77 resultados para Aquaculture, Cytochrome Oxidase I, Ostrea Edulis, Outbreeding Depression, Population Structure


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This multi-disciplinary investigation found that: i) in Triodia-mallee the Mallee Emu-wren requires vegetation greater than 16-18 years since last burned, with high coverage of mature growth-phase Triodia scariosa (spinifex) and, ii) the species is panmictic with relatively low genetic diversity and evidence of genetic drift and bottlenecks.


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The males of some species of moths possess elaborate feathery antennae. It is widely assumed that these striking morphological features have evolved through selection for males with greater sensitivity to the female sex pheromone, which is typically released in minute quantities. Accordingly, females of species in which males have elaborate (i.e., pectinate, bipectinate, or quadripectinate) antennae should produce the smallest quantities of pheromone. Alternatively, antennal morphology may be associated with the chemical properties of the pheromone components, with elaborate antennae being associated with pheromones that diffuse more quickly (i.e., have lower molecular weights). Finally, antennal morphology may reflect population structure, with low population abundance selecting for higher sensitivity and hence more elaborate antennae. We conducted a phylogenetic comparative analysis to test these explanations using pheromone chemical data and trapping data for 152 moth species. Elaborate antennae are associated with larger body size (longer forewing length), which suggests a biological cost that smaller moth species cannot bear. Body size is also positively correlated with pheromone titre and negatively correlated with population abundance (estimated by male abundance). Removing the effects of body size revealed no association between the shape of antennae and either pheromone titre, male abundance, or mean molecular weight of the pheromone components. However, among species with elaborate antennae, longer antennae were typically associated with lower male abundances and pheromone compounds with lower molecular weight, suggesting that male distribution and a more rapidly diffusing female sex pheromone may influence the size but not the general shape of male antennae.


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The crayfish Geocharax gracilis is an important inhabitant of natural and agricultural drainage systems in south-eastern Australia. To investigate population structure, genetic diversity and patterns of connectivity in natural and human-altered ecosystems, we isolated and characterised 24 microsatellite loci using next generation sequencing. Loci were initially tested for levels of variation based on 12 individuals from across the species’ geographical range. A further 33 individuals from a single population were used to test for departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium and linkage disequilibrium. We detected high to moderate levels of genetic variation across most loci with a mean allelic richness of 8.42 and observed heterozygosity of 0.629 (all samples combined). We found no evidence for linkage disequilibrium between any loci and only three loci (Geo01, Geo24 and Geo47) showed significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg expectations. These same three loci, plus two additional loci (Geo06 and Geo28), also showed the presence of null alleles. These 24 variable markers will provide an important tool for future population genetic assessments in natural and human altered environments.


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Seagrasses are one of the most productive and economically important habitats in the coastal zone, but they are disappearing at an alarming rate, with more than half the world’s seagrass area lost since the 1990s. They now face serious threat from climate change, and there is much current speculation over whether they will survive the coming decades. The future of seagrasses depends on their ability to recover and adapt to environmental change—i.e. their ‘resilience’. Key to this, is understanding the role that genetic diversity plays in the resilience of this highly clonal group of species. To investigate population structure, genetic diversity, mating system (sexual versus asexual reproduction) and patterns of connectivity, we isolated and characterised 23 microsatellite loci using next generation sequencing for the Australian seagrass species, Zostera muelleri (syn. Z. capricorni), which is regarded as a globally significant congeneric species. Loci were tested for levels of variation based on eight individuals sampled from Lake Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia. We detected high to moderate levels of genetic variation across most loci with a mean allelic richness of 3.64 and unbiased expected hetrozygosity of 0.562. We found no evidence for linkage disequilibrium between any loci and only three loci (ZosNSW25, ZosNSW2, and ZosNSW47) showed significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg expectations. All individuals displayed a unique multi-locus genotype and the combined probability of identity across all loci was low (P ID = 1.87 × 10−12) indicating a high level of power in detecting unique genotypes. These 23 markers will provide an important tool for future population genetic assessments in this important keystone species.


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Sampling animals from the wild for study is something nearly every biologist has done, but despite our best efforts to obtain random samples of animals, ‘hidden’ trait biases may still exist. For example, consistent behavioral traits can affect trappability/catchability, independent of obvious factors such as size and gender, and these traits are often correlated with other repeatable physiological and/or life history traits. If so, systematic sampling bias may exist for any of these traits. The extent to which this is a problem, of course, depends on the magnitude of bias, which is presently unknown because the underlying trait distributions in populations are usually unknown, or unknowable. Indeed, our present knowledge about sampling bias comes from samples (not complete population censuses), which can possess bias to begin with. I had the unique opportunity to create naturalized populations of fish by seeding each of four small fishless lakes with equal densities of slow-, intermediate-, and fast-growing fish. Using sampling methods that are not size-selective, I observed that fast-growing fish were up to two-times more likely to be sampled than slower-growing fish. This indicates substantial and systematic bias with respect to an important life history trait (growth rate). If correlations between behavioral, physiological and life-history traits are as widespread as the literature suggests, then many animal samples may be systematically biased with respect to these traits (e.g., when collecting animals for laboratory use), and affect our inferences about population structure and abundance. I conclude with a discussion on ways to minimize sampling bias for particular physiological/behavioral/life-history types within animal populations.


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1. How species reach and persist in isolated habitats remains an open question in many cases, especially for rapidly spreading invasive species. This is particularly true for temporary freshwater ponds, which can be remote and may dry out annually, but may still harbour high biodiversity. Persistence in such habitats depends on recurrent colonisation or species survival capacity, and ponds therefore provide an ideal system to investigate dispersal and connectivity. 2. Here, we test the hypothesis that the wide distributions and invasive potential of aquatic snails is due to their ability to exploit several dispersal vectors in different landscapes. We explored the population structure of Physa acuta (recent synonyms: Haitia acuta, Physella acuta, Pulmonata: Gastropoda), an invasive aquatic snail originating from North America, but established in temporary ponds in Doñana National Park, southern Spain. In this area, snails face land barriers when attempting to colonise other suitable habitat. 3. Genetic analyses using six microsatellite loci from 271 snails in 21 sites indicated that (i) geographically and hydrologically isolated snail populations in the park were genetically similar to a large snail population in rice fields more than 15 km away; (ii) these isolated ponds showed an isolation-by-distance pattern. This pattern broke down, however, for those ponds visited frequently by large mammals such as cattle, deer and wild boar; (iii) snail populations were panmictic in flooded and hydrologically connected rice fields. 4. These results support the notion that aquatic snails disperse readily by direct water connections in the flooded rice fields, can be carried by waterbirds flying between the rice fields and the park and may disperse between ponds within the park by attaching to large mammals. 5. The potential for aquatic snails such as Physa acuta to exploit several dispersal vectors may contribute to their wide distribution on various continents and their success as invasive species. We suggest that the interaction between different dispersal vectors, their relation to specific habitats and consequences at different geographic scales should be considered both when attempting to control invasive freshwater species and when protecting endangered species.


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In Australia the incidence of obesity is increasing rapidly and has become a significant public health concern. In addition to the many physical consequences of obesity many studies have reported significant mental health consequences, including major depression, mood and anxiety disorders. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between severity of obesity and perceived mental health in an Australian community sample.

A cross-sectional survey design was used. A total of 118 participants, aged between 19 and 75 years with a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 30 kg/m2 returned a completed questionnaire. The SF-36 Health Survey, Kessler Psychological Distress Scale, Social Interaction Anxiety Scale and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support were used.

After adjusting for age, gender, perceived social support and physical health quality of life, obesity was not significantly associated with mental health quality of life (SF-36). The strongest factor influencing mental health was perceived physical health. Mediation analyses suggest that physical health mediates the relationship between obesity and mental health quality of life.

Our findings support the view that physical health mediates the relationship between obesity and mental health. Public health interventions should focus on reducing the impact of obesity on physical health by encouraging participation in healthy lifestyles, which in turn, may improve mental wellbeing.


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Seagrasses are ecosystem engineers that offer important habitat for a large number of species and provide a range of ecosystem services. Many seagrass ecosystems are dominated by a single species, with research showing that genotypic diversity at fine spatial scales plays an important role in maintaining a range of ecosystem functions. However, for most seagrass species, information on fine-scale patterns of genetic variation in natural populations is lacking. In this study, we use a hierarchical sampling design to determine the levels of genetic and genotypic diversity at different spatial scales (centimeters, meters, kilometers) in the Australian seagrass Zostera muelleri. Our analysis shows that at fine spatial scales (<1 m), levels of genotypic diversity are relatively low (R(Plots) = 0.37 ± 0.06 SE), although there is some intermingling of genotypes. At the site (10’s m) and meadow location (km) scale, we found higher levels of genotypic diversity (R(sites) = 0.79 ± 0.04 SE; R(Locations) = 0.78 ± 0.04 SE). We found some sharing of genotypes between sites within meadows, but no sharing of genotypes between meadow locations. We also detected a high level of genetic structuring between meadow locations (FST = 0.278). Taken together, our results indicate that both sexual and asexual reproductions are important in maintaining meadows of Z. muelleri. The dominant mechanism of asexual reproduction appears to occur via localized rhizome extension, although the sharing of a limited number of genotypes over the scale of 10’s of meters could also result from the localized dispersal and recruitment of fragments. The large number of unique genotypes at the meadow scale indicates that sexual reproduction is important in maintaining these populations, while the high level of genetic structuring suggests little gene flow and connectivity between our study sites. These results imply that recovery from disturbances will occur through both sexual and asexual regeneration, but the limited connectivity at the landscape scale implies that recovery at meadow-scale losses is likely to be limited.


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The aim of this manual is to provide a comprehensive practical tool for the generation and analysis of genetic data for subsequent application in aquatic resources management in relation to genetic stock identification in inland fisheries and aquaculture. The material only covers general background on genetics in relation to aquaculture and fisheries resource management, the techniques and relevant methods of data analysis that are commonly used to address questions relating to genetic resource characterisation and population genetic analyses. No attempt is made to include applications of genetic improvement techniques e.g. selective breeding or producing genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The manual includes two ‘stand-alone’ parts, of which this is the first volume: Part 1 – Conceptual basis of population genetic approaches: will provide a basic foundation on genetics in general, and concepts of population genetics. Issues on the choices of molecular markers and project design are also discussed. Part 2 – Laboratory protocols, data management and analysis: will provide step-by-step protocols of the most commonly used molecular genetic techniques utilised in population genetics and systematic studies. In addition, a brief discussion and explanation of how these data are managed and analysed is also included. This manual is expected to enable NACA member country personnel to be trained to undertake molecular genetic studies in their own institutions, and as such is aimed at middle and higher level technical grades. The manual can also provide useful teaching material for specialised advanced level university courses in the region and postgraduate students. The manual has gone through two development/improvement stages. The initial material was tested at a regional workshop and at the second stage feedback from participants was used to improve the contents.


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The aim of this manual is to provide a comprehensive practical tool for the generation and analysis of genetic data for subsequent application in aquatic resources management in relation to genetic stock identification in inland fisheries and aquaculture. The material only covers general background on genetics in relation to aquaculture and fisheries resource management, the techniques and relevant methods of data analysis that are commonly used to address questions relating to genetic resource characterisation and population genetic analyses. No attempt is made to include applications of genetic improvement techniques e.g. selective breeding or producing genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The manual includes two ‘stand-alone’ parts, of which this is the second volume: Part 1 – Conceptual basis of population genetic approaches: will provide a basic foundation on genetics in general, and concepts of population genetics. Issues on the choices of molecular markers and project design are also discussed. Part 2 – Laboratory protocols, data management and analysis: will provide step-by-step protocols of the most commonly used molecular genetic techniques utilised in population genetics and systematic studies. In addition, a brief discussion and explanation of how these data are managed and analysed is also included. This manual is expected to enable NACA member country personnel to be trained to undertake molecular genetic studies in their own institutions, and as such is aimed at middle and higher level technical grades. The manual can also provide useful teaching material for specialised advanced level university courses in the region and postgraduate students. The manual has gone through two development/improvement stages. The initial material was tested at a regional workshop and at the second stage feedback from participants was used to improve the contents.


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Reduced activation of exercise responsive signalling pathways have been reported in response to acute exercise after training; however little is known about the adaptive responses of the mitochondria. Accordingly, we investigated changes in mitochondrial gene expression and protein abundance in response to the same acute exercise before and after 10-d of intensive cycle training.

Nine untrained, healthy participants (mean±SD; VO2peak 44.1±17.6 ml/kg/min) performed a 60 min bout of cycling exercise at 164±18 W (72% of pre-training VO2peak). Muscle biopsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis muscle at rest, immediately and 3 h after exercise. The participants then underwent 10-d of cycle training which included four high-intensity interval training sessions (6×5 min; 90–100% VO2peak) and six prolonged moderate-intensity sessions (45–90 min; 75% VO2peak). Participants repeated the pre-training exercise trial at the same absolute work load (64% of pre-training VO2peak). Muscle PGC1-α mRNA expression was attenuated as it increased by 11- and 4- fold (P<0.001) after exercise pre- and post-training, respectively. PGC1-α protein expression increased 1.5 fold (P<0.05) in response to exercise pre-training with no further increases after the post-training exercise bout. RIP140 protein abundance was responsive to acute exercise only (P<0.01). COXIV mRNA (1.6 fold; P<0.01) and COXIV protein expression (1.5 fold; P<0.05) were increased by training but COXIV protein expression was decreased (20%; P<0.01) by acute exercise pre- and post-training.

These findings demonstrate that short-term intensified training promotes increased mitochondrial gene expression and protein abundance. Furthermore, acute indicators of exercise-induced mitochondrial adaptation appear to be blunted in response to exercise at the same absolute intensity following short-term training.


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Non-coding copies of fragments of the mitochondrial genome translocated to the nucleus or pseudogenes are being found with increasing frequency in a diversity of organisms. As part of a study to evaluate the utility of a range of mitochondrial gene regions for population genetic and systematic studies of the Australian freshwater crayfish, Cherax destructor (the yabby), we report the first detection of Cytochrome b (Cyt b) pseudogenes in crustaceans. We amplified and sequenced fragments of the mitochondrial Cyt b gene from 14 individuals of C. destructor using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers designed from conserved regions of Penaeus monodon and Drosophila melanogaster mitochondrial genomes. The phylogenetic tree produced from the amplified fragments using these primers showed a very different topology to the trees obtained from sequences from three other mitochondrial genes, suggesting one or more nuclear pseudogenes have been amplified. Supporting this conclusion, two highly divergent sequences were isolated from each of two single individuals, and a 2 base pair (bp) deletion in one sequence was observed. There was no evidence to support inadvertent amplification of parasite DNA or contamination of samples from other sources. These results add to other recent observations of pseudogenes suggesting the frequent transfer of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes to the nucleus and reinforces the necessity of great care in interpreting PCR-generated Cyt b sequences used in population or evolutionary studies in freshwater crayfish and crustaceans more generally.


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This paper has two parts. In Part I, it consists of a letter written by the subject of the ‘case study’ that forms the basis of Part II. Part I demonstrates how the writer Aliki Pavlou discovered that, in attempting to help a friend face uncomfortable truths in relation to his perception of his mother, she inadvertently was able to voice her own dilemma in relation to her mother that hitherto had been elusive.
This paper forms a part of a larger project being researched by Aliki Pavlou, Justin Clemens and me. The study, to be entitled, "In the Heart of Hell: Depression and its Expression," is one that contends that Literature expresses the ineffable nature of depression in its symbolic mode; that, indeed, literary texts reveal in their concealment. The work therefore argues that ‘depression’ is expressible.
Part II of this paper analyses the response of a depressive to Jean-Paul Sartre’s novel Nausea (1964). Beginning with a brief discussion of the role of the ‘mother’ as psychologically pivotal in some depressives’ struggle towards well-being, this section analyses a reading of Nausea by a depressive. The objective of this study was to ascertain the extent to which the condition of nausea, as represented in Sartre’s novel, expresses the experience of depression.