process Pr55gag and Pr160gag-pol precursors, indicating that precursor processing was not required for primer tRNA incorporation. Second, viral particles containing only unprocessed Pr55gag protein did not selectively incorporate tRNA(Lys), while virions containing both unprocessed Pr55gag and Pr160gag-pol proteins demonstrated select tRNA(3Lys) packaging. Third, studies with a proviral mutant containing a deletion of most of the reverse transcriptase sequences and approximately one-third of the integrase sequence in the Pr160gag-pol precursor resulted in the loss of selective tRNA incorporation and an eightfold decrease in the amount of tRNA(3Lys) per two copies of genomic RNA. We have also confirmed herein finding of a previous study which indicated that the primer binding site is not required for the selective incorporation of tRNA(Lys).


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Given limited food, prey fishes in a temperate climate must take risks to acquire sufficient reserves for winter and/or to outgrow vulnerability to predation. However, how can we distinguish which selective pressure promotes risk-taking when larger body size is always beneficial? To address this question, we examined patterns of energy allocation in populations of age-0 trout to determine if greater risk-taking corresponds with energy allocation to lipids or to somatic growth. Trout achieved maximum growth rates in all lakes and allocated nearly all of their acquired energy to somatic growth when small in early summer. However, trout in low-food lakes took greater risks to achieve this maximal growth, and therefore incurred high mortality. By late summer, age-0 trout allocated considerable energy to lipids and used previously risky habitats in all lakes. These results indicate that: (i) the size-dependent risk of predation (which is independent of behaviour) promotes risk-taking behaviour of age-0 trout to increase growth and minimize time spent in vulnerable sizes; and (ii) the physiology of energy allocation and behaviour interact to mediate growth/mortality trade-offs for young animals at risk of predation and starvation.


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The frontal analysis method was used to measure the adsorption isotherms of phenol, 4-chlorophenol, p-cresol, 4-methoxyphenol and caffeine on a series of columns packed with home-made alkyl-phenyl bonded silica particles. These ligands consist of a phenyl ring tethered to the silica support via a carbon chain of length ranging from 0 to 4 atoms. The adsorption isotherm models that fit best to the data account for solute–solute interactions that are likely caused by π–π interactions occurring between aromatic compounds and the phenyl group of the ligand. These interactions are the dominant factor responsible for the separation of low molecular weight aromatic compounds on these phenyl-type stationary phases. The saturation capacities depend on whether the spacer of the ligands have an even or an odd number of carbon atoms, with the even alkyl chain lengths having a greater saturation capacity than the odd alkyl chain lengths. The trends in the adsorption equilibrium constant are also significantly different for the even and the odd chain length ligands.


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The retention characteristics of phenyl type stationary phases for reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography are still largely unknown. This paper explores the retention process of these types of stationary phases by examining the retention behaviour of linear PAHs and n-alkylbenzenes on a series of propyl phenyl stationary phases that have changes in their ligand density (1.23, 1.31, 1.97, 2.50 μmol m−2). The aromatic and methylene selectivities increased with increasing ligand density until a point where a plateau was observed, overall the propyl phenyl phases had a higher degree of aromatic selectivity than methylene selectivity indicating that these columns are suitable for separations involving aromatic compounds. Also, retention characteristics relating to the size of the solute molecule were observed to be influenced by the ligand density. It is likely that the changing retention characteristics are caused by the different topologies of the stationary phases at different ligand densities. At high ligand densities, the partition coefficient became constant.


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Phenyl type stationary phases of increasing spacer chain length (phenyl, methyl phenyl, ethyl phenyl, propyl phenyl and butyl phenyl, with 0–4 carbon atoms in the spacer chain, respectively) were synthesised and packed in house to determine the impact that the spacer chain length has on the retention process. Two trends in the aromatic selectivity, qaromatic, were observed, depending on whether the number of carbon atoms in the spacer chain is even or odd. Linear log k′ vs ϕ plots were obtained for each stationary phase and the S coefficient was determined from the gradient of these plots. For the phenyl type phases, the S vs nc plots of the retention factors of linear polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons vs the number of rings exhibit a distinct discontinuity that between 3 and 4 rings, which increases with increasing spacer chain length for even phases but decreases for odd phases. Accordingly, we suggest that the retention factors depend differently on the number of carbon atoms in the spacer chain depending on whether this number is even or odd and that this effect is caused by different orientations of the aromatic ring relative to the silica surface.


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The dramatic rise in childhood obesity prevalence in the last two decades has prompted concern about the risk factors that may precipitate or maintain weight gain, or both, in early childhood. Media use has long been implicated in policy debates in Australia, particularly around limits to advertising. However the Australian research funding ecology and dominant paradigms in Australian communication and media studies have resulted in a lack of independent, nationally representative studies upon which to base advice. Australian researchers often can’t afford to collect the kind of data they would like in order to intervene productively as policy actors. As a test case for innovative ways round this dilemma, this paper mobilises secondary data analysis methodologies to explore potential influences of parenting on children’s media use and their weight status.

The research reported here uses data from the first three waves of the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children. Results from a path model suggest that children of mothers who were less consistent in the way in which they enforce their rules were more likely to adopt unhealthy lifestyle behaviours, such as sedentary behaviour and consuming unhealthy snacks. Of the lifestyle behaviours considered, time spent watching television or DVDs was the only predictor of child weight status in late childhood. These results suggest a clear pathway linking consistent parenting and other parental practices, children’s lifestyle behaviours and weight status.