81 resultados para unilateral loading


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Objective: To investigate the reliability and validity of five squat-based loading tests that are clinically appropriate for jumper's knee. The loading tests were step up, double leg squat, double leg squat on a 25-degree decline (decline squat), single leg decline squat, and decline hop. Design: Cross-sectional controlled cohort. Subjects without knee pain comprised controls, those with extensor tendon pain comprised the jumper's knee group. Setting: Institutional athlete study group in Australia. Participants: Fifty-six elite adolescent basketball players participated in this study, thirteen comprised the jumper's knee group, fifteen athletes formed a control group. Intervention: Each subject performed each loading test for baseline and reliability data on the first testing day. Subjects then performed three days of intensive (6 h daily) basketball training, after which each loading test was reexamined. Main outcome measures: Eleven point interval scale for pain. Results: The tests that best detected a change in pain due to intensive workload were the single leg decline squat and single leg decline hop. This study found that decline tests have better discriminative ability than the standard squat to detect change in jumper's knee pain due to intensive training. The typical error for these tests ranged from 0.3 to 0.5, however, caution should be exercised in the interpretation of these reliability figures due to relatively low scores. Conclusions: The single leg decline squat is recommended in the physical assessment of adolescent jumper's knee. The decline squat was selected as the best clinical test over the decline hop because it was easier to standardise performance.


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Before exercise prescription for bone health can be recommended, the relationship between mechanical loading characteristics and the skeletal response need to be quantified. We asked i) does moderate impact exercise result in a greater gain in BMC than low impact exercise, ii) what are the loading characteristics associated with a moderate and low impact exercise program and does this differ from non-structured play?, and iii) does loading history affect the osteogenic response to a moderate or low impact program?

Sixty-eight pre- and early-pubertal girls (aged 8.9 +/- 0.2 yrs) were randomized to take part in a moderate or low impact exercise program 3 times/wk for 8.5 mnths. The number and type of loads associated with the exercise classes and non-structured play (recess) were assessed from video footage. The magnitude of load was assessed using a pedar in-sole mobile system. Hours of moderate and high impact organized sport were assessed from a physical activity questionnaire.

The moderate and low impact exercise programs consisted of -400 impacts per class, but the jumping, hopping and dynamic activities performed during the moderate impact program produced forces ranging from 2 to 4 times body weight (BW) compared to -1 BW for the low impact program. Moderate impact exercise resulted in a 2.7% greater gain in BMC at the tibia compared to the low impact exercise. The moderate impact exercise program consisted of fewer low impacts (1-2 BW) and a higher number of moderate impacts (2-4BW) compared to those typically performed during non-structured play. There were greater gains in BMC in subjects participating in the moderate versus the low impact exercise programs who participated in 2 to 3 hours of moderate impact sports outside school (2.5% to 4.5%, p

Approximately 400 impacts ranging 2-4 BW, 3 times/wk was enough stimuli to result in an osteogenic response in normally active girls; even in those actively involved in moderate impact sports outside school.


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This paper presents a topological sorting based algorithm for logit network loading problem to exclude all cycles by removing certain links from loops. The new algorithm calculates the link weights and flows according to topological order. It produces the theoretical results for networks without loops. Numerical examples show that the new algorithm can reduce errors introduced by the strict definition of 'reasonable route' in Dial's algorithm.


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Pre- and early puberty seem to be the most opportune times for exercise to  improve bone strength in girls, but few studies have addressed this issue in boys. This study investigated the site-, surface-, and maturity-specific exercise-induced changes in bone mass and geometry in young boys. The osteogenic effects of loading were analyzed by comparing the playing and nonplaying humeri of 43 male pre-, peri-, and postpubertal competitive tennis players 10-19 yr of age. Total bone area, medullary area, and cortical area were determined at the mid (40-50%) and distal humerus (60-70%) of both arms using MRI. Humeral bone mass (BMC) was derived from a whole body DXA scan. In prepubertal boys, BMC was 17% greater in the playing compared with nonplaying arm (p < 0.001), which was accompanied by a 12-21% greater cortical area, because of greater periosteal expansion than medullary expansion at the midhumerus and periosteal expansion associated with medullary contraction at the distal humerus. Compared with prepuberty, the side-to-side differences in BMC (27%) and cortical area (20-33%) were greater in peripuberty (p < 0.01). No differences were found between peri- and postpuberty despite longer playing history in the postpubertal players.The osteogenic response to loading was greater in peri- compared with prepubertal boys, which is in contrast with our previous findings in girls and may be caused by differences in training history. This suggests that the window of opportunity to improve bone mass and size through exercise may be longer in boys than in girls.


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This paper presents an algorithm used to solve a carton to pallet packing problem in a drink manufacturing firm. The aim was to determine the cartons loading sequence and the number pallets required, prior to dispatch by truck. The algorithm consists of a series of nine parts to solve this industrial application problem. The pallet loading solution relatively computationally efficient and reduces the number pallets required, compared to other 'trail and error' or manual spreadsheet calculation methods.


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Scheduling check-in station operations are a challenging problem within airport systems. Prior to determining check-in resource schedules, an important step is to estimate the Baggage Handling System (BHS) operating capacity under non-stationary conditions. This ensures that check-in stations are not overloaded with bags, which would adversely affect the system and cause cascade stops and blockages. Cascading blockages can potentially lead to a poor level of service and in worst scenario a customer may depart without their bags. This paper presents an empirical study of a multiobjective problem within a BHS system. The goal is to estimate near optimal input operating conditions, such that no blockages occurs at check-in stations, while minimising the baggage travel time and maximising the throughput performance measures. We provide a practical hybrid simulation and binary search technique to determine a near optimal input throughput operating condition. The algorithm generates capacity constraint information that may be used by a scheduler to plan check-in operations based on flight arrival schedules.


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The results of this thesis indicate that vegetarianism and prior exercise can increase skeletal muscle creatine loading. The mechanisms by which these phenomena occur remain unknown but may be related to changes in the gene expression of a cellular pump within the muscle known as the "creatine transporter".


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This work focussed on how tubular steel structures similar to that in frontal car frames deform under crash conditions. The novelty comes from finding three crash modes: axial crush, transitional and global bending. Each mode was categorised by reaction force and energy absorption, this allowing for better structural design practices.