47 resultados para protein metabolism


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AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is proposed to stimulate fat and carbohydrate catabolism to maintain cellular energy status. Recent studies demonstrate that pharmacologic activation of AMPK and mutations in the enzyme are associated with elevated muscle glycogen content in vivo. Our purpose was to determine the mechanism for increased muscle glycogen associated with AMPK activity in vivo. AMPK activity and glycogen metabolism were studied in red and white gastrocnemius muscles from rats treated with 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleoside (AICAR) in vivo, and also in muscles incubated with AICAR in vitro. In vivo AICAR treatment reduced blood glucose and increased blood lactate compared with basal values. AICAR increased muscle α2 AMPK activity, glycogen, and glucose-6-phosphate concentrations. Glycogen synthase activity was increased in the red gastrocnemius but was decreased in the white gastrocnemius. Glycogen phosphorylase activity increased in both muscles, with an inhibition initially observed in the red gastrocnemius. In vitro incubation with AICAR activated α2 AMPK but had no effect on either glycogen synthase or glycogen phosphorylase. These results suggest that AICAR treatment does not promote glycogen accumulation in skeletal muscle in vivo by altering glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase. Rather, the increased glycogen is due to the well-known effects of AICAR to increase glucose uptake.


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Human and rodent uncoupling protein (UCP)3 mRNA is upregulated after acute exercise. Moreover, exercise increases plasma levels of free fatty acid (FFA), which are also known to upregulate UCP3. We investigated whether the upregulation of UCP3 after exercise is an effect of exercise per se or an effect of FFA levels or substrate oxidation. Seven healthy untrained men [age: 22.7 ± 0.6 yr; body mass index: 23.8 ± 1.0 kg/m2; maximal O2 uptake (VO2 max): 3,852 ± 211 ml/min] exercised at 50% VO2 max for 2 h and then rested for 4 h. Muscle biopsies and blood samples were taken before and immediately after 2 h of exercise and 1 and 4 h in the postexercise period. To modulate plasma FFA levels and fat/glucose oxidation, the experiment was performed two times, one time with glucose ingestion and one time while fasting. UCP3 mRNA and UCP3 protein were determined by RT-competitive PCR and Western blot. In the fasted state, plasma FFA levels significantly increased (P < 0.0001) during exercise (293 ± 25 vs. 1,050 ± 127 μmol/l), whereas they were unchanged after glucose ingestion (335 ± 54 vs. 392 ± 74 µmol/l). Also, fat oxidation was higher after fasting (P < 0.05), whereas glucose oxidation was higher after glucose ingestion (P < 0.05). In the fasted state, UCP3L mRNA expression was increased significantly (P < 0.05) 4 h after exercise (4.6 ± 1.2 vs. 9.6 ± 3.3 amol/µg RNA). This increase in UCP3L mRNA expression was prevented by glucose ingestion. Acute exercise had no effect on UCP3 protein levels. In conclusion, we found that acute exercise had no direct effect on UCP3 mRNA expression. Abolishing the commonly observed increase in plasma FFA levels and/or fatty acid oxidation during and after exercise prevents the upregulation of UCP3 after acute exercise. Therefore, the previously observed increase in UCP3 expression appears to be an effect of prolonged elevation of plasma FFA levels and/or increased fatty acid oxidation.


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The oxazaphosphorines including cyclophosphamide (CPA), ifosfamide (IFO), and trofosfamide represent an important group of therapeutic agents due to their substantial antitumor and immuno-modulating activity. CPA is widely used as an anticancer drug, an immunosuppressant, and for the mobilization of hematopoetic progenitor cells from the bone marrow into peripheral blood prior to bone marrow transplantation for aplastic anemia, leukemia, and other malignancies. New oxazaphosphorines derivatives have been developed in an attempt to improve selectivity and response with reduced toxicity. These derivatives include mafosfamide (NSC 345842), glufosfamide (D19575, β-D-glucosylisophosphoramide mustard), NSC 612567 (aldophosphamide perhydrothiazine), and NSC 613060 (aldophosphamide thiazolidine). This review highlights the metabolism and transport of these oxazaphosphorines (mainly CPA and IFO, as these two oxazaphosphorine drugs are the most widely used alkylating agents) and the clinical implications. Both CPA and IFO are prodrugs that require activation by hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP)-catalyzed 4-hydroxylation, yielding cytotoxic nitrogen mustards capable of reacting with DNA molecules to form crosslinks and lead to cell apoptosis and/or necrosis. Such prodrug activation can be enhanced within tumor cells by the CYP-based gene directed-enzyme prodrug therapy (GDEPT) approach. However, those newly synthesized oxazaphosphorine derivatives such as glufosfamide, NSC 612567 and NSC 613060, do not need hepatic activation. They are activated through other enzymatic and/or non-enzymatic pathways. For example, both NSC 612567 and NSC 613060 can be activated by plain phosphodiesterase (PDEs) in plasma and other tissues or by the high-affinity nuclear 3'-5' exonucleases associated with DNA polymerases, such as DNA polymerases and ε. The alternative CYP-catalyzed inactivation pathway by N-dechloroethylation generates the neurotoxic and nephrotoxic byproduct chloroacetaldehyde (CAA). Various aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) and glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are involved in the detoxification of oxazaphosphorine metabolites. The metabolism of oxazaphosphorines is auto-inducible, with the activation of the orphan nuclear receptor pregnane X receptor (PXR) being the major mechanism. Oxazaphosphorine metabolism is affected by a number of factors associated with the drugs (e.g., dosage, route of administration, chirality, and drug combination) and patients (e.g., age, gender, renal and hepatic function). Several drug transporters, such as breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP), multidrug resistance associated proteins (MRP1, MRP2, and MRP4) are involved in the active uptake and efflux of parental oxazaphosphorines, their cytotoxic mustards and conjugates in hepatocytes and tumor cells. Oxazaphosphorine metabolism and transport have a major impact on pharmacokinetic variability, pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationship, toxicity, resistance, and drug interactions since the drug-metabolizing enzymes and drug transporters involved are key determinants of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of oxazaphosphorines. A better understanding of the factors that affect the metabolism and transport of oxazaphosphorines is important for their optional use in cancer chemotherapy.


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Oxysterol binding protein (OSBP) and its homologs have been shown to regulate lipid metabolism and vesicular transport. However, the exact molecular function of individual OSBP homologs remains uncharacterized. Here we demonstrate that the yeast OSBP homolog, Osh6p, bound phosphatidic acid and phosphoinositides via its N-terminal half containing the conserved OSBP-related domain (ORD). Using a green fluorescent protein fusion chimera, Osh6p was found to localize to the cytosol and patch-like or punctate structures in the vicinity of the plasma membrane. Further examination by domain mapping demonstrated that the N-terminal half was associated with FM4-64 positive membrane compartments; however, the C-terminal half containing a putative coiled-coil was localized to the nucleoplasm. Functional analysis showed that the deletion of OSH6 led to a significant increase in total cellular ergosterols, whereas OSH6 overexpression caused both a significant decrease in ergosterol levels and resistance to nystatin. Oleate incorporation into sterol esters was affected in OSH6 overexpressing cells. However, Lucifer yellow internalization, and FM4-64 uptake and transport were unaffected in both OSH6 deletion and overexpressing cells. Furthermore, osh6Δ exhibited no defect in carboxypeptidase Y transport and maturation. Lastly, we demonstrated that both the conserved ORD and the putative coiled-coil motif were indispensable for the in vivo function of Osh6p. These data suggest that Osh6p plays a role primarily in regulating cellular sterol metabolism, possibly stero transport.


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Ginkgo biloba is one of the most popular herbal medicines in the world, due to its purported pharmacological effects, including memory-enhancing, cognition-improving, and antiplatelet effects. When used in the elderly, Ginkgo has a high potential for interactions with cardiovascular drugs. This study aimed to investigate the effects of the standard Ginkgo biloba extract (EGB 761) treatment on the pharmacokinetics of propranolol and its metabolism to form Ndesisopropylpropranolol (NDP) in rats. We also examined the activity and expression of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A and other CYPs in rats treated with EGb 761 at 10 and 100 mg/kg/day for 10 days. A single oral dose of propranolol (10 mg/kg) was administered on day 11 and the concentrations of both propranolol and NDP were determined using validated liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) methods. The levels of mRNA and protein of various CYPs were determined by RT-PCR and Western blotting analysis, respectively. Pretreatment of EGb 761 at 100 mg/kg, but not 10 mg/kg, for 10 days significantly reduced the area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) and maximum plasma concentration (C max) of propranolol, whereas those values of NDP were significantly increased. CYP1A1, 1A2, 2B1/2, and 3A1 activities and gene expression in the rat liver were significantly increased in a dose-dependent manner by pretreatment with EGb 761. The ex-vivo formation of NDP in liver microsomes from rats pretreated with EGb 761 was markedly enhanced. The formation of NDP from propranolol in liver microsomes was significantly inhibited by α- naphthoflavone (ANF, a selective CYP1A2 inhibitor), but not by quinidine (a CYP2D inhibitor). These results indicated that EGb 761 pretreatment decreased the plasma concentrations of propranolol by accelerated conversion of parental drug to NDP due to induction of CYP1A2. EGb 761 pretreatment also significantly induced CYP2B1/2 and CYP3A1, suggesting potential interactions with substrate drugs for these two enzymes. Further study is needed to explore the potential for gingko-drug interactions and the clinical impact.


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Intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP) is a small protein that binds long-chain dietary fatty acids in the cytosol of the columnar absorptive epithelial cells (enterocytes) of the intestine. The binding cavity of I-FABP is much larger than is necessary to bind a fatty acid molecule, which suggests that the protein may be able to bind other hydrophobic and amphipathic ligands such as lipophilic drugs. Herein we describe the binding of three structurally diverse lipophilic drugs, bezafibrate, ibuprofen (both R- and S-isomers) and nitrazepam to I-FABP. The rank order of affinity for I-FABP determined for these compounds was found to be R-ibuprofen {approx} bezafibrate > S-ibuprofen >> nitrazepam. The binding affinities were not directly related to aqueous solubility or partition coefficient of the compounds; however, the freely water-soluble drug diltiazem showed no affinity for I-FABP. Drug-I-FABP interaction interfaces were defined by analysis of chemical shift perturbations in NMR spectra, which revealed that the drugs bound within the central fatty acid binding cavity. Each drug participated in a different set of interactions within the cavity; however, a number of common contacts were observed with residues also involved in fatty acid binding. These data suggest that the binding of non-fatty acid lipophilic drugs to I-FABP may increase the cytosolic solubility of these compounds and thereby facilitate drug transport from the intestinal lumen across the enterocyte to sites of distribution and metabolism.


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We compared in human skeletal muscle the effect of absolute vs. relative exercise intensity on AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling and substrate metabolism under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Eight untrained males cycled for 30 min under hypoxic conditions (11.5% O2, 111 ± 12 W, 72 ± 3% hypoxia VO2 peak; 72% Hypoxia) or under normoxic conditions (20.9% O2) matched to the same absolute (111 ± 12 W, 51 ± 1% normoxia VO2 peak; 51% Normoxia) or relative (to VO2 peak) intensity (171 ± 18 W, 73 ± 1% normoxia VO2 peak; 73% Normoxia). Increases (P < 0.05) in AMPK activity, AMPK{alpha} Thr172 phosphorylation, ACCbeta Ser221 phosphorylation, free AMP content, and glucose clearance were more influenced by the absolute than by the relative exercise intensity, being greatest in 73% Normoxia with no difference between 51% Normoxia and 72% Hypoxia. In contrast to this, increases in muscle glycogen use, muscle lactate content, and plasma catecholamine concentration were more influenced by the relative than by the absolute exercise intensity, being similar in 72% Hypoxia and 73% Normoxia, with both trials higher than in 51% Normoxia. In conclusion, increases in muscle AMPK signaling, free AMP content, and glucose disposal during exercise are largely determined by the absolute exercise intensity, whereas increases in plasma catecholamine levels, muscle glycogen use, and muscle lactate levels are more closely associated with the relative exercise intensity.


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Purpose: Findings recently have shown coupling protein-3 (UCP3) content to be decreased in the skeletal muscle of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Uncoupling protein-3 mRNA exists as two isoforms: long (UCP3L) and short (UCP3S). The UCP3 protein is expressed the least in oxidative and the most in glycolytic muscle fibers. Levels of UCP3 have been associated positively with intramyocellular triglyceride (IMTG) contents in conditions of altered fatty acid metabolism. As a source for muscle free fatty acid metabolism, IMTG is decreased in COPD. The current study completely characterized all the parameters of UCP3 expression (ie, UCP3L and UCP3S mRNA expression in whole muscle samples) and UCP3 protein content as well as IMTG content in the different fiber types in patients with COPD and healthy control subjects.

Methods: Using real-time polymerase chain reaction, UCP3 gene expression was quantified. Skeletal muscle fiber type and UCP3 protein and IMTG content were measured using immunofluorescence and Oil red oil staining, respectively.

Results: The findings showed that UCP3L mRNA expression was 44% lower (P < .005) in the patients with COPD than in the control subjects, whereas the UCP3S mRNA content was similar in the two groups. As compared with control subjects, UCP3 protein content was decreased by 89% and 83% and the IMTG content by 64% and 54%, respectively, in types I and IIa fibers (P < .0167) of patients with COPD, whereas they were unchanged in IIx fibers.

Conclusions: The reduced UCP3 and IMTG content in the more oxidative fibers may be linked to the altered muscle fatty acid metabolism associated with COPD. Further studies are required to determine the exact role and clinical relevance of the reduced UCP3 content in patients with COPD.


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Nonmammalian vertebrates possess some unusual features in their hormonal systems/ when compared to mammals. As a consequence, they can make an important contribution in investigations concerning the fundamental mechanisms operating in endocrinology. Such studies concerning androgens include inter alia their effects on developmental aspects in the brain of birds and related singing behaviour; the role of neural enzymes in reproductive processes in fish; and the relation between androgens and the stages of spermatogenesis in amphibia, The present thesis examines the biochemistry of androgens in the Australian lizard Tiliqua rugosa. The major compounds studied were testosterone and epitestosterone, which are known to be present in high concentrations in the plasma of the male animal. Previous investigations are expanded, particularly in the areas of steroid identification and testicular biosynthesis. In addition, preliminary studies on the metabolism in the brain (and other tissues) and plasma protein binding are reported. The presence of epitestosterone as a major free androgen in the plasma of the male lizard was confirmed. Other steroids were found in the sulphate fraction. Testosterone sulphate was the most rigorously identified compound, while some evidence was also found for the presence of conjugated 5-androstene-3β,17-diols, etiocholanolone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA). Epitestosterone does not appear to be extensively conjugated in this animal. Steroids were not found to be conjugated as glucuronides. The identification studies employed a novel method of electrochemical detection of steroids. This technique was investigated and extended in the current thesis. Biosynthetic studies were carried out on androgen interconversions in the testis, in vitro. The major enzyme activities detected were 17α-arid 17β-oxidoreductases (17α-OR and l7β-OR) and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD)/isonerase. No evidence was found for the presence of a steroid-17-epimerase that would directly interconvert testosterone and epitestosterone. The 17-oxidoreductases were found to be dependent on the cofactor NBDFH. Testosterone appears to be formed mainly via the 4-ene pathway, whereas epitestosterone is formed from both the 4- and 5-ene routes. The compound 5-androstene-3β, 17α-diol was found to be an intermediate in the synthesis of epitestosterone from DHA. Temperature was found to significantly affect 17α-OR activity (maximum at 32°C). In contrast,17β-OR activity was independent of this factor in the testis. Androgen metabolism in the testis was found to be regulated by cofactors, temperature and season. The major enzyme activities found in the male brain were 17α- and 17β-OR. 3βHSD/isomerase was not found; however a low activity of 5α-reductase was identified. Aromatase activity was not positively identified, but preliminary results suggest that it may be present at low levels. The 17-oxidoreductases were widespread throughout the brain. The 17α-OR was significantly lower in the forebrain than other brain sections. The 170-OR activity did not vary significantly throughout the organ, although there was a trend for its activity to be higher in the midbrain region (containing the hypothalamus in these sections). The concentration of endogenous steroids in brain tissue was estimated by radioimmunoassay. Epitestosterone was found throughout the organ structure, whereas testosterone was found mainly in the midbrain (containing hypothalamic regions in these sections). Correlations between enzyme activities and steroid concentrations in brain regions suggested that the main function of 17α-OR is to produce epitestosterone, whereas the 17β-OR may catalyse a more reversible reaction in vivo. Temperature was found to significantly affect both 17α- and 17β-OR activities in the brain. In contrast to the testis, the maximum activity of the brain enzymes occurred at 37°C. The level of 17α-OR activity in the male lizard (100 nmol/g tissue/h) is the highest reported for this enzyme in vertebrates. Both activities were found to be quantitatively similar in the whole brain homogenates of male and female animals, and did not vary seasonally when examined in the male. The 17-oxidoreductases were also found in most other tissues in T.rugosa, including epididymis, adrenal, kidney and liver (but not blood). This suggests that the high activities of both 17α-OR and 17β-OR are dominant features of the steroid system in this animal. The formation of 11-oxygenated compounds was found in the adrenal, in addition to the formation of polar metabolites in the kidney and liver (possibly polyhydroxylated and conjugated steroids). A preliminary investigation into the plasma binding of androgens was carried out. The insults suggest that there are several binding sites for testosterone; one with high affinity and low capacity; the other with low affinity and high capacity. Binding experiments were carried out at 32°C. At this temperature, specific binding was greater than at 25 or 37°C. From the results of competition studies it was suggested that epitestosterone (with a K(i)= 3 X 10 (-6)M for testosterone binding) regulates the binding of testosterone (K(i)=10(-7)M) and hence the concentrations of the latter steroid as a free compound in plasma. In general, the study has shown that the biochemistry of androgens in the reptile T.rugosa is largely similar to that found in other vertebrates. The major difference is a greatly increased activity of 17α-OR, which causes a higher concentration of 17α-compounds to be present in the tissues of this lizard. The physiological roles for epitestosterone are not yet clear. However it appears from this study that this steroid regulates testosterone concentrations in several tissues by either steroidogenic or binding mechanisms. Several major influences on this regulation include temperature, availability of cofactors and seasonal effects.


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Defects in fat metabolism are central to the aetiology and pathogenesis of obesity and type II diabetes. The liver plays a central role in these disease states via its regulation of glucose and fat metabolism. In addition, accumulation of fat within the liver has been associated with changes in key pathways of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. However a number of questions remain. It is hypothesised that fat accumulation within the liver is a primary defect in the aetiology and pathogenesis of obesity and type II diabetes. Fat accumulating in the liver is the result of changes in the gene expression of key enzymes and proteins involved with fat uptake, fat transport, fat oxidation, fat re-esterification or storage and export of fat from the liver and these changes are regulated by key lipid responsive transcription factors. To study these questions Psammomys obesus was utilised. This polygenic rodent model of obesity and type II diabetes develops obesity and diabetes in a similar pattern to susceptible human populations. In addition dietary and environmental changes to Psammomys obesus were employed to create different states of energy balance, which allowed the regulation of liver fat gene expression to be examined. These investigations include: 1) Measurement of fat accumulation and fatty acid binding proteins in lean, obese and diabetic Psammomys obesus. 2) Characterisation of hepatic lipid enzymes, transport protein and lipid responsive transcription factor gene expression in lean, obese and diabetic Paammomys obesus. 3) The effect of acute and chronic energy restriction on hepatic lipid metabolism in Psammomys obesus. 4) The effect of sucrose feeding on the development of obesity and type II diabetes in Psammomys obesus. 5) The effect of nicotine treatment in lean and obese Psammomys obesus, 6) The effect of high dose leptin administration on hepatic fat metabolism in Psammomys obesus. The results of these studies demonstrated that fat accumulation within the liver was not a primary defect in the aetiology and pathogenesis of obesity and type II diabetes. Fat accumulating in the liver was not the result of changes in the gene expression of key enzymes and proteins involved in hepatic fat metabolism. However changes in the mRNA level of the transcription factors PPAR∝ and SREBP-1C was associated with the development of diabetes and the gene expression of these two transcription factors was associated with changes in diabetic status.


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The activation of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and inhibition of the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is hypothesized to underlie the fact that muscle growth following resistance exercise is decreased by concurrent endurance exercise. To directly test this hypothesis, the capacity for muscle growth was determined in mice lacking the primary upstream kinase for AMPK in skeletal muscle, LKB1. Following either 1 or 4 weeks of overload, there was no difference in muscle growth between the wild type (wt) and LKB1−/− mice (1 week: wt, 38.8 ± 7.75%; LKB1−/−, 27.8 ± 12.98%; 4 week: wt, 75.8 ± 15.2%; LKB1−/−, 85.0 ± 22.6%). In spite of the fact that the LKB1 had been knocked out in skeletal muscle, the phosphorylation and activity of the α1 isoform of AMPK were markedly increased in both the wt and the LKB1−/− mice. To identify the upstream kinase(s) responsible, we studied potential upstream kinases other than LKB1. The activity of both Ca2+–calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase α(CaMKKα) (5.05 ± 0.86-fold) and CaMKKβ (10.1 ± 2.59-fold) increased in the overloaded muscles, and this correlated with their increased expression. Phosphorylation of TAK-1 also increased 10-fold following overload in both the wt and LKB1 mice. Even though the α1 isoform of AMPK was activated by overload, there were no increases in expression of mitochondrial proteins or GLUT4, indicating that the α1 isoform is not involved in these metabolic adaptations. The phosphorylation of TSC2, an upstream regulator of the TORC1 pathway, at the AMPK site (Ser1345) was increased in response to overload, and this was not affected by LKB1 deficiency. Taken together, these data suggest that the α1 isoform of AMPK is preferentially activated in skeletal muscle following overload in the absence of metabolic adaptations, suggesting that this isoform might be important in the regulation of growth but not metabolism.


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Twenty two, young, healthy individuals participated in three studies aiming to assess the effect of various types of physical activity - acute exercise of moderate intensity and duration, varying intensity, short-term training - on skeletal muscle GLUT-4 gene and protein expression as well as on a range of genes encoding the proteins involved in carbohydrate metabolism in skeletal muscle.


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Intense exercise results in muscular inflammation. Molecular techniques were used to identify novel inflammatory proteins in human muscle. Males and females displayed different levels of exercise-induced inflammatory proteins. Interestingly, dairy protein supplements reduced these inflammatory proteins post-exercise. Increased dietary red meat consumption, with training, had no impact on muscle inflammation, although strength gain was improved.


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This study examined the role of the high-affinity copper uptake protein hCTR1 in cellular copper homeostasis and found hCTR1 was internalized in response to raised copper levels. The work from this thesis supports a model in which the regulation of hCTR1 is partially or wholly dependent upon internal copper levels.


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This study has utilised comparative functional genomics to exploit animal models with extreme adaptation to lactation to identify candidate genes that specifically regulate protein synthesis in the cow mammary gland. Increasing milk protein production is valuable to the dairy industry. The lactation strategies of both the Cape fur seal (Artocephalus pusillus pusillus) and the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) include periods of high rates of milk protein synthesis during an established lactation and therefore offer unique models to target genes that specifically regulate milk protein synthesis. Global changes in mammary gene expression in the Cape fur seal, tammar wallaby, and the cow (Bos taurus) were assessed using microarray analysis. The folate receptor α (FOLR1) showed the greatest change in gene expression in all three species [cow 12.7-fold (n = 3), fur seal 15.4-fold (n = 1), tammar 2.4-fold (n = 4)] at periods of increased milk protein production. This compliments previous reports that folate is important for milk protein synthesis and suggests FOLR1 may be a key regulatory point of folate metabolism for milk protein synthesis within mammary epithelial cells (lactocytes). These data may have important implications for the dairy industry to develop strategies to increase milk protein production in cows. This study illustrates the potential of comparative genomics to target genes of interest to the scientific community.