122 resultados para volunteer cover accident


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This study describes the use of landscape transition analysis as a means for effective basin management. Land cover transitions from 1995 to 2002 were analyzed using a cross-tabulation matrix for an important economic zone in south-west Victoria, Australia. Specifically, the matrix was used to determine whether the transitions were random or systematic. Random landscape transitions occur when a land cover replaces other land covers in proportion to their availability. Systematic landscape transitions occur when there are deviations from random patterns, and land use types ‘target’ other land use types for replacement. The analysis was conducted with 11 land cover categories and showed that dryland pastures have been systematically losing area to dryland crops and blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) plantations. Dryland crops have systematically expanded in the north-east of the catchment, an area where increasing in-stream salinization has occurred concurrently with this transition. The systematic expansion of the blue gum plantations has been predominantly in the south-west of the catchment and has the potential to reduce stream flows and groundwater recharge in an already water-stressed region, as blue gums use more water than the dryland pastures they are replacing. All other transitions were largely random. These findings have implications for land use planning in the study area for regional water balance and revegetation strategies. Landscape transition analysis is a cost-effective means of contributing to the management of water resources at a regional scale, and is highly recommended for future basin planning.


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Studies were conducted on streams flowing through agricultural floodplains in south-eastern Australia to quantify whether reductions in riparian canopy cover were associated with alterations to the input and benthic standing stocks of coarse allochthonous detritus. Comparisons were made among three farmland reaches and three reaches within reserves with intact cover of remnant overstorey trees. Detritus inputs to these reaches were measured monthly over 2 years using litter traps. Direct inputs to streams within the reserves were relatively high (550–617 g ash free dry weight (AFDW) m–2 year–1), but were lower at farmland reaches with the lowest canopy covers (83–117 gAFDW m–2 year–1). Only a minor fraction of the total allochthonous input (<10%) entered any of the study reaches laterally. The mean amounts of benthic detritus were lowest in the most open farmland reaches. Standing stocks of benthic detritus were found to be highly patchy across a large number of agricultural streams, but were consistently very low where the streamside canopy cover was below ~35%. Canopy cover should be restored along cleared agricultural streams because allochthonous detritus is a major source of food and habitat for aquatic ecosystems. Given the absence of pristine lowland streams in south-eastern Australia, those reaches with the most intact remnant overstorey canopies should be used to guide restoration.


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The vision of volunteer computing is to provide large scale computational infrastructure by using dynamic collections of donated desktop computers. There have been many works that highlighted the significant benefits of volunteer computing but little on the security and privacy threats associated with its exploitation. However, volunteer computing is vulnerable to a variety of attacks and presents numerous significant security threats to the stakeholders. This paper presents security and privacy threat taxonomy along with the security features developed to cope with such threats.


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This paper explores whether a leisure perspective explains volunteer  motivations as perceived by managers of one event-based nonprofit  organisation - Victoria’s Open Garden Scheme. The results identify that a leisure perspective does not explain all motivations, as some volunteers are socially motivated by a desire to give back to their community. Other  motivations are less positive and less voluntary than is expected of leisure and volunteering in a traditional context. Suggestions are made for further research and managerial implications in regards to managing volunteers.


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This paper seeks to describe the volunteering experiences of female single parents engaged in Australia's welfare-to-work program. Interviews were conducted with 26 single parents who had been required to increase their hours of work as a condition of the Centrelink policy introduced in 2006. To analyse the data, the technique of rich point analysis was employed which identified three key concepts central to the women's experiences.  These concepts included the nature of a decent job, notions of reciprocity, and a seeming hierarchy of suitable jobs promoted within the welfareto- work policy. How volunteer activities fit within these constructs was the focus of the investigation. The analysis revealed that the types of paid jobs women obtained were less fulfilling and flexible than their volunteer activities. and gave them less sense of contributing to society, Further, in most cases prior to welfare reform, these single mothers were volunteering in their children's school and as such, both the school's capacity and intergenerational role modelling of volunteering were depleted.


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The influence of land cover on water quality and quantity was examined using a multidisciplinary approach that integrated land use maps, historical databases, and statistical modelling. Systematic changes in the Glenelg Hopkins landscape were identified, in addition to a relationship between greater proportions of vegetation and better water quality.


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Building demolition, as compared to building construction is always carried out as quickly and cheaply as possible. The nature of limited time and resources of the demolition project sometimes translate into poor work planning and safety precautions. In recent years, demolition work has become more complicated due to the high diversity of building types and there are various demolition techniques and strategies. It is important to have a clear understanding of the type of building to be demolished, the method to be used and risks involved to ensure proper work planning. Using historical data on demolition related accidents; this paper discusses the classification of injuries and causes of the accidents. To conclude, strategies for better understanding of demolition work and good practices of site safety are recommended.


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In this research volunteers' experiences in the field of palliative care were explored from the perspective of volunteers. The study made visible the skills, values and wisdom inherent in enactment of the volunteer role and provided new insights into the nature of relatedness between clients / families and volunteers.


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During four breeding seasons, 2003–2006, we studied the relationship between snow cover and nesting performance in pink-footed geese (Anser brachyrhynchus) in a key breeding site on Svalbard. Snow cover in late May, i.e., at the time of egg laying of geese, was derived from MODIS satellite images. Snow cover had a profound cascading effect on reproductive output via the number of nesting pairs and timing of nesting, which affected nest success, while there was only a tendency for a negative effect on clutch size. Hence, we estimated a five-fold difference in the number of young produced (to post-hatching) between years with little snow and years with high snow cover. The results from the study area correlated with whole-population productivity estimates recorded in autumn. Thus, snow cover derived from MODIS satellite images appears to provide a useful indicator of the breeding conditions in the Arctic.


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This study applies the concept of the psychological contract to the relationship between management practices and volunteers. Formalization of the voluntary sector is impacting on volunteers’ experiences and may breach the psychological contract from the volunteers’ perspective. This mixed method study interviewed 67 volunteers and volunteer coordinators/administrators, and collected mail survey information from 152 volunteer organizations. The transactional management practices of keeping formal records and not paying volunteers out of pocket expenses are negatively associated with volunteer recruitment and retention. Alternatively, publicly recognizing volunteers through a volunteer newsletter supports volunteers’ relational expectations and is positively linked to adequate volunteer numbers. Our findings have important implications for the human resource development practices of non-profit organizations in dealing with their volunteers: they suggest that the relational expectations of volunteers are an important aspect of the psychological contract, which could be used by organizations as a framework for developing management practices that fit the volunteer ethos of trust and networks.


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This paper explores the suitability of a conceptual social marketing model, the MOA (motivation, opportunity and ability) framework (Rothschild, 1999), to volunteering to determine whether it has the potential to promote volunteering with its associated socially desirable benefits. In doing so, the individual components of the model are discussed from a social marketing perspective and communalities in the volunteering research highlighted. This discussion culminates in the presentation of an adapted MOA framework, the practical implications of which for volunteer involving organisations are briefly discussed and an agenda for future research proposed.


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Traditional regression techniques such as ordinary least squares (OLS) are often unable to accurately model spatially varying data and may ignore or hide local variations in model coefficients. A relatively new technique, geographically weighted regression (GWR) has been shown to greatly improve model performance compared to OLS in terms of higher R 2 and lower corrected Akaike information criterion (AICC). GWR models have the potential to improve reliabilities of the identified relationships by reducing spatial autocorrelations and by accounting for local variations and spatial non-stationarity between dependent and independent variables. In this study, GWR was used to examine the relationship between land cover, rainfall and surface water habitat in 149 sub-catchments in a predominately agricultural region covering 2.6 million ha in southeast Australia. The application of the GWR models revealed that the relationships between land cover, rainfall and surface water habitat display significant spatial non-stationarity. GWR showed improvements over analogous OLS models in terms of higher R 2 and lower AICC. The increased explanatory power of GWR was confirmed by the results of an approximate likelihood ratio test, which showed statistically significant improvements over analogous OLS models. The models suggest that the amount of surface water area in the landscape is related to anthropogenic drainage practices enhancing runoff to facilitate intensive agriculture and increased plantation forestry. However, with some key variables not present in our analysis, the strength of this relationship could not be qualified. GWR techniques have the potential to serve as a useful tool for environmental research and management across a broad range of scales for the investigation of spatially varying relationships.