55 resultados para misleading and deceptive conduct


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‘Professional Responsibility and Ethics’ is one of the ‘Priestley 11’ law subjects compulsorily undertaken by Australian law students who aspire to be admitted to practice. Many of the brightest join the major corporate law firms. Nevertheless, there is little theoretical analysis of how those firms are functioning to affect the professional and ethical conduct of their practitioners in the neoliberal state. In this article it is argued that in the mature and highly competitive marketplace for legal services, rather than working as autonomous professionals, corporate lawyers are now finding themselves working more and more as functionaries subservient to the dictates of their corporate clients. Drawing on interviews with Australian major law firm corporate lawyers and Charles Derber’s theory on the proletarianisation of professional workers, it is argued that corporate lawyers are losing key elements of their professional identity in the impetus to maintain the client list and the profit motive. Furthermore, as the balance of power in the corporate legal sector is shifting from law firms to clients, the professional ethics of law firm lawyers are at risk of being compromised as they find themselves being reduced to little more than ‘flush’ factory fodder for the major corporations.


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 This Chapter has argued that, even though socially and historically disadvantaged
groups (e.g., geo-politically peripheral ethnic groups and women) have been given a
nominal advantage at the entry point (by slightly lowering admission cut-off points)
and despite the fact that participation has considerably widened, social equity is far
from being a reality in Ethiopian HE. The persisting inequality in the form of high
attrition rates and low graduation rates among females and ethnic minorities, low
female participation in the fields of science and technology, prejudicial views and
hostilities against women and, overall, the subordinate position of women in HE
clearly shows that framing the problem of inequality as a mere lack of access and a
human capital disadvantage is misleading and counterproductive.


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Pedagogy is often glossed as the ‘art and science of teaching’ but this focus typically ties it to the instructional practices of formalised schooling. Like the emerging work on ‘public pedagogies’, the notion of cultural pedagogies signals the importance of the pedagogic in realms other than institutionalised education, but goes beyond the notion of public pedagogies in two ways: it includes spaces which are not so public, and it includes an emphasis on material and non-human actors. This collection foregrounds this broader understanding of pedagogy by framing enquiry through a series of questions and across a range of settings. How, for example, are the processes of ‘teaching’ and ‘learning’ realised within and across the pedagogic processes specific to various social sites? What ensembles of people, things and practices are brought together in specific institutional and everyday settings to accomplish these processes? This collection brings together researchers whose work across the interdisciplinary nexus of cultural studies, sociology, media studies, education and museology offers significant insights into these ‘cultural pedagogies’ – the practices and relations through which cumulative changes in how we act, feel and think occur. Cultural Pedagogies and Human Conduct opens up debate across disciplines, theoretical perspectives and empirical foci to explore both what is pedagogical about culture and what is cultural about pedagogy.


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The university-learning environment in engineering is not sufficient for students to become engineers. The practical role of engineering is working on real world problems in an industry environment. Industry-university collaboration seems to be actively increasing in the development of engineering education in various parts of the globe. The close relationship between industry and university is a vital component of engineering pedagogy in Australia. This research paper is focuses on analyzing staff and students views on industry-university collaboration in engineering. The staff and students are playing vital role in industry-university collaboration. It is always worth analyzing staff and students’ views about their experience on industry-university collaboration. This research inclined to conduct a paper based survey with a cohort of students in second year undergraduate engineering course and also conduct face-to-face interview with staff members in the School of Engineering at Deakin University.


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Background : Self-harm(SH; intentional self-poisoning or self-injury) is common in children and adolescents, often repeated, and strongly associated with suicide. This is an update of a broader Cochrane review on psychosocial and pharmacological treatments for deliberate SH first published in 1998 and previously updated in 1999. We have now divided the review into three separate reviews; this review is focused on psychosocial and pharmacological interventions for SH in children and adolescents.

Objectives : To identify all randomised controlled trials of psychosocial interventions, pharmacological agents, or natural products for SHin children and adolescents, and to conduct meta-analyses (where possible) to compare the effects of specific treatments with comparison types of treatment (e.g., treatment as usual (TAU), placebo, or alternative pharmacological treatment) for children and adolescents who SH.

Search methods : For this update the Cochrane Depression, Anxiety and Neurosis Group (CCDAN) Trials Search Co-ordinator searched the CCDAN Specialised Register (30 January 2015).

Selection criteria : We included randomised controlled trials comparing psychosocial or pharmacological treatments with treatment as usual, alternative treatments, or placebo or alternative pharmacological treatment in children and adolescents (up to 18 years of age) with a recent (within six months) episode of SH resulting in presentation to clinical services.


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The central aims of principles and protocols for ethics and ethical conduct of Indigenous research such as those found in AIATSIS Guidelines for Ethical Research in Indigenous Studies (2012) and thoseon pre-­‐ethics protocols recently developed by emerging researchers in this field (Martin, Barrett , Koolmatrie et al , 2015) has been to address the problem of non-­‐Indigenous researchers remaining blind to their own imitations, overlooking the partial and situated perspectives and assumptions that underpin their approaches to research and hence creating asymmetrical relations between researcher and participant -­‐ usually to the detriment of the latter. However, we may ask whether these principals, in themselves, are enough to achieve this aim if the very ontological and epistemological foundations of western research in Indigenous contexts remain the same.


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Issues of social justice and equity in the field of educational leadership have become more salient in recent years. The unprecedented diversity, uncertainty and rapid social change of the contemporary global era are generating new and unfamiliar equity questions and challenges for schools and their leaders. In order to understand the moral and ethical complexity of work undertaken in the name of social justice and equity in diverse contexts, this book uses a range of different theoretical tools from the work of Michel Foucault. Rather than a prescriptive, best practice approach to leadership and social justice, this book draws on Foucault’s four-fold ethical framework, and specifically, the notions of advocacy, truth-telling and counter-conduct to critically examine the leadership work undertaken in case studies in schools in Australia and England.


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This review of the adult rape experience draws from theoretical conceptualizations in both psychology and victimology. It is an integrative discussion of Lerner's [Lerner, M.J. (1980). The Belief In A Just World. New York: Plenum] victimological theory of the “just world” and Gagnon and Simon's [Gagnon, J.H., & Simon, W. (1973). Sexual Conduct: The Sources of Human Sexuality. Chicago: Aldine] conceptualization of cognitive sex scripting. The “just world” is one in which an individual gets what he/she deserves. People will construe events and interpret the character of people to maintain this ideology. As theorized by Perloff [Perloff, L.S. (1983). Perceptions of vulnerability to victimisation. J Soc Issues 39, 41–61], this promotes a feeling of “unique invulnerability” in the absence of victimization. However, should victimization, such as rape, occur, this ideology can implicate detrimental effects of adjustment. This includes the “secondary victimization” from others, as theorized by Williams [Williams, J.E. (1984). Secondary victimisation: confronting public attitudes about rape. Victimol Int J 9, 66–81]. These victimological perspectives are cognitive scripts. They develop over time from exposure to family dynamics, sociocultural tenets describing gender roles and sexual conduct, and from an individual's parameters and dimensions of sexual individuality and disposition. How these victimological scripts may impact on the adjustment of adult raped men and women is discussed.


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Educational preparation for critical care nursing in Australia varies considerably in terms of the level of qualification resulting in a lack of clarity for key stakeholders about student outcomes.

The study aim was to identify and reach consensus regarding the desired learning outcomes from Australian post-registration critical care education programs as demonstrated through the graduate's knowledge, skills and attitudes.

A Delphi technique was used to establish consensus between educators, managers, clinicians and students regarding learning outcomes expected of graduates with a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master level qualification in critical care nursing.

A total of 164 critical care nurses (66 clinicians, 48 educators, 32 managers and 18 students) participated and 99 questionnaires were returned in the first round (response rate 60%). Fifty-seven questionnaires were returned for Round 2 (response rate 58%).

Learning outcomes were obtained from the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses Competency Standards for Specialist Critical Care Nurses. Some statements included more than one characteristic, and these were split to create learning outcomes with one characteristic per item. A survey of Australian higher education providers of critical care education provided additional learning outcomes, for a total of 73 learning outcomes for the first Delphi round.

Findings suggest that patient comfort, safety, professional responsibility and ethical conduct are deemed most important for all three levels of educational preparation. There was a lack of emphasis on clinical practice issues for all levels. Participants placed higher emphasis on learning outcomes related to complex decision-making, leadership, supervision, policy development and research for Graduate Diploma and Master level programs.

The findings have implications for curriculum development and the profession with regards to the level of educational preparation required of critical care nurses and suggest that further work is required before clear recommendations can be made for desired educational outcomes from critical care nursing programs in Australia.


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This study examines consumer response to positively versus negatively framed advertising messages across seven Central and Western European countries. The frames elicited significantly different emotional, cognitive and attitudinal reactions. Groups of nations where consumers responded more homogeneously to the frames were different from the groups plotted according to cultural context. In addition, the results present a new perspective for international marketing. While advertising content and imagery has often been designed to account for known or assumed differences across nations, the findings of this study show that neglecting even subtle national differences can be misleading and can result in adverse consequences. The study has shown that consumers in similar countries, such as Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary, respond quite differently to positively or negatively framed advertisements. This suggests that even advertising campaigns that are designed for relatively narrow international audiences may not be effective when featuring an inappropriate message frame.


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This position statement endorsed by the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities is designed to promote and facilitate research projects affecting and involving people with intellectual disabilities. The paucity of dedicated research infrastructure and expert ethical review processes to oversee research in this field, especially in developing countries, is asserted as a major issue to be addressed by both the scientific community and governments. International multicenter collaboration has been proposed as a means of addressing these problems. The statement draws on internationally recognized documents outlining the ethical considerations involved in human research activities. It interprets these documents in light of the particular needs and interests of people with intellectual disabilities and incorporates international consultation involving researchers from a variety of disciplines. It affirms the importance of ethical decision making in local communities. Specific recommendations are made concerning ethical review processes, research design considerations, consent processes and the conduct of research involving and affecting people with intellectual disabilities, their families and communities. Research proposals, especially those for international, multicenter projects, need to take into account cultural diversity among participants and differing legal requirements across jurisdictions, while at the same time maintaining the scientific rigor of the research protocol. Promoting partnerships between researchers and people with intellectual disability, together with their families, advocates and local communities are important considerations when developing research projects. Similarly, the development of strategies to both communicate findings to participants and their communities, and to promote their community's access to the benefits of these findings are all important ethical considerations.


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The immunocompetence handicap hypothesis was formulated 12 years ago in an attempt to offer a proximate mechanism by which female choice of males could be explained by endocrine control of honest signalling. The hypothesis suggested that testosterone has a dual effect in males of controlling the development of sexual signals while causing immunosuppression. Our purpose in this review is to examine the empirical evidence to date that has attempted to test the hypothesis, and to conduct a meta-analysis on two of the assumptions of the hypothesis, that testosterone reduces immunocompetence and increases parasitism, to ascertain any statistical trend in the data. There is some evidence to suggest that testosterone is responsible for the magnitude of trait expression or development of sexual traits, but this is by no means conclusive. The results of many studies attempting to find evidence for the supposed immunosuppressive qualities of testosterone are difficult to interpret since they are observational rather than experimental. Of the experimental studies, the data obtained are ambiguous, and this is reflected in the result of the meta-analysis. Overall, the meta-analysis found a significant suppressive effect of testosterone on immunity, in support of the hypothesis, but this effect disappeared when we controlled for multiple studies on the same species. There was no effect of testosterone on direct measures of immunity, but it did increase ectoparasite abundance in several studies, in particular in reptiles. A funnel analysis indicated that the results were robust to a publication bias. Alternative substances that interact with testosterone, such as glucocorticoids, may be important. Ultimately, a greater understanding is required of the complex relationships that exist both within and between the endocrine and immune systems and their consequences for mate choice decision making.


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Objective : Food Security has become a global concern, yet its measurement has varied considerably across disciplines and countries. We examined the current discrepancies in the definitions of food security and propose a framework for understanding and measuring food security.

Methods : This conceptual review draws from a range of works published in Medline and the gray literature to advance the understanding of food security concepts. We begin by examining the historical background of food security and then move on to examine its various definitions and interpret food through cultural lenses in terms of food access and utilization. We finish by examining various measurements and indicators of food security and reviewing implications for public health.

Results : We argue that the reliance on coping strategies as surrogate measurements of food insecurity without taking into account the social, cultural, and political contexts in which they occur is misleading, and viewing food insecurity solely from a food access or availability perspective, without taking into account food utilization and asset creation as pillars of food security, paints an incomplete picture. Although this review does not claim to provide solutions to the discrepancies in the conceptual definition of food security, it attempts to highlights areas of concern and provide a way forward.

Conclusion : When coping strategies are used as an indicator of food insecurity, they need to be culturally relevant and focus tested, and together with objective measurements of nutritional outcomes, would allow policy makers to make evidence-based decisions to inform social and nutrition policies.


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This thesis explores the gender differences in the way men and women conduct themselves in everyday friendship interaction, finding that the informal rules governing friendship interaction allow individuals a level of freedom to enact gender to extremes in the company of friends. Generational changes in men's friendships are also noted.


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Rechargeable lithium batteries have long been considered an attractive alternative power source for a wide variety of applications. Safety and stability1 concerns associated with solvent-based electrolytes has necessitated the use of lithium intercalation materials (rather than lithium metal) as anodes, which decreases the energy storage capacity per unit mass. The use of solid lithium ion conductors - based on glasses, ceramics or polymers - as the electrolyte would potentially improve the stability of a lithium metal anode while alleviating the safety concerns. Glasses and ceramics conduct via a fast ion mechanism, in which the lithium ions move within an essentially static framework. In contrast, the motion of ions in polymer systems is similar to that in solvent-based electrolytes - motion is mediated by the dynamics of the host polymer, thereby restricting the conductivity to relatively low values. Moreover, in the polymer systems, the motion of the lithium ions provides only a small fraction of the overall conductivity2, which results in severe concentration gradients during cell operation, causing premature failure3. Here we describe a class of materials, prepared by doping lithium ions into a plastic crystalline matrix, that exhibit fast lithium ion motion due to rotational disorder and the existence of vacancies in the lattice. The combination of possible structural variations of the plastic crystal matrix and conductivities as high as 2 3 1024 S cm21 at 60 8C make these materials very attractive for secondary battery applications.