27 resultados para mouse model


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Wilson's disease carriers constitute 1% of the human population. It is unknown whether Wilsons disease carriers are at increased susceptibility to copper overload when exposed to chronically high levels of ingested copper. This study investigated the effect of chronic excess copper in drinking water on the heterozygous form of the Wilson’s disease mouse model – the toxic milk (tx) mouse. Mice were provided with drinking water containing 300 mg/l copper for 4–7, 8–11, 12–15 or 16–20 months. At the completion of the study liver, spleen, kidney and brain tissue were analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy to determine copper concentration. Plasma ceruloplasmin oxidase activity and liver histology were also assessed. Chronic copper loading resulted in significantly increased liver copper in both tx heterozygous and tx homozygous mice, while wild type mice were resistant to the effects of copper loading. Copper loading effects were greatest in tx homozygous mice, with increased extrahepatic copper deposition in spleen and kidney – an effect absent in heterozygote and wild type mice. Although liver histology in homozygous mice was markedly abnormal, no histological differences were noted between heterozygous and wild type mice with copper loading. Tx heterozygous mice have a reduced ability to excrete excess copper, indicating that half of the normal liver Atp7b copper transporter activity is insufficient to deal with large copper intakes. Our results suggest that Wilsons disease carriers in the human population may be at increased risk of copper loading if chronically exposed to elevated copper in food or drinking water.


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This study investigated the use of low-dose metronomic (LDM) chemotherapy with paclitaxel in a highly metastatic mouse model of 4T1 breast cancers, and compared it with the maximum tolerable dose (MTD) therapy. LDM therapy displayed a stronger anti-tumor activity in suppressing primary and metastatic breast tumors with less degree of side effects, and stronger anti-angiogenic and anti-lymphangiogenic activities than MTD therapy. But MTD therapy showed stronger pro-apoptotic and anti-proliferative activities in situ. Paclitaxel therapy downregulated expression of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 (VEGFR2) and up-regulated expression of thrombospondin-1. The results support the application of paclitaxel LDM therapy to treat advanced breast cancer.


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In the study, we investigate whether the expressions of heat shock protein (hsp)60 (a potential autoantigen) and the stress-inducible form of cytoprotector hsp70 are correlated with the development of atherosclerotic lesions in the aortic tree of apolipoprotein E–deficient (apoE-/-) mice. The apoE-/- mouse model is advantageous because the stress-inducible form of hsp70 is not constitutively expressed in mice, unlike primates; hence, tissues under stress can be clearly defined. Both mammalian hsps were detected newly expressed (before mononuclear cell infiltration) on aortic valves and endothelia at lesion-prone sites of 3-week-old apoE-/- mice. In 8- and 20-week-old mice, they were strongly and heterogeneously expressed in early to advanced fibrofatty plaques, with levels correlating with lesion severity. Expression was markedly downregulated in advanced collagenous, acellular, calcified plaques of 40- and 69-week-old mice and was absent in control aortas of normocholesterolemic wild-type (apoE+/+) mice. Western blot analysis of tissue homogenates confirmed the temporal expression of the hsps. Double immunostaining revealed that both hsps were expressed by lesional endothelial cells, macrophages, smooth muscle cells, and CD3+ T lymphocytes. This study provides evidence that hsp60 and hsp70 are temporally expressed on all major cell types in lesion-prone sites during atherogenesis, suggesting that few cells escape the toxic environment of the atherosclerotic plaque.


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Menkes disease is a fatal genetic copper deficiency. The Menkes protein (ATP7A) was found to remove copper from tissues in mice that expressed the human ATP7A. Promising results were obtained with the use of a new copper complex for treatment of Menkes disease using a mouse model.


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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease; it is a leading cause of death and existing treatments have no proven disease-modifying effect. The mechanisms underlying this resistance are largely unknown, but suggest the presence of some self-maintaining pathogenic process, possibly initiated by cigarette smoking, that prevents the normal resolution of inflammation. We have previously reported increased production of proinflammatory cytokines and granzyme b by CD8+ T cells in COPD; costimulatory receptor/ligand interactions required include CD80:86/CD28, B7-1/CTLA4, 4-1BB/1BBL and OX40/OX40L. We hypothesized that a dysregulated expression/function of these molecules may play a role in inflammatory/autoimmune components of COPD. We analysed T cell co-stimulatory molecules in blood from 34 controls, 15 smokers and 48 COPD subjects. We assessed the potential functional relevance of CD8/CD28null cells in COPD by measuring their production of proinflammatory cytokines, co-stimulatory molecules, granzyme and perforin. A smoke-exposed murine model was applied to investigate the relative expression of CD8/CD28null T cells in blood, lung tissue and airway. CD8/CD28null cells were increased in both current- and ex-smoker COPD groups; these cells expressed significantly more interferon (IFN)-γ, OX40, 4-1BB, CTLA4, granzyme and perforin when stimulated than CD8/CD28+ T cells. There were no changes in CD4/CD28null T cells. In mice exposed to cigarette smoke for 12 weeks, CD8/CD28null T cells were significantly increased in the airway with a trend for an increase in lung tissue and blood. Increased production of proinflammatory cytokines and expression of alternative co-stimulatory molecules by CD8/CD28null T cells may play a role in inflammatory or autoimmune responses in COPD and identify therapeutic targets.


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Acidic potassium permanganate chemiluminescence enables direct post-column detection of glutathione, but its application to assess the redox state of a wider range of biological fluids and tissues is limited by its sensitivity. Herein we show that the simple on-line addition of an aqueous formaldehyde solution not only enhances the sensitivity of the procedure by two orders of magnitude, but also provides a remarkable improvement in the selectivity of the reagent towards thiols such as glutathione (compared to phenols and amino acids that do not possess a thiol group). This enhanced mode of detection was applied to the determination of glutathione and its corresponding disulfide species in homogenised striatum samples taken from both wild type mice and the R6/1 transgenic mouse model of Huntington's disease, at both 8 and 12 weeks of age. No significant difference was observed between the GSH/GSSG ratios of wild type mice and R6/1 mice at either age group, suggesting that the early disease progression had not significantly altered the intracellular redox environment.


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Although many preclinical studies have implicated β3 integrin receptors (αvβ3 and αIIbβ3) in cancer progression, β3 inhibitors have shown only modest efficacy in patients with advanced solid tumours. The limited efficacy of β3 inhibitors in patients could arise from our incomplete understanding of the precise function of β3 integrin and, consequently, inappropriate clinical application. Data from animal studies are conflicting and indicate heterogeneity with respect to the relative contributions of β3-expressing tumour and stromal cell populations in different cancers. Here we aimed to clarify the function and relative contributions to metastasis of tumour versus stromal β3 integrin in clinically relevant models of spontaneous breast cancer metastasis, with particular emphasis on bone metastasis. We show that stable down-regulation of tumour β3 integrin dramatically impairs spontaneous (but not experimental) metastasis to bone and lung without affecting primary tumour growth in the mammary gland. Unexpectedly, and in contrast to subcutaneous tumours, orthotopic tumour vascularity, growth and spontaneous metastasis were not altered in mice null for β3 integrin. Tumour β3 integrin promoted migration, protease expression and trans-endothelial migration in vitro and increased vascular dissemination in vivo, but was not necessary for bone colonization in experimental metastasis assays. We conclude that tumour, rather than stromal, β3 expression is essential and is required early for efficient spontaneous breast cancer metastasis to bone and soft tissues. Accordingly, differential gene expression analysis in cohorts of breast cancer patients showed a strong association between high β3 expression, early metastasis and shorter disease-free survival in patients with oestrogen receptor-negative tumours. We propose that β3 inhibitors may be more efficacious if used in a neoadjuvant setting, rather than after metastases are established. Copyright © 2014 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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 Live recombinant influenza viruses were successfully used as HIV vaccine vectors in a mouse model. Following intranasal prime-boost vaccination, HIV-specific CD8+ T cell responses were detected in the spleen, broncho-alveolar lavage, mediastinal and inguinal lymph nodes. HIV+α4β7+ CD8+ T cells contributed to protection in pseudo-challenge experiments using recombinant vaccinia virus expressing HIV antigens. This research highlights the importance of mucosal CD8+ T cells in viral immunity and emphasizes the need for additional studies to provide key insights to underpin future vaccine development.


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Due to its severity and increasing epidemiology, arthritis needs no description. There are various forms of arthritis most of which are disabling, very painful, and common. In spite of breakthroughs in the field of drug discovery, there is no cure for arthritis that can eliminate the disease permanently and ease the pain. The present review focuses on some of the most successful drugs in arthritis therapy and their side effects. Potential new targets in arthritis therapy such as interleukin-1β, interleukin-17A, tumor necrosis factor alpha, osteopontin, and several others have been discussed here, which can lead to refinement of current therapeutic modalities. Mechanisms for different forms of arthritis have been discussed along with the molecules that act as potential biomarkers for arthritis. Due to the difficulty in monitoring the disease progression to detect the advanced manifestations of the diseases, drug-induced cytotoxicity, and problems with drug delivery; nanoparticle therapy has gained the attention of the researchers. The unique properties of nanoparticles make them highly attractive for the design of novel therapeutics or diagnostic agents for arthritis. The review also focuses on the recent trends in nanoformulation development used for arthritis therapy. This review is, therefore, important because it describes the relevance and need for more arthritis research, it brings forth a critical discussion of successful drugs in arthritis and analyses the key molecular targets. The review also identifies several knowledge gaps in the published research so far along with the proposal of new ideas and future directions in arthritis therapy.


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Classic physiology studies dating to the 1930s demonstrate that moderate or transient glucocorticoid (GC) exposure improves muscle performance. The ergogenic properties of GCs are further evidenced by their surreptitious use as doping agents by endurance athletes and poorly understood efficacy in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a genetic muscle-wasting disease. A defined molecular basis underlying these performance-enhancing properties of GCs in skeletal muscle remains obscure. Here, we demonstrate that ergogenic effects of GCs are mediated by direct induction of the metabolic transcription factor KLF15, defining a downstream pathway distinct from that resulting in GC-related muscle atrophy. Furthermore, we establish that KLF15 deficiency exacerbates dystrophic severity and muscle GC-KLF15 signaling mediates salutary therapeutic effects in the mdx mouse model of DMD. Thus, although glucocorticoid receptor (GR)-mediated transactivation is often associated with muscle atrophy and other adverse effects of pharmacologic GC administration, our data define a distinct GR-induced gene regulatory pathway that contributes to therapeutic effects of GCs in DMD through proergogenic metabolic programming.


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Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a poorly understood chronic immune disorder for which there is no medical cure. Milk and colostrum are rich sources of bioactives with immunomodulatory properties. Here we compared the therapeutic effects of oral delivery of bovine milk-derived iron-saturated lactoferrin (Fe-bLF), angiogenin, osteopontin (OPN), colostrum whey protein, Modulen IBD (Nestle Healthsciences, Rhodes, Australia), and cis-9,trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)-enriched milk fat in a mouse model of dextran sulfate-induced colitis. The CLA-enriched milk fat significantly increased mouse body weights after 24d of treatment, reduced epithelium damage, and downregulated the expression of proinflammatory cytokines and nitrous oxide. Modulen IBD most effectively decreased the clinical score at d 12, and Modulen IBD and OPN most effectively lowered the inflammatory score. Myeloperoxidase activity that denotes neutrophil infiltration was significantly lower in mice fed Modulen IBD, OPN, angiogenin, and Fe-bLF. A significant decrease in the numbers of T cells, natural killer cells, dendritic cells, and a significant decrease in cytokine expression were observed in mice fed the treatment diets compared with dextran sulfate administered mice. The Fe-bLF, CLA-enriched milk fat, and Modulen IBD inhibited intestinal angiogenesis. In summary, each of the milk components attenuated IBD in mice, but with differing effectiveness against specific disease parameters.


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Glutamatergic dysfunction has been implicated in the pathogenesis of depressive disorders and Huntington's disease (HD), in which depression is the most common psychiatric symptom. Synaptic glutamate homeostasis is regulated by cystine-dependent glutamate transporters, including GLT-1 and system xc (-) In HD, the enzyme regulating cysteine (and subsequently cystine) production, cystathionine-γ-lygase, has recently been shown to be lowered. The aim of the present study was to establish whether cysteine supplementation, using N-acetylcysteine (NAC) could ameliorate glutamate pathology through the cystine-dependent transporters, system xc (-) and GLT-1. We demonstrate that the R6/1 transgenic mouse model of HD has lower basal levels of cystine, and showed depressive-like behaviors in the forced-swim test. Administration of NAC reversed these behaviors. This effect was blocked by co-administration of the system xc (-) and GLT-1 inhibitors CPG and DHK, showing that glutamate transporter activity was required for the antidepressant effects of NAC. NAC was also able to specifically increase glutamate in HD mice, in a glutamate transporter-dependent manner. These in vivo changes reflect changes in glutamate transporter protein in HD mice and human HD post-mortem tissue. Furthermore, NAC was able to rescue changes in key glutamate receptor proteins related to excitotoxicity in HD, including NMDAR2B. Thus, we have shown that baseline reductions in cysteine underlie glutamatergic dysfunction and depressive-like behavior in HD and these changes can be rescued by treatment with NAC. These findings have implications for the development of new therapeutic approaches for depressive disorders.