35 resultados para microorganisms


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Lactoferrin (Lf) is present in milk and gland secretions and serve as an antimicrobial function. Insufficient amounts of Lf in some secretions also appear to correlate with certain health problems. Protection against gastroenteritis is the most likely biologically relevant activity of lactoferrin. Multiple in vitro and animal studies have shown a protective effect of lactoferrin on infections with enteric microorganisms, including rotavirus, Giardia, Shigella, Salmonella and the diarrheagenic Escherichia coli. Lactoferrin has two major effects on enteric pathogens: it inhibits growth and it impairs function of surface expressed virulence factors thereby decreasing their ability to adhere or to invade mammalian cells. Lf also inhibits several species of fungi and certain parasites. This review covers the role of Lf in clearing the parasitic infections. The mechanism by which lactoferrin inhibits some parasites may be via stimulation of the process of phagocytosis, whereby immune cells engulf and digest foreign organisms. Trichomonas vaginalis is a protozoan responsible for the number one, non-viral sexually transmitted disease. In this review, we also discussed the role of Lf in cervical infections.


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The use of bacteria in the regression of tumors has long been known. Various approaches for using bacteria in cancer therapy include the use of bacteria as sensitizing agents for chemotherapy, as delivery agents for cancer drugs and as agents for gene therapy. The tumor regression stimulated by infecting microorganisms has been attributed to activation of the immune system of the host. However, recent studies indicate that when tumor-harboring mice with defective immune systems are infected with certain microorganisms, the regression of the tumor is still observed, suggesting that there are other host factors contributing to the microbial associated regression of tumors. Since the use of live or attenuated bacteria for tumor regression has associated toxic effects, studies are in progress to identify a pure microbial metabolite or any component of the microbial cell that might have anti-cancer activity. It has now been demonstrated that a redox protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a cupredoxin, can enter into human cancer cells and trigger the apoptotic cell death. In vivo, this cupredoxin can lead to the regression of tumor growth in immunodeficient mice harboring xenografted melanomas and breast cancer tumors without inducing significant toxic effects, suggesting that it has potential anti-cancer activity. This bacterial protein interacts with p53 and modulates mammalian cellular activity. Hence, it could potentially be used as an anti-cancer agent for solid tumors and has translational value in tumor-targeted or in combinational-biochemotherapy strategies for cancer treatments. Here, we focus on diverse approaches to cancer biotherapy, including bacteriolytic and bacterially-derived anti-cancer agents with an emphasis on their mechanism of action and therapeutic potential.


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Progression of disease caused by the plant pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi was correlated to rainfall events and resulted in a loss of plant species diversity in heathland vegetation at Anglesea, Victoria. Lower captures of small mammals were recorded in diseased areas. Management of disease using the chemical phosphite was also evaluated.


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Background: Constraint-based modeling of reconstructed genome-scale metabolic networks has been successfully applied on several microorganisms. In constraint-based modeling, in order to characterize all allowable phenotypes, network-based pathways, such as extreme pathways and elementary flux modes, are defined. However, as the scale of metabolic network rises, the number of extreme pathways and elementary flux modes increases exponentially. Uniform random sampling solves this problem to some extent to study the contents of the available phenotypes. After uniform random sampling, correlated reaction sets can be identified by the dependencies between reactions derived from sample phenotypes. In this paper, we study the relationship between extreme pathways and correlated reaction sets.

Results: Correlated reaction sets are identified for E. coli core, red blood cell and Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolic networks respectively. All extreme pathways are enumerated for the former two metabolic networks. As for Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolic network, because of the large scale, we get a set of extreme pathways by sampling the whole extreme pathway space. In most cases, an extreme pathway covers a correlated reaction set in an 'all or none' manner, which means either all reactions in a correlated reaction set or none is used by some extreme pathway. In rare cases, besides the 'all or none' manner, a correlated reaction set may be fully covered by combination of a few extreme pathways with related function, which may bring redundancy and flexibility to improve the survivability of a cell. In a word, extreme pathways show strong complementary relationship on usage of reactions in the same correlated reaction set.

Conclusion: Both extreme pathways and correlated reaction sets are derived from the topology information of metabolic networks. The strong relationship between correlated reaction sets and extreme pathways suggests a possible mechanism: as a controllable unit, an extreme pathway is regulated by its corresponding correlated reaction sets, and a correlated reaction set is further regulated by the organism's regulatory network.


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The soil-borne pathogen, Phytophthora cinnamomi, continues to cause severe dieback in Australian native forest species and is of great international significance due to its global distribution. This research established a protocol to successfully identify phyto-chemicals associated with the defense response of plants challenged by the disease caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi.


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Plants constantly come into contact with a diverse range of microorganisms that are potential pathogens, and they have evolved multi-faceted physical and hemical strategies to inhibit pathogen ingress and establishment of disease. Microbes, however, have developed their own strategies to counteract plant defence responses. Recent research on plant–microbe interactions has revealed that an important part of the infection strategies of a diverse range of plant pathogens, including bacteria, fungi and oomycetes, is the production of effector proteins that are secreted by the pathogen and that promote successful infection by manipulating plant structure and metabolism, including interference in plant defence mechanisms. Pathogen effector proteins may function either in the extracellular spaces within plant tissues or within the plant cell cytoplasm. Extracellular effectors include cell wall degrading enzymes and inhibitors of plant enzymes that attack invading pathogens. Intracellular effectors move into the plant cell cytoplasm by as yet unknown mechanisms where, in incompatible interactions, they may be recognised by plant resistance proteins but where, in compatible interactions, they may suppress the plant’s immune response. This article presents a brief overview of our current understanding of the nature and function of effectors produced by oomycete plant pathogens.


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In this chapter, advanced characterization of membrane fouling as a diagnostic tool has been summarized to prevent membrane fouling. Physical, chemical and biological analyses as membrane autopsies are mainly utilized to better understand membrane foulant. The physical characterization gives structure, roughness, charge effect, strength and hydrophobicity of membrane fouling. The chemical methods provide qualitative and quantitative measurements of different inorganic and organic matter. The biological properties present the spatial biofilm distribution, structure of dominant microorganisms and isolation and identification of microorganisms. In addition, detailed membrane foulant types are reviewed in terms of structure, roughness, hydrophobicity, charge effect, strength, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, iron, silicate, particle, functional group, biopolymer, humic acid, polysaccharide, structural composition, biofilm structure, microorganism and foulant interaction.


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The quality of drinking water generally degrades when it is delivered through a distribution system due to the decay of disinfectant, which subsequently allows the re-growth of microorganisms in the distribution system. A model that describes the changes that occur in the water quality in distribution system is needed to determine whether to enhance the treatment processes or to improve the distribution system so that microbiological criteria are met. This paper describes how chlorine decay kinetics are modeled and the model output is used in finding the elements that are contributing to the consumption of chlorine at the treatment plant other than the water itself; this allows better control of chlorine dosing at the treatment plant, which in tum will reduce the formation of disinfectant by-products. In addition, the model will accurately predict the decay due to the organic/inorganic and nitrogenous compounds that are remaining in the water at any point in the distribution system, which will indicate the status of the distribution system with respect to its chlorine consumption. Further, if re-chlorination is introduced in the distribution system downstream of the treatment plant, the model will predict the chlorine decay due to the slow reacting organic and nitrogenous compounds accurately.


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Pentachlorophenol (PCP) is a toxic chemical, often used in the formulation of pesticide, herbicide, anti fungal agent, bactericide and wood preservative. This study is aimed at evaluating the potential of membrane bioreactor (MBR) to treat PCP contaminated wastewater. Synthetic wastewater with COD of 600 mg/L was fed into the MBR at varied PCP loading rate of 12–40 mg/m3/d. A PCP removal rate of 99% and a COD removal rate of 95% were achieved at a hydraulic retention time of 12 hs and a mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentration of 10,000 mg/L. When sodium pentachlorophenol (NaPCP), which has higher solubility in water, was used in the second phase of the study, at loading rates varying from 20 to 200 mg/m3·d, the removal rate of NaPCP was higher than 99% and the removal rate of COD was more than 96%. It was also found that at higher biomass concentrations, biosorption played an important role besides the biodegradation process. Batch experiments conducted in this study revealed that the sorption capacity to be 0.63 (mg PCP/g biomass) and occurred rapidly within 60 min. This phenomenon could enhance the PCP degradation through increased contact between microorganism and PCP. Further, the membrane resistance was low (trans-membrane pressure of 14 kPa) even after more than 100 ds of operation. In addition, the toxic level of PCP in the influent could have induced the microorganisms to secrete more extra-cellular polymeric substances (EPS) for their protection, which in turn must have increased the viscosity of the mixed liquor.


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The quality of drinking water generally deteriorates when it is delivered through a distribution system due to the decay of disinfectant, which subsequently allows the re-growth of microorganisms in the distribution system in addition to the formation of trihalomethane (THM). Therefore, a model which describes the changes that occur in the water quality in the distribution system is needed to determine whether to enhance the treatment processes or to improve the distribution system so that microbiological criteria are met. In this paper the chlorine decay kinetics and THM formation in treated water is modeled considering the reaction of chlorine with fast and slow reacting organic and nitrogenous compounds which are present in that water. The treated water was also passed through three types of resins to fractionate very hydrophobic acids (VHA), slightly hydrophobic acids (SHA), hydrophilic charged (CHA) and hydrophilic neutral (NEU) compounds which are present in the water. Chlorine decay tests were conducted on the effluents emerging from the resins to evaluate the chlorine demand and THM formation potential of those organic fractions. The model shows that the CHA presented in the waters has a very high THM formation potential (around 62% of the THM produced). VHA, NEU and CHA contributed to chlorine demand in the water.


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Spatial activity recognition is challenging due to the amount of noise incorporated during video tracking in everyday environments. We address the spatial recognition problem with a biologically-inspired chemotactic model that is capable of handling noisy data. The model is based on bacterial chemotaxis, a process that allows bacteria to change motile behaviour in relation to environmental gradients. Through adoption of chemotactic principles, we propose the chemotactic model and evaluate its performance in a smart house environment. The model exhibits greater than 99% recognition performance with a diverse six class dataset and outperforms the Hidden Markov Model (HMM). The approach also maintains high accuracy (90-99%) with small training sets of one to five sequences. Importantly, unlike other low-level spatial activity recognition models, we show that the chemotactic model is capable of recognising simple interwoven activities.


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A collection of images examining the microstructure of raw cocoons. The research investigates how the microstructure varies from one layer to another in the same cocoon and also from one cocoon variety to another. The research is being undertaken to study the structure and property relationships, specifically the antibacterial properties, photodegradability and mechanical strength of different cocoon components - fibre, sericin, and crystals. The aim is to understand the role of different cocoon components and their mechanism of protecting the pupa from extremes of climatic conditions, microorganisms, and other pathogens and predators. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) were used to analyse the structure of the cocoons, fibre, and sericin.


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The urgent need to treat multi-drug resistant pathogenic microorganisms in chronically infected patients has given rise to the development of new antimicrobials from natural resources. We have tested Elaeis guineensis Jacq (Arecaceae) methanol extract against a variety of bacterial, fungal and yeast strains associated with infections. Our studies have demonstrated that E. guineensis exhibits excellent antimicrobial activity in vitro and in vivo against the bacterial and fungal strains tested. A marked inhibitory effect of the E. guineensis extracts was observed against C. albicans whereby E. guineensis extract at =, 1, or 2 times the MIC significantly inhibited C. albicans growth with a noticeable drop in optical density (OD) of the bacterial culture. This finding confirmed the anticandidal activity of the extract on C. albicans. Imaging using scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy was done to determine the major alterations in the microstructure of the extract-treated C. albicans. The main abnormalities noted via SEM and TEM studies were the alteration in morphology of the yeast cells. In vivo antimicrobial activity was studied in mice that had been inoculated with C. albicans and exhibited good anticandidal activity. The authors conclude that the extract may be used as a candidate for the development of anticandidal agent.


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Purpose : The choice and timing of microorganisms added to soils for bioremediation is affected by the dominant bioavailable contaminants in the soil. However, changes to the concentration of bioavailable PAHs in soil are not clear, especially when several PAHs coexist. This study investigated the effects of PAH concentration and chemical properties on desorption in meadow brown soil after a 1-year aging period, which could reflect changes of PAH bioavailability during bioremediation. Materials and methods : Based on the percentage of different molecular weights in a field investigation, high-level contaminated soil (HCS) and low-level contaminated soil (LCS) were prepared by adding phenanthrene (PHE), pyrene (PYR) and benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) to uncontaminated meadow brown soil. The concentrations of HCS and LCS were 250 mg kg−1 (PHE, PYR, and BaP: 100, 100, and 50 mg kg−1) and 50 mg kg−1 (PHE, PYR, and BaP: 20, 20, and 10 mg kg−1) respectively. The soils were aged for 1 year, after which desorption was induced by means of a XAD-2 adsorption technique over a 96-h period. Results and discussion : The range of the rapidly desorbing fraction (F rap) for PHE, PYR, and BaP in HCS and LCS was from 1.9 to 27.8 %. In HCS, desorption of PYR was most difficult, and the rate constant of very slow desorption (K vs) of PYR was 8 orders of magnitude lower than that of BaP, which had similar very slow desorbing fractions (49.8 and 50.5 %, respectively). However, in LCS, desorption of PYR was the easiest; the Kvs of PYR was 8–10 orders of magnitude higher than those of PHE and BaP. In HCS, the time scale for release of 50 % of the PAHs was ranked as BaP > PYR > PHE, while in LCS this was BaP > PHE > PYR. Conclusions : The combined effect of PAH concentrations and properties should be taken into account during desorption. The desorption of PAH did not always decrease with increasing molecular weight, and the desorption of four-ring PAHs might be special. These results are useful for screening biodegrading microbes and determining when they should be added to soils based on the dominant contaminants present during different periods, thus improving the efficiency of soil bioremediation.


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The utilization of food waste by microorganisms to produce omega-3 fatty acids or biofuel is a potentially low cost method with positive environmental benefits. In the present study, the marine microorganisms Thraustochytrium sp. AH-2 and Schizochytrium sp. SR21 were used to evaluate the potential of breadcrumbs as an alternate carbon source for the production of lipids under static fermentation conditions. For the Thraustochytrium sp. AH-2, submerged liquid fermentation with 3% glucose produced 4.3 g/L of biomass and 44.16 mg/g of saturated fatty acids after seven days. Static fermentation with 0.5% and 1% breadcrumbs resulted in 2.5 and 4.7 g/L of biomass, and 42.4 and 33.6 mg/g of saturated fatty acids, respectively. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) studies confirmed the growth of both strains on breadcrumbs. Attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy for both strains were consistent with the utilization of breadcrumbs for the production of unsaturated lipids, albeit at relatively low levels. The total lipid yield for static fermentation with bread crumbs was marginally lower than that of fermentation with glucose media, while the yield of unsaturated fatty acids was considerably lower, indicating that static fermentation may be more appropriate for the production of biodiesel than for the production of omega-3 rich oils in these strains.