45 resultados para ASH


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Atascadero State Hospital (ASH) is a maximum-security forensic hospital that houses male patients with a wide range of psychiatric diagnoses. Psychopaths at this institution appear to be a heterogeneous group of individuals who, while sharing core personality characteristics, manifest substantial variability in their behavior. Identifying subtypes within this clinical classification can have implications for patient treatment and management, as well as for the safety of the staff who work with them and for the communities to which they will eventually return. Several means of identifying subtypes have been proposed in the literature, and potential subgroups have been identified. Clinical observations at ASH have suggested 4 possible subtypes of psychopathy: narcissistic, borderline, sadistic, and antisocial. Issues related to the conceptualization of psychopathy are addressed, recognizing that additional data are needed to understand the observed variations in cases of psychopathy.


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This dissertation explores the relationship between the urban rural interface, with particular reference to air pressure, wind patterns, and the build up of hot ash deposits adjacent to combustible surfaces, in order to devise strategies relating to the design of building forms.


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Al/MgAl2O4 in situ metal matrix composites have been synthesized using value-added silica sources (microsilica and rice husk ash) containing ~97% SiO2 in Al-5 wt.% Mg alloy. The thermodynamics and kinetics of MgAl2O4 formation are discussed in detail. The MgO and MgAl2O4 phases were found to dominate in microsilica (MS) and rice husk ash (RHA) value-added composites, respectively, during the initial stage of holding the composites at 750 °C. A transition phase between MgO and MgAl2O4 was detected by the scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (SEM–EDS) analysis of the particles extracted from the composite using 25% NaOH solution. This confirms that MgO is gradually transformed to MgAl2O4 by the reaction 3SiO2(s)+2MgO(s)+4Al(l)→2MgAl2O4(s)+3Si(l). The stoichiometry of MgAl2O4, n, computed by a new methodology is between 0.79 and 1.18. The reaction between the silica sources and the molten metal stopped after 55% of the silica source was consumed. A gradual increase in mean MgAl2O4 crystallite size, D, from 24 to 36 nm was observed in the samples held for 10 h.


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This paper reports on the second phase of a research project aimed at the development of an environmentally friendly noise barrier for urban freeways, also known as KMAK (Krezel and McManus, 2007). The concrete barrier, which has some unique capabilities to mitigate transportation noise, is made from recycled concrete (RC) aggregate and industrial by-products such as fly ash and reclaimed water. The current developmental work expands on a research project that resulted in a two-layer (2L) concrete barrier. Two prototypes of the 2L barrier were produced, followed by extensive acoustic testing and a number of simulations where standard timber and/or concrete barriers were substituted with KMAK barrier (Krezel et al, 2004). Current research investigates a variety of architectural finishes applied to the original KMAK barrier with the aim of improving its visual appearance and also fine-tuning its acoustic performance. The new three-layer (3L) barrier optimises sound absorption in a frequency range characteristic to that of transportation noise, especially road traffic noise. Three major aspects related to the development of architectural finishes were considered; environmentally responsible materials, surface features and production methods. The light-weight material used in the architectural finish is based on ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and uses very fine fraction of RC aggregate. The manufacturing process of the 3L barrier was tested in a commercial setting and two sets of prototype barrier were cast. An innovative, cost effective method of applying pattern and perforation to the surface of architectural finish was also developed and tested. The findings of the current investigation demonstrate that there is a positive correlation between surface features, percentage of perforation as well as depth of the architectural layer and increased potential of the 3L barrier to mitigate transportation noise. On average, the addition of perforated architectural finish contributes to 20% increase in sound absorption. The preliminary results also show that the sound absorbency of the 3L barrier can be better controlled and tuned to specific noise frequency. The visual appearance has been significantly improved with the addition of the architectural finish, which makes the barrier an attractive, feasible and viable alternative to road barriers made from standard concrete or timber.


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Conventional aqueous scouring of greasy wool promotes wool felting and can be energy and water intensive. Ultrasonic wool scouring could be an alternative technology to minimise the negative impact, provided that the cleaning efficiency and fibre quality are not compromised. This study  examined the influence of ultrasonic irradiation frequency and ultrasonic power variations on wool scouring performance at different liquor ratios. Scoured fibre, residual ash content, residual grease content, whiteness and yellowness were evaluated. The impact of liquor degassing on wool scouring effectiveness was studied. Fibre surface damage was also assessed in this work. It was observed that while there was no significant influence of ultrasonic frequency on the whiteness or yellowness of the scoured fibres, wool scoured at frequencies of 28 kHz and 80 kHz had more grease and dirt removed than that scoured at 45 kHz. Low ultrasonic power and degassed bath liquor increased wool grease removal ability. Ultrasonic treatment caused scale cracking/peeling in some wool fibres. More severe cuticle damage was observed in fibres scoured at the lower frequency. This damage resulted in increased dye uptake by the fibres.


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This paper reports on the second phase of a research project aimed at the development of an environmentally friendly noise barrier for urban freeways, also known as KMAK [1]. The concrete barrier, which has some unique capabilities to mitigate transportation noise, is made from recycled concrete (RC) aggregate and industrial by-products such as fly ash and reclaimed water. The current developmental work expands on a research project that resulted in a two-layer (2L) concrete barrier. Two prototypes of the 2L barrier were produced, followed by extensive acoustic testing and a number of simulations where standard timber and/or concrete barriers were substituted with KMAK barrier [2]. Current research investigates a variety of architectural finishes applied to the original KMAK barrier with the aim of improving its visual appearance and also fine-tuning its acoustic performance. The new three-layer (3L) barrier optimizes sound absorption in a frequency range characteristic similar to that of transportation noise, especially road traffic noise. Three major aspects related to the development of architectural finishes were considered; environmentally responsible materials, surface features, and production methods. The findings of the current investigation demonstrate that there is a positive correlation between surface features, percentage of perforation as well as depth of the architectural layer, and increased potential of the 3L barrier to mitigate transportation noise. On average, the addition of perforated architectural finish contributes to a 20% increase in sound absorption. The preliminary results also show that the sound absorbency of the 3L barrier can be better controlled and tuned to specific noise frequency than the 2L type. The visual appearance has been significantly improved with the addition of the architectural finish, which makes the barrier an attractive, feasible, and viable alternative to road barriers made from standard concrete or timber.


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The cuttlefish Sepia apama Gray (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) is a seasonally abundant food resource exploited annually by moulting albatrosses throughout winter and early spring in the coastal waters of New South Wales, Australia. To assess its nutritional value as albatross forage, we analysed S. apama for water, lipid protein, ash contents, energy density and amino acid composition. Because albatrosses consistently consume S. apama parts preferentially in the order of head, viscera and mantle, we analysed these sections separately, but did not identify any nutritional basis for this selective feeding behaviour. The gross energy value of S. apama bodies was 20.9 kJ/g dry mass, but their high water content (>83%; cf <70% for fish) results in a relatively low energy density of 3.53 kJ/g. This may contribute to a need to take large meals, which subsequently degrade flight performance. Protein content was typically >75% dry mass, whereas fat content was only about 1%. Albatrosses feed on many species of cephalopods and teleost fish, and we found the amino acid composition of S. apama to be comparable to a range of species within these taxa. We used S. apama exclusively in feeding trials to estimate the energy assimilation efficiency for Diomedea albatrosses. We estimated their nitrogen-corrected apparent energy assimilation efficiency for consuming this prey to be 81.82 ± 0.72% and nitrogen retention as 2.90 ± 0.11 g N kg-1 d-1. Although S. apama has a high water content and relatively low energy density, its protein composition is otherwise comparable to other albatross prey species. Consequently, the large size and seasonal abundance of this prey should ensure that albatrosses remain replete and adequately nourished on this forage while undergoing moult.


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As population change places pressure on expanding regional and metropolitan urban boundaries, so the threat of bushfire at the rural/urban interface increases. This paper presents a range of 2D and 3D 1:40 and full scale modelling investigations. Various relationships are explored between the urban and rural interface with respect to: air pressure; changes in wind pattern; vectorial velocity; and the deposition of hot ash and firebrand deposits around single story building forms, both as standalone and within an orthogonal array and cul-de-sac relationships.


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The 2009 'Black Saturday' Victorian bushfires claimed the lives of 173 people and have become known as the worst fire event in Australian history. Victoria has been at the centre of two other significant Australian fire disasters - 'Black Friday' in 1939 and the 1983 'Ash Wednesday' fires in south-eastern Australia that claimed the lives of 47 people in Victoria. As media scholar and commentator Michael Gawenda has noted, the media not only report an 'event' - like the Victorian bushfires or the tsunami in the South Pacific - but in a sense create and define it. Print and electronic media coverage of extreme weather events therefore raises a multitude of issues about the media's role in serving the community before, during and after a crisis, while also trying to produce the best possible reportage in a competitive industry undergoing dramatic change. This issue of MIA provides a venue for critical, empirical engagement with media coverage and representation, and the role of journalism and journalists in reporting national and international bushfires, tsunamis, hurricanes and other extreme weather events, with a special focus on the 2009 Victorian bushfires. Its goal is to address the ramifications of an industry in flux - indeed, some may say crisis - driven by technological advances, staff reductions and media organisations under financial pressure, and to explore the ways in which such extreme weather events have impacted media practices and policy


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This paper describes a method using attenuated total reflectance infra-red spectroscopy to determine the surface concentration of calcium carbonate in paper samples, by applying the linear relationship between the relative infra-red absorption integrals and the concentration. The method was able to detect micro-variations in the surface concentration and could also distinguish between different sheets as well as between the top and bottom side of one sheet. The samples were also split and the calcium carbonate concentration was determined within and compared to bulk calcium carbonate concentration determined from ash testing. The surface results were also compared with analysed scanning electron microscopy images generated from back-scattering electrons. The comparison shows that both sets of results are in excellent agreement. Depending on the sample, large errors (95% confidence) were observed. These, however, are caused by micro-variations of the surface concentration, rather than by inaccuracies of the technique, which is estimated to be less than 1%. Furthermore, measurements of various sample orientations suggest that anisotropic polarisation effects can be neglected. The method can be applied to paper and cellulose matrices having calcium carbonate filler contents of less than 50%. Due to spectral overlaps it is not suitable to determine kaolin filler contents.


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Many temperate estuaries have intermittently open and closed mouths, a feature that is often related to intermittent freshwater input. These systems, often overlooked due to their small size, can have large hydrological variability over medium-term time scales.

This variability presents potential difficulties for estuarine species particularly where anthropogenic alterations to freshwater flows can cause large deviations from natural patterns of tidal influence and inundation of habitat.

Influences of natural and hydrological variability on seagrasses were examined in two central Victorian estuaries with anthropogenically-modified but naturally-intermittent freshwater flows and mouth openings. Comparisons were focused on differences between an estuary with artificially-augmented freshwater inflow and an adjacent system, in which the volume and timing of inflows were altered by a reservoir. Eight additional estuaries in the region were also used to provide a context for these two main sites.

Hydrological changes during the three-year field component were affected by the ending of a drought and then a major flood a year later as well as by ongoing anthropogenic flow reduction and augmentation. These influences on hydrology were associated with an initially high seagrass coverage that was substantially reduced and showed signs of recovery only in the system that was affected by lower inflows. Such influences and responses also changed seasonally but to a much lesser extent than the responses to stochastic climatic events.

Natural flows were intermittent and varied substantially between years. Flooding flows represented up to 89% of the long-term annual average flow. Water quality was broadly typical of the region, with the exception of low pH in some tributaries, especially those of Anglesea estuary. Anthropogenic changes to flow were most evident at times of low natural flows and resulted in longer and more frequent periods of zero inflow to Painkalac estuary and a continual base flow to Anglesea. This base flow, from ponds containing coal ash, neutralised waters flowing from upstream and increased conductivity, except at times of high natural flow.

A three-state conceptual model of the magnitude and variability of water levels, based largely on the degree of tidal influence was identified and quantitatively assessed for the two estuaries that were the main focus of the study. These states in turn had a large influence on the area and inundation of benthic habitat. Floods tended to open the mouths of estuaries, which then remained tidal given sufficient flow to overcome sedimentary processes at the mouths. Low and zero inflow was a precondition for closure of the mouths of the estuaries. When closed, differences in inflow resulted in different endpoints in salinity patterns. From an initial pattern similar to a classic ‘salt wedge’, Painkalac estuary, with reduced inflow, quickly destratified and gradually became more saline, at times hypersaline. Anglesea estuary, with augmented flow, tended to remain stratified for longer until becoming completely fresh, given a long enough period of closure.

Episodic changes in the water quality of the estuaries were associated with different components of the freshwater flow regimes. At high flows, fresh waters of low pH with a high metal load entered Anglesea estuary. Except during the largest flood, when the estuary was completely flushed, this water was neutralised at the halocline and resulting in precipitation of metals. High flows into Painkalac were associated with elevated concentrations of clay-sourced suspended solids. During a closed period, with zero flow, a release of sediment-bound nutrients triggered by anoxia was observed in Painkalac, followed by an algal bloom.

The large decline in seagrass extent that was observed in both estuaries was closely related to floods and the subsequent reductions in potential habitat associated with the tidal states that followed. Analysis of historical patterns of extent against rainfall records suggested that periods of drought and extended mouth closures were related to establishment and expansion of beds. This model was similar to that described for South African estuaries and contrasted with more-seasonal patterns reported for local marine embayments.

Rates of in situ decomposition of seagrass detritus showed a mix of seasonal and disturbance-driven patterns of change, depending on estuary. Variability of these rates on a scale of 100s of metres was typically not significant, but there were a few episodes that were highly significant. A negative correlation between decomposition rate and seagrass extent was also observed. A novel technique for assessing cellulose decomposition potential in sediment, adapted from soil science, proved to be a useful tool for estuarine research. Results from this component of the study highlighted both small-scale variability that was inconsistent through time, and also stable differences in decomposition potential between depths and estuaries that were consistent with differences in hydrological state and salinity.

Given the relative lack of knowledge about processes in intermittent estuaries, particularly those relating to changes in freshwater inflow, results from this study will be of value both locally and for similar systems elsewhere. Locally, it is likely that flow regimes to both Anglesea and Painkalac estuaries will be reduced, following closure of the mine power station at Anglesea and due to increased demand from the reservoir above Painkalac. There is potential to manage flows from each of these sources to minimise downstream effects. Regionally, and globally, there are many intermittent estuaries in areas with Mediterranean-type climates. It has been predicted that the climates of these regions will become drier but with an increase in intensity of storm events, both of which have ramifications for flow regimes to estuaries. It is hoped that results of this study will contribute to more informed management of intermittent estuaries in the context of these likely changes.


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Elucidation of the key nutritional requirements for complete larval development of the tropical spiny rock lobster, Panulirus ornatus, presents a major challenge for the development of robust commercial aquaculture for this crustacean. As a foundation study in this area, the chemical composition of early-mid stage P. ornatus phyllosoma (Stages I-VI) receiving a novel formulated diet was analysed immediately prior and post-ecdysis to provide insight into the crude nutritional trends during the larval development cycle. From the onset of moulting, cyclical patterns were evident in the proximate composition of phyllosoma, resulting in substantial restructuring between the pre- and post-moult stages of the moult cycle. Proportions of protein, lipid and ash were high at the premoult stage, reflecting growth and nutrient accumulation over the intermoult period, and reduced at the post-moult stage, reflecting the large uptake of water to facilitate subsequent growth. Polar lipid was the dominant lipid class, accounting for >. 90% of the total lipid content. Conversely, triacylglycerol concentrations were low (<. 5%), despite being the principal lipid class available in the formulated diet. Likewise, despite receiving high concentrations of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) (9.2 and 7.6% of the dietary lipid source, respectively), levels of these fatty acids were comparatively low in phyllosoma (3.4 and 4.7%, respectively). In contrast, there is selective deposition of these fatty acids in wild caught phyllosoma. This finding suggests a poor assimilation of triacylglycerols by captive larvae and highlights the importance of future investigations into alternative sources of EPA and DHA. Ultimately, this study provides insight into the nutritional requirements of phyllosoma, providing valuable knowledge on diet formulation for commercially viable hatchery production of spiny rock lobsters. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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Scouring is the first stage of wool processing and is essential for determining the quality of fiber. Traditional aqueous scouring is a method that emulsifies and removes contaminants (such as wool grease, suint, and dirt) from the fiber surface; however, it promotes wool felting and is energy and water intensive. This study has shown that modification of the traditional wool scouring line by introducing an ultrasonic device could be a viable alternative for the wool scouring industry. A standard six-bath wool scouring line was retrofitted with two ultrasonic panels working at 80 kHz in bath 2. Scouring was carried out in three modes: conventional mode without the transport rake, ultrasonic mode without the transport rake, and conventional mode with the transport rake. Fiber samples after scouring were measured for color index, residual grease content, and residual ash content. Ultrasonic scouring was found to improve removal of grease and ash from the wool fiber. Modifications were proposed for the design of an industrial scouring line including the addition of fiber transport and dunking rollers and number of baths for the installation. © The Author(s) 2014.


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In Australia, 7 February 2009 has become known as ‘Black Saturday’ because of the bushfire catastrophe that took 173 lives and devastated communities in the central parts of the State of Victoria. The paper considers how the 2009 fires have been recorded, how the issue of accountability has been dealt with, particularly in relation to the State and its agencies but also individual residents in the fire-devastated areas, and how bushfire deaths and other losses have been commemorated through remembrance events and museum collection projects and memorialized through the creation of new monuments and the protection of remaining physical structures as official heritage. Despite the major impact of bushfires on the State, to date few bushfire-related places have been protected. The former Cockatoo Kindergarten, which acted as a community refuge during an earlier catastrophic Victorian bushfire on Ash Wednesday, 16 February 1983, is an exception. Inscribed in 2012, the former kindergarten is the only bushfire-related place inscribed on the Victorian Heritage Register, in this case for its historical and social value as a place resonating with other communities affected by other bushfires and helping the broader Victorian public to come to terms with bushfire catastrophe. But, while bushfire commemoration activities and physical memorials, like those relating to war, help many societies remember individual and community pain and suffering, they can divert attention from the more fundamental questions of why they were there in the first place and what must be done to ensure the same catastrophe does not recur in the future. In this regard, the paper questions the oft-cited claim that bushfires are embedded in the Australian psyche, seeing links between the rhetoric around bushfire survival and Australian myth-making and nation-building.


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Purpose &ndash; Construction contractors and facility managers are being challenged to minimize the carbon footprint. Life cycle carbon‐equivalent (CO2‐e) accounting, whereby the potential emissions of greenhouse gases due to energy expenditure during construction and subsequent occupation of built infrastructure, generally ceases at the end of the service life. However, following demolition, recycling of demolition waste that becomes incorporated into 2nd generation construction is seldom considered within the management of the carbon footprint. This paper aims to focus on built concrete infrastructure, particularly the ability of recycled concrete to chemically react with airborne CO2, thereby significantly influencing CO2‐e estimates.

Design/methodology/approach &ndash; CO2‐e estimates were made in accordance with the methodology outlined in the Australian National Greenhouse Accounts (NGA) Factors and were based on the energy expended for each life cycle activity from audited records. Offsets to the CO2‐e estimates were based on the documented ability of concrete to chemically react with airborne carbon dioxide (“carbonation”) and predictions of CO2 uptake by concrete and recycled concrete was made using existing predictive diffusion models. The author's study focused on a built concrete bridge which was demolished and recycled at the end of the service life, and the recycled concrete was utilized towards 2nd generation construction. The sensitivity of CO2‐e and carbonation estimates were tested on several different types of source demolition waste as well as subsequent construction applications using recycled concrete (RCA). Whole‐of‐life CO2‐e estimates, including carbonation of RCA over the 1st and 2nd generations, were estimated and contrasted with conventional carbon footprints that end at the conclusion of the 1st generation.

Findings &ndash; Following demolition, CO2 capture by RCA is significant due to the more permeable nature of the crushed RCA compared with the original built infrastructure. RCA also has considerably greater exposed surface area, relative to volume, than a built concrete structure, and therefore more highly exposed surface to react with CO2: it therefore carbonates more comprehensively. CO2‐e estimates can be offset by as much as 55‐65 per cent when including the contribution of carbonation of RCA built within 2nd generation infrastructure. Further offsets are achievable using blended fly ash or slag cement binders; however, this study has focused on concrete composed of 100 per cent OPC binders and the effects of RCA.

Originality/value &ndash; Construction project estimates of life cycle CO2‐e emissions should include 2nd generation applications that follow the demolition of the 1st generation infrastructure. Life cycle estimates generally end at the time of demolition. However, by incorporating the recycled concrete demolition waste into the construction of 2nd generation infrastructure, the estimated CO2‐e is significantly offset during the 2nd generation life cycle by chemical uptake of CO2 (carbonation). This paper provides an approach towards inclusion of 2nd generation construction applications into whole‐of‐life estimates of CO2‐e.