83 resultados para Animals in literature.


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Thirty female Large White × Landrace pigs (average weight 57·2 (SD 1·9) kg) were allocated to one of six dietary treatments containing 0, 1·25, 2·5, 5·0, 7·5 or 10·0 g 55 % conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) isomers (CLA-55)/kg diet and fed for 8 weeks. Each pig was scanned at 0, 28 and 56 d and again at post slaughter using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) to determine the temporal pattern of body composition responses. Values determined by DXA were adjusted using regression equations generated from validation experiments between chemically and DXA-predicted values. Overall, there was a significant linear reduction in fat content with the increasing levels of CLA in the diet (P=0·007, P=0·011, P=0·008 at week 4, week 8 and for the carcass, respectively). The greatest improvement was recorded at the early stages of CLA supplementation and for the highest dose of CLA (week 4, -19·2 % compared with week 8, -13·7 %). In the first 4 weeks of feeding CLA, pigs receiving 10 g CLA-55/kg diet deposited 93 g less fat/d than pigs fed basal diets (P=0·002) compared with only 6 g less fat than control animals in the final 4 weeks. Lean content and lean deposition rate were maximised at 5 and 2·5 g CLA-55/kg diet for the first 4 weeks (P=0·016) and the final 4 weeks of treatment (P=0·17), respectively. DXA estimates of bone mineral content and bone mineral density were not affected by CLA supplementation throughout the experiment. These data demonstrate that dietary CLA decreases body fat in a dose-dependent manner and that the response is greatest over the initial 4 weeks of treatment.


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Mass and length growth models were determined for male (n = 69) and female (n = 163) Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) collected at a breeding colony on Seal Rocks (38˚31′S, 145˚06′E), Bass Strait, in south-east Australia, between February and November during 1970–72. Growth was best described by the logistic model in males and the von Bertalanffy model in females. Asymptotic mass and length were 229 kg and 221 cm for males, and 85 kg and 163 cm for females. In all, 95% of asymptotic mass and length were attained by 11 years and 11 years, respectively, in males compared with 9 years and 5 years, respectively, in females. Males grew in length faster than females and experienced a growth spurt in mass coinciding with the onset of puberty (4–5 years). The onset of puberty in females occurs when approximately 86% of asymptotic length is attained. The rate of growth and sexual development in Australian fur seals is similar to (if not faster than) that in the conspecific Cape fur seal (A. p. pusillus), which inhabits the nutrient-rich Benguela current. This suggests that the low marine productivity of Bass Strait may not be cause of the slow rate of recovery of the Australian fur seal population following the severe over-exploitation of the commercial sealing era. Sternal blubber depth was positively correlated in adult animals with a body condition index derived from the residuals of the mass–length relationship (males: r2 = 0.38, n = 19, P < 0.001; females: r2 = 0.22, n = 92, P < 0.001), confirming the validity of using such indices on otariids. Sternal blubber depth varied significantly with season in adult animals. In males it was lowest in winter and increased during spring prior to the breeding season (r2 = 0.39, n = 19, P < 0.03) whereas in females it was greatest during winter (r2 = 0.05, n = 122, P< 0.05).


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1. Large amounts of terrestrial detritus enter many low-order forested streams, and this organic
material is often the major basal resource in the metazoan food webs of such systems. However,
despite their apparently low biomass, algae are the dominant food of organisms in a number of
aquatic communities which conventionally would have been presumed to be dependent on
allochthonous detritus, particularly those in the tropics and also in lowland intermittent streams
in arid Australia.
2. The dual stable isotope signatures (d13C and d15N) of potential primary food sources were
compared with the isotopic signatures of common aquatic animals in lowland intermittent
streams in south-eastern Australia, in both spring and summer, to determine whether
allochthonous detritus was an important nutritional resource in these systems. The isotopic
signatures of the major potential allochthonous plant food sources (Eucalyptus, Phalaris and
Juncus) overlapped, but were distinct from algae and the dominant macrophytes growing in the
study reaches. The isotopic signatures of biofilm were more spatially and temporally variable
than those of the other basal resources.
3. Despite allochthonous detritus having relatively high C : N ratios compared to other
potential basal resources, results from ISOSOURCE mixing model calculations demonstrated
that this detritus, and the associated biofilm, were the major energy sources assimilated by
macroinvertebrate primary consumers in both spring and summer. The importance of these
energy sources was also reflected in animals higher in the food web, including predatory
macroinvertebrates and fish. These resources were supplemented by autochthonous sources of
higher nutritional value (i.e. filamentous algae and macrophytes, which had relatively low
C : N ratios) when they became more prolific as the streams dried to disconnected pools in
4. The results highlight the importance of allochthonous detritus (particularly from Eucalyptus)
as a dependable energy source for benthic macroinvertebrates and fish in lowland intermittent
streams of south-eastern Australia. This contrasts with previous stable isotope studies
conducted in lowland intermittent streams in arid Australia, which have reported that the fauna
are primarily dependent on autochthonous algae.


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In Western research, cruelty to animals in childhood has been associated with comorbid conduct problems and with interpersonal violence in later life. However, there is little understanding of the etiology of cruelty to animals, and what in the child's life may require attention if the chain linking animal cruelty and later violence is to be broken. The study reported in this paper investigated the association between parent-reported cruelty to animals, and parent- and self-reported psychological strengths and weaknesses in a sample of 379 elementary school children in an Eastern context, Malaysia. No gender differences were found in relation to cruelty to animals or psychological problems, as assessed with the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). However, there were different predictors of cruelty to animals for boys and girls. Regression analyses found that for boys, parent-reported hyperactivity was a unique predictor of Malicious and Total Cruelty to animals. For girls, self-reported conduct problems was a unique predictor of Typical Cruelty to animals. Parent-reported total difficulties were associated with Typical, Malicious, and Total Cruelty to animals. We suggest that routine screening of children with an instrument such as the SDQ may help to detect those children who may need to undergo further assessment and perhaps intervention to break the chain linking childhood cruelty to animals and later conduct problems.


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A literary criticism of the book "Carpentaria," by Alexis Wright is presented. It discusses the representation of indigenous knowledge in the novel. It outlines the characters and explores the symbolic significance of these characters. It examines the themes of the novel, including the dreamtime mythology as an alternative form of scientific discourse. An overview of the story of the novel is also given.


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The effect of the insecticide, pyriproxyfen on early ovary synthesis was examined in the Gecarcinid land crab, Gecarcoidea natalis. Crabs were fed a mixture of either leaf litter and bait containing 0.5% (wt/wt) pyriproxyfen (experimental groups), or a mixture of leaf litter and a control bait containing no pyriproxyfen (control groups), at simulated baiting doses of 2 kg ha&minus; 1 and 4 kg ha&minus; 1, during the period in which G. natalis synthesises its ovaries. A third group of crabs were fed ad libitum either the bait containing 0.5% Pypriproxyfen or the control bait. Pyriproxyfen affected early ovary development in G. natalis. The ovaries from crabs in the experimental groups at all baiting levels had a higher total nitrogen content and dry mass than the ovaries from crabs in the control groups. Pyriproxyfen affected the histology of the ovaries. Ovaries from animals in the experimental groups were more mature, containing more previtellogenic and early vitellogenic oocytes, of a larger diameter, than the ovaries from crabs in the control groups. Significant amounts of pyriproxyfen accumulated within the midgut gland and ovary, the hypothesised target tissues, while minor amounts of pyriproxyfen was accumulated in the muscle, a hypothesised non target tissue. Pyriproxyfen may have stimulated early ovary development and induced synthesis of yolk protein by mimicking methyl farnesoate and thus causing endocrine disruption. Given this, pyriproxyfen should not be used to control invasive insects in environments where gecarcinid and other land crab species are present.


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This study investigated sex differences in the stress-induced activation of neurons containing corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), arginine vasopressin (AVP) and enkephalin in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of gonadectomized male and female sheep. Groups (n=3) of both sexes were either subjected to 90 min isolation and restraint stress (stress group) or were not stressed. Blood samples were taken every 10 min for 90 min prior to and after stress to monitor cortisol levels in plasma. Brains were harvested after 90 min of stress. Stress caused elevation of plasma cortisol levels to a similar extent in both sexes. Double-labeling immunohistochemistry for Fos and either CRH, AVP or enkephalin was undertaken to quantify the numbers of neurons staining for CRH, AVP and enkephalin that also immunostained for Fos. Stress increased Fos immunostaining in all cell types. There was a greater proportion of CRH than AVP neurons activated in stressed animals. There were no sex differences in the activation of CRH and AVP neurons although females had a greater proportion of enkephalin cells staining for Fos than males in both control and stressed animals. There were no differences between control and stressed animals in the proportion of cells co-staining for CRH and AVP. We conclude that isolation and restraint stress activates neurons producing CRH, AVP and enkephalin in sheep and that CRH may play a greater role than AVP in regulating adrenocorticotrophic hormone secretion in response to this stressor in sheep. Finally, isolation and restraint stress does not influence co-localization of CRH and AVP in sheep.


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Childhood cruelty to animals is a symptom of conduct disorder that has been linked to the perpetration of violence in later life. Research has identified several factors associated with its etiology, including social factors. However, no cross-cultural studies on this phenomenon have been reported. This study investigated childhood cruelty to animals in Japan, Australia and Malaysia. Parents of 1,358 children between the ages of 5 and 13 years completed the Children’s Attitudes and Behaviours towards Animals questionnaire (CABTA) which assesses Typical and Malicious Cruelty to animals. Analyses revealed no overall differences between children from these countries on either scale. However, younger boys were more likely to be cruel than younger girls in each country, and younger children in Australia and Japan were more likely to be cruel that older children in those countries. The findings are discussed in relation to previous research, and recommendations for future studies are suggested.


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Aquaculture is seen as an alternative to meeting the widening gap in global rising demand and decreasing supply for aquatic food products. Asia, the epicenter of the global aquaculture industry, accounts for over 90% of the global aquaculture production quantity and about 80% of the value. Asian aquaculture, as with global aquaculture, is dependent to a significant extent on alien species, as is the case for all the major food crops and husbanded terrestrial animals. However, voluntary and or accidental introduction of exotic aquatic species (alien species) is known to negatively impact local biodiversity. In this relatively young food production industry, mitigating the dependence on alien species, and thereby minimizing potential negative impacts on biodiversity, is an imperative for a sustainable future. In this context an attempt is made in this synthesis to understand such phenomena, especially with reference to Asian inland finfish, the mainstay of global aquaculture production. It is pointed out that there is potential for aquaculture, which is becoming an increasingly important food production process, not to follow the past path of terrestrial food crops and husbanded animals in regard to their negative influences on biodiversity.


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Zebra finches have previously been found to have preferences for particular colours of both natural and artificial traits among opposite sex conspecifics. For example, in some studies female zebra finches preferred males wearing red leg bands to orange-banded and unbanded birds and rejected light green-banded males. In other studies, females also preferred males with red beaks to orange-beaked males. However, several authors have failed to replicate these results. We show that females may fail to show a colour preference because of the absence or removal of ultraviolet light under experimental conditions. In mate-choice trials, females observing males through filters that transmitted ultraviolet preferred red-banded males but where females viewed males through ultraviolet-blocking filters, no such preference was observed. Further investigation revealed that the lack of a colour preference when ultraviolet was absent was probably due to the change in overall appearance of the bird, rather than the change in appearance of the rings themselves. This work highlights the importance of proper consideration of the sensory capabilities of animals in experimental design, particularly with regard to the role of ultraviolet light in avian colour perception. (C) 1997 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.


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[No Abstract]


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The major component of the thesis is a manuscript of poetry titled How do detectives make love? which includes forty poems written over a period of two years. Many of these; poems have been published in literary journals and magazines both in Australia and internationally as well as being performed at various performance poetry venues. How do detectives make love? was accepted for publication by Penguin Books, Australia in 1994. Also included is a 12,000 word exegesis in support of the manuscript titled How do detectives make love? Themes of the survival of the child: corruption in relation to innocence. The exegesis explores various themes and motifs occurring throughout the work, including the motif of birds and dogs, and the themes of love and the police, guns and weaponry, the outback and parklands, the parents, the change from childhood to adolescence and adolescence to adulthood, and the survival of the child. The current vital social relevance of these themes and motifs is explored in the poems. The literary use of the themes is explored comparatively with the work of other Australian poets including Gig Ryan, Kenneth Slessor and Les Murray. The purpose of the exegesis is to give the reader insights into the poet's intellectual processes and literary concerns throughout the work itself.