79 resultados para person-centred practice


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BACKGROUND: Patient participation benefits the patient and is a core concept of patient-centred care. Patients believe in their ability to prevent errors; thus, they may play a vital role in combating adverse event rates in hospitals. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To explore hospitalised medical patients' perceptions of participating in nursing care, including the barriers and facilitators for this activity. RESEARCH METHODS: This interpretive study was conducted on four medical wards, in two hospitals. Purposeful maximum variation sampling was operationalised to recruit patients that differed in areas such as age, gender and mobility status. In-depth semi-structured audiotaped interviews were undertaken and analysed using inductive content analysis. RESULTS: Twenty patients participated in the study. Four categories were uncovered in the data. First, valuing participation showed patients' willingness to participate, viewing it as a worthwhile task. Second, exchanging intelligence was a way of participating where patients' knowledge was built and shared with health professionals. Third, on the lookout was a type of participation where patients monitored their care, showing an attentive approach towards their own safety. Fourth, power imbalance was characterised by patients feeling their opportunities for participation were restricted. CONCLUSIONS: Patients were motivated to participate and valued participation. Cultivating this motivation may be crucial to patient empowerment and practices of safety monitoring, a fundamental strategy to addressing patient safety issues in hospitals. Engaging nurse-patient relationships, inclusive of knowledge sharing, is required in practice to empower patients to participate. Educating patients on the consequences of non-participation may motivate them, while nurses may benefit from training on patient-centred approaches. Future research should address ways to increase patient motivation and opportunities to participate.


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AIM: Existing practice strategies for actively involving patients in care during hospitalisation are poorly understood. The aim of this study was to explore how healthcare professionals engaged patients in communication associated with care transitions.

METHOD: An instrumental, collective case study approach was used to generate empirical data about patient transitions in care. A purposive sample of key stakeholders representing (i) patients and their families; (ii) hospital discharge planning team members; and (iii) healthcare professionals was recruited in five Australian health services. Individual and group semi-structured interviews were conducted to elicit detailed explanations of patient engagement in transition planning. Interviews lasted between 30 and 60 minutes and were digitally recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data collection and analysis were conducted simultaneously and continued until saturation was achieved. Thematic analysis was undertaken.

RESULTS: Five themes emerged as follows: (i) organisational commitment to patient engagement; (ii) the influence of hierarchical culture and professional norms on patient engagement; (iii) condoning individual healthcare professionals' orientations and actions; (iv) understanding and negotiating patient preferences; and (v) enacting information sharing and communication strategies. Most themes illustrated how patient engagement was enabled; however, barriers also existed.

CONCLUSION: Our findings show that strong organisational and professional commitment to patient-centred care throughout the organisation was a consistent feature of health services that actively engaged patients in clinical communication. Understanding patients' needs and preferences and having both formal and informal strategies to engage patients in clinical communication were important in how this involvement occurred.


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Although psychiatric crises are very common in people with mental illness, little is known about consumer perceptions of mental health crisis care. Given the current emphasis on recovery-oriented approaches, shared decision-making, and partnering with consumers in planning and delivering care, this knowledge gap is significant. Since the late 1990s, access to Australian mental health services has been facilitated by 24/7 telephone-based mental health triage systems, which provide initial psychiatric assessment, referral, support, and advice. A significant proportion of consumers access telephone-based mental health triage services in a state of crisis, but to date, there has been no published studies that specifically report on consumer perceptions on the quality and effectiveness of the care provided by these services. This article reports on a study that investigated consumer perceptions of accessing telephone-based mental health triage services. Seventy-five mental health consumers participated in a telephone interview about their triage service use experience. An eight-item survey designed to measure the responsiveness of mental health services was used for data collection. The findings reported here focus on the qualitative data produced in the study. Consumer participants shared a range of perspectives on telephone-based mental health triage that provide invaluable insights into the needs, expectations, and service use experiences of consumers seeking assistance with a mental health problem. Consumer perceptions of crisis care have important implications for practice. Approaches and interventions identified as important to quality care can be used to inform educational and practice initiatives that promote person-centred, collaborative crisis care.


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The recent focus on a human rights agenda in Australia has highlighted the vulnerability of people who have little or no speech in gaining access to their communication rights. This paper discusses the complexities of supporting communication for people with severe–profound disabilities within a framework of human rights. People with severe–profound intellectual disabilities are often considered not only unable to speak, but also unable to communicate. This preconception has been refuted and legislation enacted to protect the communication rights of people with severe–profound disabilities. In this paper we present an overview of good communication practices for people with severe–profound intellectual disabilities. Such practice consists of collaborative and transactional assessment and intervention supports, as exemplified in emerging models of supported and person-centred decision-making.


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BACKGROUND: The effective preparation of occupational therapy students for mental health practice is critical to facilitate positive consumer outcomes, underpin optimal practice and support new graduates' professional identity. This project was established to determine a set of 'educational priorities' for occupational therapy students to prepare them for current (and future) entry-level practice in mental health, from the perspective of mental health occupational therapists in Australia and New Zealand. METHODS: The study included two phases. In Phase One, participants identified what they considered to be important educational priorities for occupational therapy students to prepare them for practice in mental health. For Phase Two, an 'expert panel' was assembled to review and rank these using a Policy Delphi approach. RESULTS: Eighty-five participants provided educational priorities in Phase One. These were grouped into a total of 149 educational themes. In Phase Two, the expert panel (consisting of 37 occupational therapists from diverse locations and practice settings) prioritised these themes across three Delphi rounds. A final priority list was generated dividing educational themes into three prioritised categories: 29 'Essential', 25 'Important' and 44 'Optional' priorities. Highest-ranked priorities were: clinical reasoning, client-centred practice, therapeutic use of self, functional implications of mental illness, therapeutic use of occupation and mental health fieldwork experience. CONCLUSION: The priority list developed as part of this project provides additional information to support the review of occupational therapy curricula across Australia and New Zealand to ensure that new graduates are optimally prepared for mental health practice.


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OBJECTIVE: Point of service feedback (POSF) enables patients to give health services feedback about their experiences during or immediately after care. Despite the increasing use of POSF, little is known regarding patients' and staffs' opinions of this practice and whether they consider it acceptable or useful. The study aimed to determine patient and staff opinions regarding POSF. DESIGN: A cross-sectional survey. SETTING: Acute and subacute healthcare facilities. PARTICIPANTS: Two hundred and forty-seven patients and 221 staff. RESULTS: Participants indicated that patients should be invited to evaluate health services when they are in hospital or subacute care and improving services was the most important reason for doing so. Staff indicated that:• collecting patients' feedback during their stay was an important part of providing care and not an interruption to it (n = 187 of 221, 85%).• collecting patients' feedback was best done with a variety of methods; talking directly with patients during their stay was the preferred option (n = 161 of 219, 74%).More patients preferred to:• give feedback during their stay (51%) than after discharge from care (15%).• give feedback by talking with someone (45%) than completing a questionnaire (31%).Some patients (14%) were concerned about reprisal from staff if they gave negative feedback. CONCLUSIONS: POSF can be acceptable and useful for evaluating health services and should be incorporated into a person-centred approach that allows patients to choose from a variety of feedback options both during and after their stay. To be most useful, feedback should be incorporated into a quality improvement system.


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As the educational landscape increasingly mirrors deepening socio-economic cleavages within Australian society, the disparity in educational outcomes has been identified as one of the biggest challenges confronting secondary schooling. In contrast with most OECD countries, family background remains the most important determinant of educational achievement in Australia. More and more, schools are defined by location, reinforcing what has been dubbed the 'circular pattern of disadvantage'. At the same time, recognition of strong links between outcomes, socio economic status and location has elicited growing calls for systematic redefining of learning experiences and the public education framework. Focus on flexible, rigorous, community-oriented, person-centred learning opportunities has predicated multiple mentoring and youth schemes and has guided policy. Recognition of the need to re-engage Year 9 and 10 students underpinned development of VELS, for instance; it has also directed the programming priorities of Education Foundation Australia (EFA). This paper will discuss first, how schools perceive the programs have made a difference to both individual students and the curriculum offered in the schools, and second, how the experiences and activities provided through the program have changed the expectations and aspirations that many of the participants have in regard to how they perceive their future, their engagement with school and their careers. Both City Centre and Worlds of Work (WOW) program have received a very positive student response to real world activities that have demonstrably enhanced the development of reflective processes, interpersonal and social skills and social networks. Practical outcomes have included self-organised work experience, the development of mentor relationships and the re-engagement of some students with the schooling process. Interview data confirmed EFA's assessment that its programs have greatest impact when integrated into a school's curriculum rather than as "stand alone" electives.


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Background.  In a Melbourne metropolitan health network, patients with dementia can have difficulty settling into a subacute rehabilitation facility after transfer from the acute hospital.

Aims and objectives.  To understand how older patients with mild to moderate dementia experienced the transfer from acute to subacute care and settling-in period.

Design.  A descriptive design was used. Eight patients with mild to moderate dementia were recruited, one to 5 days after transfer.

Method.  A qualitative method using in-depth interviews was used. The data were analysed using content analysis.

Results.  Four main themes were identified: ‘Settling into a new environment’, ‘staff attitudes to people with dementia’, ‘loss of control’ and ‘family support’.

Conclusions.  Person-centred care that comes from the perspective of respect for the individual transcends all these issues. People with dementia require more support to settle after transfer. Family involvement can assist in facilitating a smooth transition.

Implications for practice.  Nurses who understand the specific needs of patients with dementia can develop ways of working with patients to ensure person-centred care. More conversations with people with dementia are needed to investigate how this can be achieved. Orientation procedures should ensure that support for people with dementia is optimized during the settling-in phase.


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Over the past two decades there has been an increasing focus on doing research with and for consumers rather than on consumers. Research that is collaborative and inclusive has been called for by people with disabilities. People with disabilities are a group of telecommunications consumers who are disadvantaged because of social barriers and access issues with equipment, services and information. In this paper, the benefits and challenges of collaborative (e.g. participatory, participatory action, emancipatory) research with these consumers and the processes that can facilitate inclusive and accountable research outcomes are addressed. Throughout the paper, four questions will be explored: Who determines which research issues are explored and the methods that are used? What is the level of consumer involvement in the research process? How can academics and government ensure that consumer-focused research is inclusive and participatory? How, and to whom, should research results be made available?

In the first part of the paper, the perspectives on consumer research by people with disabilities are presented. Respect for and appreciation of consumers' views underpins the philosophical stance needed by researchers and funding bodies before serious engagement in empowering, person-centred research can be successful.

In the second part of the paper, there is a focus on defining the features of collaborative research approaches. Participatory research, participatory action research, and emancipatory research are variations that incorporate differing levels of consumer involvement. Each of these, however, embrace shifts in philosophy and methods away from more traditional 'scientific' research. Such changes result in a greater sense of inclusion and project ownership by consumers.

The third part of the paper addresses some of the issues associated with collaborative research for consumers with disabilities, for academic researchers, and for government funding bodies. Differing understandings of the social nature of disablement influence attitudes toward consumer involvement and are demonstrated in the choice of research questions, project aims, and the methodologies used. Differing agendas are reflected in reactions to the traditional project requirements and processes of government, the preferred research methodologies of researchers, and the perceived accountability of researchers or government for the dissemination and sharing of research results. The challenges to successful engagement with consumers in collaborative research have been identified in the literature and a number of strategies recommended (Barnes, 2003; Clear, 1999; Mercer, 2002; Oliver, 1992, 1997; Zarb, 1997). Application of inclusive strategies by researchers and funding bodies is essential for positive change and inclusive, empowering outcomes.

The paper concludes with a case study of a DCITA-funded research project. The project is evaluated using participatory/emancipatory research criteria modified from Zarb (1992) and addresses consumer, researcher, and funding body participation. The four questions used in the discussion of the paper are applied to this particular project. In addition, the benefits and learnings from the project will be compared with the outcomes desired by consumers who espouse collaborative research approaches.


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Older people with acute superimposed on chronic health problems are becoming a core aspect of emergency department (ED) caseload. This project explored the ED experience from the perspective of older patients and their carers.

A convenience sample of thirty participants was recruited across three participating EDs: tw o metropolitan and one regional. The project utilised two approaches to data collection: 1) an observation approach where a project officer observed participants from the time of ED presentation until discharge, or for up to six hours; and 2) a subsequent interview was conducted with the participant and their carer within a week of the ED presentation. Data from both sources were integrated, and independently thematically analysed by two members of the team.

Thirty participants aged over 65 were recruited. Their average age was 77.1 (sd=6.7) years, 59% w ere female, and 74% were triage category 1- 3 (indicating moderate/high acuity). Participants spent on average 7 hours 47 minutes in the ED, with 50% discharged home, 43% admitted to general wards or MAPU, and 7% discharged to residential care/hospice. Key themes in the factors influencing the patient experience and examples of quality care were identified, along with opportunities to improve the capacity for EDs to be “older person friendly”, and “person-centred.” Challenges include improving the effectiveness of communication between staff and patients/carers (including issues around people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds), availability of allied health professionals to assist with discharge planning, and a tendency for older people not to seek ED care until the health problem was severe. Patient exemplars highlight key themes.

Discussion and implications

Results of the project highlight positive aspects of emergency department care for older people and inform targets for improvement strategies. These can be used to drive ongoing improvements in care for older people presenting to EDs.


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This thesis is a study of outdoor education, in the deliberative tradition of curriculum inquiry. It examines the intentional generation and distribution of knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes through organised outdoor activities, both as a research interest, and as a critical perspective on outdoor education discourse. Eight separate but interrelated research projects, originally published in 11 refereed journal articles, develop and defend the thesis statement: The problem of determining what, if any, forms of outdoor experience should be educational priorities, and how those experiences should be distributed in communities and geographically – that is who goes where and does what – is inherently situational. The persistence of a universalist outdoor education discourse that fails to acknowledge or adequately account for social and geographic circumstances points to serious flaws in outdoor education research and theory, and impedes the development of more defensible outdoor education practices. The introduction explains how the eight projects cohere, and illustrates how they may be linked using the example of militaristic thinking in outdoor safety standards. Chapters 1 and 2 defend and elaborate a situationist approach to outdoor education, using the examples of outdoor education in Victoria (Australia), and universalist approaches to outdoor education in textbooks respectively. Chapters 3 and 4 expand on some epistemological implications of the thesis and examine, respectively, the cultural dimensions of outdoor experience, and the epistemology and ontology of local natural history. Chapters 5 and 6 apply a situationist epistemology to personal development based outdoor education. Traditions of outdoor education that draw on person-centred rather than situation-sensitive theories of behaviour are examined and critiqued. Alternatives to person-centred theories of outdoor education are discussed. Chapters 7 and 8 use situationist outdoor education to provide a critical reading of nature-based tourism. Chapters 9, 10, and 11 return to the theme of safety in the introduction and Chapter 1, and examine the safety implications of a situationist epistemology. Closing comments briefly draw together the conclusions of all of the chapters, and offer some directions for future outdoor education research.


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This paper discusses a small pilot study with Anglo-Australian children aged 6 to 8 years. The children expressed through stories of what it meant for them when parents love and care for their children, and when they do not. Themes from stories of parental love and care included: relationships, shared special times, being safe and protected, and physical affection. Stories about parents who did not love or care for their children covered themes of abandonment, isolation and sadness. The study contributes an approach that can improve professional practice with children and early outcomes showing the importance of seeking children's perspectives in decision-making about their welfare.


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This literature review explored the extant literature to further our understanding of the experience of being a parent on dialysis.
Keywords used to search the literature were haemodialysis, hemodialysis, chronic kidney disease, end stage renal disease, parent and experience. Databases searched included CINAHL, Medline, Wiley/Blackwell, EBSCOHost, Web of Science, Pubmed, and ProQuest. Years included were 1999 to 2009. Seventeen primary research articles (sixteen qualitative, one mixed methods) met the search criteria with only one on parents undergoing dialysis.
The experience of the parent on dialysis has rarely been explored in the literature. Related research has indicated important themes including: restricted lives; relationships; adjustment; consequences and future outlook.
More should be known about challenges that face parents who receive dialysis. This review established an urgent need for further research to determine the experiences and needs of this population to provide empirical, person-centred nursing care.


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This article presents qualitative research data about the sexuality of men and teenage boys with moderate to profound intellectual disability. Research findings pointed to a conditional construct of sexuality based within a biopsychosocial framework. The notion Conditionally Sexual represents the perceived limitations, within a rights-based discourse, of these men and teenage boys’ sexuality. The limitations to person-centred service delivery from a policy vacuum in the area of sexuality and intellectual disability represents a major challenge for paid staff. We suggest that a move toward better understanding how to support such a conditional sexual construct will assist the development of a healthy masculine sexuality for men and boys with intellectual disability.