145 resultados para vegetables


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Perceptions that fruit and vegetables are expensive are more common among the socio-economically disadvantaged groups and are linked to poor dietary outcomes. Such perceptions may be exacerbated in countries recently affected by natural disasters, where devastation of fruit and vegetable crops has resulted in increase in prices of fruit and vegetables. Examining the associations of perceptions of fruit and vegetable affordability and children's diets can offer insights into how the high prices of fruit and vegetables might have an impact on the diets of children.
We analysed the data from 546 socio-economically disadvantaged mother–child pairs to assess the relationship between maternal perceptions of fruit and vegetable affordability and the diets of their children.
Fruit consumption was lower among children whose mothers felt the cost of fruit was too high. Maternal perceptions of fruit and vegetable affordability were not associated with any other aspect of child's diet.
Our results suggest a possible role for maternal perceptions of fruit affordability in children's diet, though further research is warranted.


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Aim:  This study compared the diets of breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding mothers from socioeconomically diverse regions of Melbourne to determine whether breastfeeding is a marker for healthier maternal dietary intakes.

  This cross-sectional study obtained information via self-reported questionnaire from 529 first-time Melbourne mothers. Breastfeeding status was determined when the children were 3.9 months. Diet information was obtained using a validated Food Frequency Questionnaire. Maternal diet was assessed by seven indicators: average daily intake of fruit, vegetables, non-core drinks, non-core sweet snacks, non-core savoury snacks, variety of fruit and variety of vegetables eaten in the preceding 12 months. Associations between breastfeeding status and each dietary variable were assessed using linear regression analyses. Socioeconomic position, maternal body mass index and the cluster-based sampling design were controlled for.

  Of the 529 subjects, 70% were breastfeeding their child. Compared with non-breastfeeding mothers, breastfeeding mothers were found to consume more serves of vegetables (P= 0.001), a greater variety of fruit and vegetables (P= 0.001 and P≤ 0.001 respectively), and sweet snacks were consumed more frequently (P= 0.006). Differences were observed between low and high socioeconomic position mothers for fruit serves (P= 0.003), vegetable serves (P= 0.010) and fruit variety (P= 0.006). These associations persisted after controlling for socioeconomic position and maternal body mass index.

The association between infant feeding (breastfeeding) and some aspects of maternal diet provides further evidence suggesting a link between maternal and child diets from a younger age than previously examined.


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Issue addressed: Many children consume excessive amounts of energy-dense, nutrient-poor (EDNP) or 'extra' foods and low intakes of fruit and vegetables. The aim of this study was to examine the associations between EDNP foods and ascertain whether certain EDNP foods and beverages are more likely to be eaten in association with other EDNP foods.

Methods: A cross-sectional representative population survey of children in preschool (n=764), and of school students in Years K, 2 and 4 (n=1,560) and in Years 6, 8 and 10 (n=1,685) residing in the Hunter New England region of New South Wales, Australia. Dietary data were collected using a short food frequency questionnaire. Multivariate logistic regression models examined the association between EDNP foods and fruit and vegetable intake. Data were stratified by sex and age cohort.

Results: More frequent consumption of some EDNP food types was significantly associated with more frequent consumption of other EDNP foods. Fast food and soft drinks consumption were associated with each other as well as with fried potato and salty snacks; and with lower intakes of fruit and vegetables in some but not all age groups.

Conclusion: The positive associations found between EDNP foods point towards the existence of a high-risk group of children who frequently consume a variety of EDNP foods and drinks.


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Objective Perceptions that fruit and vegetables are expensive have been found to be associated with lower consumption of fruit and vegetables among disadvantaged women; however, the determinants of these perceptions are relatively unknown. The purpose of the current paper is to examine whether perceived availability and quality of fruit and vegetables, and social support for healthy eating, are associated with perceptions of fruit and vegetable affordability among women residing in disadvantaged neighbourhoods.

Design Cross-sectional self-report survey.

Setting The study was conducted in Melbourne, Australia.

Subjects An Australian sample of 4131 women, aged 18–45 years, residing in neighbourhoods ranked in the lowest Victorian tertile of relative disadvantage by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, an index that considers aspects of disadvantage such as residents’ income, education, motor vehicle access and employment.

Results Results showed that irrespective of education, income and other key covariates, women who perceived poor availability and quality of fruit and vegetables in their local neighbourhood were more likely to perceive fruit and vegetables as expensive.

Conclusions Our results suggest that perceptions of fruit and vegetable affordability are not driven exclusively by lack of financial or knowledge-related resources, but also by women's psychological response and interpretation of their local nutrition environment.


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Summary: Copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr) nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) contents of various vegetables (bitter melon, tomato, eggplant, lettuce, cucumber and bell pepper) produced in Rawalpindi, Pakistan was determined using Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). These plants are the basis of human nutrition in the study area. All vegetables grown at sewage water by farmers showed the highest contamination of heavy metals, followed by local market, Progressive farmers and hydroponic plant. The concentration ranges in mg/kg were (1.45 -2.55) for Cd, (3.10 to 4.92) Cr, (12.15- 20.50) Cu, (25.00-51.00) for Fe, (7.80 to 15.60) for Mn, (10.16 to 15.42) for Ni, (2.12 to 5.41) Pb and (16.58 to 24.08) for zinc. The contamination was above the Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs), set out by WHO. Irregular trends in concentration were also observed in vegetables obtained from local market, progressive farmers and hydroponic plant.


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Objective: To estimate the prevalence of constipation and laxative use in a sample of people 65 years and over and examine relationships between usual diet and constipation.
Design: A mailed survey using validated instruments to measure bowel habit and laxative use with follow-up interviews to collect dietary data.
Subjects and setting: Three hundred and thirty people aged 65 years and over living at home in Melbourne were randomly selected from the electoral roll of a federal electorate.
Statistical analysis: Descriptive statistics, frequencies and two sample t-tests were used.
Results: Seventy-nine people responded to the mailed bowel survey and 61 were interviewed to collect food intake data. The proportion of constipated people was approximately one quarter (n = 18). Laxative use in the previous 12 months was reported by a fifth of respondents and in these subjects one in four was not constipated. Analysis of the dietary data revealed that the average number of cereal and vegetable serves consumed per day was similar to the national average but less than recommended by nutrition bodies although fruit intake met these recommendations. Constipated subjects consumed fewer serves from the cereals food group than those who were not constipated (2.9 and 3.5 serves respectively, P = 0.03).
Conclusion: Constipation and laxative use appears to be as common in older Australians as in similar populations overseas. Low intake of cereal foods may be a contributing factor.


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A short questionnaire was completed by 276 South Australian consumers, which examined postulated relationships between personal values, food lifestyle, demographics and their usual consumption of 24 vegetables. Principal components analyses showed that consumers' vegetable consumption could be divided into several categories, most notably salad and boiled vegetables. In multiple regression analyses different sets of values and lifestyle factors predicted intakes of overall vegetable (Rsq=27 per cent), salad (16 per cent) and boiled (27 per cent) vegetables. Path analysis revealed a complex set of pathways leading from values and personal demographics through motives, perceived food attributes and cooking skills to consumption. These partly confirmed the food lifestyle model proposed by Grunert et al. The findings show that vegetable consumption has a number of contextual and cognitive antecedents but strongly suggest that other likely predictive variables require investigation.


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Objective: To test the hypothesis that many foods with reduced-fat (RF) claims are relatively energy-dense and that high-fat (HF) vegetable-based dishes are relatively energy-dilute.

Design: Nutrient data were collected from available foods in Melbourne supermarkets that had an RF claim and a full-fat (FF) equivalent. Nutrient analyses were also conducted on recipes for HF vegetable-based dishes that had more than 30% energy from fat but less than 10% from saturated fat. The dietary intake data (beverages removed) from the 1995 National Nutrition Survey were used for the reference relationships between energy density (ED) and percentage energy as fat and carbohydrate and percentage of water by weight.

Statistics: Linear regression modelled relationships of macronutrients and ED. Paired t-tests compared observed and predicted reductions in the ED of RF foods compared with FF equivalents.

Results: Both FF and RF foods were more energy-dense than the Australian diet and the HF vegetable-based dishes were less energy-dense. The Australian diet showed significant relationships with ED, which were positive for percentage energy as fat and negative for percentage energy as carbohydrate. There were no such relationships for the products with RF claims or for the HF vegetable-based dishes.

Conclusion: While, overall, a reduced-fat diet is relatively energy-dilute and is likely to protect against weight gain, there appear to be two important exceptions. A high intake of products with RF claims could lead to a relatively energy-dense diet and thus promote weight gain. Alternatively, a high intake of vegetable-based foods, even with substantial added fat, could reduce ED and protect against weight gain.


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A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods has been shown to lower blood pressure (BP) when all foods are provided. We compared the effect on BP (measured at home) of 2 different self-selected diets: a low-sodium, high-potassium diet, rich in fruit and vegetables (LNAHK) and a high-calcium diet rich in low-fat dairy foods (HC) with a moderate-sodium, high-potassium, high-calcium DASH-type diet, high in fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy foods (OD). Subjects were randomly allocated to 2 test diets for 4 wk, the OD and either LNAHK or HC diet, each preceded by a 2 wk control diet (CD). The changes in BP between the preceding CD period and the test diet period (LNAHK or HC) were compared with the change between the CD and the OD periods. Of the 56 men and 38 women that completed the OD period, 43 completed the LNAHK diet period and 48 the HC diet period. The mean age was 55.6 ± 9.9 (±SD) years. There was a fall in systolic pressure between and the CD and OD [-1.8 ± 0.5 mm Hg (P < 0.001)]. Compared with OD, systolic and diastolic BPs fell during the LNAHK diet period [-3.5 ± 1.0 (P < 0.001) and -1.9 ± 0.7 (P < 0.05) mmHg, respectively] and increased during the HC diet period [+3.1 ± 0.9 (P < 0.01) and +0.8 ± 0.6 (P = 0.15) mm Hg, respectively]. A self-selected low-sodium, high-potassium diet resulted in a greater fall in BP than a multifaceted OD, confirming the beneficial effect of dietary intervention on BP in a community setting.


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Introduction: The burden of chronic diseases is rapidly increasing worldwide. In  Australia rural populations have a greater burden of disease. Chronic diseases are largely preventable with diet as a key risk factor. With respect to diet-related chronic disease, dietary risk may be due to poor food access, namely, poor availability and/or the high cost of healthy food. It is likely that poor food access is an issue in rural areas. Objective: To assess food access in rural south-west (SW) Victoria, Australia.

Methods: A total of 53 supermarkets and grocery stores in 42 towns participated in a survey of food cost and availability in the rural area of SW Victoria. The survey assessed availability and cost of a Healthy Food Access Basket (HFAB) which was designed to meet the nutritional needs of a family of 6 for 2 weeks.

Results: Seventy-two percent of the eligible shops in SW Victoria were surveyed. The study found that the complete HFAB was significantly more likely to be available in a town with a chain-owned store (p<0.00). The complete HFAB was less likely to be available from an independently owned store in a town with only one grocery shop (p<0.004). The average cost of the HFAB across SW Victoria was AU$380.30 ± $25.10 (mean ± SD). There was a mean range in difference of cost of the HFAB of $36.92. In particular, high variability was found in the cost of fruits and vegetables.

Conclusions: Cost and availability of healthy food may be compromised in rural areas. Implications: Improvements in food access in rural areas could reduce the high burden of disease suffered by rural communities.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to examine consumers' readiness to change to a plant-based diet. Design: Mail survey that included questions on readiness to change, eating habits and perceived benefits and barriers to the consumption of a plant-based diet. Setting: Victoria, Australia. Subjects: A total of 415 randomly selected adults. Results: In terms of their readiness to eat a plant-based diet, the majority (58%) of participants were in the precontemplation stage of change, while 14% were in contemplation/preparation, and 28% in action/maintenance. Those in the action/maintenance stage ate more fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole-meal bread, and cooked cereals than those in earlier stages. There were statistically significant differences in age and vegetarian status between the stages of change, but not for other demographic variables. There were strong differences across the stages of change with regard to perceived benefits and barriers to plant-based diets. For example, those in action/maintenance scored highest for benefit factors associated with well-being, weight, health, convenience and finances, whereas those in the precontemplation stage did not recognise such benefits. Conclusions: These findings can be utilised to help provide appropriate nutrition education and advertising, targeted at specific stages of change. For example, education about how it is possible to obtain iron and protein from a plant-based diet and on the benefits of change, in addition to tips on how to make a gradual, easy transition to a plant-based diet, could help progress precontemplators to later stages.


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Background: Weight loss reduces blood pressure, and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet has also been shown to lower blood pressure.

Objective: Our goal was to assess the effect on blood pressure of 2 weight-reduction diets: a low-fat diet (LF diet) and a moderate-sodium, high-potassium, high-calcium, low-fat DASH diet (WELL diet).

Design: After baseline measurements, 63 men were randomly assigned to either the WELL or the LF diet for 12 wk, and both diet groups undertook 0.5 h of moderate physical activity on most days of the week.

Results: Fifty-four men completed the study. Their mean (±SD) age was 47.9 ± 9.3 y (WELL diet, n = 27; LF diet, n = 27), and their mean baseline home systolic and diastolic blood pressures were 129.4 ± 11.3 and 80.6 ± 8.6 mm Hg, respectively. Body weight decreased by 4.9 ± 0.6 kg (±SEM) in the WELL group and by 4.6 ± 0.6 kg in the LF group (P < 0.001 for both). There was a greater decrease in blood pressure in the WELL group than in the LF group [between-group difference (week 12 –baseline) in both SBP (5.5 ± 1.9 mm Hg; P = 0.006) and DBP (4.4 ± 1.2 mm Hg; P = 0.001)].

Conclusions: For a comparable 5-kg weight loss, a diet high in low-fat dairy products, vegetables, and fruit (the WELL diet) resulted in a greater decrease in blood pressure than did the LF diet. This dietary approach to achieving weight reduction may confer an additional benefit in reducing blood pressure in those who are overweight.


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Low-carbohydrate diets have re-emerged into the public spotlight and are enjoying a high degree of popularity as people search for a solution to the population's ever-expanding waistline. The current evidence though indicates that low-carbohydrate diets present no significant advantage over more traditional energy-restricted diets on long-term weight loss and maintenance. Furthermore, a higher rate of adverse side-effects can be attributed to low-carbohydrate dieting approaches. Short-term efficacy of low-carbohydrate diets has been demonstrated for some lipid parameters of cardiovascular risk and measures of glucose control and insulin sensitivity, but no studies have ascertained if these effects represent a change in primary outcome measures. Low-carbohydrate diets are likely effective and not harmful in the short term and may have therapeutic benefits for weight-related chronic diseases although weight loss on such a program should be undertaken under medical supervision. While new commercial incarnations of the low-carbohydrate diet are now addressing overall dietary adequacy by encouraging plenty of high-fibre vegetables, fruit, low-glycaemic-index carbohydrates and healthier fat sources, this is not the message that reaches the entire public nor is it the type of diet adopted by many people outside of the world of a well-designed clinical trial. Health effects of long-term ad hoc restriction of inherently beneficial food groups without a concomitant reduction in body weight remains unanswered.


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The consumption of vegetables containing the flavonols quercetin and kaempferol reduces the risk of cancer. We utilized human gut (HuTu-80 and Caco-2) and breast cancer cells (PMC42) to show the synergistic effect of quercetin and kaempferol in reducing cell proliferation. A trend in reduction of total cell counts was seen following a single exposure, a 4-day exposure or a 14-day exposure to quercetin and kaempferol. Combined treatments with quercetin and kaempferol were more effective than the additive effects of each flavonol. The reduction in cell proliferation was associated with decreased expression of nuclear proliferation antigen Ki67 and decreased total protein levels in treated cells relative to controls. In conclusion, the synergistic antiproliferative effect of quercetin and kaempferol demonstrated in cultured human cells has broad implications for understanding the influence of dietary nutrients in vivo, where anticancer effects may be a result of nutrients which act in concert.