23 resultados para new taxa


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Recent sediment samples recovered from the mid-latitude South West Shelf (SWS) of Western Australia (23°- 32° S) by a scientific team aboard the RV Franklin have produced large numbers of free-living, lunulitiform bryozoans. Among these are three undescribed species, Otionellina boneae sp. nov., Selenaria kayae sp. nov., and Selenaria meganae sp. nov. The Australasian lunulite fauna is both diverse and abundant and the new species bring the total of described taxa to sixty (P. Cook unpub.). Twelve lunulite species have been recorded from the SWS. These findings have extended the known geographical range of several lunulite species.


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A new species of bat of the genus Miniopterus is described from Madagascar based on a series of specimens taken in the Central Highlands of the island. This new species previously was identified as M. fraterculus, which is widespread in portions of eastern and southern Africa. Comparisons between these 2 taxa were further complicated because M. fraterculus occurs in portions of its range in sympatry with a morphologically similar species, M. natalensis. Based on specimen material and associated tissue samples from near the type localities of M. natalensis and M. fraterculus, as well as access to some of the critical type specimens, morphological and genetic molecular analyses were used to determine that Malagasy specimens previously assigned to M. fraterculus represent a previously unrecognized species of Miniopterus endemic to the island. Given that the habitat used by Miniopterus sp. nov. is not necessarily associated with native forest, that it has a broad distribution across the Central Highlands, and that it has been found in synanthropic situations, this species is not considered a conservation concern.


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Over the past decade, major advances have been made concerning the systematics and species diversity of Malagasy bats, largely based on specimens collected during inventories and associated morphological and molecular genetic studies. Herein we describe a new species of endemic bat from southern Madagascar, Miniopterus griffithsi sp. n., which is the sister taxa to Miniopterus gleni, a taxon described in 1995 (holotype from Sarodrano, just north of the Onilahy River in the southwest). Based on current information, M. griffithsi is found in the sub-arid bioclimatic zone, south of the Onilahy River, and M. gleni occurs in a variety of different bioclimatic zones, north of the Onilahy River to the northern portion of the island and on the near shore island of Ile Sainte Marie. The realization that M. griffithsi was a separate entity was first based on phylogeographic studies of the M. gleni complex. Comparisons using 397 bp of mitochondrial cytochrome b found a divergence of 1.2% within animals occurring across much of Madagascar north of the Onilahy River, 0.07% in those south of the Onilahy River, and 7.4% in populations separated by this river. Subsequently, morphological characters were identified that supported the specific separation of populations occurring south (M. griffithsi) and north of the Onilahy River (M. gleni), which include tragus shape, pelage coloration, and skull proportions.


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Long distance migration occurs in a wide variety of taxa including birds, insects, fishes, mammals and reptiles. Here, we provide evidence for a new paradigm for the determinants of migration destination. As adults, sea turtles show fidelity to their natal nesting areas and then at the end of the breeding season may migrate to distant foraging sites. For a major rookery in the Mediterranean, we simulated hatchling drift by releasing 288 000 numerical particles in an area close to the nesting beaches. We show that the pattern of adult dispersion from the breeding area reflects the extent of passive dispersion that would be experienced by hatchlings. Hence, the prevailing oceanography around nesting areas may be crucial to the selection of foraging sites used by adult sea turtles. This environmental forcing may allow the rapid evolution of new migration destinations if ocean currents alter with climate change.


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Zhang, Y., He, W.H., Shi, G.R., Zhang, K.X. & Wu, H.T., 26.2.2015. A new Changhsingian (Late Permian) brachiopod fauna from the Zhongzhai section (South China) Part 3: Productida. Alcheringa 39, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311-5518. As the third and last part of a systematic palaeontological study of the brachiopod fauna from the Permian–Triassic boundary section at Zhongzhai in Guizhou Province (South China), this paper reports 15 species (including three new species: Tethyochonetes minor sp. nov., Neochonetes (Zhongyingia) transversa sp. nov., Paryphella acutula sp. nov.) in Order Productida. In addition, the morphological features and definitions of several key Changhsingian brachiopod taxa (e.g., Paryphella and Oldhamina interrupta) are clarified and revised.


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© 2015 The Linnean Society of London. Although important advances have been made in recent years in the taxonomy of different families and subfamilies of Malagasy bats, those belonging to the Vespertilioninae remain partially unresolved. Herein using a mitochondrial marker (cytochrome b) as the point of departure for 76 specimens of Malagasy vespers and appropriate African taxa, we diagnose the six taxa of this subfamily on the island by overlaying different morphological and bioacoustic characters on the clade structure of sequenced animals. The species include: endemic Neoromicia matroka, which is sister to African N. capensis; endemics N. malagasyensis and N. robertsi, which form sister species; a member of the genus Hypsugo, which is sister to African H. anchietae and described herein as new to science; Pipistrellus hesperidus for which Madagascar animals are genetically close but distinct from African populations of the same species; and endemic P. raceyi, which shows segregation of eastern (mesic) and western (dry) populations and its sister species relationships are unresolved. While the external and craniodental measurements, as well as bioacoustic variables, allow only partial differentiation of these six species of Vespertilioninae, molecular characters provide definitive separation of the taxa, as do male bacular morphology.


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Three closely allied shallow marine taxa, Neohornibrookella sorrentae (Chapman and Crespin), Neohornibrookella glyphica (Neil), and Neohornibrookella nepeani sp. nov. are recorded from latest early Miocene to late Pliocene strata in southeastern Australia. These taxa, together with Neohornibrookella quadranodosa (Holden) from the Miocene of Midway Island (Northwestern Hawaiian Islands), form a morphologically distinct group of relatively large species (the sorrentae-group) within the genus Neohornibrookella Jellinek. Latitudinal expansion of the subtropical and warm-temperate climatic belts together with the influence of warm western boundary surface currents associated with the North and South Pacific gyres, are likely to have played key roles in the Miocene dispersal of this species group. Species of the sorrentae-group first migrated south from equatorial west Pacific regions into southeastern Australia during the early Miocene, under the influence of the East Australian Current. During three time intervals (i) latest early Miocene, (ii) latest late Miocene and (iii) earliest late Pliocene, forceful pulses of the East Australian Current played a significant role in propelling the widespread distribution of thermophilic Neohornibrookella species across southeast Australian shallow marine realms. During intervening middle and late Miocene times, Neohornibrookella species are only sporadically present across the Bass Strait region of southeast Australia, indicating a weaker East Australian Current influence and the cooling influence of coastal upwelling. During the mid early Pliocene Neohornibrookella species disappeared from the western Bass Strait region, suggesting the complete exclusion of East Australian Current waters from this region. This was probably due to the counteracting influence of the eastward flowing Zeehan Current (extension of the Leeuwin Current) impinging on the western Bass Strait region. This mid early Pliocene palaeobiogeographical partition in Bass Strait, defined by the distribution of sorrentae-group species, is here termed the Bassian Gateway. The two species, N. sorrentae and N. glyphica, occur concurrently during the mid Miocene in southeast Australia, but are associated with different lithofacies. It is hypothesised that there is a heterochronic evolutionary relationship expressed in the ornament of these two species. The thaerocytherid genera Neohornibrookella Jellinek, Tenedocythere Sissingh and Bosasella Bonaduce are here included in the new ostracod subfamily Tenedocytherinae.


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The complete mitochondrial genome and a set of polymorphic microsatellite markers were identified by 454 pyrosequencing (1/16th of a plate) for the New Caledonian rainforest spider-ant Leptomyrmex pallens. De novo genome assembly recovered the entire mitochondrial genome with mean coverage of 8.9-fold (range 1-27). The mitogenome consists of 15,591 base pairs including 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal subunit genes, 22 transfer RNAs, and a non-coding AT-rich region. The genome arrangement is typical of insect taxa and very similar to the only other published ant mitogenome from the Solenopsis genus, with the main differences consisting of translocations and inversions of tRNAs. A total of 13 polymorphic loci were also characterized using 41 individuals from a single population in the Aoupinié region, corresponding to workers from 21 nests and 16 foraging workers. We observed moderate genetic variation across most loci (mean number of alleles per locus = 4.50; mean expected heterozygosity = 0.53) with evidence of only two loci deviating significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium due to null alleles. Marker independence was confirmed with tests for linkage disequilibrium. Most loci cross amplified for three additional Leptomyrmex species. The annotation of the mitogenome and characterization of microsatellite markers will provide useful tools for assessing the colony structure, population genetic patterns, and dispersal strategy of L. pallens in the context of rainforest fragmentation in New Caledonia. Furthermore, this paper confirms a recent line of evidence that comprehensive mitochondrial data can be obtained relatively easily from small next-generation sequencing analyses. Greater synthesis of next-generation sequencing data will play a significant role in expanding the taxonomic representation of mitochondrial genome sequences.