121 resultados para Business survey recruitment statistical agency


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The objective of this paper is to encourage further research into the applicability of agency theory for the study of management control issues of organisations in Asian societies.


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Existing research on B2B iMarketplaces (and the intermediaries which operate them) has tended to focus on viewing US iMarketplace web sites or conducting case studies. This paper builds upon thsi work by conducting a survey of the total identifiable population of Australian B2B iMarketplace intermediaries to determine whether the classifications of such iMarketplaces provided in the literature apply in the Australian context. The paper also provdies a preliminary classification scheme which is intended to provide researchers with a framework for studying and describing the evolution of B2B iMarketplaces over time.


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This paper delivers the findings from a study conducted to investigate Australian SMEs and e-business security. The study established the attitudes and concerns of a sample of Australian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) towards the use of e-business within their operational environment using the members of the Geelong Chamber of Commerce as a base for survey participants. The results focus on e-business security and identifying mechanisms that SMEs use to safeguard their e-business systems.


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As small and medium enterprises develop their capacity to trade  electronically, they and their trading partners stand to gain considerable benefit from the resulting transaction efficiencies and business  relationships. However, this raises the question of how well small business manages its IT security and the threats that security lapses may pose to the wider trading network. It is in the interest of all members of an electronic trading network, as well as governments, to assist smaller companies to secure their business data. This paper considers the relationship between IT security management and IT policy implementation among small  businesses involved in business-to-business eCommerce. It reports the results of a survey of 240 Australian small and medium businesses  operating in a cross-industry environment. The survey found a low level of strategic integration of eCommerce along with inadequate IT security among the respondents, despite the fact that 81% were doing business online and 97% identified their business data as confidential. Businesses which implemented satisfactory levels of security technologies were more likely than others to have an information technology policy within the organisation. The paper proposes a model that outlines the development of security governance and policy implementation for small and medium businesses.


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Determining the causal relation among attributes in a domain
is a key task in the data mining and knowledge discovery. In this
paper, we applied a causal discovery algorithm to the business traveler
expenditure survey data [1]. A general class of causal models is adopted in
this paper to discover the causal relationship among continuous and discrete variables. All those factors which have direct effect on the expense
pattern of travelers could be detected. Our discovery results reinforced
some conclusions of the rough set analysis and found some new conclusions which might significantly improve the understanding of expenditure behaviors of the business traveler.


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Up until 1979, Multiple Discriminant Analysis (MDA) was the primary multivariate methodological approaches to ratio-based modelling of corporate collapse. However, as new statistical tools became available, researchers started testing them with the primary objective of deriving models that would at least do as good a job as MDA, but that rely on fewer assumptions. Regardless of which methodological approach was chosen, most were compared to MDA. This paper analyses 84 studies on ratio based modelling of corporate collapse over the period 1968 to 2004. The results indicate that when MDA was not the primary methodology it was the benchmark of choice for comparison; thereby, demonstrating its importance as a foundation multivariate methodological approach in signalling corporate collapse.


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This paper examines the issue of diversity in Chinese identity and how it impacts on the operations of multinationals in China who recruit Overseas Chinese to handle cross-cultural issues. China’s rapid economic development and entry into the World Trade Organization in 2001 made her a formidable player in the global economy and direct foreign investment surged. Yet it is acknowledged that for the foreign investor in China, cross-cultural issues create difficulty at every level, from the interpersonal level relating to communication and negotiation, to the organizational level relating to decision making, human resource management practices, corporate legal institutions and liaison with government institutions. Western multinationals have considered the advantages of posting Overseas Chinese from Southeast Asian countries, Taiwan and Hong Kong to their China operations as a solution to cross-cultural management issues. But has this policy been successful? In terms of language expertise this would seem to be a good strategy, yet organizational case material contradicts this in reality. Overseas Chinese, while sharing some elements of Chinese culture with mainland Chinese, the Confucian heritage and other aspects such as language and diet, nevertheless have different world views and values and behave differently from mainland Chinese in areas critical to business management. As a survival strategy, Overseas Chinese have often developed dual identities which operate simultaneously. For political and historical reasons, many of them have had to adapt to the local culture of their country of citizenship or even hide their own ethnicity in order to survive. On the other hand, the mainland Chinese are different in that their behaviour has only had to be Chinese, but overlaid with this has been the experience of participating in a communist political environment for decades, which has left its mark on mainland Chinese culture. On the basis of their different historical experiences, in the current business environment in China, cultural confusion, difficulty and conflict may occur for the Overseas Chinese.

This paper focuses attention on the subtle cultural differences between the Overseas Chinese and mainland Chinese in an organizational context. This problem has yet to be researched in depth within international business and international management studies. It provides evidence that Overseas Chinese are not often favoured by the local Chinese. It gives insights on how to manage the local Chinese for foreign multinationals operating in China.


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A descriptive study was designed and implemented by the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN) Workforce Planning Advisory Committee to capture data pertaining to workforce issues of intensive care nurses. All intensive care units (ICUs) within Australia were mailed a self reporting survey. Despite a low response rate (52 per cent) and difficulty reported by respondents in gaining the appropriate data requested, the results revealed an interesting snapshot of the intensive care nursing workforce.
Types of services offered by units varied considerably; paid overtime hours were low (<2 per cent of total hours worked) and use of both part-time and agency staff was also low (10 per cent of total hours worked). Private hospitals utilised a greater proportion of part-time and agency nursing staff than public hospitals (20:10 per cent). The turnover rate for registered nursing staff was estimated at 18 per cent, with education, skill acquisition and improved communication reported as the major incentives used by managers to attract and retain staff. This study demonstrated that valuable data are currently uncaptured and recommends a more refined process of a national database to record and manage this important information for future workforce planning.


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The research study reported on in this paper examined the marketing research (MR) orientation of small Australian travel agents. A survey was undertaken involving personal interviews with 91 travel agents in Melbourne, each agency having fewer than 20 employees. Agents were asked about their organisation with regard to MR, which MR activities were undertaken and wich MR techniques were employed. Additional questions gathered data on organisational and individual demographics, and some perceptual and attitudinal data. Although approximately half the respondents had no employee assigned to MR, the majority of agents reported engaging in most of the MR activities nominated, although most agents did not use most of the MR techniques covered in the study. Most general demographics were not related to MR participation, although greater devotion of resources to MR was reflected in more comprehensive usage of MR, and a more positive attitude to the cost-effectiveness of MR in small organisations. The desirability of travel agents considering seriously the role of MR in assisting in clarifying the future options for the sector is noted.


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Governments worldwide are using funding initiatives to encourage small businesses to adopt e-commerce technology. In Australia both State and Federal Governments have encouraged e-commerce uptake through the funding of Internet portal developments that have a specific community or business focus. The success of such portals, as with many Web developments, has been mixed and there is little evidence of any evaluation of the effectiveness of such investments. This paper reports on research into an Australian B2B business community portal from launch to closure. A survey and in-depth interviews with portal participants were undertaken. The research sought to understand how the portal had been developed, and what factors may have contributed to its demise. The findings identified a number of factors, not discussed in the literature, that are important in portal development. These include: how the development process is undertaken; technological readiness of the small business owners; meeting business expectations; and understanding the business community stakeholders. The results from this study suggest that portal projects such as this are problematic and funding bodies such as governments need to understand the factors that contribute to success before funds are committed.


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The conceptual framework of the marketing audit has been well developed by different contributors since the late 1950s. At the present time, the popular marketing textbooks and the published academic and general literature deal primarily with the theoretical and practical aspects of the marketing audit without offering any rigorous empirical justification of the practice. The teaching of the marketing audit appears to be based on the logical expectation of its usefulness, isolated case studies, and anecdotal evidence. There is little indication of how the marketing audit is actually being used, the procedure in conducting it, and how the industry perceives and evaluates its benefits. This paper attempts to explore and profile the current practice of the marketing audit in larger Australian firms. The results of this industry-based survey of 216 large Australian businesses indicated that about 48 per cent of the respondents have used the marketing audit, with 75 per cent using the self-audit method in conducting it. The respondents’ perception was that the implementation of the recommendations of the marketing audit had contributed mostly between one per cent and 10 per cent to their organisational performance.


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Many Governments are using funding initiatives to encourage businesses, particularly small businesses to adopt e-commerce technology. One currently popular approach in Australia, has been to fund internet portal developments with a specific community or business focus. The success of such portals however, as with many Web developments has been mixed. This paper reports on the establishment of a B2B portal in Australia. The paper explores issues and expectations from the perspective of the business people involved. A survey was conducted amongst the participants of the portal shortly after it was launched. Then follow-up interviews were conducted with business owners 2 years later just before the portal closed. The researchers sought to understand what the business community expected from the portal and to identify what factors contribute to success. The research found that in addition to the factors identified through the literature that, technological readiness of business owners, understanding the business community, realizing business value and managing participant’s expectations are also factors impacting on success. A model is proposed to describe the success factors.


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The gap between business graduates' skills and competencies, and the graduates' needs in the workplace has been well researched and documented. However, no comprehensive model appears to have been developed on which to base curriculum decisions in this field. The current paper contributes to this area by investigating Australian graduates' skills needs in terms of the importance of nominated skills and satisfaction with the education received for those developed skills as perceived by graduates. Analysis of a survey shows that generic marketing skills are valued at a lower level than general attribute skills. Thus, university marketing programs may need to focus more on general skills and
personal attributes.


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With an increasing demand and reliance on volunteers in a host of different sectors, the need for organisations to understand motivating factors behind volunteering, and how to retain volunteer services, is crucial. This paper examines the recruitment, retention and attrition among a group of volunteers participating in a long-term monitoring program for the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot Neophema chrysogaster. This project is one of the longest running of its type in Australia with more than 20 years of survey activities. Volunteers were most often recruited via other environmental agencies. Almost three-quarters of respondents had been involved in birdwatching or other bird monitoring activities usually in connection with conservation organisations. The modal response was an involvement of 10-20 years, with most other responses in the range 0-5 years. The majority intend to continue volunteering, but cited perceived health and time commitments as the main factors behind possible future decisions to cease volunteering. Respondents suggested improvements in the volunteer management of the program, and in particular, thought a personal 'thank you', would maintain motivation and participation.