158 resultados para visceral fat


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An important goal of the athlete's everyday diet is to provide the muscle with substrates to fuel the training programme that will achieve optimal adaptation for performance enhancements. In reviewing the scientific literature on post-exercise glycogen storage since 1991, the following guidelines for the training diet are proposed. Athletes should aim to achieve carbohydrate intakes to meet the fuel requirements of their training programme and to optimize restoration of muscle glycogen stores between workouts. General recommendations can be provided, preferably in terms of grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of the athlete's body mass, but should be fine-tuned with individual consideration of total energy needs, specific training needs and feedback from training performance. It is valuable to choose nutrient-rich carbohydrate foods and to add other foods to recovery meals and snacks to provide a good source of protein and other nutrients. These nutrients may assist in other recovery processes and, in the case of protein, may promote additional glycogen recovery when carbohydrate intake is suboptimal or when frequent snacking is not possible. When the period between exercise sessions is  <8 h, the athlete should begin carbohydrate intake as soon as practical after the first workout to maximize the effective recovery time between sessions. There may be some advantages in meeting carbohydrate intake targets as a series of snacks during the early recovery phase, but during longer recovery periods (24 h) the athlete should organize the pattern and timing of carbohydrate-rich meals and snacks according to what is practical and comfortable for their individual situation. Carbohydrate-rich foods with a moderate to high glycaemic index provide a readily available source of carbohydrate for muscle glycogen synthesis, and should be the major carbohydrate choices in recovery meals. Although there is new interest in the recovery of intramuscular triglyceride stores between training sessions, there is no evidence that diets which are high in fat and restricted in carbohydrate enhance training.


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Objective: To test the hypothesis that many foods with reduced-fat (RF) claims are relatively energy-dense and that high-fat (HF) vegetable-based dishes are relatively energy-dilute.

Design: Nutrient data were collected from available foods in Melbourne supermarkets that had an RF claim and a full-fat (FF) equivalent. Nutrient analyses were also conducted on recipes for HF vegetable-based dishes that had more than 30% energy from fat but less than 10% from saturated fat. The dietary intake data (beverages removed) from the 1995 National Nutrition Survey were used for the reference relationships between energy density (ED) and percentage energy as fat and carbohydrate and percentage of water by weight.

Statistics: Linear regression modelled relationships of macronutrients and ED. Paired t-tests compared observed and predicted reductions in the ED of RF foods compared with FF equivalents.

Results: Both FF and RF foods were more energy-dense than the Australian diet and the HF vegetable-based dishes were less energy-dense. The Australian diet showed significant relationships with ED, which were positive for percentage energy as fat and negative for percentage energy as carbohydrate. There were no such relationships for the products with RF claims or for the HF vegetable-based dishes.

Conclusion: While, overall, a reduced-fat diet is relatively energy-dilute and is likely to protect against weight gain, there appear to be two important exceptions. A high intake of products with RF claims could lead to a relatively energy-dense diet and thus promote weight gain. Alternatively, a high intake of vegetable-based foods, even with substantial added fat, could reduce ED and protect against weight gain.


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A key goal of pre-exercise nutritional strategies is to maximize carbohydrate stores, thereby minimizing the ergolytic effects of carbohydrate depletion. Increased dietary carbohydrate intake in the days before competition increases muscle glycogen levels and enhances exercise performance in endurance events lasting 90 min or more. Ingestion of carbohydrate 3-4 h before exercise increases liver and muscle glycogen and enhances subsequent endurance exercise performance. The effects of carbohydrate ingestion on blood glucose and free fatty acid concentrations and carbohydrate oxidation during exercise persist for at least 6 h. Although an increase in plasma insulin following carbohydrate ingestion in the hour before exercise inhibits lipolysis and liver glucose output, and can lead to transient hypoglycaemia during subsequent exercise in susceptible individuals, there is no convincing evidence that this is always associated with impaired exercise performance. However, individual experience should inform individual practice. Interventions to increase fat availability before exercise have been shown to reduce carbohydrate utilization during exercise, but do not appear to have ergogenic benefits.


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The incidence of obesity in both adults and children is rising at a rapid rate in most developed countries, including in Australia. Some obese people are seeking to place the blame for their condition on the fast-food industry, as demonstrated by the recent litigation in the United States brought by two obese plaintiffs against McDonald's. This litigation was unsuccessful, and on existing Australian negligence principles any similar litigation commenced here is likely to suffer the same fate. Principles of personal responsibility, autonomy and free will should prevail to deny a negligence claim. The risk of obesity and concomitant health problems from eating fast food to excess is an obvious risk which the plaintiff should not have ignored and which he or she has voluntarily assumed. It is for the Australian Government, not the courts, to regulate the behaviour of the fast-food industry. The government should take action by requiring all major fast-food chains to label their products with nutritional information, and by imposing restrictions on the advertising of food to children.


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The global obesity pandemic has been well-documented and widely discussed by the public, the media, health officials, the food industry and academic researchers. While the problem is widely recognised, the potential solutions are far less clear. There is only limited evidence to guide decisions as to how best to manage obesity in individuals and in populations. While widely viewed as a clinical and public health problem in developed countries, it is now clear that many developing countries also have to grapple with this problem or face the crippling healthcare costs resulting from obesity-related morbidity. There is also abundant evidence that obesity is socio-economically distributed. In developed countries persons of lower socio-economic position are more likely to be affected, while in developing countries, it is often those of higher socio-economic position who are overweight or obese. The aim of this paper is to briefly review the evidence that links socio-economic position and obesity, to discuss what is known about underlying mechanisms, and to consider the role of social, physical, policy and cultural environments in explaining the relationships between socio-economic position and obesity. We introduce the concept of ‘resilience’ as a potential theoretical construct to guide research efforts aimed at understanding how some socio-economically disadvantaged individuals manage to avoid obesity. We conclude by considering an agenda to guide future research and programs focused on understanding and reducing obesity among those of low socio-economic position.


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Ingestion of carbohydrate during exercise may blunt the stimulation of fat oxidative pathways by raising plasma insulin and glucose concentrations and lowering plasma free fatty acid (FFA) levels, thereby causing a marked shift in substrate oxidation. We investigated the effects of a single 2-h bout of moderate-intensity exercise on the expression of key genes involved in fat and carbohydrate metabolism with or without glucose ingestion in seven healthy untrained men (22.7 ± 0.6 yr; body mass index: 23.8 ± 1.0 kg/m2; maximal O2 consumption: 3.85 ± 0.21 l/min). Plasma FFA concentration increased during exercise (P < 0.01) in the fasted state but remained unchanged after glucose ingestion, whereas fat oxidation (indirect calorimetry) was higher in the fasted state vs. glucose feeding (P < 0.05). Except for a significant decrease in the expression of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase-4 (P < 0.05), glucose ingestion during exercise produced minimal effects on the expression of genes involved in carbohydrate utilization. However, glucose ingestion resulted in a decrease in the expression of genes involved in fatty acid transport and oxidation (CD36, carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1, uncoupling protein 3, and 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase-α2; P < 0.05). In conclusion, glucose ingestion during exercise decreases the expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism rather than increasing genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism.


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There has been an increase in Australia's intake of refugees and migrants from sub-Saharan Africa over the last two decades. These refugees have been exposed to nutritional risks prior to migration, which, together with changes associated with acculturation, impact on their health and nutritional status post-migration. However, there is a paucity of data in Australia that has examined the health and nutritional status of this ethnic minority in Australia. Despite basic research assessing the nutritional status of children, none have specifically concentrated on the health and nutritional situation of sub-Saharan refugee children. In the absence of such studies, this paper explores issues relating to obesity in sub-Saharan African refugee children within a cultural and public health framework. We begin by outlining the history of obesity and its cultural meaning. We then move to a consideration of predisposing factors for obesity and how these factors translate into obesity risk contexts of sub-Saharan refugees post-migration. We argue there are a number of key challenges related to culture and the relationship between socio-economic factors post-migration that require addressing by health professionals, dieticians and health educators to ensure the delivery of successful health outcomes.


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Casitas b-lineage lymphoma (c-Cbl) is a multiadaptor protein with E3-ubiquitin ligase activity involved in regulating the degradation of receptor tyrosine kinases. We have recently reported that c-Cbl–/– mice exhibit a lean phenotype and enhanced peripheral insulin action likely due to elevated energy expenditure. In the study reported here, we examined the effect of a high-fat diet on energy homeostasis and glucose metabolism in these animals. When c-Cbl–/– mice were fed a high-fat diet for 4 weeks, they maintained hyperphagia, higher whole-body oxygen consumption (27%), and greater activity (threefold) compared with wild-type animals fed the same diet. In addition, the activity of several enzymes involved in mitochondrial fat oxidation and the phosphorylation of acetyl CoA carboxylase was significantly increased in muscle of high-fat–fed c-Cbl–deficient mice, indicating a greater capacity for fat oxidation in these animals. As a result of these differences, fat-fed c-Cbl–/– mice were 30% leaner than wild-type animals and were protected against high-fat diet–induced insulin resistance. These studies are consistent with a role for c-Cbl in regulating nutrient partitioning in skeletal muscle and emphasize the potential of c-Cbl as a therapeutic target in the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes.


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Inulin and oligofructose were used as fat replacers in Anzac cookies, blueberry muffins, carrot cake, chocolate cake, lemon cheesecake, ice cream, and beef sausages at levels ranging from 4 to 13g/100g, achieving a significant reduction in fat content (20% to 80% relative). These foods were rated as acceptable by an untrained taste panel, but scored consistently lower than their full-fat counterparts (controls). Regression analysis showed that, unlike the controls, texture was more important than flavor in determining overall acceptability of the low-fat foods. Inulin and oligofructose are readily incorporated into bakery and meat formulations, but their use might be limited by adverse physiological effects when consumed at high levels.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether reducing dietary fat would reduce body weight and improve long-term glycemia in people with glucose intolerance. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A 5-year Follow-up of a 1-year randomized controlled trial of a reduced-fat ad libitum diet versus a usual diet. Participants with glucose intolerance (2-h blood glucose 7.0-11.0 mmol/l) were recruited from a Workforce Diabetes Survey. The group that was randomized to a reduced-fat diet participated in monthly small-group education sessions on reduced-fat eating for 1 year. Body weight and glucose tolerance were measured in 136 participants at baseline 6 months, and 1 year (end of intervention), with follow-up at 2 years (n = l04), 3 years (n = 99), and 5 years (n = 103). RESULTS: Compared with the control group, weight decreased in the reduced-fat-diet group (P < 0.0001); the greatest difference was noted at 1 year (-3.3 kg), diminished at subsequent follow-up (-3.2 kg at 2 years and -1.6 kg at 3 years), and was no longer present by 5 years (1.1 kg). Glucose tolerance also improved in patients on the reduced-fat diet; a lower proportion had type 2 diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance at 1 year (47 vs. 67%, P < 0.05), but in subsequent years, there were no differences between groups. However, the more compliant 50% of the intervention group maintained lower fasting and 2-h glucose at 5 years (P = 0.041 and P = 0.026 respectively) compared with control subjects. CONCLUSIONS: The natural history for people at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes is weight gain and deterioration in glucose tolerance. This process may be ameliorated through adherence to a reduced fat intake


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Obesity is a significant health problem in Australia and other developed countries and acculturation is one fo the many risk factors. This new book summarizes acculturation and anthropometric outcomes among sub-Saharan African migrants in Australia. The book further examines the relationship between acculturation and food, energy and nutrient intake and physical activity. Some policy recommendations are proposed.


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Background and aim
As an evaluation of fatty acid intake measurement, our aim was to examine associations between diet and plasma phospholipid (PL) fatty acids, and whether these were modified by age, sex, country of birth, fasting status, use of cholesterol-lowering medication, body size, chronic disease and other lifestyle factors.

Methods and results
Cross-sectional analysis of plasma PL fatty acid composition and dietary fatty acid intake over 12 months from a 121-item food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) in 4439 men and women aged 40–69 years, born in Australia, Greece or Italy. Crude correlation coefficients ranged from 0.18 to 0.40; and corrected correlation coefficients from 0.38 to 0.78 for total monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, n-6, n-3 fatty acids, oleic acid, linoleic acid, EPA and DHA. Weaker associations were observed for other fatty acids. The associations did not vary significantly by fasting status, use of lipid lowering medication or alcohol intake, but for some fatty acids did vary by sex, age, body mass index, country of birth, smoking and previous heart attack or diabetes.

The FFQ provides useful information on intakes of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Correlations did not differ by fasting status, or use of lipid-lowering medication.


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In vitro studies have demonstrated that angiotensin II (ANG II) induces adipocyte hyperplasia and hypertrophy. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition on body weight, adiposity and blood pressure in Sprague–Dawley rats. From birth half of the animals (n = 15) were given water to drink, while the remainder were administered perindopril in their drinking water (2 mg/kg/day). Food intake, water intake and body weight were measured weekly. Blood pressure was measured by tail cuff plethysmography at 11-weeks. Body fat content and distribution were assessed using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 12 weeks. Animals administered with perindopril had a body fat proportion that was half that of controls. This was consistent with, but disproportionately greater than the observed differences in food intake and body weight. Perindopril treatment completely removed hypertension. We conclude that the chronic inhibition of ANG II synthesis from birth specifically reduces the development of adiposity in the rat.


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Sixteen female cross-bred (Large White × Landrace) pigs (initial weight 65 kg) with venous catheters were randomly allocated to four treatment groups in a 2×2 factorial design. The respective factors were dietary fat (25 or 100 g/kg) and dietary conjugated linoleic acid (CLA; 0 or 10 g CLA-55/kg). Pigs were fed every 3 h (close to ad libitum digestible energy intake) for 8 d and were bled frequently. Plasma glucose and non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) responses to insulin and adrenaline challenges were determined on day 8. Plasma concentrations of NEFA were significantly increased (10·5 and 5·4 % for low- and high-fat diets respectively, P=0·015) throughout the experiment, suggesting that there was a possible increase in fat mobilisation. The increase in lipolysis, an indicator of ß-adrenergic stimulated lipolysis, was also evident in the NEFA response to adrenaline. However, the increase in plasma triacylglycerol (11·0 and 7·1 % for low- and high-fat diets respectively, P=0·008) indicated that CLA could have reduced fat accretion via decreased adipose tissue triacylglycerol synthesis from preformed fatty acids, possibly through reduced lipoprotein lipase activity. Plasma glucose, the primary substrate for de novo lipid synthesis, and plasma insulin levels were unaffected by dietary CLA suggesting that de novo lipid synthesis was largely unaffected (P=0·24 and P=0·30 respectively). In addition, the dietary CLA had no effect upon the ability of insulin to stimulate glucose removal.