31 resultados para worm


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A common view for the preferable positions of thwarting worm propagation is at the highly connected nodes. However, in certain conditions, such as when some popular users (highly connected nodes in the network) have more vigilance on the malicious codes, this may not always be the truth. In this letter, we propose a measure of betweenness and closeness to locate the most suitable positions for slowing down the worm propagation. This work provides practical values to the defense of topological worms.


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Bridges is a hand-drawn film. Some elements have been printed onto clear acatate that has then been glued onto a clear film surface, which itself has been prepared by bleaching away parts of the sound and image of the original film, a documentary about bridges.The sound develops a chant like quality using the rhythm of a race call and a the commentary of a football match. A celebration of the Australian voice.


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Smartphones have become an integral part of our everyday lives, such as online information accessing, SMS/MMS, social networking, online banking, and other applications. The pervasive usage of smartphones also results them in enticing targets of hackers and malware writers. This is a desperate threat to legitimate users and poses considerable challenges to network security community. In this paper, we model smartphone malware propagation through combining mathematical epidemics and social relationship graph of smartphones. Moreover, we design a strategy to simulate the dynamic of SMS/MMS-based worm propagation process from one node to an entire network. The strategy integrates infection factor that evaluates the propagation degree of infected nodes, and resistance factor that offers resistance evaluation towards susceptible nodes. Extensive simulations have demonstrated that the proposed malware propagation model is effective and efficient.


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 Many web servers contain some dangerous pages (we name them eigenpages) that can indicate their vulnerabilities. Therefore, some worms such as Santy locate their targets by searching for these eigenpages in search engines with well-crafted queries. In this paper, we focus on the modeling and containment of these special worms targeting web applications. We propose a containment system based on honey pots. We make search engines randomly insert a few honey pages that will induce visitors to the pre-established honey pots among the search results for the arriving queries. And then infectious can be detected and reported to the search engines when their malicious scans hit the honey pots. We find that the Santy worm can be well stopped by inserting no more than two honey pages in every one hundred search results. We also solve the challenging issue to dynamically generate matching honey pages for those dynamically arriving queries. Finally, a prototype is implemented to prove the technical feasibility of this system. © 2013 by CESER Publications.


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In this paper we demonstrate our signature based detector for self-propagating worms. We use a set of worm and benign traffic traces of several endpoints to build benign and worm profiles. These profiles were arranged into separate n-ary trees. We also demonstrate our anomaly detector that was used to deal with tied matches between worm and benign trees. We analyzed the performance of each detector and also with their integration. Results show that our signature based detector can detect very high true positive. Meanwhile, the anomaly detector did not achieve high true positive. Both detectors, when used independently, suffer high false positive. However, when both detectors were integrated they maintained a high detection rate of true positive and minimized the false positive


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The Australian goat meat industry has mostly processed feral goats for export. As goat meat markets mature there will be an increased demand for farmed goats to meet supply, especially into niche markets. Production benchmarking showed that Victorian commercial goat meat producers are located generally in areas with <500 mm rainfall, usually in conjunction with other livestock and cropping enterprises. On average, 67% of farm area, equal to 701 ha (range 55 – 4400 ha) was allocated to the goat enterprise. Commercial producers used Boer bucks, at an average mating rate of 2.2%, over Boer X or feral X does. Weaning rates averaged 99% (range 51 - 165%). There was a large range in husbandry ($0 - $3.07) and supplementary feeding ($6.75 - $9.60) expenditure. Fifty percent of producers indicated that they carried out regular faecal egg counts to assess worm burdens. Seasonal supply patterns showed that producers were supplying Christmas and Easter markets with a live weight range of 12 - 40 kg and an overall average live weight of 26 kg. The issues of concern identified by commercial growers were: internal parasitism, doe fertility, kid predation, kid growth rates, Johnes disease, and fencing security. This study indicated that there is considerable scope to improve the productivity of the Victorian commercial goat meat industry. Most producers supply smaller carcases on a strong seasonal basis. This supply pattern inhibits industry development.


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Macromolecular assembly of block copolymers into numerous nanostructures resembles self-organization of proteins and cellular components found in nature. In order to mimic nature’s assemblies either to cure a disease or construct functional devices, the organization principles underpinning the emergence of complex shapes need to be understood. In the same vein, this study aimed at understanding morphology evolution in a triblock copolymer blend in aqueous solution. An ABA type amphiphilic triblock copolymer (polystyrene-b-polyethylene oxide-b-polystyrene, PS-b-PEO-b-PS) was synthesized at different compositions via atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) and self-assembly behavior of a binary mixture in aqueous solution was studied. Block copolymers that form worms and vesicles in its pristine state was shown to form complex morphologies such as fused rings, “jellyfish”, toroid vesicles, large compound vesicles and large lamellae after blending. The tendency of vesicle-forming block copolymer to form bilayers may be responsible for triggering complex morphologies when mixed with a worm or micelle-forming polymer. In other words, the interplay between curvature effects produced by two distinct polymers with different hydrophobic block lengths results in complex morphologies due to chain segregation within the nanostructure.


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Gastrointestinal nematodes limit the growth, production and welfare of goats but there are few reliable sources of information for recommending management practices across flocks. The effects of animal species (Angora goat, Merino sheep, mixed-grazed goats and mixed-grazed sheep at the ratio of 1:1) and stocking rate (SR: 7.5, 10, 12.5 animals/ha) on gastrointestinal parasitism were determined in a replicated experiment on improved annual temperate pastures in southern Australia, from 1981 to 1984. Detailed monitoring of gastrointestinal nematodes was undertaken on animals before, during (five times per year) and at the conclusion of studies using faecal strongyle egg counts (WEC) and total worm counts. Sheep had a greater proportion of nematodes as Teladorsagia spp. and goats a greater incidence of Trichostrongylus spp. Both goats and sheep developed resistance to Nematodirus spp. during the experiment. WEC was similar in goats and sheep at the start of the experimental period but, thereafter, was consistently greater in goats than in sheep. While WEC was highly related to total worm count, the regressions for sheep and goats were different. Increasing the SR increased the WEC of goats and mixed-grazed goats but not of sheep. During the experiment, WEC declined at 7 and 10 animals/ha but increased at 12.5/ha. Mixed grazing with goats provided beneficial effects for sheep at all stocking rates, but the effects for goats were dependent on the stocking rate, being beneficial at 7.5 and 10/ha but harmful at 12.5/ha. The WEC of separately grazed goats were generally higher than the WEC of mixed grazed goats. The WEC of mixed sheep were lower than those of separately grazed sheep. During the experiment, the WEC of mixed grazed sheep declined faster than the WEC of separately grazed sheep but the WEC of separately grazed goats at 12.5/ha and of mixed grazed goats at 10 and 12.5/ha increased. Under the environmental and pastoral conditions examined, Angora wether goats should not be grazed at SR above those recommended for wether sheep. In the present study, the impact of gastrointestinal-nematode infections in goats was reduced at lower SR. Further, mixed grazing of Angora wether goats with wether sheep at or below the recommended SR resulted in reduced gastrointestinal parasitism for both sheep and goats, compared with monospecific grazing conditions. Goats did not represent a gastrointestinal-nematode hazard to sheep. © 2014 CSIRO.


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There are the two common means for propagating worms: scanning vulnerable computers in the network and spreading through topological neighbors. Modeling the propagation of worms can help us understand how worms spread and devise effective defense strategies. However, most previous researches either focus on their proposed work or pay attention to exploring detection and defense system. Few of them gives a comprehensive analysis in modeling the propagation of worms which is helpful for developing defense mechanism against worms' spreading. This paper presents a survey and comparison of worms' propagation models according to two different spreading methods of worms. We first identify worms characteristics through their spreading behavior, and then classify various target discover techniques employed by them. Furthermore, we investigate different topologies for modeling the spreading of worms, analyze various worms' propagation models and emphasize the performance of each model. Based on the analysis of worms' spreading and the existing research, an open filed and future direction with modeling the propagation of worms is provided. © 2014 IEEE.


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Restraining the spread of rumors in online social networks (OSNs) has long been an important but difficult problem to be addressed. Currently, there are mainly two types of methods 1) blocking rumors at the most influential users or community bridges, or 2) spreading truths to clarify the rumors. Each method claims the better performance among all the others according to their own considerations and environments. However, there must be one standing out of the rest. In this paper, we focus on this part of work. The difficulty is that there does not exist a universal standard to evaluate them. In order to address this problem, we carry out a series of empirical and theoretical analysis on the basis of the introduced mathematical model. Based on this mathematical platform, each method will be evaluated by using real OSN data.We have done three types of analysis in this work. First, we compare all the measures of locating important users. The results suggest that the degree and betweenness measures outperform all the others in the Facebook network. Second, we analyze the method of the truth clarification method, and find that this method has a long-term performance while the degree measure performs well only in the early stage. Third, in order to leverage these two methods, we further explore the strategy of different methods working together and their equivalence. Given a fixed budget in the real world, our analysis provides a potential solution to find out a better strategy by integrating both types of methods together. From both the academic and technical perspective, the work in this paper is an important step towards the most practical and optimal strategies of restraining rumors in OSNs.


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Smartphones are pervasively used in society, and have been both the target and victim of malware writers. Motivated by the significant threat that presents to legitimate users, we survey the current smartphone malware status and their propagation models. The content of this paper is presented in two parts. In the first part, we review the short history of mobile malware evolution since 2004, and then list the classes of mobile malware and their infection vectors. At the end of the first part, we enumerate the possible damage caused by smartphone malware. In the second part, we focus on smartphone malware propagation modeling. In order to understand the propagation behavior of smartphone malware, we recall generic epidemic models as a foundation for further exploration. We then extensively survey the smartphone malware propagation models. At the end of this paper, we highlight issues of the current smartphone malware propagation models and discuss possible future trends based on our understanding of this topic. © © 2014 IEEE.


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Smartphone applications are getting more and more popular and pervasive in our daily life, and are also attractive to malware writers due to their limited computing source and vulnerabilities. At the same time, we possess limited understanding of our opponents in cyberspace. In this paper, we investigate the propagation model of SMS/MMS-based worms through integrating semi-Markov process and social relationship graph. In our modeling, we use semi-Markov process to characterize state transition among mobile nodes, and hire social network theory, a missing element in many previous works, to enhance the proposed mobile malware propagation model. In order to evaluate the proposed models, we have developed a specific software, and collected a large scale real-world data for this purpose. The extensive experiments indicate that the proposed models and algorithms are effective and practical. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The self-assembly and high temperature behavior of AB/B′ type block copolymer/homopolymer blends containing polyacrylonitrile (PAN) polymers were studied for the first time. Here, microphase separated nanostructures were formed in the poly(methyl methacrylate-b-polyacrylonitrile) (PMMAN) block copolymer and their blends with homopolymer PAN at various blend ratios. Additionally, these nanostructures were transformed into porous carbon nanostructures by sacrificing PMMA blocks via pyrolysis. Spherical and worm like morphologies were observed in both TEM and AFM images at different compositions. The thermal and phase behavior examinations showed good compatibility between the blend components in all studied compositions. The PAN homopolymer (B′) with a comparatively higher molecular weight than the corresponding block (B) of the block copolymer is expected to exhibit ‘dry brush’ behavior in this AB/B′ type system. This study provides a basic understanding of the miscibility and phase separation in the PMMAN/PAN system, which is important in the nanostructure formation of bulk PAN based materials with the help of block copolymers to develop advanced functional materials.


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With rapid urban expansion, biodiversity conservation and human asset protection often require different regimes for managing wildfire risk. We conducted a controlled, replicated experiment to optimise habitat restoration for the threatened Australian pink-tailed worm-lizard, Aprasia parapulchella while reducing fire fuel load in a rapidly developing urban area. We used dense addition of natural rock (30 % cover) and native grass revegetation (Themedatriandra and Poasieberiana) to restore critical habitat elements. Combinations of fire and herbicide (Glyphosate) were used to reduce fuel load and invasive exotic species. Rock restoration combined with herbicide application met the widest range of restoration goals: it reduced fire fuel load, increased ant occurrence (the primary prey of A. parapulchella) in the short-term and increased the growth and survival of native grasses. Lizards colonised the restored habitat within a year of treatment. Our study documents an innovative way by which conflicts between biodiversity conservation and human asset protection can be overcome.