29 resultados para non destructive testing


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Accurate estimates of fish species occurrence are important to any species’ assessments and habitat suitability model. However, surveys of marine fishes are often biased by method. Surveys of marine fishes are often biased by method. Such bias could influence the interpretation of any habitat suitability model. With increasing emphasis on non-destructive sampling, underwater video techniques are commonly used without a thorough understanding of their advantages and disadvantages. This study compared data collected from baited remote underwater stereo-video systems and towed-video systems to provide occurrence data to develop habitat suitability models of nine temperate marine fishes. While numerous studies have compared modelling approaches in terms of model performance (i.e. via AUC or Kappa) the point of this paper was to highlight how very sensiblelooking, well-performing (based on AUC) models can provide different predictions of habitat suitability depending on which dataset is used.


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The salt attack of Fired Clay Bricks (FCBs) causes surface damage that is aesthetically displeasing and eventually leads to structural damage. Methods for determining the resistances of FCBs to salt weathering have mainly tried to simulate the process by using accelerating aging tests. Most research in this area has concentrated on the types of salt that can cause damage and the damage that occurs during accelerated aging tests. This approach has lead to the use of accelerated aging tests as standard methods for determining resistance. Recently, it has been acknowledged that are not the most reliable way to determine salt attack resistance for all FCBs in all environments. Few researchers have examined FCBs with the aim of determining which material and mechanical properties make a FCB resistant to salt attack. The aim of this study was to identify the properties that were significant to the resistance of FCBs to salt attack. In doing so, this study aids in the development of a better test method to assess the resistance of FCBs to salt attack. The current Australian Standard accelerated aging test was used to measure the resistance of eight FCBs to salt attack using sodium sulfate and sodium chloride. The results of these tests were compared to the water absorption properties and the total porosity of FCBs. An empirical relationship was developed between the twenty-four-hour water absorption value and the number of cycles to failure from sodium sulfate tests. The volume of sodium chloride solution was found to be proportional to the total porosity of FCBs in this study. A phenomenological discussion of results led to a new mechanism being presented to explain the derivation of stress during salt crystallisation of anhydrous and hydratable salts. The mechanical properties of FCBs were measured using compression tests. FCBs were analysed as cellular materials to find that the elastic modules of FCBs was equivalent for extruded FCBs that had been fired a similar temperatures and time. Two samples were found to have significantly different elastic moduli of the solid microstructure. One of these samples was a pressed brick that was stiffer due to the extra bond that is obtained during sintering a closely packed structure. The other sample was an extruded brick that had more firing temperature and time compared with the other samples in this study. A non-destructive method was used to measure the indentation hardness and indentation stress-strain properties of FCBs. The indentation hardness of FCBs was found to be proportional to the uniaxial compression strength. In addition, the indentation hardness had a better linear correlation to the total porosity of FCBs except for those samples that had different elastic moduli of the solid microstructure. Fractography of exfoliated particles during salt cycle tests and compression tests showed there was a similar pattern of fracture during each failure. The results indicate there were inherent properties of a FCB that determines the size and shape of fractured particles during salt attack. The microstructural variables that determined the fracture properties of FCBs were shown to be important variables to include in future models that attempt to estimate the resistance of FCBs to salt attack.


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Optical inspection techniques have been widely used in industry as they are non-destructive. Since defect patterns are rooted from the manufacturing processes in semiconductor industry, efficient and effective defect detection and pattern recognition algorithms are in great demand to find out closely related causes. Modifying the manufacturing processes can eliminate defects, and thus to improve the yield. Defect patterns such as rings, semicircles, scratches, and clusters are the most common defects in the semiconductor industry. Conventional methods cannot identify two scale-variant or shift-variant or rotation-variant defect patterns, which in fact belong to the same failure causes. To address these problems, a new approach is proposed in this paper to detect these defect patterns in noisy images. First, a novel scheme is developed to simulate datasets of these 4 patterns for classifiers' training and testing. Second, for real optical images, a series of image processing operations have been applied in the detection stage of our method. In the identification stage, defects are resized and then identified by the trained support vector machine. Adaptive resonance theory network 1 is also implemented for comparisons. Classification results of both simulated data and real noisy raw data show the effectiveness of our method.


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We extend Vassalou (2003) by conditioning the Fama–French model with the same macroeconomic variables used to construct a GDP factor. The motivation for doing so is to ascertain whether the ability of the GDP-augmented model to explain equity returns is actually due to news about future GDP growth or whether it is due to the macroeconomic conditioning variables used to construct the GDP factor. We compare the performance of a GDP-enhanced Fama–French model with the conditional Fama–French model using non-nested testing techniques. We find that the GDP-augmented model considerably underperforms the conditional version of the model.


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The dielectric characteristics of conducting polymer-coated textiles in the frequency range 1–18 GHz were investigated using a non-contact, non-destructive free space technique. Polypyrrole coatings were applied by solution polymerization on fabric substrates using a range of concentrations of para-toluene-2-sulfonic acid (pTSA) as dopant and ferric chloride as oxidant. The conducting polymer coatings exhibited dispersive permittivity behaviour with a decrease in real and imaginary components of complex permittivity as frequency increased in the range tested. Both the permittivity and the loss factor were affected by the polymerization time of the conductive coating. It was found that the total shielding efficiency of these conductive fabrics is significant at short polymerization times and increases to values exceeding 80% with longer polymerization times. The reflection contribution to electromagnetic shielding also increases with polymerization time.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate microwave reflection, transmission, and complex permittivity of p-toluene-2-sulfonic acid doped conducting polypyrrole coated nylon-lycra textiles in the 1-18?GHz frequency with a view to potential applications in the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with such coated fabrics.

Design/methodology/approach –
The chemical polymerization of pyrrole is achieved by an oxidant, ferric chloride and doped with p-toluene sulfonic acid (pTSA) to enhance the conductivity and improve stability. Permittivity of the conducting textile substrates is performed using a free space transmission method accompanied by a mathematical diffraction reduction method.

Findings – The real part of permittivity increases with polymerization time and dopant concentration, reaching a plateau at certain dopant concentration and polymerization time. The imaginary part of permittivity shows a frequency dependent change throughout the test range. All the samples have higher values of absorption than reflection. The total electromagnetic shielding effectiveness exceeds 80 percent for the highly pTSA doped samples coated for 3?h.

Originality/value – A non-contact, non-destructive free space method thin flexible specimens to be tested with high accuracy across large frequency range. The non-destructive nature of the experiments enables investigation of the stability of the microwave transmission, reflection, absorption and complex permittivity values. Moreover, mathematical removal of the diffraction enables higher accuracy.


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The nanoporous structure of membrane varies in 3-dimensional (3-D) space and has remarkable influences on the filtration or desalination achieved, fouling potentials and therefore, the quality of yielded water. Knowledge of the 3-D nanoporous structure is thus vital to understanding and predicting its performance. A novel method by incorporating transmission electronic microtomography, image processing and 3-D reconstruction is introduced to characterize membranes with nano structures. The reconstruction algorithm allows for the visualization of 3-D nanoporous structure in a non-destructive way from any directions. This novel technique Ieads to in-depth understanding and accurate prediction of filtration performance.


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We measured the daily energy expenditure of free-living red foxes Vulpes vulpes occupying a temperate region of New South Wales, Australia. Field metabolic rate (FMR) and body water turnover were estimated using doubly labelled water. In autumn, male body mass ranged from 5 to 6.1 kg (mean 5.6 kg) and their FMRs averaged 2328 kJ/day. Female body mass in autumn ranged from 4.9 to 6.6 kg (mean 5.4 kg) and their FMRs averaged 1681 kJ/day. Body water influx for males and females was 314 and 251 mL/day, respectively. Body composition of each fox was analysed after the field measurements and revealed a significant correlation between body water content, as estimated from tritiated water space, and body lipids (r2 = 0.72). This supports the use of body water determination as a potentially non-destructive method to gauge body condition.


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The nanoporous structure of a membrane varies in a 3-dimensional (3-D) space and has remarkable influences on the filtration or desalination achieved, fouling potentials and therefore, the quality of yielded water. Knowledge of the 3-D nanoporous structure is thus vital to understanding and predicting its performance. A novel method by incorporating transmission electronic microtomography, image processing and 3-D reconstruction is introduced to characterize membranes with nano structures. The reconstruction algorithm allows for the visualization of 3-D nanoporous structure in a non-destructive way from any directions. This novel technique leads to in-depth understanding and accurate prediction of filtration performance.


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Ageing can lead to the degradation of the tensile properties of natural rubber. The ageing process causes changes in the polymer segmental motion as well as the chemical structure, both of which can be monitored using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. This work demonstrates that NMR can quantify rubber degradation due to ageing, and also that relatively simple NMR equipment can be used. This simpler equipment can be made portable and so could give a simple and fast indication of the condition of rubber in service. The 1H NMR transverse relaxation time, T2, and the 13C NMR spectrum using cross polarization and magic angle spinning (CP MAS) for samples taken at various levels of a degraded natural rubber liner were compared. These experiments showed that, as the level of degradation increased, the 1H NMR transverse relaxation time decreased. The 13C spectra showed considerable peak broadening, indicative of decreased mobility with increased level of degradation as well as the presence of degradation products. Further investigations using lower powered NMR equipment to measure the 1H NMR transverse relaxation times of two different series of natural rubbers were also performed. This work has shown that this simpler method is also sensitive to structural and mechanical property changes in the rubber. This method of monitoring rubber degradation could lead to the non-destructive use of NMR to determine the condition of a part in service.


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This paper reports a fast, accurate, and non-destructive three-dimensional imaging approach based on using quantum dots and confocal laser scanning microscopy to get three-dimensional images of internal pore structure of the nanofibrous materials. A practical method of making the fiber fluorescent using quantum dots was applied before three-dimensional imaging by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Fibrous scaffolds with different porosity parameters produced by electrospinning and their three-dimensional pore structure was evaluated by this approach. Furthermore, the introduced approach can be used to measure the pore interconnectivity of the scaffold


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Polymer-based materials are extensively used in various applications such as aircrafts, civilian structures, oil and gas platforms and electronics. They are, however, inherently damage prone and over time, the formation of cracks and microscopic damages influences the thermo-mechanical and electrical properties, which eventually results in the total failure of the materials. This paper provides an overview of the principal causes of cracking in polymer and composites and summarizes the recent progress in the development of non-destructive techniques in crack detection. Furthermore, recent progress in the development of bio-inspired self-healing methods in autonomic repair is discussed.