134 resultados para Australian Agency for Internation Development


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Career development is considered integral to the success of individuals, organisations and professions. Coaches play a vital role in the success of sport, yet little is known about their career development. Despite the advances in career development for athletes, there has been very little scholarly attention, nor resources provided for coach career development, especially for coaches working outside elite and professional sport. This pilot study explored the career development facilitators and obstacles of junior development Australian football coaches. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data on the career development of six practicing junior development Australian football coaches. These six (of only 12 employed) coaches worked in the main elite junior development league for Australian football, the Transport Accident Commission Cup. The themes that emerged from the data revealed that the career development of junior development Australian football coaches was facilitated first by their high motivation to coach because of their enjoyment of seeing young players develop and transition into the elite competition. The second facilitator was the coach’s awareness of their career development needs and their willingness to do their own career development despite limited opportunity, guidance or support. The key obstacles to Transport Accident Commission Cup coach career development included a lack of opportunity to spend time at elite clubs to observe and interact with elite coaches; a lack of time due to having a non-coaching job to financially support their coaching work and their family as well; the high demands of the coaching role had a negative impact on their work–life balance and often conflicted with time they would rather spend with their families; and finally, the lack of institutional support for coaches who were asked to work long hours for low wages and little reward despite their vital role in the elite player development pathway for the Australian Football League. This research suggests that junior development Australian football coaches have a clear understanding of their role and how it changes as their career develops; however, the coaches are limited by external forces in their career development. Junior development Australian football coaches are vital for Australian Football League development; however, there is disconnection between Australian Football League goals and their capacity to nurture elite athletes into the sport’s system due to part-time coaching roles, limited resources and few opportunities for coaches to develop their careers.


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There has been considerable emphasis over the last decade on effective teaching and learning in the middle years of schooling, associated with the particular responses to schooling of adolescent students in a period of their lives when issues of identity, commitment, and independence are central to their experience and concern. Extensive research and development has generated considerable reform in Years 5 to 9. Improved understandings of students' different learning styles and needs has led to more diverse and strategic selection of teaching methods. However, there is still considerable scope for improving the quality of contemporary approaches to the education and development of adolescents. A number of major research projects have been conducted by the Victorian Department of Education and Training (DE&T) middle years strategy team since 1998, including the Middle Years Research and Development (MYRAD) project, the Middle Years Literacy, and Middle Years Numeracy Research projects. Currently, the focus has shifted to a more explicit framing of a Middle Years pedagogical framework. The Middle Years Pedagogy Research and Development (MYPRAD) project has developed an explicit pedagogical framework that is grounded in research findings from previous projects and from the literature more generally.


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This paper addresses the current void between social agendas, environmental criteria and design methodology in urban planning through the implementation of new computational systems. It considers the application of digital design tools such as GIS and parametric systems towards more efficient and effective design solutions. The digital design methods have been developed and tested within Grimshaw Architects Design Technology Group on both Australian and international urban development projects. A methodology for the use of parametric design for urban design development is suggested for defining, simplifying and categorising planning and design strategies. The following tools are a means of generating urban design concepts as digital forms in order to better inform the designer during the design process.


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Knowledge of the needs and experiences of children with disability living in Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea (PNG) is limited and that which does exist, does not focus on data collected directly from children themselves. This project aims to establish a method of data collection to determine the self-reported needs and priorities of children living with disability in Vanuatu and PNG. The project involves a multi-staged capacity building approach between two Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs): PNG Assembly of Disabled Persons (PNGADP) and the Disability Promotion and Advocacy Association Vanuatu (DPA); and Save the Children and Deakin University. The research is funded by an Australian Development Research Award and is being undertaken between 2013 and 2015. The research will collect data from up to 50 children with disability aged between 5 and 18 years in each country.


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Park agencies must plan to accommodate a diversity of visitors in order to satisfy visitor expectations and encourage future visitation. This study applies a market segmentation approach to develop a visitor typology that is effective across a broad spectrum of parks and applicable to a range of priorities, both strategic and operational, within park management agencies. Over a four-year period, data was sourced from over 11,000 interviews conducted at 33 diverse Australian national and metropolitan parks managed by the agency Parks Victoria. Factor analysis and cluster analysis was used to identify seven distinct visitor segments on the basis of numerous variables including, crucially, benefits sought. The applied and theoretical contributions of this study to the parks literature are discussed.


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At present, governments in many countries are actively engaged in the development of electronic trading and certification standards to enable the smooth operation of export markets. Standards and their usability underpin confidence in the operations of markets and their effective functioning. In institutional markets, an important role for government agencies lies in developing the initial specifications for standards for interoperable systems. Once these specifications are accepted, governments can then facilitate the eventual diffusion of a standard to the B2B marketplace. Acceptance of an industry standard can determine demand, which defines the viability of that market. In this paper, we describe an initiative by a government agency, the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS), in developing EXDOC, a standard for export documentation and the role that AQIS played in its implementation and diffusion. Our case study illustrates a successfully facilitated B2G implementation. It demonstrates how a standard can be supported and promulgated for the effective functioning of markets in the transition from manual to online export documentation. Once the overarching specifications for related industries have been established and diffused by government, opportunities arise for private sector markets to develop across these industries. Government agencies can promote the effective operation of standards for electronic markets. The EXDOC implementation and its iterations provide an exemplar of active engagement in the development of electronic trading and certification standards for an institutional market. Its successful diffusion provides a model of the implementation process for other export sectors and agencies.


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Using the Jiangsu-Victoria and Greater Green Triangle-Yangzhou relationships as case studies this paper provides an initial analysis of the origins, objectives, achievements, and limitations of SinoAustralian Sister City Type Relationships. Based on research to date, we suggest that certain factors, including the development of inappropriate SCTRs have seriously limited the capacity of these relationships to achieve their stated and unstated regional development objectives. After reviewing the recent history and perceived effectiveness of Sino Australian SCTRs. the paper concludes by commenting on the potential of such relationships to contribute to economic and cultural development in regional Australia.


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A major issue emerging from the research and debate concerning quality in higher education has been an emphasis on the value of the acquisition of generic skills by undergraduate students, as indicators of quality in education. Music educators have long recognised the contribution music makes to the general education of learners. Learning in and through music can present varied and complex means for the acquisition of generic life skills such as: problem solving, decision-making, critical thinking, oral and written communication and teamwork. This paper documents one particular course of action that was implemented within a university undergraduate primary teacher education program, to systematically gauge learner perceptions about generic skill development/enhancement before and after participation in the music component of the core arts education subject.