38 resultados para residential buildings


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Even though the use of off-site production in the construction process for residential buildings is seen as a viable means of increasing the level of sustainability with respects to its significant economic, environmental and social contributions, there have been very few studies to-date into off-site construction within the context of developing countries where the places have crucial demands for accommodations. Accordingly this research involves the rapidly growing developing nation, China, as a representative developing country with the objective to investigate the current status of off-site practices in the urban residential construction sector. This paper also examines the factors affecting demand for and potential barriers against a wider uptake of off-site technologies in China. The findings provide a rare insight into off-site construction in China’s housing industry and this information will be transferable to other developing countries. This study also contributes to a broader understanding about the off-site construction in developing from an international perspective.


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Buildings have a significant impact on environmental quality, resource use, human health and productivity. One definition of sustainable building is that which meets current building needs and reduces impacts on future generations by integrating building materials and methods that promote environmental quality, economic vitality, and social benefit’ (City of Seattle, 2006). In response to a changing view of
sustainability the Building Code of Australia (BCA) adopted energy measures in 2005 to residential buildings and, in 2006, to Class 1 – 9 buildings. In many respects the measures represented a watershed for the Australian Building Regulations which had not included sustainability within the BCA. The goals of the BCA are to enable the achievement and maintenance of acceptable standards of structural sufficiency, safety (including safety from fire), health and amenity for the benefit of the community now and in the future (ABCB, 2004a). As with any change some Building Surveyors and construction practitioners viewed these measures with apprehension. How would the measures be assessed? Furthermore, was the BCA the appropriate place for these measures and was this a broadening of the scope of the building regulations beyond
its traditional remit of health and life safety in buildings? This research used a questionnaire survey the canvass the views and perceptions of Building Surveyors and Architects with regards to sustainability and the BCA in 2006.


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The impacts on the environment from human activities are of increasing concern. The need to consider the reduction in energy consumption is of particular interest, especially in the construction and operation of buildings, which accounts for between 30 and 40% of Australia's national energy consumption. Much past and more recent emphasis has been placed on methods for reducing the energy consumed in the operation of buildings. With the energy embodied in these buildings having been shown to account for an equally large proportion of a building's life cycle energy consumption, there is a need to look at ways of reducing the embodied energy of buildings and related products. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is considered to be the most appropriate tool for assessing the life cycle energy consumption of buildings and their products. The life cycle inventory analysis (LCIA) step of a LCA, where an inventory of material and energy inputs is gathered, may currently suffer from several limitations, mainly concerned with the use of incomplete and unreliable data sources and LCIA methods. These traditional methods of LCIA include process-based and input-output-based LCIA. Process-based LCIA uses process specific data, whilst input-output-based LCIA uses data produced from an analysis of the flow of goods and services between sectors of the Australian economy, also known as input-output data. With the incompleteness and unreliability of these two respective methods in mind, hybrid LCIA methods have been developed to minimise the errors associated with traditional LCIA methods, combining both process and input-output data. Hybrid LCIA methods based on process data have shown to be incomplete. Hybrid LCIA methods based on input-output data involve substituting available process data into the input-output model minimising the errors associated with process-based hybrid LCIA methods. However, until now, this LCIA method had not been tested for its level of completeness and reliability. The aim of this study was to assess the reliability and completeness of hybrid life cycle inventory analysis, as applied to the Australian construction industry. A range of case studies were selected in order to apply the input-output-based hybrid LCIA method and evaluate the subsequent results as obtained from each case study. These case studies included buildings: two commercial office buildings, two residential buildings, a recreational building; and building related products: a solar hot water system, a building integrated photovoltaic system and a washing machine. The range of building types and products selected assisted in testing the input-output-based hybrid LCIA method for its applicability across a wide range of product types. The input-output-based hybrid LCIA method was applied to each of the selected case studies in order to obtain their respective embodied energy results. These results were then evaluated with the use of a number of evaluation methods. These evaluation methods included an analysis of the difference between the process-based and input-output-based hybrid LCIA results as an evaluation of the completeness of the process-based LCIA method. The second method of evaluation used was a comparison between equivalent process and input-output values used in the input-output-based hybrid LCIA method as a measure of reliability. It was found that the results from a typical process-based LCIA and process-based hybrid LCIA have a large gap when compared to input-output-based hybrid LCIA results (up to 80%). This gap has shown that the currently available quantity of process data in Australia is insufficient. The comparison between equivalent process-based and input-output-based LCIA values showed that the input-output data does not provide a reliable representation of the equivalent process values, for material energy intensities, material inputs and whole products. Therefore, the use of input-output data to account for inadequate or missing process data is not reliable. However, as there is currently no other method for filling the gaps in traditional process-based LCIA, and as input-output data is considered to be more complete than process data, and the errors may be somewhat lower, using input-output data to fill the gaps in traditional process-based LCIA appears to be better than not using any data at all. The input-output-based hybrid LCIA method evaluated in this study has shown to be the most sophisticated and complete currently available LCIA method for assessing the environmental impacts associated with buildings and building related products. This finding is significant as the construction and operation of buildings accounts for a large proportion of national energy consumption. The use of the input-output-based hybrid LCIA method for products other than those related to the Australian construction industry may be appropriate, especially if the material inputs of the product being assessed are similar to those typically used in the construction industry. The input-output-based hybrid LCIA method has been used to correct some of the errors and limitations associated with previous LCIA methods, without the introduction of any new errors. Improvements in current input-output models are also needed, particularly to account for the inclusion of capital equipment inputs (i.e. the energy required to manufacture the machinery and other equipment used in the production of building materials, products etc.). Although further improvements in the quantity of currently available process data are also needed, this study has shown that with the current available embodied energy data for LCIA, the input-output-based hybrid LCIA appears to provide the most reliable and complete method for use in assessing the environmental impacts of the Australian construction industry.


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The significance of this research is that it is the first comprehensive analysis of cost performance across Australia. It is well known that measuring cost performance is not an easy task; comparisons of building projects on a `like-for-like’ basis are uncommon, and rarely occur in the real world. However, this paper analyses 120 different structural frame models that represent various; structural designs, construction methods, grid spans, and locations.

The research produced price models that were representative of structural frames used in medium-rise non-residential buildings. It is based on pricing a number of standard building frame designs in five Australian cities. The results represent the cost of producing the same building in different locations, using similar building construction techniques. By utilizing a standard model, project variables like building quality, ground conditions and access were eradicated, thereby facilitating an unbiased comparison of cost performance. I addition, the results are an indicator of building productivity based on costs per square metre of various construction types.

This research provides the Australian industry with robust data about the relative cost performance of various structural building frames. In addition, this research has wider implications because the models may also become useful data for the measuring relative cost performance in other countries.


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User behaviour significantly affects energy consumption simulation estimates, which can consequently influence architectural design decisions at an early stage. Different regional behavioural patterns could, therefore, hinder the applicability of certain architectural and environmental strategies. Through questionnaires analysis and field studies, this study investigates the pattern use of manual control of windows, shading and air condition units, in residential buildings in Greece, during summer. Initial findings of the analysis indicate significant interaction of Greek residents with the building shell, in their effort to maintain comfort.


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Governments in Australia are faced with policy implementation that mandates higher energy efficient housing (Foran, Lenzen & Dey 2005). To this effect, the National Construction Code (NCC) 2013 stipulates the minimum energy performance for residential buildings as 114MJ/m2 per annum or 6 stars on an energy rating scale. Compliance with this minimum is mandatory but there are several methods through which residential buildings can be rated to comply with the deemed to satisfy provisions outlined in the NCC. FirstRate5 is by far the most commonly used simulation software used in Victoria, Australia. Meanwhile, Building Information Modelling (BIM), using software such as ArchiCAD has gained a foothold in the industry. The energy simulation software within ArchiCAD, EcoDesigner, enables the reporting on the energy performance based on BIM elements that contain thermal information. This research is founded on a comparative study between FirstRate5 and EcoDesigner. Three building types were analysed and compared. The comparison finds significant differences between simulations, being, measured areas, thermal loads and potentially serious shortcomings within FirstRate5, that are discussed along with the future potential of a fully BIM-integrated model for energy rating certification in Victoria. © 2014, The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), Hong Kong.


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Information about indoor air temperatures in residential buildings is of interest for a range of reasons, e.g. the health and comfort of occupants, energy demand for space heating and cooling. To date there have been few long term studies that measure and characterise indoor air temperatures in Australian homes. New primary research undertaken by the authors measured temperatures in 273 homes over the period 2011 to 2014 in seven climate zones, from Melbourne in the south to Cairns in the north of Australia. Humidity data was also collected in 20 homes. This paper is a description of the data collected and the subsequent analysis.

Indoor temperatures were compared with outdoor temperatures and a mathematical model was fitted to the data. In general, monthly average indoor temperatures were found to be 2 degreesC higher than monthly average outdoor temperatures, apart from periods with consistently cold weather, where the monthly average outdoor temperature was less than 20 degreesC, which were found to have larger differences. The indoor temperature model developed has been compared with data measured by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in 438 homes in three Australian cities. The model developed using project measurements are highly consistent with the CSIRO data.

Further data collection compared indoor and outdoor humidity in 20 houses in Sydney and Melbourne. The indoor humidity ratio was found to be, on average, slightly higher than outdoors, but indoor levels generally track outdoor levels quite closely. This is likely due to the high air exchange rate in most houses.


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The sea change phenomenon has attracted new residents to Australian coastal towns and brought with it expectations of residential housing formed in metropolitan settings. Consequently, the traditional ‘identifying’ neighbourhood character of these towns is changing. Much larger houses are now being built and site coverage has increased. To date, changes in character have been measured using data based on the subjective judgement of residents through surveys and interviews. More objective information would be beneficial in understanding change. This paper describes a methodology that has been developed to quantify the change in the building footprint in the historic coastal town of Queenscliff in Victoria. Using selected aerial photographs, the building footprint of the town's residential buildings has been estimated at four intervals from 1957 until 2006. This footprint has been compared to the block size at each interval so that changes in house-to-block ratio may be compared. Over 20% of the residential homes were assessed. Building footprint has risen from 30% to over 38% in the documented 50 years. The method developed here is a low-cost method of tracking footprint change over an extended period and informing local planners and residents of when and where the changes have occurred.


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This paper explores the use of tradition by the redevelopment project ofXin Tian Di (New Heaven and Earth) in Shanghai. The paper also identifies the implications of this urban redevelopment project to historic quarters in Chinese cities. An enormous commercial success and new Shanghai icon, Xin Tian Di project has transformed a former residential neighbourhood into a high end entertainment precinct. While the redevelopment ofXin Tian Di has retained the architectural features of the place, the use and interpretation of tradition by the project is problematic. The project shows a tendency where the established idea of tradition is destabilised and challenged. It also highlights issues of cultural authenticity in the redevelopment of historic quarters.


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Globally, there has been enhanced media -and public interest in tall buildings following the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York. In the Arab region, tall buildings have also become an important topic of debate. The Middle East is set to grow significantly over the next two decades. Soaring population and jobs growth will increase demands for the better use of residential and commercial office space. This is a vital issue for the growth in the economy of the region. The number of construction sites for tall buildings in the Arab world is staggering when compared to European developments. A statistical review of tall buildings has shown for example that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) by the year 2010 will outnumber UK and Germany together in the number of 30+ floors buildings by reaching (446 UAE) compared to [243 UK(130) + Germany(113)]. Today high buildings are considered flagship developments not only in the Arab World but also worldwide that play an important part in regeneration. Tall buildings are likely to continue to be relevant to the master planning of areas with good public transport access and capacity. A successful tall building must adhere to a set of clear urban design guidelines that affect the following areas: edges, use, public space, urban integration and environmental factors. This paper addresses this issue. The challenge for architects, urban designers, and planners in the Arab world is to provide the right type and quality of new space and new place that won't undermine the question of identity. The paper explores the nature of tall buildings in the Arab region and provides examples of the positive and negative transformation of the urban environments in a number of locales. The paper concludes by drawing some guidelines for future development of tall buildings in the Arab World.


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Australia’s residential development industry is at least superficially embracing environmental and sustainability issues in urban design. Rapidly emerging use of recycled water, lower impact outfalls, the use of roof water and water sensitive design for both housing and landscapes are all trends of interest to the property profession. There is particular interest in the cost of meeting end-user, local Government, State Government and development industry expectations for a green agenda for the residential sector.


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Traditional dwellings located in the hot arid zones of the Arabian regions are well known for their sensitive architectural response to the region’s climatic conditions and socio-cultural norms. The majority of these dwellings are well recognized for their courtyard arrangement and perforated fenestration system that evolved to control the harsh solar, climatic conditions without compromising the aesthetic quality of space and occupants’ wellbeing. However, the unique visual characteristics of these structures cannot be fully appreciated by assessing the visual performance of buildings in isolation from their urban context. Given the fact that much of the character of the traditional settlements of this region came from the collective visual perception of their architectural components as well as urban patterns. This paper presents a methodology that can be used to assess daylight behaviour at an architectural level as well as at an urban scale. The work examines the daylight behaviour of a well-known historic alleyway and of a courtyard house in the old city of Cairo. The variability in the visual perception and comfort for a typical pedestrian street and the occupants of the house was predicted using Radiance IES simulation modelling tool and a scaled model under an artificial sky dome. A comparative analysis between simulated results and measured values at target points was conducted and the results reveal a reasonable agreement with the simulation results. Preliminary results from the first phase of modelling were presented that give an insight into the overall visual experience in the traditional settlements in the Old City of Cairo where daylight has contributed to the place unique sense of identity.


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Traditional dwellings located in the hot arid zone in Egypt are well known for their sensitive architectural response to the region's climatic conditions and socio-cultural norms. The majority of these dwellings are well recognized for their courtyard arrangement and perforated fenestration systems that evolved to control the harsh solar, climatic conditions without compromising the aesthetic quality of the space and the occupants' well-being. The unique visual characteristics of these structures cannot be fully appreciated by assessing the visual performance of buildings in isolation from their urban context. Much of the character of the traditional urban fabric of this region came from the collective visual perception of its architectural components as well as urban patterns. This paper examines daylight behavior of a well-known historic alleyway and of a courtyard house in the Old City of Cairo. Using the Radiance IES simulation modeling tool and a scaled model under an artificial sky dome, the paper investigates the visual comfort in a typical pedestrian street and a selected house. A comparative analysis between simulated results and measured values at target points was conducted. The results indicate a reasonable agreement with the simulation results. The paper gives an insight into the overall visual experience in the traditional settlements in the Old City of Cairo in relation to daylight components and hence their contribution to the unique sense of identity of the place.


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Energy consumption data are required to perform analysis, modelling, evaluation, and optimisation of energy usage in buildings. While a variety of energy consumption data sets have been examined and reported in the literature, there is a lack of a comprehensive categorisation and analysis of the available data sets. In this study, an overview of energy consumption data of buildings is provided. Three common strategies for generating energy consumption data, i.e., measurement, survey, and simulation, are described. A number of important characteristics pertaining to each strategy and the resulting data sets are discussed. In addition, a directory of energy consumption data sets of buildings is developed. The data sets are collected from either published papers or energy related organisations. The main contributions of this study include establishing a resource pertaining to energy consumption data sets and providing information related to the characteristics and availability of the respective data sets; therefore facilitating and promoting research activities in energy consumption data analysis.